
Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Dawn Of The "Mark" Is At Hand

Just a warning to everyone, Matthew 24:4,  "And Yahusha (Jesus) answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."  I'm no bible expert but here's my take.

The sign is already given to us. Revelation 13:17 KJV,  "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."      You know why they have to limit ang binta, bili and biyahe to 'WB'? Because their inventions won't work for people who defy their ideas. It is now imposed by the governments but the concepts came from the world wide elites and from the WHO who is contolled by them. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the great reset concepts is all about mind control or brain control in browsing the net and communication. Instead of using your smartphone physically, it is embdedded in your brain. It will make you smarter with infinite amount of storage and infinite access to information. You will be connected to everything! You can go to other places and act as a super hero by means of virtual reality. Smartphones will look primitive. Really great! This coming new invention look so promising and you already saw the sample of it in the new Meta ads where he call his friends by just using his hand. And the 'mark' is placed where? In your hand and in your forehead! And we believe in the hype done by the scribe, hmmm sorry, mass media pala. You know what happened to you if you fully subscribe to be fully 'B'? Your body will be ready for DNA manipulation and will also be ready for a full blown brain-computer interface modification. And once you're willing to have your brain interface with computer by implanting a chip in your head and in your hand to be use for communications, browsing the net, gaming and connecting to everything including the 'mark' of the beast, you become an unredeemable being, a new entity, a human hybrid, a nephilim 2.0. This isn't a haka haka lang or conspiracy theory, it's true! And it's been prophesied for almost 2000 years ago by John. The warning is already given to us! In our own free will, we will have to choose between science and Messiah! Between the 'mark or the 'seal'. You can only choose one! 

Let's talk about DNA manipulation. First, check out this verse from Leviticus: Leviticus 19:19 KJV,  "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle 'gender' with a 'diverse kind': thou shalt not sow thy field with 'mingled seed': neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee."      Based on Strong's Concordance: 'Gender' means - to lie stretched out, lie down, to cause to lay down (of cattle breeding) ; 'Diverse kind' means - two kinds, mixture, forbidden practice among cattle (cross breeding), seeds (sowing), and cloth garments (material) ; Mingled seed means - two kinds, mixture, forbidden practice among cattle (cross breeding), seeds (sowing), and cloth garments (material).       From the above verse, it is forbidden to mix one animal seed to another animal seed like a dog DNA mix a sheep DNA producing a dog with a beautiful sheep hair on it... like the Meta ads. Or mixing plant seeds or DNA to another plant like guyabano and atis mix together to produce 'guyatis'. Or a tree DNA mix together with "alitaptap" DNA producing a tree with a chrismas light at night, like a christmas tree. And what is detastable to Elohim (God), forbidden to the next level is mixing or manipulating man's DNA to plants' DNA or animals' DNA or machine/computer. Look at how the 'B' is made and some of its ingredients, it is a MIXture of DNA from aborted fetus, artificial mRNA and graphepe and so on. Don't believe in there lies. Science can never be God's (Elohim's) way, it's even the antithesis of God (Elohim). That's why the precursors are here. If we turn a blind eye, a 'mark' will be waiting for us coz our heart will be harden eventually. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV,  "{11} And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."     It is happening right now! They created a propaganda mascarading as truth and published it through mass media and social media. God (Elohim) permitted the deception to happen so that liars will be damned and the 'light' shine to those who seek it. Messiah Yahusha is our 'light'.

The 'mark' is forming right before our eyes! Don't be deceive by their ideas and propaganda spread through mass media and social media putting science as our saviour disregarding the whole concept of the scriptures that Yahusha (Messiah) will protect us from the pestilence by trusting to His name. The pandemic is for real... yes, but not a 100%! It is a set up for their inventions to prosper. That's why they promoted the concept called 'The Great Reset' coupled with pandemic, destabilization and wars, food shortage, famine and climate change so that their new inventions will come out after the greater world populate completed its 'B'. Where 'B' main purpose really is to instill the billions of sensors into ones body, around nano or sub-nano in size, for us to be ready for a full modification to be a new entity, a new being, a new creation! That's the crown is all about. Wait until you see the real plaques that are coming from Elohim (God)! Just like the plaques in Egypt where the Israelites strike a blood of the lamb on their doorpost to protect them from the destroyer who will smite all the first born in Egypt. This will surely be the things that we must do to protect us from the coming plaques. The "blood of the lamb at the doorpost" is the "seal of God (Elohim) where the "seal" is accepting the  'blood of Mesiah', have the testimony of Messiah and keeping His commandments. Revelation 12:11 KJV,  "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."     'Love not their lives unto the death' is keeping His commandments in the perfect way and willing to sacrifice for Him!

When was the explosion of technology started? It started around the 1950s or 1960s but since then, it is accelerating exponentially. And what did Daniel prophesied regarding the end times? Daniel 12:4 KJV,  "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."     Before, the fastest men can run to and fro is by horse, but now, travels are made even faster by cars, by trains and by airplanes and our knowledge have tremendously increased multiple times thus men invented the highly intelligent beings like AI and Brain-Computer Interface Human Hybrids. And surely, our time is near to an end! If one truly studied the bible, we have to step back as soon as we see the signs, this is no longer Elohim's (God's) plan for us. We need to get out of Babylon as fast as we can. We have been deceived all along!

Why can't we buy and sell? It is because their invention won't work to people who are 'WB'. What is this invention? It's about controlling everything and connecting to everything using your mind. The 'B' has an ingredient in it that will make a person ready for a full modification to become a human hybrid. It can't be done by just one 'B', they have to do it multiple time until the sensors and senaptecs are completed in you. And once you transcribe to a full modification and have your brain interface with computer by implanting a chip unto it and in your hand, it isn't a normal you after the process. You're a new specie and a new creation! You defies Elohim's (God's) creation, you are unreedemable being, that's receiving a 'mark of the beast'! God (Elohim) won't punish humanity by simply committing to sin. Man has to do something that makes him unredeemable and this transgression goes back to creation. "I am the Apha and Omega, the Beginning and the End". And what are these unredeemable sin that satan will promote to humanity?

1. Humanity have to defy creation - becoming a human hybrid defies creation. You lost your trust to the Almighty, the Creator. Your trust is on science and technology. You become an entity that is not part of God's (Elohim's) design. You are abomination to Him! This is like nephilim in the time of Noah before the flood!

2. Human Hybrids will have dominion over the earth. Adam and his seeds were task by God (Elohim) at creation to have dominion over the entire earth. Human Hybrids are simply more powerful than men therefore, the authority instilled to men to have dominion over the earth will be replaced by them who defies creation. This is going back to the days of Noah all over again!

3. Having your DNA modified, you're simply committing to satan plan of immortality. That's denying Messiah (Yahusha) plan of salvation! Messiah (Yahusha) never design science to be our saviour, it is the antithesis to Elohim (God).

Matthew 24:37 KJV,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

There you go! That's what the 'mark of the beast' is all about!

Finally, just my analysis here, don't take it seriously, but it can also be true. Don't you know that Taal volcano serves as a warning to us, Filipinos! His eruption last January 2020 was the beginning of pandemic, a precursor of what's to come. His next eruption, could be seven years from the previous eruption, around 2027, and it might cause so much devastations and it will be the beginning of the 'mark'. Beware! 

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