
Friday, September 17, 2021

Zombie Apocalypse in Revelation?

I found a verse in the bible that most of us watched in a fictional movies and its very interesting. Let's discuss about this topic dwelling a portion on the biblical side of it. I'm no bible expert but here's my take!

Here's the bible verse. Revelation 9:6 KJV;  “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”

Let's talk about modern science and how it affect each one of us. Today's technology is so advance that we enjoy everything that are part of it. Things are made a lot easier and we savor every part of it and are hook to it. We only see the positive side of it thus neglecting the negative aspect of it. How it affect our lives and our health. And most of us would argue that it made each one of us satisfied, so why dwell on the negative side. The enjoyment is fulfilling. But question will always linger... why it's so important for us to know the possible effect of modern science? Because modern science nowadays just went so far from ordinary to extraordinary. It is so advance that even the genetics of men can now be easily manipulated. With its latest breakthrough, genetics can now be altered a lot easier by means of gene editing technology called CRISPR. Imagine, the genes manipulation of plants, animals and human can be done in seconds. Amazing! But still, the downsides are not tackled... dwelling mostly on the positive side and down playing on the negative side.

Here are some of the famous quotes of scientists/genetic engineers; 

1. "To be able to change and engineer our gene in a way that we can live longer and much healtier."

2. "Biotechnology bringing about a new age of humanity."

3. "Everything will be better because of genetics."

Because of Genetic Engineering, human genes can be altered to make it less susciptible to sickness/diseases. It can reverse "aging", alter your height and IQ. In China, they started creating a super soldier by means of DNA manipulation. They even created a rice variety that can be harversted in just two month. All these discoveries are just phenomenal! But, is this really what God wants us to be? To be like Him? Like God?

Once you alter the genes of living things, you are also creating a new breed of species. By these, you alter God's creation which He made everything good! It is a form of blasphemy! Here's what Christ (Yahusha) said in Matthew 15:13; "He answered, Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up."   Surely, our heavenly Father will destroy the seeds which He did not formed and created!

The downside of genes maniputions can be felt forever by humanity. Once you give them a chance to alter your DNA, it means to say goodbye to being a normal man... just a man! But the temptation is so hard to resist coz persons of today are self-centered. If it can make me better, I'll give it a try. If it can beautify me and improve my health, I'll go for it. It is all about me! The seduction is greater that you can't resist it. But, what if the negative effects of all your desires is turning you into something else... like "zombie". Because of your quest to longevity, you finally achieved what you wish for... "zombie" nga lang. Being a "zombie" is a best fit for Revelation chapter 9 verse 6. Imagine, you can live longer and even if you want to die, you just can't... your life continues to go on and on and on and on!

But take note, that being a human, you can't live more than a 120 years old. It's men age limit and it's biblical. Genesis 6:3, "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."   I'm very sure, that if you live more than 120 years old, you are already a "zombie" by then.

We have to be very careful in everything that we do. The perilous times are here. There is a great plan to all humanity that will be unleash a few years from now. With what's happening all around us, the precursors are here with us. And AI and human hybrids are part of it. The deception now is far greater that most people won't recognize it. Beware, they will seduce many to be a part of the new revolution, a better version of you! Remain to be a "man", just a "man". Because DNA manipulation will be rampant. Don't believe on the advantages it offerred coz the negative side is far greater... sa huli ang pagsisisi! Don't be like "zombie".

Satan hates God and he hates His creation!

We have to protect the sanctity of men, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV; "{19} Do you not know that your bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; {20} you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."   We are precious, we have to live naturally and die naturally. There is a sure eternal life waiting for us if we put Christ (Yahusha) above all things. No need the savor the temporary things in this world, eternity awaits us in heaven if we remain faithful to Him and keep His commandments.

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