
Friday, September 9, 2022

The Two Cursed Tribes: The Origin Of The Other Race (The Nephilim) And The Two Beasts

The story of the bible is not just random narration of the past events, it is written in such a way that we will recognize the enmity of the promised bloodline or tribes of Yashar'el, and the bloodline of the beasts. Most will not understand the conflict and who the vallains were, because they tried to obscured some of the books that talked about them, and even removed it in the bible so that none will have interest to read it. I'm talking about the books or scrolls that are found in Qumran, an ancient place called Bethabara, where John the Baptist and the Levites priests (the sons of Zadok) lived and operated. And these ancient writings are called the Dead Sea Scrolls, where a collections of ancient scrolls were found including a complete set of the books in the bible, the Old Testament (excluding the book of Esther), the book of 1st Enoch (2nd and 3rd Enoch are occult books), the book of Jubilees (the book of Yashar; the book of Jasher is a fraud), the book 1st and 2nd Esdras (Esdras in Greek or 3rd and 4th Ezra Hebrew), the book of Tobit, and the writings and commentary of the Levite priests and John the Baptist. Deception played a major role in Qumran, just don't believe in the narratives that come out from Christian intitutions specially the Catholic church and Rabbinic Judaism. They are out to mislead scriptures seekers and to believe in the Pharisees infused bible as the only true source of Holy Writings. And connecting Essence to the Dead Sea Scrolls is a BIG lie! This sect was not even mentioned in the bible, and the headquarter of this occult sect is in Ein Gedi, 30kms++ south of Qumran (based on archeological evidence) with lots of occult writings and symbols. Even if the evidences in Qumran were abundant that the Levite priests kept these scrolls and no occult books were found, they insist that these were the Essence. To obscur the scrolls (books) was Satan's plan to keep the source and origin of the beasts and this other race hidden from the mainstream narrative.

Before moving forward, let's examine first the passage from the book of Jubilees:
Jubilees 9:14-15,  "{14} And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen to him by his lot. {15} And they all said, “So be it; so be it,” for themselves and their sons for ever throughout their generations till the day of judgment, on which the
Yahuwah thy Elohim shall judge them with a sword and with fire, for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin."
When Noah divided the earth (yes, the whole earth was divided by Noah, details in the book of Jubilees) between his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to sieze the portion which had not fallen to him by his lot. And they all said, "So be it; so be it", everyone agreed for themselves and their sons forever throughout their generations till the judgment of the great day (the last days... the end times). And YAHUWAH our Elohiym will judge them with a sword and with fire, for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, by which they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin. Therefore, everyone is bound with a curse by intruding the land which is not theirs! And Noah divided the earth to his sons, Shem got the land of Asia (including Eastern Russia), Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe, and Noah divided America and the rest of the world's Islands to Japheth (northern hemisphere - North America) and to Ham (southern hemisphere - Central and South America including Australia and New Zealand). Shem got the land that is cold, hot, and neither hot nor cold (skin colors are white-yellow, black, and brown), and Ham got mostly hot regions (skin color is mostly black), and Japheth got mostly cold regions (skin color is mostly white - caucasian). This was how Noah divided the earth!

The curse of Canaan by intruding the land of Shem intended for the sons of Arphaxad (for the son Eber - Peleg).
Jubilees 10:28-30,  "{28} And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south. {29} And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. {30} And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim, his brothers, said unto him: “Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will fall in the land
and be accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shalt be rooted out for ever."
When Ham and his sons went into the land that he acquired as his portion in the land of the south (south direction from Babel - Africa). Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt that it was very good, and Canaan did not went to the land of his inheritance to the midwest of Africa (Central Western Africa), but intruded and dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim, his brothers, said to him: "You settled in a land that is not yours, and land that is not part of our inheritance, do not do that, if you do so, you and your sons will fall in the land and be accursed through sedition; for by sedition you settled, and by sedition your children will fall, and shall be rooted (destroy) forever". Because of this cursed, some of Canaan bloodline became nephilim.

Jubilees 10:31-34,  "{31} Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot. {32} Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.” {33} But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. {34} And for this reason that land is named Canaan."
Dwell not in the land of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons own the land and it's their inheritance. You will be curse, and cursed you will be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath (covenant) in the presence of the Holy Judge, YAHUWAH, and in the presence of Noah our father. But Canaan did not listen to them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt (Mizraim), he and his sons until this day (until today! Examine who lived in Israel today!). And for this reason that land is named Canaan.

But before Canaan was cursed by Ham his father and his brothers, Noah put a prophetic cursed to Canaan first!
Genesis 9:24-27,  "{24} And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. {25} And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. {26} And he said, Blessed be YAHUWAH Elohiym of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. {27} Elohiym shall enlarge Japheth, and He shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."
One day, Noah was drunk and fall asleep naked. Ham saw his nakedness but did nothing, and when Shem and Japheth saw their father nakedness, they dressed him up. And Noah awoke and knew what his younger son had done to him, and Noah said, cursed be Canaan (instead of cursing Ham, he curse Canaan), a servant of servants shall he be to his brethren. And he said, Blessed be YAHUWAH Elohiym of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. Elohiym shall enlarge Japheth, and He (YAHUWAH Elohiym) shall dwell in the tents of Shem (the four Holy places are all in the land of Shem, Mt Sanai, Mt Sion at the north pole, and the Mount of the East and the Garden of Eden (fareast - Philippines). And Canaan shall be Shem's servant.

Check this parralel passage in the book of Jubilees:
Jubilees 7:,  "{10} And Noah awoke from his sleep and knew all that his younger son had done unto him, and he cursed his son and said: “Cursed be Canaan; an enslaved servant shall he be unto his brethren.” {11} And he blessed Shem, and said: “Blessed be the Yahuwah Elohiym of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. {12} Elohiym shall enlarge Japheth, and Elohiym shall dwell in the dwelling of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.” {13} And Ham knew that his father had cursed his younger son, and he was displeased that he had cursed his son, and he parted from his father, he and his sons with him, Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan."
And Noah awoke from his sleep and knew what Ham had done to him, and Noah curse cursed his son and said, curse be Canaan; he shall be slaves, servants, to his brethren. And he blesses Shem and said, "Blessed be YAHUWAH Elohiym of Shem and Canaan will be his servant. And Elohiym shall enlarge Japheth, and Elohiym shall dwell in the dwelling of Shem (YAHUWAH Elohiym dwelling on earth, 4 Holy places - Mt Sion - original Mt Sion in the north pole, Mt Sanai, and the Mount of the East and the Garden of Eden).

Although there was no written curse about Madai, the son of Japheth, when he occupied the land of Shem, but it is very clear that Noah bounded his sons for an oath or covenant that they will never intrude in the land that was not their portion.
Jubiless 9:35-36,  "{35} And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea and dwelt in the land of their portion, and Madai saw the land of the sea and it did not please him, and he begged a portion from Elam and Asshur and Arpachshad, his wife’s brother, and he dwelt in
the land of Media, near to his wife’s brother until this day. {36} And he called his dwellingplace, and the dwelling-place of his sons, Media, after the name of their father Madai."
And Japheth and his sons went to the land of their portion in Europe (modern name), and Madai saw the land of the sea, the British Isles, and it did not please him (maybe the weather - always rainy and gloomy). Madai begged a portion from Elam, Asshur, and Arpacshad, his wife's brother (sons of Shem). And he dwelt in the land of Media, near to wife's brother until this day! And Madai sons called their dwelling place, Media or Medes, after the name of their father Madai. It did not say that Shem gave a portion of his land to Madai, and the sons of Shem cannot intrude in the land of Japheth in exchange for a lot taken by Madai. Remember, the sons of Noah were bound with a cursed!

And these two areas that were occupied by Canaan and Madai were given as portions for Eber's (origin of Hebrew - the grandson of Arphaxad) sons of Peleg and Joktan. The reason why Ophir, Sheba, and Havila, the sons of Joktan migrated to the fareast, to the Mount of the East, together with the mariner son of Javan, Tarshish (their ship transport), to relocate the land of creation, the ancient land of gold, and location of the Garden of Eden, modern day Philippines, because the sons of Madai occupied their portion. And Abraham, the great grandson Peleg, went to the land promised as their portion which was occupied by Canaan with the guidance of the Almighty Elohiym YAHUWAH to recover the land of their inheritance. And the land of Medes, now Kurdistan, was taken back by the Hebrews, northern tribes of Yashar'el, when they were exciled to Assyria.

Because of the cursed, these two tribes, Canaan and Madai, became nephilim (some of them), the enmity of the tribes of Yashar'el. Who were the nephilim? Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohiym came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."       There were nephilim (in Hebrew) or giants (KJV translation in English), when the sons of Elohiym (bene ha Elohiym in Hebrew, in context means angels), the sons of heaven, came after or mated with the daughters of men. And the mingling produced an offsprings that were mighty men ("gibborim" in Hebrew which means, champion, great, heroes, valiant warriors, giants, mighty, with special abilities) of old or before the flood, and renowned or famous. And they were on earth before the flood and after the flood. The bible is silent about how the nephilim returned after the flood. Could be that the passages were obscurred by them (they were the ones who created the bible)? That is a possibility! The nephilim return after the flood in Sodom and Gomorrah (part of the lot which Canaan intruded), that's why, these cities were destroyed by fires and brimstones.

Jude 1:6-8,  "{6} And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. {7} Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. {8} Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities."
The angels which did not kept their first estate, (their first estate are spirits, and their second estate is, they can transformed to flesh or men), but left their own habitation, abode, in heaven, were punished and imprisoned at the bottomless pit, or the tartarus, or the abyss, in chains under darkness until the judgment of the great day, or final day of judgment. And this points of to the angels in Genesis 6, the angels who defiled themselves when they mated with the daughters of men. And this same scenario happened in Sodom and Gomorrah! In verse 7 of Jude, the passage started with "Even as", which is equal to "Like as", or Same as", based in strong's concordance. Therefore, verse 7 looks like this, "Same as or Like as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities (what cities?) around them in like manner" (verse 7 is referring to verse 6 of Jude where some angels defiled themselves), giving themselves over to fornication (defiling themselves), and going after strange flesh (strange flesh is equal to "another flesh" or "other flesh" that are not men - what other flesh that women can mingle with? This only points to the angels, their second estate, flesh - men!), and inviting the angels using dark prayers, fertility rites! The tribes of Sodom and Gomorrah (nephilim tribes) are set forth for an example in the last days (could be our time when people will begin to modify their DNA to be other than men, transhumans, human hybrids, nephilim 2.0), suffering the vengeance of eternal file. And the cities that were not destroyed were the cities of Canaan and Mt Seir (Edom). Likewise also these filthy dreamers from heaven defile flesh (angels' second estate - can tranform to flesh or men, their first estate are spirits), despise, or cast off, or disannul, from their dominion or dwelling place (in heaven), and blasphemed or profaned the glory and honor of YAHUSHA. This is the reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fires and Brimstones from heaven! And this sin is not just a simple fornication, or adultery, or prostitutions between men to men, women to women, and men to women, where this sin already here with us, but were not punished like Sodom and Gomorrah, because this sin involve only human, men and women! And the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was extreme, it was an illicit affair between angels and women, the women went after strange flesh, an abomination, they defied the order of creation! That why, they were rooted up from the face of the earth!

Now we see how the nephilim were back after the flood at Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities, and that cities were the cities of Canaan and around it. And Abraham prophesied in one of the sons of Canaan, the Amorites:
Genesis 15:12-16,  "{12} And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. {13} And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; {14} And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. {15} And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. {16} But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."
When Abraham fell a deep sleep, horror of great darkness fell upon him. And YAHUWAH said to Abraham, know for sure that your seed shall be a stranger in the land that is not theirs (in Egypt), and shall serve them (as slaves), and they shall afflict them four hundred years. And also, the nation that they shall serve, I will judge: and they shall come out afterward with great possessions. And Abraham shall be burried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return, for the iniquity of the Amorites will soon come to its fulness. This is the prophecy of the tribes of Yashar'el when all the tribes went to Egypt during the time of Joseph, as second in command after Pharaoh, then became slaves after Joseph died. Then Moses lead the tribes of Yashar'el out of Egypt, and back to the promised land after four hundred years, because the iniquity of the tribes in Canaan (the Amorites) come to its fulness. And the iniquity of the Amorites come to its fulness when their tribes became other than men, the nephilim!

While in the desert of Sanai, Moses command to spy the promised land:
Numbers 13:31-32  "{31} But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. {32} And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a
great stature. {33} And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."
And the men that went to spy the promised land said to Moses, we will not be able to go against the people, for they are stronger than us. And they brought up an evil report into the children of Yashar'el saying, the land which we have gone to spy with, is a land that eat up the inhabitants, and all the people that we saw are men of great stature, and there we saw the giants or the nephilim, the sons of Anak, which came of the nephal or fallen ones (fallen angels; nephal the right translation), and we are like grasshoppers in their sight! Sons of Anak (Anunnaki) - nephilim! Inhabitants of Canaan!

Joshua and the Yashar'elites battled with the nephilim in their return to Canaan (promised land):
Joshua 10:7-12,  "{7} So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. {8} And YAHUWAH said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. {9} Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. {10} And YAHUWAH discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. {11} And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. {12} Then spake Joshua to YAHUWAH in the day when YAHUWAH delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon."
Joshua and all the mighty men of valour of the tribes of Yashar'el ascended from Gilgal, and YAHUWAH said to Joshua, fear them not! For I have delivered them into your hands; there shall be no enemy left standing before your troops. And YAHUWAH confused the Amorites before the Yasher'elites and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah and to Makkedah. As the Amorites fled from Yashar'elites and were going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them into Azekah, and they died: there were more which died with hailstones than whom the children of Yashar'el slew or killed with the swords. And the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the Yashar'elites battled with the Amorites until they were delivered at the hand of Yashar'el. Now, the question is: Why would YAHUWAH cast down great stone (hailstones) from heaven to kill the Amorites? This only shows that the Amorites were already judged, they were irredeemabe beings! The only reason why they were killed by hailstones from heaven, and some were killed by the Yashar'elites. And why was the sun stand still when Joshua and the Yashar'el battled with the Amorites? This is just my take, don't take it seriously. The Amorites could be vampires and werewolves (other forms of nephilim)... they could be more powerful at sundown or night?

What could have cause the Amorites and Canaan tribes to be irredeemable?
Deuteronomy 9:1-3,  "{1} Hear, O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than
thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, {2} A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak! {3} Understand therefore this day, that YAHUWAH thy Elohiym is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as YAHUWAH hath said unto thee."
When Yashar'el pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations (nations or tribes in Canaan) greater and mightier than you, cities great and fence up to heaven (massive walls). A people great and tall, the children of Anakims (giants - Anunnaki), whom you know and whom you heard, who can stand before the children of Anak! Who can stand to battle against the nephilim, the giants! Understand therefore this day, that YAHUWAH your Elohiym will go over before you as a consuming fire and will destroy them, and He will bring them down before you face: So you shall drive them out, and destroy them quickly! The giants, Anakims (Anunnaki), were irredeemable, no more salvation on them! Therefore, the tribes in Canaan (the promised land), specially the Amorites, were nephilim! A people group destined for condemnation! That's why they have to be destroyed!

The nephilim tribes of Canaan during the time of Joshua were reduced to almost none and some of the nephilim were scattered abroad, some went to Assyria, some to the isles of Mediteranean sea, and up to Europe. And the Yashar'elites battled the remaining nephilim at Philistine, the remaining stronghold. And king David battled the remaining nephilim at Philistine lead by Goliath and his brothers and the Amalekites. 1 Samuel 15:2-3,  "{2} Thus saith YAHUWAH of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. {3} Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."     King David and the Yashar'elites utterly destroyed them all... men, women, infants and sucklings, ox and sheep, camel and ass. It looks like genocide to me! But the Israelites did it for a reason. These were hybrid beings, the witches, the werewolves, the vampires, or nephilim. The nephilim were irredeemable beings back then.
And there was peace in the land at the time of king Solomon where he built a temple of YAHUWAH at Jerusalem. But after the reign of king Solomon, Yashar'el was divided, the Southern kingdom of Yahudah (Judah) and the northern kingdom of Yashar'el. Then the Assyrians rose into power, and went to battle with the northern kingdom of Yashar'el.
2 Kings 17:6,  "In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes."
During the time of Hoshea king of Yashar'el (northern kingdom), the king of Assyria took the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Samaria), and carried them away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah (located in east and southeast Turkey), and in Habor (northern Syria), and in the cities of Medes (northern Iraq and northwestern Iran), the home of the Kurds, the Kurdish region. The home of the northern tribes of Yashar'el up to this day. Then the king of Assyria brought back the nephilim tribes of Canaan that were mixed with Madai bloodline in Assyria, and placed them at northern Yashar'el. And Assyria became the center of nephilim kingdom lead by the tribe of Madai mixed with Canaan.
2 Kings 17:23-24,  {23} Until YAHUWAH removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day. {24} And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof."       When the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) were exciled to Assyria, the king of Assyria brought men from "Babylon", from "Cuthah", from "Ava", from "Hamath" and from "Sepharvaim" and placed them at Samaria (northern Israel), and they possessed Samaria and dwelt in the cities thereof! And these people groups who replaced the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) bring with them their gods. 2 Kings 17:29-31,  "{29} Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. {30} And the men of Babylon made Succothbenoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, {31} And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim."
These were the gods/goddess of the people who were brought to northern Yashar'el (Israel):
1. Babylon is Succont - mother goddess, the shinning one, Harlot consort of marduk (harlot of Babylon), ISIS, Astarte and Ishtar (Esther). These are the Hasmoneans, pagans.
2. Cuthah is Nergal - Lion man, Gilgamesh/Nimrod symbology - the lion king, god of battle. These are the Ba'al (Nephilim) worshippers, pagan.
3. Ava is Nibhaz and Tartak - Nebo, Nabu, Nybbas, Anu - Anunnaki, similar to Egypt Anubus, Greek Apollo and Mercury, Nimrud (Nibhaz) and Mars/Saturn, Hero of Darkness (Tartak). These are the Nephilim worshippers, pagan.
4. Sepharvaim is Adramelech - Assyrian Adar-malik, Adar is prince; Anammelech - Anu is prince, Adar and Anu are well-known Assyrian gods, associated with Molech, Moloch, Ba'al. These are the Kabbalists - ESSENCE. The root of Kabbalah! Pagan!
5. Hamath is Ashima - Hashem, Astarte, Ishtar (modern Israel god is her), ISIS, Ba'al. These are the Pharisees! Pagan!
And all these god and goddess became the belief system of the world's societies today, and most churches carried the belief and mingled it with the belief of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA. Example, the use of LORD (Ba'al in Hebrew) as a replacement of the name of the Father YHWH - YAHUWAH, the name of our Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach (our Messiah) was replaced by Jesus Christ which is equal to Hesus - aka Zeus and Krishna (two Roman gods), the Kabbalah was kept by the Jesuits and the Masonic Lodge, Christmas - celebration of Saturnilia (god Saturn) in December 25 winter solstice mingled with the birth of Messiah (Messiah's true birthday is in Pentecost or Shabu'ah or feast of week, celebrated in June), Easter Sunday (celebration of Esther-Ishtar-Astarte-Ashtaroth-harlot of Babylon-mystery Babylon-statue of Mary-statue of Liberty) mingled with the ressurection of Messiah Yahusha (Messiah's ressurection was on the tail end of the Sabbath-Sabado, at dawn prior to the first day of the week, sunrise is the beginning of the new day, a biblical clock since creation - "Let there be light!"), and so on! These nephilim tribes practised the mingled woship and prospered. The replacements of the northern tribes were the origin of the world's religion today!

And during the fall of Assyrian empire, some of the nephilim migrated to Turkey and up to Greece and Macedonia. Then, the world biggest nephilim controlled empire begins! The two cursed tribes were on the tug of war on who will lead the empire:

1. Head of Gold - Babylonian Empire - exciled the Kingdom of Yahudah (Judah) to Babylon, and Jerusalem and the temple was desolated and destroyed. The nephilim special abilities and height were as precious as gold. The sorcerers, magicians, and witches are powerful, creating black magics and spells, and the warriors among them were really tall, could be ten feet and above. The nephilim kings of the empire came from Canaan bloodline.

2. Shoulder of Silver - Medo-Persian Empire - brought back the Kingdom of Yahudah (Judah) to Yashar'el and the temple was reconstructed. But the nephilim tribes of Samaria greatly oppossed the temple construction, but they were unsuccessful in raising their complaint to the king of Medo-Persia. The nephilim (sorcerers, magicians, and witches) special abilities were reduced to silver, their magics and spells deteriorated but still have preciousness in it, and the height of its warriors were reduced to nine feet tall. Because of the mingling of nephilim and men, the nephilim characteristics of their offsprings deteriorated from Gold to Silver. The nephilim kings of the empire came from Madai (Medes).

3. The Belly and Thighs of Brass - Grecian Empire - this empire was lead by a powerful nephilim warrior, Alexander the great. But he didn't last long, he died then the empire was divided between Alexander's four generals (4 kingdoms).
1. Lysimachus - who took Thrace and much of Asia Minor.
2. Cassander - controlled Macedonia and Greece.
3. Ptolemy I - ruled Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra, and Cyprus. He founded the Ptolemaic Dynasty which lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE.
4. Seleucus I Nicator - ruled the remainder of Asia and founded the Seleucid Empire which was comprised of Syria and Mesopotamia, the Levant, Persia, and part of India.
But the Ptolemaic Dynasty (King of the South - Daniel 11) and Seleucid Empire (king of the North - Daniel 11) battled each other to have control over Yahudah (Judah) and Jerusalem. And the battle between king of the South (Canaan bloodline) and king of the North (Madai bloodline) will continue up to the end times. And out of Seleucid Empire, the king of the North, will come out a little horn that will conquer Jerusalem and defile the temple. And this happened when the Seleucid Empire begins to fall (the 4 kingdoms of Greece begin to fall), the Hasmoneans and the Pharisees (the replacement of the northern tribes of Yashar'el) conquered Jerusalem and defiled the temple. The Pharisees, from Persia - Medes - from Madai bloodline who practise the mingled worship and prosper, became the temple in charge at Jerusalem replacing the Levite priests which were exciled in Bethabara, now modern day Qumran. And some of the Hasmoneans became the Sadducees (from Canaan bloodline).
The nephilim (sorcerers, magicians, and witches) special abilities were reduced to Brass, lost its preciousness, but the warriors among them were strong, and their height were reduced to eight feet tall. Because of the mingling of nephilim and men, the nephilim characteristics of their offsprings deteriorated from Silver to Brass. This nephilim empire was lead by Madai bloodline (these were the nephilim who ran to Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey, after the fall of Assyrian empire)!

4. Legs of Iron - Roman Empire - this nephilim controlled empire is strong and great, and will destroy and break their enemies into pieces. The nephilim (sorcerers, magicians, and witches) special abilities were reduced to Iron, completely deteriorated and lost its preciousness, but its warriors have the hardness of Iron, which were strong and powerful, and their height were also reduced to seven feet tall. Because of the mingling of nephilim and men, the nephilim characteristics of their offsprings deteriorated from Brass to Iron. And during the Roman Empire reigned at Jerusalem, Messiah Yahusha identified the remnants of the nephilim:
Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."
If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by the Father YAHUWAH, who planted them? They are the remnant of nephilim (thy seed in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."), the sons of fallen angels and daughters of men! They were not created by the Father YAHUWAH, but a product of abomination! That's why they must be rooted up!
The power of the 2 cursed tribes (Pharisees and Sadducees) conspired to crucify Yahusha Messiah at the cross while the Romans executed this power. But the plan of salvation was laid out to all humanity, men and nephilim, that all will be saved through Yahusha alone! You must love Him with all your heart, with all your soul, with and your strength, and keep His commandments.
Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that he might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."
The enmity was slained at the cross, and through YAHUSHA, both (thy seed and her seed) have access by one Spirit to the Father. But the nephilim bloodline of the Pharisees and Sadducees continually played the enmity... they persecuted the apostles of Messiah, and they never believe in Yahusha ha'Mashiach.
When the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, the Pharisees and Sadducees went to Turkey, Russia, and Russian Steppes (Eastern Europe). And they built their headquater in Turkey, where Satan dwell and his seat of power. Revelation 2:13,  "I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth."
This nephlim empire was lead by Canaan bloodline (these were the nephilim who went to Europe after they were kickout from Canaan during the time of Joshua the son of Nun)!

5. Feet of Iron mixed with Clay - Divided Kingdoms - Communism and Capitalism - after many years, the remnant of two cursed tribes separated their ways. The remnant of Madai bloodline, the Pharisees, remained at Turkey, Russia, and Russian Steppes (Eastern Europe), while the remnant of Canaan bloodline, the Sadducees, relocated Satan's seat of power to Rome, the holy Roman Empire, Vatican, in Central and Western Europe. And this new seat of power, the holy Roman empire, the papacy, will change times and laws: Daniel 7:25,  "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."        The power of the papacy, the holy Roman Empire changed the beginning of the new day from sunrise (0.0th hour biblical clock/6am modern clock) to twelve midnight (12 midnight or 12am, modern clock), and changed the worship from Sabbath (Sabado - the 4th commandment) to Sunday, and removed the second commandment, "thou shall not make yourself a graven image".
And the conflict of the two cursed tribes, the Divided kingdoms, will continue up to the end with the king of the South as capitalism, EU (Canaan bloodline), and the king of the north as the communism, Russia (Madai bloodline). This is a showdown battle to have control of the promised land, Yashar'el and Jerusalem. But Canaan will win the conflict and his nephilim bloodline will build the 3rd temple at Jerusalem lead by the Vatican.

And these are the faces of two cursed tribes:
Two Little Horns
Canaan - a Litte Horn that popped up in holy Roman Empire that changed times and laws! (Daniel 7)
Madai - a Little Horn that popped up in one of the 4 kingdoms of Grecian Empire (king of the north - Seleucid Empire) that defiled the temple at Jerusalem and crucified Yahusha (broken without hand - Daniel 8)!

Two Beasts (anti-Messiah and the false prophet) in Revelation 13
Canaan - the Beast, the anti-Messiah, that come out of the sea with a deadly wound that was healed, and Satan give power and great authority. And the empire has had ten kings.
Madai - the Beast, the false prophet, that come out of the earth, and he was given power by the anti-Messiah that all populate will be "mark" or will be killed. And his kingdoms has 2 horns or 2 kings that looks like a lamb, pretended to be lamb, pretended to be righteous nations. The US has an obelisk of Ba'al and the dome of Ishtar at their country's capital, and Israel has an obelisk of Ba'al and the dome of Ishtar at the top of their government building, just like the obelisk of Ba'al and dome of Ishtar at the Vatican (the anti-Messiah give them power).

They Hold The World Religion In The Endtimes
Canaan - they hold the seat of Satan and they said, "they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars:" These are the Nicolaitans, the Roman Catholic church lead by the papacy. (Revelation 2:2)
Madai - they worship the synagogue (church) of Satan and said, they are Yahudim (Jews), from the tribes of Yashar'el, but are not, but do lie! Israel today, the Rabbinic Judaism. (Revelation 2:9)

They were the Pharisees (Madai) and the Sadducees (Canaan) that usurp the authority of the tribes of Yahudah (Judah - Southern Kingdom) and the tribes of Yashar'el (Northern Kingdom), they were not from the tribes of Yashar'el, but were the replacements from Assyria, the enmity of true Yashar'el!
And close to the end, the two divided kingdoms will be destroyed, Canaan and Madai! Just like the center of Egyptian Empire (Canaan) at the time of Moses which was completely destroyed and desolated, the center of Assyrian Empire (Madai) was destroyed and desolated, the center of Babylonian Empire (Canaan) was destroyed and desolated, the center of Medes-Persian Empire (Madai) was destroyed and desolated, the center of Grecian Empire (Madai) was destroyed and desolated, the center of Romans Empire (Canaan) was destroyed and desolated! Here's the prophecy of Ezekiel that says what will happen in these two centers (headquarters) of divided kingdoms:
Ezekiel 39:6,  "And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH."       A fire (could be nuclear missile) will be sent to Russia (Magog), the center of "communism" (Madai); and a nuclear missile will be sent also to them that dwell carelessly in the isles, there is no other isles that is the center of "capitalism", only the British Isles (Canaan)! These two areas will be destroyed and desolated just like former empires before it. And YAHUWAH, our Almighty Elohiym and our Saviour YAHUSHA, will make known to them (the 2 cursed tribes - nephilim bloodline) that He is in control of the earth!

But the end will be the whole statue of Nebucadnezzar's dream, the Final Empire! This is form after the center of capitalism and communism were destroyed and most of the world economy will collapse, the world collapses, and will push satan minions to reset the world, the Great Reset. Then the world will come out with a new order, the New World (Order) Empire of the Beast! This will be the coming of 4th Industrial Revolution when people will modify their DNA to be other than men, more advance men in terms of ability, strength, intelligence, durability, and power. And the final empire will be lead by the anti-Messiah, Gog, the beast, with a deadly wound that was healed, he died and resurrected, because satan is a expert of imitation. And also by the false prophet that will push the world populate to modify their DNA to be other than men, transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, or men with the mark of the beast. Back to the day of Noah: Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."      And the New World Empire of the Beast, the final empire, will also be destroyed and desolated in the endtimes!

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