
Friday, January 13, 2023

A Possible World War 3 Scenario

What happened in Russia and Ukraine isn't just another war in which the conflict will just die down a few years from now. This war is the beginning of something big, a World War 3 scenario. This war is appointed to the two Divided Kingdoms, communism or socialism lead by Russia and the capitalism lead by the EU/NATO. This war is appointed by the power of Gog to the two divided factions, or two oppossing ideology, to have a unified or single ideology moving to the Great Reset and the New World Order. Let's begin with a propaganda, or I mean, an article from Yahoo!Finance:

YAHOO!FINANCE,  "DAVOS 2021: French president Emmanuel Macron says modern capitalism 'can no longer work'"

If capitalism can no longer work, what's the alternative? There are only two ideology of this world, if you aren't for capitalism, then you support the communism or socialism. French president Emmanuel Macron is pushing for a socialism style of rule like the NAZI, or similar to communism of Russia. And you just can't change the democratic ideology world wide by simply announcing your intention, that's why, wars must happen first between communists aligned countries and capitalist aligned countries, countries that were part of the same land but were divided because of ideology; like Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Serbia and Kosovo, and etc.. Many wars had happened in the world like World War 1 and World War 2, and the war on terrorism, but these wars are not directly prophesied in the scriptures. Then, what makes the war between Russia and Ukraine different?

Let's examine the prophecy of YAHUSHA Messiah in Matthew, which He called it as the beginning of sorrows, or the beginning of birth pains, or the beginning of tribulation:

Matthew 24:7,  "For 'nation shall rise against nation', and 'kingdom against kingdom': and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

The translation of "nation" in Greek is "ethnos" (New Testatment is written in Greek), and the definition is:

"Ethnos" (from ethō, "forming a custom, culture") – properly, people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture; nation(s), usually referring to unbelieving Gentiles (non-Jews). (Based on Strong's Greek)

These wars are summoned to countries having similar custom, or common culture, or having the same ethnicity; like a civil war but between nations that were divided because of ideology. These wars are between similar ethnic groups so that, "they should kill one another"! Check out the passage from Revelation:

Revelation 6:3-4,  {3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."

The 2nd Seal, the Red Horse Rider that was given the authority to take the peace of the earth, and make wars between nations that "they should kill one another". This is exactly what's happening in the world today. A "civil war", as I call it, but not within a country, but two countries which can be identified as the same land but were separated because of ideology. Russia and Ukraine started the war (both coming from former USSR), and it's not getting any better. This war will create more wars that will lead to a world war 3 with nuclear attacks as the finality. And "there was given unto him a Great Sword". Based on Strong's Concordance, a "sword" (in this passage) is a Dirk, a "dagger", a stabbing weapon; a very short, curved cutlas. And look what I found: The Kh 47M2 kinzhal (kinzhar in English is a dagger) is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistc air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2000 km, Mach 12 speed, and an ability to perform evasive manuevers in every stage of its flight. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads and can be launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31K interceptors. It has been deployed at Russia's Southern Military District and Western Military District. The kinzhal entered military service in December 2017 and is one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. A "Great Sword", or "Nuclear Missile", is given to Russia. Therefore, the Red Horse Rider is Russia! Their flag is dominated by Red, and also the color of communism is Red.

The 2nd Seal in Revelation 6 is equals to the 2nd Beast of Daniel 7 prophecy:

Daniel 7:5,  "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."

The 2nd Beast or the 2nd kingdom represented by the Bear, and there no other country that is associated with a Bear, only Russia. And Russia raised up itself on one side, and most of economic and military activities are on the west side of Russia (it raised on the west side), and it had three ribs in the mouth of Russia. And these three RIBS could be three countries in the mouth of Russia that he will attack! Ukraine first, what's next? Could be Poland? Sweden? Finland? or Lithuania? Only time will tell! Or these three RIBS could also be three places or regions in Ukraine that were annexed by Russia? We'll see on the final result! And "THEY" said unto the Bear, Russia, Arise, devour or destroy much flesh! Flesh can also be referred to men, therefore, Russia was instructed by "THEY", the minions of Gog (could be the globalists) to make war with one another (the same ethnicity), and to destroy or kill much men (only plus bloodline).

And the power of Gog is setting up wars by provoking China and North Korea.

The news regarding the conflict of China and Taiwan:

"The New York Times" dated August 1, 2022:   "Pelosi Is Expected to Go to Taiwan, Biden Administration Officials Say" - Speaker Nancy Pelosi began a fraught tour of Asia on Sunday that administration officials say they now expect will include a stop in Taiwan, despite China’s increasingly sharp warnings in recent days that a visit to the self-governing island would provoke a response, perhaps a military one.

"Reuters" dated October 16, 2022: "China's Xi says full control over Hong Kong achieved, determined on Taiwan"

"BEIJING, Oct 16 (Reuters) - China has achieved comprehensive control over Hong Kong, turning it from chaos to governance, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech on Sunday at the opening of the once-in-five-year Communist Party congress in Beijing.

China has also waged a major struggle against Taiwan separatism and is determined and able to oppose territorial integrity, Xi said."

"" ( dated October 14, 2022:  "China's Semiconductor Industry 'Decapitated Overnight': What 'Annihilation Looks Like'"

"The Biden administration unveiled a comprehensive strategy last week to move the U.S. forward and hold China back in the production of advanced semiconductors, virtually eliminating China's semi industry overnight, escalating the high-tech battle with Beijing.

"Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight," wrote Twitter user @lidangzzz, translated by Rhodium Group analyst Jordan Schneider."

The news regarding the conflict of North Korea and South Korea:

"MailOnlime News" dated October 4, 2022:   "North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan for first time in five years as Tokyo urges residents to EVACUATE amid growing regional tensions following US and South Korean military drills."

"AL JAZEERA" dated January 5, 2023: N Korea drone entered S Korea’s presidential no-fly zone: Army

"A North Korean drone entered the northern end of a 3.7km (2.2 miles) radius no-fly zone around South Korea’s presidential office in Seoul when it intruded into the country’s airspace last month, South Korean military officials say.

""It [the drone] briefly flew into the northern edge of the zone, but it did not come close to key security facilities," a military official told South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency on Thursday."

With all the news reports, there is a greater possibility that the war which started in Russia and Ukraine, will escalate into a world wide war, or a World War 3; and with a possibility of nuclear war! And check out the propadanga or news:

From "Redacted" YouTube channel, October 10, 2022;  "The Bill Gates cabal is prepping for NUCLEAR war with these bunkers | Redacted with Clayton Morris"

From "Robb Report" dated September 14, 2022;  "Apocalypse Wow? These Insane New Bunkers Let You Build A Complete Luxury Home Underground";   "When the zombie apocalypse finally arrives, ask yourself—where will you hide out when everything goes down? One company believes it has an appealing solution—and it comes with all the comforts of a five-star hotel."

The rich and famous are preparing for nuclear war with insane bunkers built as their hideouts. They knew exactly what will happen with the war which started in Russia and Ukraine! Are we going back to our normal lives? No, we aren't! Everything are appointed by them, the power of Gog, that this will happen! And it is Gog who is playing with the two divided kingdoms of communism or socialism - lead by Russia and capitalism - lead by EU/NATO:

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith the YAHUWAH your Elohiym; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"

Can we identify Magog, Meshech, and Tubal? Yes, we can identify them! They are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah (Genesis 10 geneology). When Noah divided the earth between his sons (yes! Noah divided the earth), Shem got the land of Asia including eastern Russia with a boundary in Rafa mountains (the mountains of Yugyd Va National Park, from North to South); Japheth got the land of Europe and North America and the rest of northern hemisphere islands; and Ham got the land of Africa and South America and the rest of southern hemispher islands. Then Japheth divided Europe between his sons (details in the book of Jubilees):

Madai - got the British Isles, UK and Ireland, but he didn't like it! Maybe because of weather, always gloomy. That's why, he intruded in the lot of Shem intented for the sons of Arphaxad, and they called the area Media or Medes. This place now belongs to Kurdistan and the prominent place is Nineveh. And Madai is the origin of Gog's power, the Assyrian. 

Meschech - got Western Europe, which also includes the British Isles since Madai despised it.

Tubal - got Central Europe

Magog - got Russia

Gomer - got Russian Steppes

Javan - got Greece and Macedonia

Tiras - got the big isles of Mediterrean sea

Therefore, Gog, is from the land of Magog - Russia, and is now the chief prince of Meschech - Western Europe and Tubal - Central Europe, or Gog is the chief prince of EU. Gog control Russia and Eastern Europe, his origin, and at the same time, leads EU or what we called today as the Western Europe. Gog hold the power of OC in Eastern Europe, at the same time, he runs the RC in Central and Western Europe. Gog owns the communism Russia and capitalism EU. Gog is just playing with the two opposing ideology. They are sitting at the same table with Gog as their leader!

And this war is "Kingdom against Kingdom", the two "Divided Kingdoms", the two divided ideology, communism and capitalism, the kingdoms of the last days as prophesied by Daniel chapter 2, verses 41 to 42. And all the centers or headquarters of the kingdoms since Babylon - the kingdom of gold, Medo-Persia - the kingdom of silver, Greece - the kingdom of brass, and Rome - the kingdom of iron, were destroyed and desolated. Therefore, the centers or headquarters of the two Divided Kingdoms will also be destroyed and desolated. Check this out:

Ezekiel 39:6,  "And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH."

A fire or a nuclear missile will be sent to Magog or Russia, the center of communism; and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles, and there's no other isles that is the center of capitalism, and that is the British Isles, UK. These two centers or headquarters of communism and capitalism, in Russia and in UK, will be destroyed and desolated, could be by nuclear missiles.

A nuclear war is appointed to happen so that they can reset the broken world, the Great Reset! The reason why the rich and famous are creating underground bunkers. And the propaganda of their plan was broadcast by the chief prince of EU, Pope Francis. Check this out:

News from "Catholic News Agency":   "Pope Francis: After a 'Nuclear War', humanity would have to 'start from scratch'"

"Pope Francis said Wednesday that the image of Noah’s flood is "gaining ground in our subconscious" as the world considers the possibility of a nuclear war "that will extinguish us."  and  "Our imagination appears increasingly concentrated on the representation of a final catastrophe that will extinguish us - what may happen with a possible nuclear war," Pope Francis said March 16. The 'day after' - if there will still be days and human beings - we will have to start again from scratch."   Speaking to pilgrims seated in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall for his live-streamed general audience, the pope said that people today "are under pressure, exposed to opposing stresses that confuse us."

Pope Francis is laying out the propaganda of their plan for a Nuclear War! And is also conveying the Great Reset plan! This is exactly what he meant here - "we will have to start again from scrath"! And  "the image of Noah's flood is gaining ground in our subconscious", back to the days of Noah! Therefore, the "Great Reset" is equals to "the days of Noah", and before this will happen, a Nuclear War will break the world in pieces. And the broken world with be Reset, the Great Reset. This is a confirmation coming from Pope Francis. Is pope Francis the chief prince of EU, Gog? His real name is Bergoglio! Coincidence?

News from "FOXNEWS" dated September 9, 2022: "Pope Francis repeats warning of 'third world war'"

"Pope Francis repeated his previous warnings of a world conflict Thursday while speaking at an audience with pontifical representatives. The pontiff reiterated a claim he first presented one week ago during a general audience — that the Earth is already enraptured in a "piecemeal" World War III. The pope repeated the observation Thursday in audience with his pontifical representatives — prelates of the Catholic Church that represent the papacy in foreign nations around the world."

The Pope reiterated his position that a World War 3 will erupt, he is reporting their propaganda to the world. And nobody can stop their plan for world domination after the Great Reset and the New World Order, but it will also be the beginning of great tribulation.

Putin and the communism world will not bow down to WEF, the globalists, idea for a one world ideology, the New World Order, because Putin has its own idea of the New World Order. And these ideas of the New World Order are just similar, you go with capitalism or you go with communism, it's all the same! And real intention of Gog is to stage a drama, but the conflicts and wars at the lens of warriors below (positive bloodline) are for real! And the people of the world who take side with capitalism or communism, will have similar result in the end. The two ideology is one, Gog is just playing deception with them. The curse of deception is so vast that only the Light of YAHUSHA can break the curse!

Matthew 24:4,  "And Yahusha answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."      That's the reason why Messiah warned us before he laid the events that will happen (Matthew 24:7), the pestilences (pandemic), the wars, the famines, and the earthquakes in selected places; because these events will be coupled with deception.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."        And YAH send a strong delusion that we should believe a lie! A "strong" means, it cannot be broken easily, even if they lied to us right before their noses. Their lie will be our truth, and the Truth will be our lie! This is done so that unrighteousness will be damned forever, and those who seek the Light will find Him. YASHUSHA is the Light!

In truth, the Divided Kingdoms, are just being used by the power of Gog until an appointed time, and that appointed time is already here with us. And most will not understand because Satan deceived the whole world, and we are so deceived because of religion. It serves as a stumblingblock to them who wanted to find the Truth, because the truth in religion is infused with a lie. An Satan also divided the religion so that we will never find the truth, and those who seek the truth inside the religion will be blinded still.

Revelation 12:9-10,  "{9} And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. {10} And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our Elohiym, and the power of his Messiah: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our Elohiym day and night."

The great dragon, the old serpent, the Devil, and Satan, which "deceived the whole world" (there is no exception, everyone is deceived by Satan, except Satan's minions), will be cast out into the earth together with his angels (fallen angels). And this will definitely happen when Satan is given the authority to rule over mankind physically, and that authority is given to him by the DNA modified men, the DNA of modified men is altered by adding a single helix DNA (72,000 genes) to the present double helix DNA of men (144,000 genes), and that will make a triple helix DNA of modified men (216,000 gene). And you know what's the meaning of 216,000 genes? It is 666!

Revelation 13:18,  "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

"Count" in Hebrew is "Pséphizó", meaning, to count, to calculate. In this era of increasing knowledge, "here is wisdom, let him that have understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it becomes the number of the genes of a man; and his number is 600, 60, 6. How to calculate the number? 600 X 60 X 6 = 216,000; the number of genes to DNA modified man (the triple helix DNA). The DNA modified men, or transhumans, will be "mark" in their foreheads or right hands as a sign that they aren't normal men anymore, and will separate them to the rest of the people who haven't modified their DNA. And the "mark" could be a cross (+) sign.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is not just another war that most of us wanted to neglect. Humanity are immune to wars because the world history had already lots of wars and nothing happened, the world never ended, our lives were back to normal after those wars. But this war, or soon to be wars, will be different! It's directly prophesied by YAHUSHA Messiah in Matthew chapter 24, verse 7; "nation shall rise against nation", or countries with same ethnicity that will have conflict with each others. These wars are between communism and capitalism, the two divided kingdom in Daniel 2 prophecy, "kingdom against kingdom". These conflicts or wars are the beginning of "birth pains" or "tribulation". And John in Revelation chapter 6, the 2nd Seal, described this war as a civil war, the Red Horse Rider that "take the peace of the earth", and "they should kill one another". And there will be a greater war, World War 3 scenario, when China will invade Taiwan, and the propaganda appointed this thing to happen this year. And this includes North Korea and South Korea, and possibly Serbia and Kosovo. And the Red Horse Rider, Russia and the countries aligned to communism (communism RED and their flag is dominated by RED), is given a great "sword" or "nuclear missile". All these wars are too hard to ignore, because it all point to the bible's prophecy. We are literally in the last days!

Many would label me as conspiracy theorist, but I'm just stating the conspiracy facts here! All these facts are laid out to us by the prophets, the aposles, and Messiah Himself, and how can we be wrong if the scriptures is in our side. We are on the increasing knowledge, all the facts are just one click away. But we have to move away from the narratives of this world that pushed most of us to be blinded, and it's not easy to depart from it because our jobs, and our lives were already part of it. In truth, we are living in a false reality, we are all blinded, we are so deceived, the truth that we all knew today is mingled with a lie. But no worries, an appointed time will end the deception they (Satan's minions) inflicted to us all. A Light will shine to each one of us, and the true name of our Heaveny Father YAHUWAH (not "the LORD" which Ba'al in Hebrew) will break the curse of massive deception that covered the world today. But the people who have pleasure of unrighteousness, and want to stay connected to the paradigm of this world, will be damned forever. And YAHUSHA our Messiah is the Truth and the Light!

The war is part of the ingredients for the Great Reset, and going into the 4th Industrial Revolution and a New World Order, where the order of men will also change in favour of transhumanism.


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