
Friday, October 15, 2021

Blessed Are The Poor

Luke 6:20   "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God."

Why would Christ (Yahusha) prefered to preach the poor rather than rich and famous? Because riches become a stumbling block for most people and their worldly possessions they just can't let go. Christ means what He said and it's literal. In truth, world riches are not a blessings from God. It is a result of ones hardwork and this world recognizes it. It has greater chances to lead believers to condemnation rather than salvation.

Matthew 19:21,  Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”     Christ commanded the young man to sell his possessions and give to the poor but failed. It is actually the worldly treasures, positions, recognations, popularity and status that will fail us. We value our lives so much in this world that we will never exchange it even to Christ. The more we dwell on the possible vast richness in this world, the more we are seduce to grasp its wealth. That's why we prefer religions that are light and will never a burden to our worldly needs. It's all about us! Even religions are compromised! You added just a small leaven into it and it will expand towards the worldly paradigm. And most religions of today are leavened. They have a docrines suited for their worldly needs and not a 100% teaching of Christ. Once a religion is recognize as a religion in this world, a little leaven is already added unto it. It would put believers into a trap! There is a greater chance that it would put us to condemnation rather than salvation. Matthew 16:6,  "Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees."

When problems come our ways, we always pray and hope that God will help us cope up with the trails. Never thinking that sometimes God will put us to a test to know how faithful we are to Him. We always dreamed that someday we will have a good life. And the measure of good life in our mind is having enough possessions and owning some of the great material things. We never imagine that having less will also put us up to having more quality time towards our family and towards Christ (Yahusha). It's time to rethink all that we have in life. Our goals need a revisions. Allow Him to control our lives and never let the world takes control of ourselves. Stop desiring of worldly treasures. Cherish every little things that we have. Being content is more than enough.

It's time to recognize Christ and have a perfect relationship with Him. Putting God's law first is never a burden. Removed all the hindrances that blocks your way. Never yearns to the riches of this world, it can offer you no good. Be contend of what you have. Stop desiring for pleasures. Treasure the things in heaven coz surely life awaits you in His coming. Our redemption doesn't depends on religion, it's all about relationship with Him. It's between you and the scriptures, it's between you and Christ. Being a poor is a blessing!

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