
Friday, October 1, 2021

Artificial Intelligence And Human Hybrid Are Coming Soon! Is This Event Biblical?

I'm no bible expert here but I will discuss the biblical implication of these advance technology that are coming.

Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Matthew 24:37 is unavoidable! The time of Noah is now in the horizon. It's the time where ordinary men perished and were being replaced by nephilim, in modern day called the human hybrids, a mixture of angelic beings and men. It will be happening anytime soon! Even they, the people who are part of this new evolution, warned us to be prepare for their coming!

I've watched the "Elon Musk Zone" channel in youtube regarding AI and Human Hybrids where Elon Musk warns us to, 'Prepare now, This is Unavoidable! Elon Musk Urgent Warning 2021'! And it also says, they are already here and we can't undo it!


Here are some of his comments from the video clip.

1. "Where headed towards super intelligence or civilization ending... I would argue that AI is unequivocally, something that has potential to be dangerous to the public."

2. "Digital intelligence exceed human intelligence... so at some point soon, the machines' gonna smart... not just smart but exponentially smarter than any of us!"

3. "To minimize the existential risk for humanity and consciousness as we know it, so we want to have a human brain interface!"

If you totally believe in the scriptures, then, what's going to happen in the future is just the repeat of what already happened in the past. It's all about the spiritual war, a "seed war". "I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last", Revelation 22:13. And what's in the beginning? A prophecy between Eve's seeds and the satan's seeds. Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between 'thy seed' and 'her seed'; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”     It started with Genesis 6 narratives when some angels came to the earth and united themselves with the daughters of men and created an offsprings that were giants, mighty men and men of renown or famous. The forbidden union produced what we called the "nephilim", this is the first "human hybrid" on earth, "thy seed"/satan's seed. And nephilim were erased on the face of the earth by a world-wide flood. Mysteriously, the nephilim (satan's seed) were back after the flood. If we go back to the time of Abraham, he was surrounded by a nephilim tribes around Canaan, Genesis 14:5. Moses and Israelites fought with the amalekites and with king Og of Bashan, a nephilim tribes, in their way to Canaan. Joshua cut-off the Anakims (giants) from the mountains around Canaan, Joshua 11:21. A famous battle of king David where he defeated goliath, a nephilim giant. Daniel prophesied of the mixing of their seed and Eve's seed during divided kingdom reign, Daniel 2:43. Christ identified this people group by the use of parable. Matthew 15:12-13,   "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."   If their seeds were not planted by God, who planted them? They are the remnant of nephilim, the pharisees. Then they thought they won the battle when they conspired against Christ which ended up at the cross. The cross draws a plan that all must be saved. Therefore, satan lost the battle at the cross because their seeds are now included in the plan of salvation. All humanity were given a chance to be save! Only if we believe in Christ and keep His commandments. And Paul indentified them as God's people true enemy before a strong delusion was carried out to all. Ephesians 6:12,  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."     The "seed war" was forgotten, a strong delusion was on play. Romans 11:25,  "that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in."

And now, their seeds who remain loyal to satan, created these artificial intelligence (AI) and human hybrid (nephilim 2.0) to counter Christ plan of salvation. First, to counter Christ plan, satan deceives the whole world. The remnant of them created a regilion, an infused belief, which its main goal is to seduce many. The religion that teaches about Christ but kept the pagan practices. This religion captures the heart of many thus people put their lives in it and would die for it. Little did they know that there was a great deception in religion. People are seduced with a propaganda which are run mainly by mainstream media to keep the prudulent paradigm afloat while the devil's minions are coming into a rush to set up their plan. Soon, the kingdom of the beast- the final kingdom, is set-up without us knowing it. It is going to happen soon! They are far more dangerous, they are the real terrorist! Clueless, AI and human hybrids invasions in our society are coming!

And also the "World Economic Forum" youtube channel released a video entitled "What is The Fourth Industrial Revolution?". It discusses mainly on human hybrids and how it revolutionize us into something most advance that we could no longer distinguise what is natural and what is artificial. And this video came out last July 18, 2016. Imagine, that seven years ago! A lot had changed since then... 2021 could be the turning point by then!

There is going to be a repeat of Noah's days in our time. Because we see the genetic manipulation of animals, plants and even men are getting more popular through CRISPR. And what's gonna happen next? A population collaspse! To accomodate AI and human hybrids. Furthermore, CRISP is "Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", could help scientists to reprogram life, it gives them more power and precision that we may ever had to alter human DNA. And their favorite phrase, "Be able to change and engineer our gene in a way that we can live longer and much healtier". But, altering plants, animals and human DNA is altering God's creation! It is a form of "Blasphemy"! Scientists now see themselve as god! And once you transcribe to DNA manipulation, you're saying goodbye to "just a man", "pure" and "perfect" and saying goodbye to salvation! Coz you allows youself to be a hybrid, a nephilim 2.0, you also allows yourself to receive a "mark"! Surely, a great punishment is coming to the whole earth once these things are set in motion and will be popularized in our society.

It's really up to you to choose! To remain just a man, a pure man! Or be among the people who will choose to be smarter and more powerful by becoming a hybrid. To be like David who conquered Goliath by a sling shots or be like a new breed of nephilim that is powerful and with a computer intelligence. To be faithful in Christ and have a seal of the living God or to be with this world and receive the "mark of the beast". Your choice!

A new kind of nephilim- human hybrids and AI are coming soon. A 'Great Reset' is the time of Noah all over again. It only means the prophecy of Christ in Matthew 24:37 will be fulfilled soon... sooner than we all expected! 


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