
Monday, September 19, 2022

Are We Moving Closer To The Mark Of The Beast?

The events that are happening right now world wide at an unprecedented rate only shows us one thing, the "mark of the beast" is looming at the horizon. This thing will surely happen in our lifetime whether we like it or not. We are always hopeful that our normal lives we be back soon after we experienced challenging times during the pandemic, but those are all wishful thinking! We have to live by it, with it, because the worse is yet to come! We are on the crossroad where the biblical prophecies are being fulfilled, and the world events are unfolding right before our eyes. And the world elites (globalists) agenda is to push the world for a Great Reset. And how can you reset the world that isn't broken? That's why, the globalists have yearly meetings to set the world's direction according to their plan. And the world's direction need a collapse, a crush economically and politically, so that the world's order that will come out is according to their liking, their wishlist since the time of the tower of Babel where everyone is united and in one language, the New (One) World Order. We cannot downplay the events that are here with us and the events that will be unfolding, all these things are here with us for a reason. We must be watchful, and know what is happening all around us. We have to ask for guidance in the name of our Heavenly Father YAHUWAH and through the Son, our Messiah, YAHUSHA. He will lead us in challenging times, and know the truth concerning to all the events that are unfolding. Surely, a "Light" will be given to us that will remove the strong delusion (the deception) that we are in, and the "Light" will be our guide moving forward. The time is fast approaching, and the "4th Industrial Revolution" will be here with us. It will also be the time when human genetics go hand and hand with material science. It is also the time when men wanted to be not just an ordinary man, but a more complex and advance man in terms of knowledge and intelligence, abilities, awareness, skills, strength, and durability. It is a day when the new invention will come out and most wanted to aspire to be one of them, to be like the Human Hybrids, or Transhumans, or Cyborgs, or Nephilim 2.0. Back to the days of Noah before the flood!

What is really the mark of the beast? To answer this popular question, we have to decipher what is really the "mark" in Revelation 13, the origin of this word!

Revelation 13:16-18,  "{16} And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {17} And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. {18} Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

The "mark" is not a spiritual "mark", but a visible "mark" engraved or etched in your forehead, or in your right hand (like a tatoo). It is a sign or an indication that you have done something to yourself, and because of this act, you become irredeemable, no more salvation in you. A "mark" that will identify you to be not just an ordinary man, but more complex man, more advance man, and a mighty man, a nephilim. If you aren't one of them, whether you're great or small, rich or poor, free man or slave, you can't buy or sell or do a transanction with them, or else you will be killed. This mark could be the name of the beast, or his title (need more research on the name of the beast, could be in Hebrew, or Greek, or Latin), or the number of his name which corresponds to 666!

How will one person qualifies to be "mark"? By transgressing the Law of Creation, or they call it tampering with the engines of creation. This isn't a random selection and just like that, one possessed a "mark". The "marking" is done in our own freewill. And transgressing or defying the Law of Creation is when people aspire to be more than just a man. To be more of a hybrid being, more advance, highly intelligent, and mighty. And all of these are made possible through DNA modification, and implanting a graphene chip in your brain and in your hand. And you will be "mark" as a sign that you undergone DNA modification, and will set you apart from the rest of humanity, and you aren't a normal man anymore.

And this new technology is already here with us! We are just pre-occupied with the narratives of this world. Let's look into the 4th Industrial Revolution, why are the globalists pushing it as the new trend? The 4th Industrial Revolution is describe as: "It is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It's a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies." Therefore, during the 4th Industrial Revolution, the new technology meets biology, like material engineering meets genetic engineering, it's a fusion of physics and biology. And during that day, transhumanism becomes a trend, and most people wanted to modify their DNA to be at par with the new technology.

Here's a news report from Manila Times dated, May 25, 2022:

"Samsung to invest $356 billion in next 5 years" - "SEOUL: South Korean conglomerate Samsung Group on Tuesday unveiled a massive 450-trillion-won ($356-billion) investment blueprint for the next five years aimed at making it a frontrunner in a wide range of sectors from semiconductors to biologics."

Semiconductor to biologics? Samsung is investing billions for a semiconductor chips that will be implanted in you! And their time table is next 5 years... approximately 2027! It is when the climate clock (some call it the Great Reset clock) in New York will expire or end! Coincidence? 2027, the Great Reset era maybe?

Here's from TIME dated June 30, 2022, "We're Dangerously Close to Giving Big Tech Control Of Our Thoughts."

We are dangerously close in giving the tech giants control of our thoughts because we have been lied by them. This pandemic made this thing possible that's why they are so certain with controlling our thoughts!

Here's a famous qoute from Yuval Noah Harari, top Advisor of Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum, one of the leader of Great Reset:  "With a new technology, it's now possible to hack your brain."  (from "Yuval Noah Harari" Youtube channel with a video entitled: "Jonathan Haidt & Yuval Noah Harari: Adapting to Change in an Accelerating World", March 2022)

It's possible to hack our brain because they have done something to us! This is not just a new technology that, just like that, they can hack and control us, and even track our movements. The bow and arrow (design of injection is like a bow and arrow or the vaccine) make this thing possible, and it's not because of their intelligence and being smart, they simply deceive us!

All the news only signals one thing, the coming of 4th Industrial Revolution is inevitable. The time of its (new inventions) coming is already set by them during the Great Reset era (2027-based on the climate clock or great reset clock in New York). They will create multiple events and mingled it so that the world's populate will lose focus in the actual scenario and their sight will be shifted to the other events. The real scenario (plan) is to stage chaos done with a purpose, and to summon the transhumans, or human hybrids, or DNA modified men, to be the new trend world wide, and not just a trend but to force the populate to be a nephilim 2.0. And these chaotic scenarios caused by the multiple events are meant for the world to collapse, then they will RESET the world, the Great Reset! And these events are as follows (Matthew 24:7 events):

1. Pestilence (Pandenmic) - Is the virus of this pandemic real? 100% YES! But, it is done with a purpose! It is done to establish the sensors, neurons, and senaptecs, in our body and brain. And this is made possible through the vaccine! Yes, it carries immunity to it, but it has something else. That's why the prophecy of Revelation 6:1-2, is a perfect fit. The 1st Seal, which is a White Horse Rider that has a CROWN and a BOW, and he conquers the world with authority (CROWN), and a gun without a bullet (BOW without an arrow). He conquered the world through deception? Hmmm... but wait! A BOW in Greek is TOXON, which is a weapon of both an arrow and a bow, just like PANA in Pilipino, a weapon of both an arrow and a bow! But in Greek, an arrow is dip in a poison. It's where the words TOXIC and TOXICON  came from. Now, the White Horse Rider conquer the world with a CROWN (corona) and one must have a BOW and arrow (the design of injection is like a bow and arrow) to be safe and live a life of new normal. It's just a coincidence that this biblical narrative came out, "you can't buy and sell"! For almost 2000 years, this biblical narrative came out, and most viewed it as nothing. There's a greater posibility that this prophecy will be fulfilled than throwing it to the bin. Why do you think "you can't buy and sell" without the BOW and arrow (vaccine)? Because their new invention at the coming 4th Industrial Revolution can't work and won't work, without the BOW and arrow! For immunity is just a part of it, that's why, it's better to have the natural immunity!

What place do you think the White Horse Rider resides? No other than UK, their country's seal has a White Horse to it. And most of the big Pharma main Research Labs are located in the UK, and even in the US, big Pharma Research Labs have addresses that ressembled that of the UK, like Pfizer with a US address in New England. And check this out, Pfizer Research Lab address in China: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China. "Number 666", Wuhan China! Where the "crown" originated! Coincidence? Remember, this pandemic will ease a little while but the worse is yet to come!

2. Wars (nations shall rise against nations) - Nation in Greek is "ethnos" meaning, people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture. The people of this nations are of the same ethnicity, the same tribe, and the same root. Therefore, the conflicts or wars is summon to the countries of the same root or ethnicity, that they should kill one another! A perfect fit for Revelation 6:4, a Red Horse Rider who takes the peace on the earth, and that they should kill one another. And a GREAT SWORD was given to him. And this war is already happening right now, like Russia and Ukraine, both came from former USSR, of the same root and same ethnicity. The same patterns or conflicts are brewing right now like China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, and even Iran and Israel (modern Israel = Pharisees... from Persia-Medes, not from the tribes of Yashar'el), and etc.. And this conflict is between the world's two oppossing factions, communism vs capitalism! The "divided kingdoms" of Daniel 2:41-42 prophecy.

1. Iron (Communism) - a pure nephilim or pagan belief.

2. Iron mixed with miry Clay (Capitalism) - a nephilim or pagan belief mixed with the belief of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA (Clay=Men - Isaiah 64:8), like Christmas - the celebration of Saturnilia (Saturn god) in December 25 winter solstice mixed with the birth of Messiah (actual birth of Messiah Yahusha is on the Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks, or Shabu'ah, on the 1st or 2nd week of June); Easter Sunday - is a celebration of the moon goddess ISIS, Esther, Isthar, Astharoth, Astarte, harlot of Babylon, statue of Mary, statue of Liberty, and the mystery Babylon, mixed with the resurrection of Yahusha Messiah (resurrection of Messiah was on Sabbath at dawn prior to the first day of the week, Sunday, sunrise is the beginning of the new day, a biblical clock since creation, "let there be light"!); the name of the Father YAHUWAH (YHWH) was replaced by the LORD (translated directly to Ba'al in Hebrew) in the bible; and the name of our Messiah YAHUSHA was replaced by Jesus Christ which is the name of two Roman gods, Hesus aka Zues and Khristna.

The main purpose of these wars is to summon the communism style of rule world wide after the Great Reset, and in the New World Order. The powerful individuals like transhumans or human hybrids need strict rules to create peace and safety, communism is a perfect fit for them!

What place is the Red Horse Rider resides? No other than Russia, their flag and symbol are dominated by communism RED! And the countries aligned with Russia (China, North Korea, Iran) have their flags dominated by RED. And a GREAT SWORD was given him - to Russia! Check this out: Based on Strong's Concordance, a "sword" (in this passage) is a Dirk, a dagger, a stabbing weapon; a very short, curved cutlas. And look what I found: The Kh 47M2 kinzhal (kinzhar in English is a dagger) is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistc air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2000 km, Mach 12 speed, and an ability to perform evasive manuevers in every stage of its flight. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads and can be launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31K interceptors. It has been deployed at Russia's Southern Military District and Western Military District. The kinzhal entered military service in December 2017 and is one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. A NUCLEAR MISSILE, a GREAT SWORD, is given to Russia to kill the people of some nations of the world and they are unstoppable! And the communism style rule will win, but no countries will win the war! Remember, these conflicts will result to a world war 3 like scenario with the nuclear attacks as the finality!

3. Famines or Food shortages - this famine is the result of the first two events. The transports of goods (tuckings and ships) are affected by the pandemic (pestilience) because of lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine and Russia made it worse because almost 30% of European wheats came from Ukraine, and more than 40% of supply of crude oil and natural gas in Europe came from Russia (the trade with Russia was on halt because of sanctions). Then, you add climate change (unpredictable weather caused by weather manipulation) and soaring prices of crude oil, these will push the worse food shortages or famines to be felt next year (2023) or early 2024. But I call this event a manufactured famine! They (globalists) who orchestrated this famine already knew what will be the outcome that will lead to the collapse of the food staples woldwide. They are doing it with a purpose! Let's examine the prophecy of Revelation 6:5-6, where, the black horse rider carries balances in his hand and he measure the prices of wheat and barley (grains) and it become too expensive that ordinary men wages are just enough to buy a kilo of wheat or kilos of barley (grains become too expensive!). But the prices of oil (cooking oil) and wine are not affected. What are the source of wine and oil? The sources of wine are from the grapes, coconut, rice, sugarcane, and etc., and the sources of oil are olives, coconut, vegetable, and etc.. If the sources of wine and oil are not affected, there is no drought in the land. The productions of oil, wine, or even grains are normal (but they aren't planting because of climate change! What a strange idea!). This only shows that this is a forced or manufactured famine done with a purpose! What is their purpose? The purpose is to summon the DNA modified grains and other food staples as the only food consumption during the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset era. The only foods for the transhumans, human hybrids, or DNA modified men. Grains and food products must defy the Law of Creation to be a standard consumption for the people that defy the Law of Creation. The traditional grains and food products are the creation of our Heavenly Father YAH, the DNA still bares the signature and the name of our Creator YAH. This will degrade the well-being of men who defy the Law of creation, the transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0. Therefore, the foods (grains and vegetable products) for transhumans, for modified or altered men, must have the signature or the name of the beast, the foods that defy the Law of creation by modifiying its DNA. And nobody knows what their doing because they have an effective narrative. And this narrative is: "the new foods are healthier, mostly plant based, and is good for the environment."  And you know what's the no. 4 prediction of World Economic Forum for 2030 (there are 8 predictions)? "You'll eat less much meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health."  A very effective narrative to lure us and deceive us! And their no. 1 prediction is, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy!"  You lose your freedom to own and you'll be happy? Really? Their (globalists) plan for this world is already laid out to us in our plain sight but most are busy with their earthly lives following the paradigm of this world, in short, we are blinded. Their moves for this foods shortages is very well calculated after the two deceptive attacks (pestilence and wars) were performed and most people will not know it, because most are immerse to the narratives of this world propagandized by mass media, movies, and TV shows. But we are just in the first phase on their deceptive attacks. Here's one of the comment coming from a scientist who is modifying foods for the next generation, the Great Reset:  "21st century gave the mass production of foods, tasty, safe, affordable, and convenient. But then, people became more obese, diabetes is on the rise, IBD, and tonsilitis, and then late in the 90's, early 2000, people begun to look for healthier food option, then food and health became a vocation, the market begun to demand better foods. Then the next phase of the evolution of food industries, the intersection between humans and their foods."   What is the next phase of the evolution of our foods? The DNA modified foods that will replace the traditional foods. The foods that are "mark", just like men! The intersection of foods and men! That's why this narrative is very important to them: "You can't buy and sell."  Because, they want to see to it that no foods in the market that has the "signature" of our Creator, YAH! These traditional foods are not good and suitable for transhumans! It will degrade their well-being!

And the black horse riders resides in Germany, and Germany has a black NAZI flag and symbol, and their current flag is dominated by black. Remember, the worst famine is yet to come! Could be 2023, or 2024?

And these three events are joined with the rising of crude oil prices, climate change - unpredictable world's weather caused by weather manipulation, economics collapse, and all of these fuels to the worst scenorio that will lead the globalists to RESET the world, the Great Reset! And the finality after these three events is "earthquake" that will result to a shift of the world's paradigm, the Apostate Generation, or the Generation of Apostasy, or back to the Days of Noah! This will be my topic on a separate discussion.

And the Great Reset and the "marking" of men is prophesied in Revelation:

Revelation 6:8,  "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

A Pale Horse Rider: and his name that sat on him is Death, and Hades, or Sheol, or Underworld (Hell) followed with him. How is this possible? The Pale Horse Rider already had a covenant with Death, he already done something to himself that made him irredeemable, no more salvation in him. He already modified his DNA! And remember, your DNA is what you are and who you are! The name of the Father, our Creator, is in our DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in our DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridges that keep our DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds the letters in Hebrew, "YOD HEH WAW HEH" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! His "signature" is in our DNA because we are created after His own image and His own likeness! Once, you agreed to modify your DNA and to implant a chip in your brain and in your hand, it isn't you after the process! You are a new creation! Through DNA modification, you removed the Creator of all things YAH, and replaced it with the name associated with the Beast and Satan himself. That's denying the image of Elohiym in you and accepting the image of the beast. The only reason why Hades, or Sheol, or Underworld (hell), followed with him. He is already destined to condemnation, and he already has a "mark of the Beast" literally engraved in his forehead or right hand as identification that he isn't a normal man!

And he commanded his minions with the mark of the Beast, who have the authority over fourth part of the earth or 1/4 of the earth (literally dry land, where human dwell; 3/4 of the earth is water or oceans), to broadcast to all the populate worldwide, to modify their DNA or be killed!

1. Kill with a sword (Wars, he is using the Red Horse Rider - Russia) - he will make wars to communities, tribes, or countries, who refuses the "mark", and will punish them by beheading!

2. Kill with hunger (Famine, he is using the Black Horse Rider - Germany) - he commanded all the markets and stores worldwide that no grains, vegetables, and other food products, to be sold that is not DNA modified! Major cities worldwide are into his directive, and "you can't buy or sell" without the "mark"!

3. Kill with plague or death (Pestilence-Pandemic, he is using the White Horse Rider - UK) - a deadly variant or strain of the crown virus will be released, and one must modify his DNA to live! It's like, to modify your DNA and be safe but a sure condemnation and no more salvation in you; or to suffer the deadly virus but a sure salvation/redemption of soul in the final day of judgment! The virus will be deadly to people who completed the bow and arrow.

4. Kill with the beasts of the earth (a sign that the "marking" is already here with us!) - there are two ways to be killed by the beast of the earth: 1. If the beasts of the earth are modified (DNA), the modified beasts will start attacking men that are not modified, ordinary men! 2. Man was given dominion over the beast of the earth at creation, and that authority and dominion over the beast of the earth are removed to them who modified their DNA and have the "mark", because they are now a new creation, they defied the order of creation. Therefore, the attacked and be killed by the beast of the earth are to them who have the "mark", or the modified men, or transhumans! This is vice versa, a pure chaos!

Where do you think the Pale Horse Rider resides? It is Vatican - the Papacy! Their flag and symbol is yellowish Pale color! And Pale can also be green or greenish color, and "Laudato Si" is green - green revolution - climate change! The Papacy is using the three events plus climate change and hyperinflation to reset the world (Great Reset) into a New World Order, with the people that are "marked"!

And the Pale Horse Rider is equal to the 4th Beast in Daniel 7:

Daniel 7:23-24,  "{23} Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. {24} And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings."

This is the prophecy of the 4th Beast, the 4th kingdom that will rise upon the earth (the 4th Industrial Revolution - New World Order). This kingdom shall be diverse (diverse is the same as change, alter, or modify - based on strong's concordance) from all the kingdoms (the three kingdoms before it). Could be that this kingdom undergone DNA modification to its populate. And it shall destroy the whole earth, shall tread it down and break it in pieces. The kingdom must destroy the whole earth (world wide collapse) in order to "RESET" it, or they simply called it, the "Great Reset". And ten kings shall arise out of the altered kingdom: and another, the "little horn", shall arise from them, and he shall be diverse, or change, or alter, or modify, from his first estate, and he shall subdue three kings, namely, the king from the 1st kingdom, the 1st Beast - Lion - UK, the king from the 2nd kingdom, the 2nd Beast - Bear - Russia, and the king from the 3rd kingdom, the 3rd Beast - Leopard - Germany (all kingdoms are from Daniel chapter 7).

And the 4th Beast, the Little Horn, changed times and laws:

Daniel 7:25,  "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

And the Beast, the little horn, the papacy, blashpemed against the most High YAHUWAH by exalting Ba'al or LORD, and exalting Hesus (Zeus) and Krishna or Jesus Christ, and he wear out the true followers, the righteous, of the Most High YAHUWAH. And changed times and laws!

1. He changed times - he changed the beginning of the new day from "sunrise" (0th hour biblical clock; 6am moden clock) to 12 midnight, for Sunday worshippers. He also changed the beginning of the new day from "sunrise" (0th hour biblical clock; 6am modern clock) to "sunset", for sundown Sabbath worshippers (6pm Friday - modern Israel). And also changed the biblical months, and the head of days or biblical new year in March (summer solstice) to January 1st, and the bilical year from 364 days to 365 and 1/4 days.

2. He changed laws - the first commandment start with "I am YHWH - YAHUWAH (YHWH was replaced by the LORD or Ba'al), you shall have no other Elohiym before Me". At the first commandment, everybody transgressed the law by exalting Ba'al or LORD instead of the Father YAHUWAH without us knowing! Then, replaced the second (2nd) commandment, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images...", then placed the third (3rd) commandment to the second, the placed the fourth (4th) commandment ("Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy"... but they never kept it and replaced it with Sunday) to the third, then breakdown to tenth (10th) commandment into two (2) commandments to have their Ten (10) Commandments completed. And the latest, they call their Sunday worship as the Sabbath!

It not hard to understand who they are? They always associated themselves to the apostles, and called themselves father! The papacy! Matthew 23:9,  "And call no man your Father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."   And it was Constatine the great who change times and laws, their 1st pope!

And Revelation confirmed the Little Horn, the Beast, the anti-Messiah, the Pale Horse Rider, the Papacy:

Revelation 13:2,  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

And the Beast is like a Leopard (Germany), his dominion is in Central Europe (Vatican), and his feet are like a Bear (Russia), he commanded his troops in Eastern Europe to kill one another, and his mouth is like a Lion (UK), he speaks fluent in English accent after DNA modification, and his command comes from Western Europe, and speak a lot of lies. And Satan, the dragon gave him his power (deceive nations), an his throne, and great authority worldwide! The Beast, anti-Messiah, is uniting the Roman Catholic (western and central Europe) and Orthodox Christian (eastern Europe), he is uniting the two oppossing forces, western and central Europe (EU) - capitalism and Russia - communism. He is uniting the world creating a New World Order, where the DNA modified men, transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, will have dominion over the earth.

And Ezekiel identified the Beast, the anti-Messiah, the Little Horn, the Pale Horse Rider, Gog, the Papacy:

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith the Father YAHUWAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"     Gog, the prince demon origin was Magog, and became the chief price of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify these places? Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah. When the earth was divided by Noah between his three sons (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got the land of Asia, Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe, and Japheth and Ham divided America, the north (northern hemisphere) went to Japheth and the south (southern hemisphere) went to Ham. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles but he didn't like it, so, he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Assyria (Medes) now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the source of Beast's power). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the Brit Isles since Madai despised the land. Tubal got the Central Europe. Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Macedonia-Greece and the Isles and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear, Red Horse) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion, White Horse) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard, Black Horse). Gog controls the EU, his new seat of power - capitalism, but his bloodline came from Russia - communism (original seat of satan is in eastern Europe and Turkey)! Gog power is the papacy, he could be Bergoglio? The last pope? Just a coincidence maybe! He is the first to modify his DNA in order to live!

And the other Beast, the False Prophet, will also rise in behalf of the 1st Beast (the anti-Messiah), that will implement the mark of the beast (DNA modification) to humanity:

Revelation 13:11-12,  "{11} And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. {12} And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."

Another Beast coming out of the earth, out of the less populated area. And he had two horns or two countries like a lamb or pretented to be a lamb, and he speak like a dragon (a lot of deceit), and exercise all the power of Papacy, the 1st Beast, the anti-Messiah. And he causeth, or do, or make, or construct, the earth! Looks like the False Prophet is redesigning or recreating the earth (after the Great Reset) to a New World Order, and them that dwell therein, "them that dwell therein"? Why not use here "men" or "human"? Because, they are also recreating "men" to be transhumans or human hybrids. And once they modified (DNA) them, the False Prophet intructed them to worship the first Beast, the anti-Messiah, whose deadly wound was healed (the anti-Meassiah is the first to modify his DNA in order to come to life again, he died and resurrected! Satan is the master of imitation). And what are these two countries or two horns like a lamb? These countries are the US and Israel! The US came from a less populated area during the 1700s, and Israel came from a less populated or desolated area before they became a nation. The USA national motto is "In God we trust", but don't you know that their capital in Washington DC has an obelisk of Ba'al and their government building (white house) has a dome of Ishtar? Just like the obelisk and dome at the Vatican, the 1st Beast, the anti-Messiah. And the US exercises the power of the 1st Beast! And why Israel? Because Israel today is not from the tribes of Israel (Yashar'el) and Judah (Yahudah). The Pharisees, now the Rabbis, are not from the tribes of Yashar'el! They were the replacement of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el when all the tribes were exciled to Assyria (modern day Kurdistan). And they attacked the Southern Tribes of Yashar'el (Yahudah - Judah) and usurp the temple at Jerusalem during the 165 BC Hasmonean revolt. The Levites were exciled to Bethabara now modern day Qumran, where the Deadsea scrolls were found! Who holds the temple at the time of Messiah, and until the temple was destroyed? It was the Pharisees! And their remnants formed the modern day Israel. Revelation 2:9,  "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."     They pretended to be Yahudim or Yah's people (the real translation of the word "Jews"), and are not, but do lie, but worship in the synagogue of Satan! The Rabbis is equal to the Pharisees! And don't you know that, on the top of their government building, there is an obelisk and a dome similar to the US and the Vatican! Now, you know! Israel exercises the power of the 1st Beast! The False Prophet is a Jew coming from the US or Israel... this is still a mystery, but we will recognize him by his worldly prophecy! Could be Yuval Noah Harari? Just my take...

Revelation 13:13-15,  "{13} And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, {14} And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. {15} And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

And he showed great wonders, so that he make lightning to strike at the dome of Vatican, or even in the obelisk of Vatican, in the sight of men, and deceive them, the expectators, by means of those miracles. And saying to them, the modified men, the transhumans, that they should make an image of the beast or "avatar" of the beast (it's easy for them to create an "avatar" of the beast because their brain are interface to the computers, and are connected to the network), which had the wound by the sword, and did live! And the false prophet had power to give life unto the "avatar" (image) of the beast (he controls the "avatar" through the net because the network connection is world wide using the Starlink satellites, and if you have the "mark", wherever you go, you are track!), that the "avatar" of the beast should also speak, and do or act or cause those who don't worship the "avatar" of the beast to be killed by sending a computer programming (kill programming) that will kill or destroy you! That's how hitech the 4th Industrial Revolution is!

And the False Prophet made all or instructed all to modify their DNA and have the "mark", etched or engraved in their forehead or right hand to show and identify that they are modified men (like vaccination ID but this time, it is etch like a tatoo), and they become transhumans, human hybrids, cyborgs, or nephilim 2.0.

Our Father, the Creator YAH, made man out of the dusts of Clay! And the RC is putting a "cross", "+", on the foreheads of their believers, from the dusts, but not out of Clay, but out of the dusts of Carbon. And Carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons, 666! And Cain was curse when he killed his brother Abel, and was "marked" in his forehead as a sign that nobody would kill him or murder him, or else, the person will get a seven (7) times curse! And a "mark" in Hebrew is like a "cross". Is the "mark of the beast" a "cross"? Is RC practicing the "mark" every Ash Wednesday?

And graphene is a Carbon. The Greek for Carbon is ánthrakas, which is a coal, or anthrax. Hmmm... interesting! And here's an interesting news: "Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells. (In-vitro Swedish Study)" - this is what's happening in our cells, but Pfizer never told us... they knew it from the beginning, and now there are showng it what's happening in our cells! And one of the vaccine content is nano-particles called artificial mRNA... that are made up of graphene! Hmmm...???

And climate change is all about green revolution, green environment, carbonization, and low carbon footprint! What's in the Carbon that it is so important to them? 666? Just coincidence maybe?

Here's a brief review of a book by Yuval Noah Harari entitled "Homo Deus". Homo means Human; Deus means God:

The book sets out to examine possibilities of the future of Homo sapiens. The premise outlines that during the 21st century, humanity is likely to make a significant attempt to gain "happiness", "immortality", and "God-like powers". Throughout the book, Harari openly speculates various ways that this ambition might be realised in the future based on the past and present.

With this popular book, Harari is pressing the propaganda of transhumanism with God-like powers and immortality, the future of humanity! This is the globalists plan all along! The people with the "mark of the beast"!

And the mark of the beast is equals to DNA modification! They are modifying the DNA of men and mingled it with the DNA of nephilim of old (preserved archeological finds). And this nephilim of old were irredeemable beings, that why they were destroyed by the world wide flood, and again, they reappered after the flood but most were destroyed and killed by the tribes of Yashar'el (would kill and destroy them, women, children, sucklings/infants, old, none were left). And throught the mingling of DNA, the modified person becomes irredeemable because he accepted the DNA of irredeemabe beings!

If you really think that we are going back to normal lives, the answer is, no it's not! The path going to the Great Reset is already paved by the globalists. In a matter of years, the irredeemable beings, the transhumans, the human hybrids, the nephilim 2.0, the people with the mark of the beast will be here with us. Back to the days of Noah! Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

How close are we to the mark of the beast? It is very close! If we based on Great Reset plan, the globalists target is 2027! Five years from now! And everyone are just so blinded and are occupied with the worldly paradigm!

The collapse and failure of their plan (world wide collapse), is the accomplishment of their plan! Then the Great Reset button will be pressed (2027)! Back to the days of Noah before the flood! Back to the golden years where the DNA modified men (with the "mark of the beast"), or nephilim 2.0, or transhumans, rule and dominate the earth, and everyone must worship the "avatar" (image) of the beast or be killed!

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