
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Great Reset

 Here's my opinion and understanding regarding GREAT RESET which were propagated and popularised by the worldwide elites and Vatican.

The GREAT RESET happened in the time of Noah where only him, his three sons and wives survived after the flood. They called it GREAT RESET since Noah restarted the earth's activities with his sons Shem, Ham and Japeth and repopulate the entire earth after its destruction.

What is this GREAT RESET on the 21's century? 

Well, here's my opinion. We are moving full circle back to Noah's time for sure, Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."  But no flood is coming... coz in the time of Noah before the flood, the Nephilim ruled the entire earth! Who are the nephilim? They are the offspring of the son of God (Fallen angels) who mingle into the daughters of men. They transgressed the law of God and their products are abomination to God. Because their union were wicked, the product of it is more wickedness. People were then partying, eating, drinking, lusting, mixing of bloodlines and murders were rampant. The seed of men (Clay) falls victim  by their wickedness until almost none of  men's seed (Clay) exist. The serpent seed (nephilim) dominated the earth while Eve's (men) seed almost all perished except Noah and his family!

Are all these things relevant? Are we going back to the time of Noah before the flood? The answer is definitely Yes! The prophecy of Christ at Matthew 24:37-39 will surely be fulfill anytime soon. And during that time, there will be a repopulation of the whole earth with new breed of nephilim, like the human hybrid. Yes, human hybrid (Artificial Intelligence, Super Human/Soldier, etc) in which the remnant of nephilim bloodline made and invented. Why this is so? Because, when Jesus Christ (Yahusha) died at the cross, free salvations were given to all including them, the remnant of nephilim. And Satan was defeated at the cross with the plan of salvation. So Satan used all his tactics and deception to seduce mankind just like what he did to Adam and Eve at the Garden of Eden. And the remnant of them which are Satan's true followers created these new breed of nephilim- hybrid human, that is not part of God's plan of redemption, to populate the earth. And since they already invented millions of it to undisclose location, they need to depolulate the earth so that they can insert their inventions/creations. And all these things will happen in our generation!


GREAT RESET in the 21's century, only the remnant God's people will survive it all! Matthew 16:28 KJV, "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom". "Take heed that one deceives you", Matthew 24:4. But no one will believe that they are being deceive! It is happening now! If we continue to believe these worldly paradigm, we will fall. It's now high time to wake up! Coz surely, depopulation will take effect soon! Could be by means of "V & V", locust, wars, famines, etc. But "V" is not the mark of the beast. Could be a precursor to it. Revelation 13:17, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 

GREAT RESET, truly is great and they're back!

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