
Friday, January 20, 2023

Pandemic: The Worst Is Yet To Come!

Many of us are hopeful that this pandemic would be over, and that, the worst of this pandemic is already behind us. With the easing of restrictions and lowering cases of hospitalization, looks like we are tracking back to our normal lives. But, is it really? Is the worst of this pandemic over? That's the biggest question! You see, based on the movements and the propaganda of the elites or the globalists, this pandemic is not yet over. What happened now is a calm before the storm, the worst is yet to come! You cannot discount the agenda of the secret society, or I mean, the WEF. And what is their agenda? Let's examine first their propanda prior to the pandemic.

From TED youtube channel dated April 24, 2015 entitled, "Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready"! Bill Gates said that, "the highly infectious virus would kill 10M people in the next decade".    Bill Gates predicted it five years before the pandemic started, he knew it's going to happen. How come the rich and famous guy like Bill Gates knew the future? Is he a prophet? He will have no time for this unless they are planning something for this world! Bill Gates here wanted to broadcast the propaganda of the coming pandemic. He is playing the false prophet here, and the pandemic hit us hard on the late 2020. And his latest prediction is:  "Bill Gates warns of Future Pandemic Potentially is more deadly than COVID-19", Source: "Marca".  Are we going back to normal lives? If you ask the false prophet; no, we're not! This thing is appointed by the globalists with a purpose. What is the purpose? Let's us examine more propaganda.

Here's a very interesting topic or propaganda by Peter Diamandis, TEDx Talks youtube channel dated January 18, 2017 entitled, "Imagining the Future: The Transformation of Humanity".

He discussed about the future of humanity. "They will create a future of perfect knowledge, you can know anything you want, anytime, anywhere."  He further explained that,  "all those 'sensors' on our body, in our body"... "we're about to see an explosion on how we think, we connect, and we communicate."  Then,  "connecting the brain to the cloud... your brain is a collection of 100 billions 'nuerons' and with a 100 trillions of 'senaptecs' connections... an explosion of human intelligence."  Then, he discussed the future of DNA modification!

Genomics Revolution: Future of Programming

1. Reading DNA

2. Writing DNA

3. Editing DNA

Can edit DNA and put up to life through CRSPR CASP 9!

Their mission for genetic programming is to increase the human lifespan or indefinite lifespan. Then he discussed what will happen next!  "The Transformation of Humanity into a Meta-Intelligence". But wait! Meta? Transhumanism? He called humanity to be "Multicelullar", can communicate using their minds! (A chip is implanted in your brain and in your hand!) There will be an "Emergence of Intelligence", 10 trillion human cells - then connect to 8 billion minds (estimated population), and these become "Meta-Intelligence"! "As we connect, we become a new species, a new creation" (this coming is directly from them - that's the mark of the beast! - you defy the Law of Creation! you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body!).  Then, "Inspire and Guide the Transformation of Humanity on and off the Earth." The final outcome will be "Post-Humanity"!

He was laying out the propaganda of the future of humanity! This is real! The Great Reset is their marker! The days of Noah all over again, and the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the sensors in our body, and the nuerons and senaptecs connections in our brain are accomplished by having a graphene attached to it. And the billions of graphene is established to us by the vaccine, or they called it artificial mRNA. The pandemic is real, but they did it for a purpose!

Here's an interview of Klaus Schwab dated January 10, 2016, founder and chairman of World Economic Forum.

Reporter - Today, at the end of this, we are talking about the chips that can be implanted. When will this be?

Schwab - certainly the next ten years. At first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brain or our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is the kind of fusion in a physical, digital and biological world.

Reporter - We call someone, we don't even have a reflex to take a device, it's done naturally, the techniques continue the body.

Schwab - Yes, you talk and say, "I want to be connected with you now". And first you have to personalized robots, and I saw that Mr Zuckerberg that the end of the year he will have his robot. His personalized butler that is for his disposal. 

Reporter - Like in, "Downton Abbey", we will have our personal robot butler, our servant, our slave?

Schwab - Yes, but there is a difference. It is a servants will artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work , but that can really be intellectual partner of you.

What's the World Economic Forum and the globalists plan for us? The 4th Industrial Revolution! Creating a hybrid humanity or transhuman! And this is accomplished by the pandemic, and we are more than 50% prepared to the 4th Industrial Revolution, and it needs two or three doses of the vaccine to make it complete. That's why, Klaus Schwab in late the 2020 assured the public that we aren't going back to our normal lives, and said:  "The people assumed we are going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again. This is fiction, it will not happen."

And in 2021, Klaus Schwab top Advisor, Yuval Noah Harari is confident to say to we are hackable animal:

"Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and nobody knows what's happening inside them, and they will have free will - that's over."      Humans are hackable animals? Yes! This is true! It all started with the pandemic! They slowly setup the graphene sensors in our body, neurons and senaptecs connections in our brains, in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution! Deception played a major role! It's the mystery of iniquity! That's why this biblical narrative came out during the pandemic: "you can't buy and sell", because their new invention can't work, or won't work, without the vaccine.

And this pandemic is prophesied by YAHUSHA Messiah in Matthew 24:7, but before He laid out this event or events, Messiah warned us: Matthew 24:4, "And Yahusha answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."    Messiah warned us to be very careful and not to be deceive because the events that will follow are coupled with deception. And these events are:

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

There will be a great deception that is coming with the pestilence or the pandemic. And there will be wars, famines, and earthquakes, that are also coupled with deception. And the deception is so vast that you can't recognize it easily.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

A strong delusion is send to us that we should believe a lie. A "strong" means, it cannot be broken easily, or cannot be recognized easily, even if they lied to us right before our noses. Their lies will be our truths, and the truths will be our lies. And this is happening all around us today. Even if we already have a hint that something isn't right with this pandemic, and is done with a hocus pocus, we perfer continue with our daily lives because we are connected to the paradigm of this world, and our jobs and works are inside this paradigm, and our family depends on them. It's really hard escape to the curse of deception because we live by it, the curse is our normal lives. And this paradigm was especially created to all humanity, and we live in a false reality, a strong delusion. And only an appointed time can break the curse of strong delusion, and the time appointed will also be the day of much wickedness and much iniquity, and all apostasy. But during the day of apostasy, a Light will shine to us all, and those who refuse to accept the Light will be damn forever, and the righteous who will follow the Light will be saved, YAHUSHA our Messiah is the Light.

Let examine the passage from Revelation chapter 6:

Revelation 6:2,  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

The 1st Seal, the White Horse Rider that carried a "bow" and a "crown", and he went forward conquering, and to conquer the world. A "bow" in Greek is "toxon" (the New Testament is written in Greek), meaning: a weapon, with an arrow and a bow; just like "pana" in Pilipino, a weapon of both an arrow and a bow. But the toxon in Greek (an arrow) is dip in a poison. It's where the English word toxin and toxic came from. And this is exactly what happened in the world today! We are conquered by a "crown" or "corona", and we must abide in science to have a "toxon", or a bow and arrow (the design of injection is like a miniature "pana", or "toxon", or "bow and arrow"), and have their so called immunity of the toxin, or I mean, virus, to safe than sorry. It's a coincidence that the prophetic narrative came out during this pandemic, "you can't buy and sell". For almost 2000 years since the book of Revelation was written, this narrative suddenly came out, and most of us viewed it as nothing today. We are so deceived by the White Horse Rider! This prophetic narrative came out as a precursor for the coming mark of the beast!

What could be the purpose of this pandemic? The pandemic is here with us today to prepare humanity for the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The so called mRNA of the "toxon" will establish the sensors in our body, and neurons and senaptecs connections in our brain, to be ready for their new invention which will become popular during the 4th Industrial Revolution. The technology is within man itself, man is the technology! And once the billion of sensor, and the billion of neurons and the trillion of senaptecs connections, are completed inside us; it is possible to hack us, we can be track! And all of these are accomplish by six doses of immunity (approximate booster shots of bow and arrow or toxon - their favorite number, 6!). The crown virus is true, there is no disputing that, but the vaccine is here with us not just for immunity, but to prepare us to the next order of humanity, the DNA modified men, or transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0. And you will be under control of the globalists once the chip is implanted in you.

That's why, Yuval Noah Harari (top Advisor of Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum) is confident to say that we are hackable animals:

"Humans are now hackable animals, The whole idea that humans have this soul, and nobody knows what's happening inside them, and they will have free will - that's over."  and  "Homo sapiens rule the world because it is the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in its own imagination, such as gods, state, money, and human rights". And  "In order to stop this pandemic, we have to monitor what's happening under your skin."     Source:, World Economic Forum YouTube channel - "Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari"

And what country is the White Horse Rider resides? No other than the UK, their symbol has a white horse or white unicorn in it. And most of the big pharma companies have their headquarters in UK, and even in the US, there addresses are just an extension in the places in UK, like Pfizer address in US which is New England. And the headquarter of the World Health Organization in New York, which is an extension of a place in England called, York, a cathedral city with Roman origins. And New York is just a creation of England and the holy Roman empire. And the No. 666, Wuhan in China where the "crown" virus originated, is the China address of Pfizer Biotech Research and Development Lab: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Coincidence? And the White Horse Riders (The 1st Seal) is just playing deception, we are so deceived!

And here's the news I encountered in the net, "Nanotech found in Pfizer jab by New Zealand lab"; Nanotech found in a vaccine? I'm not surprised. The mRNA are nano particles made up of grapene, and billions of these particles is injected to us via jabs. And here's another one; "Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells." (In-vitro Swedish Study) - Drbeen Medical Lectures. These are the studies of doctors that are not part of their agenda. But they are quick to label it as fake without proving them wrong.

Here's what happened to our body:

The DNA of man is a "double helix". And a "double helix", as related to genomics, is a term used to describe the physical structure of DNA. A DNA molecule is made up of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder in a helix-like shape. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. And each strand of DNA molecules or helix is made up of 72,000 genes, and the "double helix" DNA of man has 144,000 genes. And what they're doing with the "bow and arrow", is they inject us with artificial mRNA, that will become DNA in our liver. They are adding articifial strand or single helix DNA in our present "double DNA", to make it a "triple helix DNA", that will become 216,000 genes of a modified DNA of men. And you know what's the meaning of 216,000 genes? It is 666!

Revelation 13:18,  "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

"Count" in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek) is "Pséphizó", meaning, to count, to calculate. In this era of increasing knowledge, "here is wisdom, let him that have understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it becomes the number of the genes of a man; and his number is 600, 60, 6. How to calculate the number? 600 X 60 X 6 = 216,000; the number of genes to DNA modified man (the triple helix DNA). The DNA modified men, or transhumans, will be "mark" in their foreheads or right hands as a sign that they aren't normal men anymore, and will separate them to the rest of the people who haven't modified their DNA. And the "mark" could be a cross (+) sign.

But remember, our DNA is what we are and who we are! The name of the Father, our Creator is in our DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in our DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridge that keep our DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds to the letters in Hebrew, "YOD (10) HEH (5) WAW (6) HEH (5)" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! Altering of our DNA is altering the Creator of all things, YAH. That is defiling the temple of YAH inside us, the abomination of desolation inside us (our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit).

And the DNA modification is also blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, you destroyed the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body:

Mark 3:28-29,  "[28} I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. {29} But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."

You will never be forgiven; you are guilty of an eternal sin. No more salvation in you! And that's why a "mark" is in you.

And don't you know that "m" in mRNA means messenger, and messenger in Hebrew is malak, which means, angel. They are adding angel's DNA to modified men, or transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0. They are modifying men to be as angels, or as gods, or as elohiym, and that's Satan ultimate goal.

Genesis 3:4-5,  "{4} And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: {5} For Elohiym doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as elohiym, knowing good and evil."

Satan, the serpent, deceived our ancient parents in the Garden of Righteousness (Garden of Eden) which were more smart, more intelligent, and more perfect than us. It's no surprised that we are so deceived by Satan today. And we will be so deceived, or deception to the fulness, if we modify our DNA and be like gods, or elohiym.

Now, the question is: Are we going back to our normal lives after this pandemic? The answer is a Big NO! The worst of this pandemic is yet to come. Examine what Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of World Economic Forum, said years ago:

"The people assumed we are going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again. This is fiction, it will not happen."

Klaus Schwab is calling our present world, the "good old world", because the world that will be coming after the Great Reset is the New World Order, where the old technology (our technology) will be replaced by the fusion in a physical, digital, and biological world; the fusion of material engineering and genetic engineering, the 4th Industrial Revolution, where the order of men will also change in favour of transhumanism.

And the propaganda and news, pertaining to the pandemic, are gloomy and it's not getting any better:

Daily Beast dated October 16, 2022;  "The Nightmare COVID Variant That Beats Our Immunity Is Finally Here"

"The XBB subvariant of Omicron appears to be the fastest spreading COVID virus yet, and most of our treatments don’t touch it."

"A new subvariant of the novel-coronavirus called XBB dramatically announced itself earlier this week, in Singapore. New COVID-19 cases more than doubled in a day, from 4,700 on Monday to 11,700 on Tuesday—and XBB is almost certainly why. The same subvariant just appeared in Hong Kong, too."

"A highly mutated descendant of the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that drove a record wave of infections starting around a year ago, XBB is in many ways the worst form of the virus so far. It’s more contagious than any previous variant or subvariant. It also evades the antibodies from monoclonal therapies, potentially rendering a whole category of drugs ineffective as COVID treatments."

From "FOX29 Philadelphia" dated October 17, 2022;  "Boston University researchers claim to have developed new, more lethal COVID strain in lab"

"Researchers at Boston University say they have developed a new COVID strain that has an 80% kill rate following a series of similar experiments first thought to have started the global pandemic that began in China." 

"The variant, a combination of Omicron and the original virus in Wuhan, killed 80% of the mice infected with it, the university said. When mice were only exposed to Omicron, they experienced mild symptoms."

Why would Boston University developed a new corona strain with a kill rate of 80%? Because, creating a worst strain is now a contest! If reseachers can create the deadliest variant, 100% kill rate, the better. And you mixed it to the highly mutated variant, it will be more lethal! The prizes for creating such, will be enormous, and is finance by the globalists. The globalists plan to setup the sensors in our body, and neurons and senaptecs connections in our brain, will be going to 100% completion once the deady variant of the virus is achieved, and by having the final dose of the "toxon", or bow and arrow. And all will be ready to interface their brains to the computer or AI, a chip will be implanted in them.

And even Fauci, the former head of US Health Department, is in the race of creating a deadly virus:  "Fauci and the NIH have just announced they have recreated the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu!"

And you know what's worst? The vaccinated are more susceptible to these deadly strains! Check out the article from "TrialSite News";  "Majority of COVID-19 Deaths Among Australia New South Wales Residents are Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated". In a new research, those who are three or four vaccines will be more likely to be infected, from "Journal of American Medical Association".

And in the US, majority of Americans dying in coronavirus were vaccinated. News coming from "Washington Post", dated Novenber 23, 2022:

"For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine."

"Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Washington Post's Health 202 newsletter, by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation."

"It’s a continuation of a troubling trend that has emerged over the past year. As vaccination rates have increased and new variants appeared, the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been steadily rising. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent, per our colleagues Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating." "We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Cox said.

If the purpose of the vaccine is for immunity and protect us from the virus, then, why would Pfizer admitted that "the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus". Then what is the purpose of the jabs if it can't stop the transmission? It's really hard to depend their (the globalists) agenda if confronted by the think-tanks outside their group. Check out the comments of Robert Roos:

Robert Roos, European Conservatives and Reformists Group, Vice-Chair

Investigation of COVID vaccine with Pfizer, October 14, 2022

"If you don't get vaccinated, you're anti-social! That is what the Dutch Prime Minister and Health Minister told us. You don't get vaccinated just for youself, but also for others, you do it for all of society. That's what they said. Today, this turn out to be completely nonsense. In a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me: at the time of the introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus. This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport. The COVID passport that led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society. I find this to be shocking, even criminal."

Let's examine the passage from Revelation that talked about the destruction of mystery Babylon, the leader of the pack:

Revelation 18:23-24,  "{23} And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy "sorceries" were all nations deceived. {24} And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."

Let's examine first the translation of the word "sorcery" from this passage: The "sorcery" is translated in Greek as "Pharmakia" (the New Testament is witten in Greek). This passage talked about the mystery Babylon that is fallen, she will be utterly burned with fires... and the light of a candle (the false light) shall no longer shine at all of her, and the voice of the bridegroom (the papacy) and the bride (the churchgoers but DNA modified men) shall be heard no more at all in her: For her merchants (the globalists or elites) were the great men of the earth; for her "sorceries", or "pharmakia", were all nations deceived. The mystery Babylon is using "pharmakia" or "pharmaceutical deception" to trick humanity and abide in science (the mystery religion) to be safe than sorry; not really for our safety but to prepare us for their new invention by instilling the mRNA inside us. And because of this "pharmakia", many would suffer with this pandemic, many would be killed because of this pandemic. And this mystery Babylon goes all the way to the time of old where she-he killed the prophets, the apostles, the saints, and of all that they killed upon the earth because of the pandemic, wars, and famine (all of these are the deceptive attacks by mystery Babylon lead by the papacy, the 4th Seal, the Pale Horse Rider in Revelation 6).

If we diligently examine and study the scriptures, we can clearly see the moves of the Gentiles (the globalists) who appointed the pestilence to conquer the world with a purpose to setup the sensors in our bodies, the neurons and senaptecs connections in our brain, to be ready for DNA modification and implanting a chip inside us. And the 5th dose of bow and arrow, or 5th jab, is critical because you can still escape and remain a man; but the 6th jab, after the jab is instill in you; you aren't ordinary man any more, you are a transhuman, you defied the Law of Creation, you defiled the Temple of YAH inside your body, the abomination of desolation inside you. And why this prophetic narrative is so important to them, "you can't buy and sell"? Because their invention can't work or won't work for people who do not have the jabs, or bow and arrow. The ultimate goal of this pandemic is to add a single helix in our present double helix DNA, that will make a triple helix DNA of modified man. Remember, there are billion of neurons and trillion of senaptecs, and lots of sensors that must be established inside our body, and it need more doses of vaccine to accomplish it, and that's why, this pandemic is not yet over. And the virus of this pandemic is not natural in occurence... it is done with a purpose, and created inside the lab to accomplish their agenda! And they already set their plan for the next pandemic that will be so severe; and WHO, WEF, and Bill Gates announced it and called it SEERS - Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. They really knew that the worst pandemic will happen in 2025, they're really the false prophets for they knew that the virus can mutate to a deadly variant at that exact date or year. If the virus is natural in occurence, no one can predict its deadly mutation, not even the smartest and the brightest men on earth. Unless they are the ones who modified the deadly variant.

And for your information: World Health Organization logo is the staff with the snake, a symbol of medicine and the medical profession. It originates from the story of Asclepius, who was revered by the ancient Greeks as a god of healing and whose cult involved the use of snakes. And the temple of Asclepius (the ruins of the temple) is in Pergamon Turkey, where Satan's seat is. Revelation 2:12-13,  "{12} And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; {13} I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth."     The serpent in the Garden of Eden, Satan, deceived the people of the world to have a "toxon", or a bow and arrow, to be safe and live, and "you will not surely die... you will become as gods" (Genesis 3:4-5).

We are so deceived, and only an appointed time can break the curse of deception they planted to us all. And that appointed time will be here with us soon, but it will also be the time of much wickedness and iniquity, the great apostasy, or the days of Noah all over again, or the Great Reset. When is the Great Reset? Based on the climate clock, or great reset clock/countdown in New York, it will be on 2028. Be prepare, because the year 2028 will not come without much chaos and collapse in major cities world wide. And how can you RESET the world that isn't broken? That's why, they are appointing much chaos and collapse to happen that will make the world to break in pieces. And the leader of the pack will RESET the broken world, the Great Reset, and going to their ultimate goal, the New World Order. But it will also be the beginning of Great Tribulation!

And one of the Gentiles (globalists, or elites) goal is to reduce the population of the planet. And their ideal population is 500 million max population based on what was written in Georgia Guidestones: {1.} Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. And you know what? The 500 million +++ is the approximate minus bloodlines population. Examine the bloodline of the world's elites, the globalists (members of WEF)... and they who chart the course of this world.

The "Great Reset" is equal to the "days of Noah", is equal to "the great apostasy", is equal to "the fulness of the Gentiles". And during the Great Reset or the fulness of the Gentiles, people will modify their DNA to be other than men! Men with the mark of the beast!

A little history of viruses and toxon, or bow and arrow (Source: Dr John Campbell YouTube channel - "Reanalysis of mRNA trial data")

1. Swine Flu vaccine (1976), 1 serious event per 100,000 vacinees; vaccine withdarawn

2. Rotavirus Vaccine Rotashield (1999), 1 to 2 serious events per 10,000 vacinees; vaccine withdrawn

3. Covid mRNA vaccines, 1 serious event per 800 vaccinees; vaccine officially promoted

Pandemic for the vaccinated? You'll be the judge!

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