
Friday, January 14, 2022

The Name Of Messiah

What is really the name of Messiah? Is the english transliteration of the name of Messiah to Jesus Christ accurate?

Before going to our main topic, let us discuss first the name of our Creator, our Father and our holy Elohim (God). Although, I already tackled this topic last 17th December 2021, let's dwell on some of the important matters briefly. Based on the scriptures, Elohim (God) wanted us to know His name. Jeremiah 16:21,  “Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is the LORD (YHWH).”   and   Isaiah 42:8,  “I am the LORD (YHWH): that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”   and   Numbers 6:27,  "And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them."     The above passages tell us that Elohim (God) declared to us His name, that we must know it. It is very important for us to know the name above all names. We are told that Elohim's (God's) name, YHWH, is too holy that we must not know it and it can't be pronounce either. That's why, they hide Elohim's (God's) name and used the 'LORD' instead of His name. This paradigm is opposite of what the scriptures say. They don't want us to know the name of Elohim (God) so that no one can access to true power that comes with His name. Now, the name of Elohim (God) is YHWH, YAHUWAH or YAHUAH. Where 'YAH' is the three letters name of Elohim (God) and ‘UWAH’ in Hebrew means to breath, to be in the sense of existence. The name shows, He is the one who gave us the breath of life, the author of life,  our Creator. And looking at the bible, the name "YAHUAH" was replaced for almost 7000 times with the name 'LORD' and what is surprising is that, the name 'LORD' is translated directly to Hebrew as Baal, a name of Elohim's (God's) enemy. We are so deceived by them. Who were the early translators, the scribes who adopted the name 'LORD' in placed of our Creator, "YAHUAH"?

Who would not want us to know the name Creator and even our Saviour more than anyone else? Who do not want us to be able to access the true power that is always available through the name above all names? It's easy to say, it is the devil, satan and his minions on earth did it! Revelation 12:9,  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."      The most important word in the world has been hidden for centuries because the devil deceived us and we believe in their lies. Satan lied in the garden of Eden which is the holiest of holy here on earth, how much more in the ordinary places. His name matters most in a world full of deception. Knowing His name, YAHUAH, will free us from the bondage! There is a literal power in the name of "YAHUAH". His name contains the most power of any word in the world. And the evil ones doesn't want us to know or use the name of "YAHUAH" in order to keep us from the power that is found in His name.

How about the name of Messiah? We all know His name is Jesus Christ, but, is this really His name? The passage from John give as a clue. John 5:43,  "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."       Messiah said "I am come in my Father's name" but we will not receive Him and another will come in his own name, we will openly receive him. Why? Because that other person will come with a name that is familiar and popular to many that's why most people will receive him. Messiah is simply talking about deception here, another person or 'the beast' will come in the name 'Jesus Christ' and everybody will receive him because their lies were accepted as truth. We are made to believe that Messiah's name is 'Jesus Christ' but wait, there is no "J" and "V" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, Ancient Latin and old English. This name isn't the right name of Messiah. Looking back at the passage of John, Messiah comes in His Father's name. His Father's name is YAHUAH, therefore, His name is within the Father's name. The name of Messiah is YAHU-SHA, where "YAHU" is the 4 letters of the name of Elohim (God) and "SHA" in Hebrew means 'salvation' or 'save'. Thus "YAHUSHA" is "YAH" is salvation/"YAH" saves or "YAHUAH" is salvation or "YAHUAH" saves.

Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."     Only through Messiah's name, YAHUSHA - YAHUAH saves!

John 14:6,  "Yahusha saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."     No other way to salvation but through Him alone! His name matters so much, YAHUSHA - YAHUAH saves!

Luke 10:17,  "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Yahusha, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."     Even the devil is subject to His name. There is a power in His name, YAHUSHA - YAHUAH saves

Romans 10:13,  "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Yahusha shall be saved."      We will be saved by the power of His name, YAHUSHA - YAHUAH saves

Acts 4:30,  "By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Yahusha."      Signs and wonders may be done in the name of YAHUSHA and we will be healed. There is power in the name of YAHUSHA - YAHUAH saves

What is the origin of the name 'Jesus'?

Here are some of the articles I got. I'm not sure if these are accurate but let's give it a try. 'Jesus' derives from the word 'sus', which in Hebrew means horse or 'sus' in Latin means pig or in Greek means praise Zeus. 'Iesous' in Greek literally translate to 'hail Zeus'. Where 'Ie' translate as 'hail' and 'Sous' or 'Sus' is 'Zeus'.

The next one has accuracy in it! From "Dictionary Of Christian Lore And Legend", December 25 168BC, Zeus birthday, Antiochus Epiphanes IV set up a stutue of Zeus, a Greek God, upon the altar at the temple in Jerusalem defiling it. The pagan behavior continued today in many churches who used steeples, obelisk, crosses, altars and more. These are directly tied to Zeus worship. The temple in Jerusalem was defiled in 165BC during the Hasmonean revolt. These two events were very close, 168BC and 165BC.

Next is a little bit shocking. Although there are a lot of articles and blogs that said this event didn't happened because there were no Christians or Roman Catholic back in Turkey (the origin of Catholism). Hmmm... yes, because they were Nicolaitans back then. And they always tried to put Constantine name on high... really ridiculous. The evil one utilized evil men to create one of the greatest deception ever. Here's what happed, around 325 AD at the council of NICAEA, emperor Contantine presided over a group of church bishop with the purpose of defining the nature of God for all of Christianity and eliminating confusion, controversy and contention within the church. Really? Or their intention is to deceive us! History shows that Constantine intention at NICAEA is to create an entirely new God for his empire an to unite all religion will be in one diety. Constatine brought together over 300 bishops and influencial leaders. These religious leaders were ask to debate and decide who their God would be. The name of up to 50 gods is in the selection process who the Roman Empire and the world would follow and worship. As to yet, no God has been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to determine that matter... for 1 year and 5 months the balloting lasted", from the book "God's Book of Eskra", Prof. S.L. MacGuire's Translation, Salisbury, 1922, Chapter 48... This maybe shocking to many but this is history. 

The council gather again but they have not selected the "pagan diety", yet, they did however narrow down to 5 dieties, Zeus, Mithra, Caeser, Krishna and Horus. Historia, Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325. As ruler, Constatine chose 2 of the dieties, his choice was Hesus (aka Zeus) to be joined by an eastern saviour god Krishna sunskrit for the word Christ. Became Hesus Krishna and now known as Jesus Christ. Thus the name Hesus Krishna became the official name of new Roman God. Look what happened to the world today... it is under Constatine's spell!

The use of the word "Christ" isn't bad really. Christ means annoited one, but Messiah came to this world to save us not to exalt himself. And also, the meaning of the word Christ came out after the dark ages, therefore, it's better to call Him in Hebrew title Messiah rather than a Greek title Christ.

The Hebrew name 'Yeshu' and 'Yeshua'

Yeshu, this name came out during the dark ages. They removed the name of Elohim (God), "YAH" and they also left out "ayin" (A) meaning "to save". They removed the salvation part. Furthermore, the name 'Yeshu' is an acrostic abbreviation for: YEMACH SHMO VEZICHRO (written in Hebrew texts), which means "may his name be obliterated". A curse placed after the name of particular enemy of the Jewish people. It's the strongest curses in Hebrew language. An agenda was in place for the name 'Yeshu' to be used for Jew speaking people.

They claimed that Jews believed that they were forbidden to say the name of false god and instead were commanded to change and defame them and did so with 'Jesus' name as they considered him a false god. He argue that 'Jesus' original name was 'Yeshua' and as Jews did not recognize him as saviour (moshia) or that he had even saved (hoshia) himself, they left out the "ayin" from the root meaning "to save". Source - WIKIPEDIA 

Yeshu and Yeshua are link together, they just added "ayin" to it, 'Yeshu-a', to retain the salvation part of it but they still removed the name of Elohim (God), "YAH." And Messiah's name means "YAH" is salvation or "YAH" saves, "YAHUSHA". Just don't believe whatever came out of Israel today. They aren't from the tribes of Israel, they are the pharisees, an infusion to the temple! They attacked the templed in 165BC and defiling it. That's why the Levites were exciled to Bethabara, now modern day Qumran, where John the Baptist live and operate. That's why, a whole set of the scriptures were found at the wilderness of Qumran, the Deadsea Scrolls, including the book of Enoch (Enoch 1 only! Enoch 2 & 3 are occult books), the book of Julibees, the book of Esdras 1 & 2 (Ezra), the book of Tobit and some other writing of the Levites (the sons of Zadok) and John the Baptist. And one book of the bible that was not found in Qumran was the book of Esther and when I read it, it's the only book in the bible that the name of Elohim (God) YHWH, YAHUAH can't be found. Strange! Aside from changing the name of the Father and Messiah, they infuzed the bible with the writing of Esther (Ishtar)... really!

Any name of of Elohim (God) and Messiah which has a 'J' and 'V' letters in it is a fraud. Because there is no "J" and no "V" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin and old English or even most of European old languages except 'Yiddish' in the Russian steppes where these letters originated. The used of "J" and "V" started on early 1500AD then later used to almost all languages. And guess who the people are in the Russian steppes? The pharisees! A greater percentage migrated to Turkey and Russian steppes after the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD. The true enemy of Messiah YAHUSHA unto this day!

During the dark ages and beyond, the scriptures were hidden for more than a thousand years. Then they infused it by replacing the name of the Father our creator "YAHUAH" to the LORD, not just a simple name but Baal itself, an abominable name. They replaced the name of Messiah "YAHUSHA" to Jesus Christ, a name created by them for a pagan god. They also replaced the name of the prophets, patriarchs, places, disciples and apostles. When the scriptures came out after more than a thousand years in form of the bible, a new narrative was in placed and deception was on play. Their paradigm prosper unto this very day. Who were the early translators of the scriptures who also annoint themselves keepers of the scriptures? There is no other than the remnant of pharisees, the sadducees and the scribes who after the temple were destroyed, migrated to Turkey and Russian steppes then later on, migrated to central Europe and western Europe. Some (the people on the top) became the world economic elites, political elites and religious elites. They were not from the tribes of Israel nor Hebrew. You may know them by their bloodline. Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."       If their seed was not planted by our heavenly Father, who planted them? They are the remnant of 'thy seed' in Genesis 3:15. The minus bloodline! That's why we have two people group of today.

We must know the importance in knowing His name!

2 Chronicles 7:13-14,  "{13} If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; {14} If my people, which are called by "my name", shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."      In our prayers, we have to call "YAHUAH" and YAHUSHA, the name above all names! Turn from our wicked ways and He will hear us, forgive our sins and heal our lands.

Psalms 91:14-16,  "{14} Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known "my name". {15} He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. {16} With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."     We must know the name of the Father and the Son, YAHUAH and YAHUSHA. He will answer our prayer, He will be with us in times of trouble, He will deliver us and honour us, He will give us long life and He will show us His salvation!

Why it's hard for us to believe the truth? Because a strong delusion was sent to us and the hump was too high that it can not be overcome easily. Those things are here for a reason! 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."      Yahusha permitted the deception to happen so that the unrighteous will be damn and those who seek His name will find Him. YAHUAH saves - YAHUSHA, the name above all names!

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