
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Then Come, Follow Me... True Ekklessia

Matthew 19:21,  Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Here's my honest discussion on this verse. I'm no bible expert but here's my take... 

This passage applies to you, me and everyone of us. It's all about simple God's plan for us! To live and work according to His will and stay away from the activities of this world. Is it literal? Yes! But why? Because there is a great deception happening out there. Christ commanded us to surrender everything we have and allow Him to take control of us. Allowing Him to be a part of our lives simply means giving up what we have, our positions, our work, our fame or even education and free us up from the great deception. And why it's hard for us to understand these things? Coz, we are tought to a prudelent paradigm from the very beginning. We inherited these things from our ancestors who too were deceived by the powers of the darkside. Cities and civilizations were created by Cain and all its concepts were being used by the principalities to seduce mankind. Creating a religion which they said were based on the bible but infused by their own teaching, the teaching of men. A christianity parading as holy and most people believe in the goodness it offered, put their lives in it and would die for it. We inherited it, so we accepted it! Always thinking that things all around us are normal as it passes daily. But beneath the surface of it all, a hidden things awaits us. A deception is in play to all of us. A religion that teaches about God, of Christ but simply tackles half truths of the scriptures. It can never be made perfect! It can never achieve a 100% truth! Daniel is pretty accurate in his prophecy. In the last days, the world will always be divided;  between Iron and Clay, "between their seed (Iron) who mingles themselves with the seed of men (Clay) but will not cleave to one another" (Daniel 2:43), between countries lead by them (Iron) and between countries lead by men (Clay) and (pertaining to religion) between the worldly teaching of men (Iron) and between the teaching of Christ (Clay). There will never be a regilion that teaches 100% truth about the scripture. It will always fall short because of worldly paradigm. A full truth (100%) can only be achieved by disconnecting ourselves to the paradigm of this world, literally out of this world, and live a life in Christ's way.

After the fall of Christ disciples, apostles and the ekklessias during the Roman Empire, no one... none of the faithfuls lead the true Ekklessia of Christ... and the holy scripture was concealed. There were cleasing of faithfuls during those time until a "RELIGION", an infused belief = doctrines of Christ + doctrines of men, was born in the new era of a Divided Kingdom. Then the inquisitions happened, the dark ages, the church expansions and all the way to the church reformation. There were a lot of changes happened in the present day religions. Many churches were born that comes close to the teaching of the scriptures but only to falls short to it. A WORLD religion will always fall short of CHRIST's teaching because it is destined to be like it, as prophesied by Daniel. It will always be an infused belief! Until the time of the Divided Kingdom is fulfilled the near future and the "Final Kingdom of the beast" is set up. The "true Ekklessia of Christ" will be born by then.

In the latter days, God will call His people out of the deception and out of the worldly paradigm. These are the believers who remain faithful to Christ and keep His commandents... having a seal of the living God in our foreheads, these separate us from the rest WORLD!

Everything that Christ said is literal.. He means it!

Are you ready to leave everything for Christ?

Side note:

Who are the Clay? From Isaiah 64:8,  "But now, O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."  If we are the Clay... who are they, the Iron? And Daniel is always accurate in his prophecy in the last days, “... many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”  Surely, knowledge has increased exponentially and people travels by cars, trains, ships and airplanes, it's much easier to go and fro. And since knowledge is increasing, we can definitely point them, the Iron... coz there are two people groups in the world today... the bloodline of Iron and the bloodline of Clay, negative or positive... through science you may know them! That's why Christ died in the cross, to saved us all! Yes all, Iron and Clay. 

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