
Monday, January 6, 2025

A Critical Year Is Here With Us

 This year mark as the beginning of the global elites agenda of a Great Reset. What is the Great Reset? People in the world have no idea what the Great Reset is all about. Some never encountered it, and some knew it but treated it as ordinary narrative that is harmless. But the question is, how can you ReseT a world that is not broken? The WEF and the global elites are using flowery words about Great Reset in order for it to look good and harmless. But the Great Reset will come with chaos, confusion, and global depopulation. They have to break the world in pieces, all the system of the world will collapse, so that, they can ReseT the broken world. And then a new world dominion will begin or a ShifT to their new world, or the New World Order. And the Great Reset will be on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock, others called it the doomsday clock, or great reset clock displayed in New York that will expire or end on September of 2028. By the way, this article is not a prophecy, the idea was floated by the global elites corporate media and their propaganda machinery.

Most people think that our world will just continue as it where from the beginning, and the time tribultaion is far away from us. But the global elites are preparing (in their annual meeting at WEF) for the Shift to their new world after the global reset as written and prophesied by their think tanks or false prophets. No one can stop the agenda of the Great Reset when it occurs, because they are the world's influential people, they controlled the industrialized nations, the economic empires, and biggest religions of the world. They are the ones who set the direction of the world and their set direction is moving toward breaking the world in pieces.

If they will break the world in pieces intentionally, it will be very obvious, people in the world will greatly oppose to their agenda. How will they do it? Well, they already started to set up events that will create great chaos, confusion, and global depopulation, and eventually the world will collapse. These events are set at the right time and precisely calculated for their agenda to prosper. And these are the events:

1. The pandemics (covid19 and future deadly virus or Disease X) - it caused most countries in the world to lockdowns and the world's economies halted for almost a year until the global elites developed the vaccine for immunity. But when the vaccine came out, this prophetic narrative also came out, "you can't buy and sell", and travel without a vaccine. The sign of critical time was already shown to us through this prophetic narrative, "you can't buy and sell", and it warned us that something isn't right with the pandemic, but most people chose to ignore it. The covid19 pandemic is here in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution, where the technology is within man himself, you and me will be the technology. How is it possible? The vaccine made this possible! The "technology" that will be out in the 4th Industrial Revolution will be ready once the sensors in your body, and the nuerons and senaptecs connections in your brain are setup and established by having graphenes attached to your whole well being. And these will be accomplished by the vaccine, or they called it artificial mRNA technology, or the nanobots inside your body. The pandemic is real, but they did it with a purpose! The vaccine was created first, then when everything was in place, they created the virus called the crown. The pandemic is actually the plannedemic! And you know what will happen next? They will release a deadly virus (almost 100% kill rate/Disease X) that will force humanity to modify their DNA and will be saved by science. This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy fact!

But don't worry, the vaccine is not the mark of the beast, but a forerunner to it. The vaccine was specially created for their agenda of "human reset" to prosper, because when everything is in place inside you, you will be ready for DNA modification, removing the DNA that points to our Creator.

"Your DNA is what you are and who you are! The name of the Father, our Creator, is in your DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in your DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridges that keep your DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "10 5 6 5"? This DNA code corresponds the letters in Hebrew, "YAD-(10) HAH-(5) WAW-(6) HAH-(5)" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! Altering your DNA is altering the Creator of all things, YAH. That is defiling the temple of YAH inside you, the abomination of desolation inside you (your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit)."

But after DNA modification, it isn't you after the process, you are a new being, a new creation that is not part of YAHUWAH's creation. And you defied the order of creation, you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body, a sin that be forgiven because you blasphemed the Holy Spirit whose dwelling is inside you body. And the "mark of the beast" (could be a cross sign) is literally engraved in you forehead or right hand as a sign or a marker that you are not an ordinary man anymore, but is a human hybrid or transhuman or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0. And it will be easy for them to identify ordinary men and to kill them because of the distinguishing mark.

But remember, the pandemic is not over yet, the worst will be coming very soon with a 100% kill rate (could be the disease X?). This worst pandemic will force man to modify his DNA in order to be saved. And according to the global elites propaganda, the arrival of this deadly virus or disease X will be this year.

2. The wars of the world - the wars of this world officially started when Russia invaded Ukraine. This war in eastern Europe is not just another war, but Ukraine was used by NATO as a proxy to war with their number one nemesis, Russia. The war of capitalist NATO (in Ukraine) against communist Russia is the beginning of world wars. Technically, Ukraine already lost the war against Russia, but NATO (who used Ukraine as a proxy) will not yield to Russia, because yielding the war in Ukraine means only one thing, the world domination will be shifted to Russia. That's why, by hook or by crook, NATO must defeat Russia in eastern Europe to maintain world domination. And it's hard to defeat Russia because of its excellent fire powers, and his allies China, Iran, and North Korea, who are ready to help Russia once the war in Ukraine will officially become a war with NATO. And US and NATO don't want Russia's allies to come to Europe and fight against them. That's why, NATO  is creating another front of wars to keep China, Iran, and North Korea busy with their own front of wars. Now we see Israel (NATO - capitalist aligned country) made a war with Iran (communist/socialist aligned country), including hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. And another front of wars in East Asia and Southeast Asia are brewing right now, China will make war with Taiwan to reclaim its territory and the much contested isles of south China sea with the Philippines, and the domination of Korean peninsula will be contested by North Korea against South Korea which also includes Japan. And these wars will result to a world war 3 will nuclear attacks. These wars are well calculated and planned, designed for a One World Order and a new world dominion, or a ShifT to a new world after the collapse of the world. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned! It's their agenda to break the world in pieces!

World war 3 must happen to determine who among the two divided Roman empires will lead the New World Order, is it the Eastern Roman Empire of eastern Europe headed by former USSR now became Russia - the "communist" and their religion is Orthodox Christian and their economy is manage by the BRICS; or the Western Roman Empire of western and central Europe (EU and NATO) - the "capitalist" and their religion is Roman Catholic and their economy is manage by G7. But a sure winner of this war is "Gog", the beast, the prince of EU/NATO, but his bloodline came from Russia. He will rule all over Europe and the world. The World War 3 is the real Gog of Magog (Magog is Russia) war. He could be Ber'gog'lio, the last pope?

3. Famines or global hungers or foods shortages - the foods shortages started with the covid19 pandemic. The prices of food staples started to rise up because of the movements of food products (trucking and shipping) were affected due to lockdowns. And the food shortages were pushed to rise again because of the wars, Ukraine against Russia and Israel against Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palistine, and the war in Syria. And food shortages will get worst this year because China will be lured by NATO to invade Taiwan, Philippines, and Japan, and North Korea will envade South Korea and also Japan, and some wars in Africa and America. And as the world wide wars or WW3 begins, there will be lack of foods in most countries, and with the coming of nuclear attacks, many farmlands will be devastated and this will translate to a severe global hungers.

4. Earthquakes and climate change - earthquakes and climates are supposed to be natural in occurrence, but I guess the calamities the world experienced weren't natural. It is in the globalists agenda for the world to experienced unnatural disasters as the added ingredients for a worldwide collapse. The earthquakes and the climate change that happened and will happen in the world are all man-made, unnatural calamities that will wreak havoc the world. If you think it is impossible for countries to weaponize earthquakes and climate change, you're wrong! Super power countries had been doing it for a long time. If you're familiar with "Red Alert 2" PC game, then you knew that super power countries can create super weapons like nuclear missiles, earthquakes, and weather control devices as part of their arsenal, their secret weapons. Do super power countries have nuclear missiles? YES! Super power like the US, some EU countries, Russia, and China. Therefore, these countries also have earthquakes and weather control device as part of their arsenal, their secret weapons.

It's no secret that super power countries can manipulate earthquake and weather. They have this technology years ago and this technology came from the fallen angels. How can the fallen angels have this kind of technology? By means of the tasks or jobs assigned to them. And don't you know that the earth's weather conditions are controlled by the angels? Check out the book of Enoch.

1 Enoch 60:17-22,  "{17} And the spirit of the hoarfrost is its own Angel; and the spirit of the hail, is a good Angel. {18} And the spirit of the snow has withdrawn because of its power, and it has a special spirit, and that which rises from it is like smoke and its name is frost. {19} And the spirit of the mist is not associated with them in their storehouse but has a special storehouse; for its course is glorious both in light and darkness, and in winter and in summer, and its storehouse is an Angel. {20} The spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of Heaven and is connected with the storehouses of the rain. And its course is in winter and in summer and its clouds. And the clouds of the mist are associated and one gives to the other. {21} And when the spirit of the rain moves from its storehouse the Angels come and open the storehouse and bring it out. And when it is scattered over all the dry ground it joins with all the water that is on the dry ground. And whenever it joins with the water that is on the dry ground.(.…..) {22} For the waters are for those who dwell upon the dry ground, for they are nourishment for the dry ground, from the Most High who is in Heaven. Therefore there is a fixed measure for the rain and the Angels comprehend it."

1 Enoch 59:2,  "And there I saw the secrets of the thunder and how when it crashes in Heaven above the sound of it is heard. And they showed me the dwellings of the dry ground, and the sound of the thunder, for peace, and for blessing, or for a curse, according to the word of the YAHUWAH of Spirits."

1 Enoch 60:13-14,  {13} And the thunder - according to the places were it falls. And all the divisions that are made in lightning - so that it may flash. And its hosts - how they quickly obey. {14} For the thunder have fixed intervals, which have been given to its sound, for waiting. And the thunder and the lightning are not separate although not the same. Through a spirit the two of them move inseparably." 

The frost, the hail, the snow, the mist, the rain, the lightning and thunder are contolled by the angels. So with the wind! 

1 Enoch 34:2-3,  "{2} And there I saw three Gates of Heaven; through each of them north winds go out; when they blow there is cold, hail, hoarfrost, snow, fog, and rain. {3} And from one Gate, it blows for good; but when they blow through the other two Gates, it is with force, and it brings torment over the earth, and they blow with force."

1 Enoch 36:1-4,  "{1} And from there I went towards the south, to the ends of the Earth, and there I saw three Gates of Heaven open; and the south wind, the mist, and the rain, and wind, come out from there. {2} And from there I went towards the east of the ends of Heaven, and there I saw the three eastern Gates of Heaven open, and above them, there were smaller Gates. {3} Through each of these smaller Gates, the stars of Heaven pass, and go towards the west, on the path that has been shown to them. {4} And when I saw, I blessed, and I will always bless YAHUWAH of Glory, who has made Great and Glorious Wonders so that he might show the greatness of His Work, to His Angels, and to the souls of men, so that they might praise His Work. And so that all His creatures might see the work of His Power, and praise the great work of His Hands, and bless Him forever!"

Winds that come with blessings, peace and of punishment and bring damage to the earth.

1 Enoch 76:4,  "Through four of them come winds of blessing and peace. And from the other eight come winds of punishment; when they are sent they bring devastation to the whole Earth, and to the water which is on it, and to all those who dwell upon it, and to everything that is in the water and on dry ground."

'Easterlies' wind usually comes around the middle of March to the middle of June!

1 Enoch 76:5,  "And the first wind from those Gates, called the east wind, comes out through the first Gate, which is towards the east. The one that comes from the south brings devastation, drought, heat, and destruction."

Rain and prosperity usually comes on mid June to mid October, then 'Amihan' comes bringing cold wind and drought in some places, usually around mid of October to mid of March.

1 Enoch 76:6,  "And through the second Gate, in the middle, comes what is right. And from it come rain, and fruitfulness, and prosperity, and dew. And through the third Gate, which is towards the north, comes cold and drought."

This wind is mostly associated with 'Habagat' or south wind, and alternate with easterly wind that usually comes in June to October. But the mixed of 'Habagat' and 'Easterly' will bring  prosperity and life too.

1 Enoch 76:7-8,  "{7} And after these, the winds towards the south come out, through three Gates. First, through the first of the Gates, which inclines towards the east, comes a hot wind. {8} And through the middle Gate, which is next to it, come pleasant fragrances, and dew, and rain, and prosperity, and life."

But 'Habagat' or south wind that blow towards the west brings devastation.

1 Enoch 76:9,  "And through the third Gate, which is towards the west, come dew, and rain, and locusts, and devastation."

And the 'Amihan' or north wind towards the east also brings devastation.

1 Enoch 76:10,  "And after these, the winds towards the north..(…)..from the seventh Gate, which is towards the east, come dew and rain, locusts and devastation."

The 'Amihan' or north wind also brings prosperity, but if 'Amihan' or north wind or cold front blows towards the west, it brings rain, snow, frost, and locusts.

1 Enoch 76:11-12,  "And through the Gate exactly in the middle, come rain, and dew, and life, and prosperity. And through the third Gate, which is towards the west come mist and hoarfrost, and snow, and rain, and dew, and locusts. {12} And after these the winds towards the west. Through the first Gate, which inclines towards the north, come dew, and rain, and hoarfrost, and cold, and snow, and frost."

The Most High YAHUWAH assigned the angels to govern the order of the earth or they called the order of creation, but the rich and powerful nations (through their global elites leaders) defied the order of creation by manipulating earth's weather conditions and earthquakes. That's blaspheming the Most High who appointed all these things to the earth. The scientists and the global elites or the sorcerers acted as the Most High by their climate change narrative which they themselves appointed the climate changes.

And the knowledge to manipulate earthquake and earth's climate condition were taught by the angels, including how to make weapons of war, jewelries, and beauty products.

1 Enoch 8:1-2,  "{1} And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. {2} And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semyâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven."

Falle angel Azazel taught men to make weapons of war, and made known to them the metals of the earth, the art of working with metals, like bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautification of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much unrighteousness, and men committed fornication, and were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. And the other fallen angels led by Semyaza taught enchantments and root-cuttings, the resolving of enchantments, astrology, the constellations, the knowledge of the clouds (how to make destructive storms), the signs of the earth (how to make destructive earthquakes), the signs of the sun, and the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.

1 Enoch 69:6,  "{6} And the name of the third is Gadre'el; this is the one that showed all the deadly blows to the sons of men. And he led astray Eve. And he showed the weapons of death to the children of men, the shield and the breastplate, and the sword for slaughter, and all the weapons of death to the sons of men. {7} And from his hand they have gone out against those who dwell the dry ground from that time and forever and ever."

The true name of Satan is "Gadre'el". He "led Eve astray" by beguiling her to eat the fruit of good and evil. And he showed all the deadly blows to men, the weapons of death (weapons of mass destruction), the shield and breastplate, the sword for slaughter, and all the weapons of death (modern weapons and nuclear missiles) to the son of men. And from Satan's hand, they (the fallen angels, then and now) have gone out against those who dwell the dry ground that time and forever and ever, from the beginning up to the very end, The fallen angels will mess up with humanity and to all creatures that creep on the earth until the final day of judgment. All the fallen angels (angels who sinned by lusting with the daughters of men) before the flood were imprisoned at the bottomless pit except Gadre'el, or Satan (maybe, he is the only one who did not defiled a woman before the flood).

But this ancient knowledge taught by Satan and the angels was lost because of the world wide flood, how did men regained this knowledge? Men regained this knowledge when the ancient writings carved in the rocks were discovered! And who discover these ancient writings? His name is Cainan or Kainam, the son of Arphaxad but mysteriously his name can't be found in Genesis chapter 10 geneology.

Genesis 10:24, "{24} And Arphaxad begat Salah, and Salah begat Eber".

From this passage in Genesis, Salah was the son of Arphaxad. But if you look into Genesis 10:24 SEPTUAGINT BRENTON LXX (2nd Century BC), "Cainan" was written on it and he was the son of Arphaxad.

Genesis 10:24 (SEPTUAGINT BRENTON LXX),  "Arphaxad begot Cainan (Kaivav), and Cainan begot Sala, and Sala begot Eber".

In Genesis SEPTUAGINT, Salah was the son of "Cainan", and "Cainan" was the son of Arphaxad. And examining the book of Luke in the New Testatment, Cainan or Kainam was still there.

Luke 3:35-36,  "{35} Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber (Eber), which was the son of Sala (Salah), {36} which was the son of 'CAINAN (Kainam), which was the son of ARPHAXAD', which was the son of Sem (Shem), which was the son of Noe (Noah), which was the son of Lamech."

The son of Arphaxad is Cainan or Kainam, and the son of Cainan is Selah, and the son of Selah is Eber (Heber). Why was the name of Cainan or Kainam removed in Genesis 10:24 geneology? Check this out!

And the book of Jubilees confirmed Cainan or Kainam was the son of Arphaxad, and what he did!

Jubilees 8:1,  "In the twenty-Ninth Jubilee, in the first week, in the beginning thereof Arphachsad took himself a wife and her name was Rasu'eya, the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam, and she bares him a son in the third in this week, and he called his name 'Kainam'."

Arphaxad took himself a wife and her name is Rasu'eya, and she bares him s son, and he called his name "Kainam" or "Cainan". And look at what Cainan or Kainam did:

Jubilees 8:2-5,  "And the son (Kainam or Cainan) grew, and his father taught him writings, and he went to seek for himself a place where he might sieze for himself a city. And he found a writing which former generations have carved on a rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on account of it."

Cainan or Kainam was missing or intentionally removed in Genesis 10 geneology because they don't want us to know these ancient writings which came from the fallen angels and Satan himself! And there doing it to cover up what Cainan had discovered, but their lies and antiques are exposed because of this book. Remember, Gadre'el, Satan, is a "father of deception"! He architect the book that is now called the bible that came from the collections of ancient books or scrolls, and mingled it with lies! Like, the name of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH (YHWH) replaced to the LORD (or Ba'al in Hebrew), and the name of our Saviour YAHUSHA replaced to Jesus Christ (name of two Roman gods, son of Zeus aka Hesus and Khrisna aka Kristos), and removed the name of Cainan or Kainam in the bible, and changed the paradigm of Genesis chapter 6 that talked about the angels who sinned, and there is a great possibility, that the word "God" itself (the English translation of Alahym), was used in the bible to represent Satan as their almighty one, their heaveny father, and their holy alahym. Check out these passages from Isaiah (Yashayahu) and 2 Thessalonians.

Isaiah 14:14,  "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High."

Satan wanted to be like the Most High! Therefore, it is very possible that the word God is actually derived from Gadre'el! Because Satan wanted to be like our Heavenly Father!

2 Thessalonians 2:4,  "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Alahym (God), or that is worshipped; so that he as Alahym (God) sitteth in the temple of Alahym (God), shewing himself that he is Alahym (God)."

Satan, Gadre'el, wanted to be worshipped as Alahym the Most High, that's why he deceived us by using his name, Gad or God, in place of the title Alahym! And Satan succeeded in his plan, his name became holy to those who believe in his name.

The earth is govern by the law of YAHUWAH, and there is no change in the order of creation, all must remain the same up to eternity. But the global elites are acting like YAHUWAH who made all things, and will defy the order of creation by manipulating the wind and rain (creating highly destructive storms) and tampering the signs of the earth by manipulating the earthquakes. There will be no salvation for them who appointed climate change to happen.

These four events that will cause great chaos, confusion, and global depopulation are listed in the book of Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

All these events (the wars, the pandemics, global hungers, and earthquakes plus climate change) are the beginning of sorrow, or the beginning of birth pangs or the woman in travail, or the beginning of tribulation. Before the birth of Millennial Kingdom where YAHUSHA will reign, a woman must travail first, the righteous must experience the tribulation first.

And the four events listed above and are happening in the world today were specially made (man made) for the world to collapse. We are just so blinded by not seeing the truth! And before YAHUSHA declared these events in Matthew chapter 24, He warned us to be very careful not to be deceive. Matthew 24:4,  "And YAHUSHA answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."

The ancient knowledge before the flood are already here with us in the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the technology 4th Industrial Revolution is within man himself, man is the technology. They will recreate man into a hybrid being or transhuman or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0 through DNA modification and chip will be implanted in you. And once people in the world are lured to become highly intelligent, with special ability, superb durability, and better awareness, and more advance and hightech beings, there will be a global depopulation for the people who don't want to be transhumans. And when many transhumans or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0 will inhabit the earth, the world will go back to the days of Noah before the flood.

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

The days of Noah before the flood or the antediluvian world was when the nephilim ruled over the earth, usurping the dominion of the earth given to man. Therefore, there will be a return of the nephilim or nephilim 2.0 or human 2.0 or transhumans during the Great Reset era that will begin in 2028.

Here's the World Economic Forum 8 predictions for the world in 2030

1. "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"! Whatever you want you'll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.

2. The US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.

3. You won't die waiting for an organ donor. We won't transplant organs, we'll print new ones instead.

4. You'll eat less much meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health.

5. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.

6. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.

7. You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientist will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life. 

8. Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten

In a new world, you will be a slave forever, and you'll own nothing and you'll be happy! What a wierd narrative! But how will the agenda 2030 be achieved if the world will not be restarted going to the new world order?

Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, these things will begin to happen this year. A drastic change will happen!

The Great Reset is REAL, it's just that, most people don't want it to happen, but you can't stop what had been prophesied, it must come to pass.

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