
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Origin of the Demons

I'm not an expert of the scriptures but here's my take!

What is the origin of demons? Where did they came from? The bible itself is relatively silent of their origin. They just can't pop up on scriptures out of nowhere. There have to be a reason, a beginning of them. Now, the answers of these questions lies in a book that was hidden to us. And this book becomes available to one who seeks it!

Jude 1:14-15,  "{14} And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the YAHUAH cometh with ten thousands of his saints, {15} To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."      If Enoch did prophesied, where are his prophecies? You can't see one in the bible! There have to be a writing somewhere! Jude just simply gave us a hint that Enoch has a writing, a book! But why was his writings hidden from us? The answer is simple, it will put their modern narratives, pertaining the bible and science, turned upside down. To keep it hidden was part of their deception! God permitted a strong delusion to be carried out for us to believe a lie! So that unbelievers will be damned continuously and those who seek the truth will find Him. Messiah is our 'light'. His 'light' will shine in this world full of darkness and deception. And this book will tell its stories that would restore our belief to His creation.

One of the topics outlined from the book of Enoch was the origin of demons or evil spirits. What are they? Our bible is silent about their beginning or maybe because, this book which is more ancient than the bible discusses about them? And what really are demons? A demons are disembodied spirit of a nephilim who are the sons of the fallen angels union with daughters of men defying the order of creation. The reason their spirits do not go to rest with the rest of mankind’s spirits, is because they are a manipulation and an abomination. God (Yahuah) will not allow them to have salvation and their judgment is certain already as they will all be destroyed on the day of final judgment. 

The fallen angels who sinned when they mated with the daughters of men produces an offspring called the nephilim (reference in Genesis 6) and when the nephilim died, an 'evil spirits' came out from their flesh, and it's called 'spirits of the evil one or demons'.  Enoch 15:7-12,  "{7} For this reason I did not arrange wives for you; because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven. {8} And now, the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling. {9} And evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from above they were created, from the Holy Watchers was their origin and first foundation. Evil spirits they will be on Earth and ‘Spirits of the Evil Ones’ they will be called. {10} And the dwelling of the Spirits of Heaven is Heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the Earth, who were born on the Earth, is Earth. {11} And the spirits of the giants do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight, break on the Earth, and cause sorrow. And they eat no food, do not thirst, and are not observed. {12} And these spirits will rise against the sons of men, and against the women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and destruction."      Therefore, demons are the disembodied spirits of nephilim when they died and most of them died during the world wide flood. The nephilim were the reason for the earth's first punishment, first destruction by a flood!

Now, here's an example of demons or the devils that Messiah (Yahusha) drove away into the herd of swine. Matthew 8:28-32,  "{28} And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. {29} And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Yahusha, thou Son of Elohim (God)? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? {30} And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. {31} So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. {32} And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters."       As soon as the demons saw Messiah, they recognized Him right away as the son of Elohim (God) and asked Him not to punish them before time. What 'time' are these demons are talking about? It's an appointed time, the final day of judgment. Therefore, Messiah cast them to the herd of swine and run violently to the sea and perished.

Why wasn't the bible tackled much about origin of demons? Could be that the book of Enoch already discussed about them or maybe the verses in the bible that deals about demons were erased to hide their origin, but why? Because the modern narratives of the bible doesn't include nephilim, fallen angels and even Kainam (Cainan). If the origin of demons come into open, then the nephilim deception will be exposed together with the fallen angels who were the main source of it all. That's why they have to keep this book hidden, out of the scriptures and even labelled it as an occult book. Who are they? They are the remnants of the sons of the fallen angels, the pharisees and sadducees. The minus bloodline! Messiah identified them: Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."      If their seed was not planted by Elohim (God), who planted them? They were the product of the union of the daughters of men and the fallen angels, details are in the book of Enoch and Genesis 6. They are not a part of Elohim's (God's) creation!

And going back at Jude chapter 1 verses 14 & 15;   "{14} And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the YAHUAH cometh with ten thousands of his saints, {15} To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."       Well, I found a very similar verse from the book of Enoch: Enoch 1:9,  "And behold! He comes with ten thousand Holy Ones; to execute judgment upon them and to destroy the impious, and to contend with all flesh concerning everything that the sinners and the impious have done and wrought against Him."      And where did Jude got his languages here? The answer is simply, from the book of Enoch which was hidden to us for a huge reason! It's part of their deception!

When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the wilderness of Qumran, a complete set of the books in the bibles were found including the book of Enoch (Enoch 1 only! Enoch 2 & 3 are occult books) , the book of Jubilees, the book of Esdras (Ezra), the book of Tobit, the writtings of Levite priests and John the Baptist. There was only one book in the bible that was not included, it's the book of Esther. And when I read the book of Esther further, it's the only book that didn't mentioned the name of Elohim (God)! What really is Qumran? A muslim name in the land of Israel while some of the places near and around Qumran retained its ancient name... strange! This place is so significant. It is where "the voice of the one crying in the wilderness" was heard! The place where John the Baptist live and operate... Bethabara! What they found in Qumran was the library of the Levite priests, the sons of Zadok. Deception was on play to here to discredit the Dead Sea Scrolls in order not to exposed them! The minus bloodline!

Those who wish this book to be hidden permanently are the demons themselves! Remember, Enoch 1 only! Satan really is a master of mimicry, he tried to memic the ancient writings! And a complete set of the book of Enoch that was found in the wilderness of Qumran, the deadsea scrolls, were taken away and bought by an influential and a rich and famous man. They want this book to be hidden from us! But the time is very near... a seven-folds teaching of the scriptures will soon commence! For now, Take heed!

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