
Monday, August 16, 2021

Enmity between Eve seed and Servent seed


August 8, 2021

Genesis 3:14-15 KJV   "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; the shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

I am not a bible expert by this is my honest take on this prophetic message.

From the passage, it says that there are two kinds of seeds, thy seed (the serpent) and her seed (Eve). Based on most Christians belief and interpretation, Satan seeds are the wicked men that fight againts God's people and Eve's seeds are God's people who follows God's covenants. Yes, this is true! But, let's examine Cain as an example. Cain was the first born of Adam and Eve so it qualifies him as the seed of Eve right? But he did bad things and killed his brother Abel so he is qualified to be dub as the seed of the serpent? Could be but, hmmm, I'm not a fan of Cain but this is very odd and something is missing! And Seth, being the righteous son of Adam and Eve, directly qualifies to be so her seed, right? Yes! How about Cain? Both of them (Cain & Seth) are the offspring Adam and Eve, so it is more telling that they are the seed of Eve, right? Yes!

Now, Cain separated himself, take his sister as wife and built himself a city in another land. And on Genesis 6:4 KJV  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

And from then on, the prophecy of serpent seed is fulfilled. There were fallen angels at the time of old which marries and mingle with the daughters of men, possibly from the line of Cain, and they bore offsprings, some of them were Giants, mighty men and famous.

And the world that we all knew were tainted by the seed of Satan, which in Hebrew they are called the nephilim. And these people group grew and dominated the earth and drastically reduced the polulation of Eve seeds by killing them and mingle with them. This is the reason why God sent a flood to whole earth to put end on the iniquity of the serpent. But they rose up again after the flood and started dominating the world again to this day! And remember the last days prophecy of Messiah in Luke 26-27, that the days of Noah is looming around the corner in the end times and those were the days where nephilim rule the earth. Very scary... 

And Messiah came and bruise the head of the serpent and instituted the plan of salvation to everyone... yes everyone, only, if only, you have to accept Christ as your personal saviour with all your heart and with all you soul and with all you strenght and keep his commandments. And Messiah will come again (2nd coming) and will finally crash the serpent!

Presently, the enmity between them and us are happening... before I like them, now, I don't trust them but most Filipinos like them!

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