
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Artificial Intellegence, Brain-Computer Interface and CRISPR: The Future Is Here With Us!

Most Christians would not tackle on this futuristic machines and hybrids because it isn't biblical or is it really unbiblical? Once one is drawn to a wrong interpretation of Genesis 6, this things becomes irrevelant. Because the future events are just a repeat of what happened in the past. "I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last", Revelation 22:13. The events that are now forming are just a 'high tech version' (in man term) of the ancient events. Believers must know that Genesis 6 don't even need an interpretation, its narration is good as it is. By establishing this facts, we can have a glimpse in the future events that are coming. Messiah prophesied these events that would lead us to great tribulation. Luke 17:26,  "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man."   and   Luke 17:28-29,  "{28} Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; {29} But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."      What are common on these events? 1. Both Noah and Lot were saved by God from the harse punishment. 2. People were calm and relax, they were eating, they were drinking, getting into marriage, they bought, they sold, they planted and they builded... just like a normal day for them then a great tribulation came and destroyed them. 3. The people group involved in these events were nephilim. They ruled the earth in Noah time then the flood came. Sodom and Gommorah were the breeding ground of nephilim then it rained of fire and brimstone. 4. The nephilim, the people group involved in these two events were unredeemable.    This same pattern will happen in the future but  this time it will be an encroachment of nephilim 2.0.

We are living in an exraordinary time in human history. Humans are more empower as individuals and technology is getting faster and accelerating. And a famous quote from "Google CEO", "Artificial Intellegence could have more profound implications for humanity than electrity or fire." Truly is, this would affect our lives significantly. But the question is, are we seeing the truth here? Or we're just barely scratching the surface? Looking at it, they only dwell on the positive side of their creations/inventions, thus, neglecting the negative impact that one would suffer a long term.

Artificial Intellegence

AI is modelled to a human brain but AI surpassed human accuracy. They put AI to a test... in the morning they teach AI how to play chess randomly, then AI became a super human level player at midday and AI became the strongest chess entity it has ever been in the evening. He is strongest human player that ever existed. Imagine that! AI now controls supermakets and restaurants. And don't you know that AI controls the social media flatforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etcetera. Google Search is also runs by AI that's why the answers to your queries come out in less than a second. These are just a few examples of AI capabilities that would greatly impact our lives. Some of hotspot and most promising areas where AI will flourish... medical institutions, manufacturing and even governments abroad. This flatform would lead us to slavery without us knowing. AI and the one who controls them will be the lord over us. Welcome to a new technology that would replace humanity! A nephilim 2.0.

Brain-Computer Interface: Human Hybrids

Brain chips are now available for human. It will make all of us smarter with infinite amount of storage and infinite access to information. We will be connected to everything! "There will come to a point where we as gods, like gods be creating our own reality. We will be redefining what a human experience is for the first time in history."   A quote coming from one of the scientists. Having a cellphone and a computer will be primitive. These two gudgets have been a part of our lives for more that a decades and imagine if these things are directly connected to our brain. You can call, text and surf the net by using your mind. Sky is the limit... Amazing! You can go to other places and act as a super hero by means of virtual reality. Technology is so advance, really! But, you really want to implant a chip/a microprocessor to your brain or forehead maybe? You will surely receive a "mark" if this things happens. You become a human hybrid with brain-computer interface. A nephilim 2.0.

CRISPR Gene Editing Tool (This would Create "Mutants" or X-Men)

Here are some their works:

1. Through CRISPR Gene Editing Tool, they created a designer babies. Babies are DNA manipulated so that they will be resistant to diseases like HIV and others and improved its overall being.

2. Male cows are manipulated to produce more meat and manipulate female's cow pregnancy to produce only male cows. 

3. They are designing life itself whatever you want through CRISPR. CRISPR can improve your height, your ideal weight, your IQ, you stamina or even extent your life.

4. They can design men as super heroes like super man. They also can produce mutants like X-Men.

5. They even tried to grow human heart using pigs as their medium or host! So next time you have a heart problem and needed heart transplant, pigs are your saviour. But hey, you become a human-swine hybrid.

6. They are also using CRISPR to fight cancer and used to cure almost 90% of genetic diseases. And most diseases are curable using CRISPR... these would greatly improve our health. Really?

We are on the era of human genome editing sequence wherein you purposely making changes of human gene who are then better off as a result of these changes. Mapapa-wow ka na lang! This isn't just a future event, it's happening now! I'm not sure, but I watched how the "V" was made and its components, and it's close to it... they used synthetic RNA, not coming from human and added this new set of RNA to a person... maybe be a precursor... I don't know. And there could be a great punishment to humanity for this kind of blasphemy. Maybe or could be this; Revelation 9:6 KJV,  “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”    Like Zombie I guess! That could be the result of manipulating God's creation and playing like God! And we are getting closer to fulfilling Genesis 6, the days of Noah prophecy (Luke 17:26).

Other invention... a machine that can collect fresh water directly from the atmosphere. This is a great invention but it would decrease rain in some parts of the world. Now, they are even changing the earth natural flow. And they have a guts to preach us about climate change! A great punishment is waiting to the earth.

Imagine this, a person who will remain pure, the genome is pure, "just a man", will become a slave by them. Much worse, will be killed by them! And Christ will look upon the earth and what He see is... Genesis 6:11-12,  "{11} The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. {12} And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."    It wasn't just the flesh that was corrupted, the earth itself was corrupted too!

A time will come that AI and Human Hybrids will be exponentially better than us and these entities will dominate the earth. And what's going to happen next? We are going back to the days of Noah where the nephilim, first human hybrid, dominated the earth because they were too powerful. Nephilim are unredeemable, that is why they were erased in the face of the earth by a flood. Surprisingly, they reappeared after the flood. It's also part of the reasons why Christ came to this world to include the remnant of their bloodline in the plan of salvation. That all will be save through Him! Only if we have faith in Him and keep His commandments. It is also the same reason why satan and his cohorts (remnant of nephilim) invented AI, Human Hybrids and Mutants coz the commom denominator of these new inventions are... they are unredeemable. They aren't part of Christ plan of salvation.

These things are happening now, yes now! They call it the 4th Industrial Revolution, the great advancement of technology and civilization. Each one of us are just busy with our own lives that you don't see them coming. And talking about our current situation, it will never go back to normal. They already set a timeline for their future plans and it is now! Coz the devils will be back for a short time. Revelation 12:12,  "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."      There will be a massive encroachment of these invensions a few years from now. That's why they are pushing the DNA manipulation ASAP. And once you transcribe to DNA manipulation, you become a hybrid, a mutant and you'll have a chip implanted in your brain or could be in your forehead or hand. Automatically you will receive a mark! Because of that, you're unredeemable!

Do you think what's happening around us has no biblical implications especially if these things will change and affect our lives forever? If your answer is "NO", then you aren't reading your scriptures carefully and diligently. Coz, it's not only the church or anti-Christ are doing blasphemy, the medical scientist too. They see themselves as gods!

And always remember, our DNA is what we are and who we are! If you consent one to tweak your DNA, say goodby to yourself! Coz you are a different person after the process. You're are a mutant! A hybrid! A X-Men! A superhero! A superfriend! An unredeemable being!

We will never know what are coming because the dark forces planted a strong delusion to us all! We must unplug to the matrix of this world and renew our relationship with Messiah. He is our light that shines even in dark places. Have faith in Him and keep His commandments.

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