
Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Three Kings

 Let's examine the mystery the the three kings that brought gifts to the Child YAHUSHA. I was surprised how the church knew their names, and our Saviour YAHUSHA and His apostles, and the early ekklesias, were not able to mention who were these kings, and what exactly were the gifts (the gift of gold, myrrh, and frankincense) that each kings carried. It's pretty amazing how they knew all these things, but if you examine the bible, it only showed how clueless the Roman Catholic church of the three kings modern narrative. They are infusing the occult paradigm with the bible's account. We'll kickoff the topic by examining the modern three kings, then the actual narration of the wise men or the kings in the book of Matthew, and then hit the home run with the discusion of the actual origin of three the kings based in the bible.

The three kings or wise men as described by "Wikipedia".

Although the Magi are commonly referred to as "kings", there is nothing in the account from the Gospel of Matthew that implies that they were rulers of any kind. The identification of the Magi as kings is linked to Old Testament prophecies that describe the Messiah being worshipped by kings in Isaiah 60:3, Psalm 68:29, and Psalm 72:10, which reads, "Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations serve him." Early readers reinterpreted Matthew in light of these prophecies and elevated the Magi to kings. By AD 500 all commentators adopted the prevalent tradition that they were kings. Later Christian interpretation stressed the adoration of the Magi and shepherds as the first recognition by the people of the earth of Christ as the Redeemer, but the reformer John Calvin was vehemently opposed to referring to the Magi as kings. He wrote: "But the most ridiculous contrivance of the Papists on this subject is, that those men were kings... Beyond all doubt, they have been stupefied by a righteous judgment of God, that all might laugh at their gross ignorance."

The New Testament does not give the names of the Magi. However, traditions and legends identify a variety of different names for them. In the Western Christian church, they have all been regarded as saints and are commonly known as:

1. Melchior (/ˈmɛlkiɔːr/; also Melichior), a Persian scholar;

2. Caspar (/ˈkæspər/ or /ˈkæspɑːr/; also Gaspar, Jaspar, Jaspas, Gathaspa, and other variations);

3. Balthazar (/ˈbælθəzɑːr/ or /bælˈθæzər/; also Balthasar, Balthassar, and Bithisarea), a Babylonian scholar.

And the phrase "from the east" (ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν, apo anatolon), more literally "from the rising [of the sun]", is the only information Matthew provides about the region from which they came. The Parthian Empire, centered in Persia, stretched from eastern Syria to the fringes of India. Though the empire was tolerant of other religions, its dominant religion was Zoroastrianism, with its priestly magos class.

Although Matthew's account does not explicitly cite the motivation for their journey (other than seeing the star in the east, which they took to be the star of the King of the Jews), the Syriac Infancy Gospel provides some clarity by stating explicitly in the third chapter that they were pursuing a prophecy from their prophet, Zoradascht (Zoroaster).

There is an Armenian tradition identifying the "Magi of Bethlehem" as Balthasar of Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Caspar of India. Historian John of Hildesheim relates a tradition in the ancient silk road city of Taxila (in present-day Punjab, Pakistan) that one of the Magi passed through the city on the way to Bethlehem.

In one tradition, reflected in art by the 14th century (for example in the Arena Chapel by Giotto in 1305) Caspar is old, normally with a white beard, and gives the gold; he is "King of Tarsus, land of merchants" on the Mediterranean coast of modern Turkey, and is first in line to kneel to Christ. Melchior is middle-aged, giving frankincense from Arabia, and Balthazar is a young man, very often and increasingly black-skinned, with myrrh from Saba (modern southern Yemen). Their ages were often given as 60, 40 and 20 respectively, and their geographical origins were rather variable, with Balthazar increasingly coming from Aksum or other parts of Africa, and being represented accordingly. Balthazar's blackness has been the subject of considerable recent scholarly attention; in art, it is found mostly in northern Europe, beginning from the 12th century, and becoming very common in the north by the 15th. The subject of which king is which and who brought which gift is not without some variation depending on the tradition. The gift of gold is sometimes associated with Melchior as well and in some traditions, Melchior is the old man of the three Magi.

And the three kings or wise men as narrated by "Britannica".

Magi, singular Magus, also called Wise Men, in Christian tradition, the noble pilgrims "from the East" who followed a miraculous guiding star to Bethlehem, where they paid homage to the infant Jesus as king of the Jews (Matthew 2:1–12). Christian theological tradition has always stressed that Gentiles as well as Jews came to worship Jesus—an event celebrated in the Eastern church at Christmas and in the West at Epiphany (January 6). Eastern tradition sets the number of Magi at 12, but Western tradition sets their number at three, probably based on the three gifts of "gold, frankincense, and myrrh" (Matthew 2:11) presented to the infant.

Subsequent traditions embellished the narrative. As early as the 3rd century they were considered to be kings, probably interpreted as the fulfillment of the prophecy in Psalms 72:11 ("May all kings fall down before him"). In about the 8th century the names of three Magi—Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa—appear in a chronicle known as the Excerpta latina barbari. They have become known most commonly as Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar (or Casper). According to Western church tradition, Balthasar is often represented as a king of Arabia or sometimes Ethiopia, Melchior as a king of Persia, and Gaspar as a king of India.

The three are often venerated as saints and martyrs, and their supposed relics were transferred from Constantinople (modern Istanbul), possibly in the late 5th century, to Milan and thence to Cologne Cathedral in the 12th century. Devotion to the Magi was especially fervent in the Middle Ages, and they are some of the patron saints of travelers.

From the above narration of Wikipedia and Britannica, identifiying the names of three kings and from where they came from, including the gifts that they brought, are all based in "tradition". How can this narratives of three kings claimed to know the names of the kings when their source is just the "tradition". Are there exact people involved in this "tradition"? Or it's just an occult narratives infused with the story in the bible. You can easily recognized the narrative infused with a lie when it's source is all speculation, it's a "tradition" and people believe it. And "tradition" is the worldly narrative, it doesn't mean it is the truth, but people accepted it because it was considered to be a part of the ancient belief.

Only the inspired scripture tells all the Truth, and the origin or the source of the three kings' story is the bible. We'll examine passages in the scripture and decipher where the kings came from, and why they were sent to Bethlehem of Yahudah to visit the Child YAHUSHA, and why they knew that a promised Messiah, a Saviour to us all, will be born in Yahudah. We'll kickoff with the passage from the book of Matthew chapter 2.

Matthew 2:1-12,  "{1} Now when YAHUSHA was born in Bethlehem of Yahudaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Yerusalem, {2} Saying, Where is He that is born King of the Yahudim? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. {3} When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Yerusalem with him. {4} And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where the Messiah should be born. {5} And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Yahudaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, {6} And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Yahudah, art not the least among the princes of Yahudah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Yashar'el. {7} Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. {8} And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young Child; and when ye have found Him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship Him also. {9} When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. {10} When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. {11} And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. {12} And being warned of Elohiym in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way."

When YAHUSHA was born in Bethlehem of Yahudah during king Herod's days, there came wise men or kings from the "east" to Jerusalem. By the way, "east" is "anatole" in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek), meaning: sunrise; rising of the sun, rising of light, orient or oriental. "East" is referred to here as a place or a region, or the region of light, or a region in which the sun rises, or oriental. Then the wise men or kings said, where is He that is born King of the Yahudim (or Yah's people; mistranslated as Jews in English)? For we have seen "His star" in the "east", and we came here to worship Him. When king Herod had heard these things, he was troubled, and when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes, he demanded of them where the Messiah should be born. And they said to Herod, in Bethlehem of Yahudaea: for thus it is written by the prophet; and here's what was written by the prophet: "And you Bethlehem, in the land of Yahudah, are not the least among the princes of Yahudah: for out of you shall come a Governor or a King, that shall rule my people Yashar'el." Then Herod, privily called the wise men or kings, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young Child; and when you find Him, bring me word again, that I may alo come and worship Him. When they had heard king Herod, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star or angel, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gift of gold, and gift of frankincense and gift of myrrh. And being warned of YAHUWAH in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. 

Things to consider based on Matthew chapter 2 account:

1. The wise men or kings came from the "east", or "eastern region", which is the "rising of the sun", the "region of light", and "oriental".

2. The wise men or kings have seen His "star" or the "star" of the coming Messiah in the "east" or eastern region.

3. King Herod demanded the chief priests and the scribes to know where the Messiah should be born, and they said, it is written by the prophet that the Messiah should be born in Bethlehem of Yahudah.

4. King Herod privily or secretly called the wise men and enquired of them diligently what time the "star" appeared. Based on the king Herod's action later, we will know when the "star" appeared in the "east".

5. The "star" that guide the wise men or kings in the east became an angel and stood before the young Child.

6. The wise men or kings brought with them gift of gold, incense or frankincense, and myrrh.

7. The wise men or kings did not return to king Herod, who said, he will come and worship the Child YAHUSHA. But the king is using his craftiness to locate the Child and to kill Him. And YAHUWAH warned the wise men or kings in a dream not to return to Herod and they departed to their country in another way.

Strong's definition:

1. "wise men" is "magos" in Greek, meaning: "a magian, i.e. an (oriental) astrologer, oriental scientist; by implication, a magician - sorcerer, wise man"

2. "frankincense" is "linanos" in Greek; or "lebownah" in Hebrew, or "incense" in English.

After the wise men or kings did not return to king Herod, he ordered that all the child in Bethlehem that were "two years old" and below to be killed. Now, based on the action of king Herod here, we will know that the wise men had seen the "star" of the coming Messiah in the "east", almost "two years" when they arrived at Yahudaea. It took them (the wise men) almost two years to travel from the "east" to the promised land. What place in the "east" could these wise men or kings came from? The bible is not silent about this matter, the book of Psalms gave us the names of where the kings or wise men originated, but I guess most are contented with the paradigm of the Roman Catholic church. Wikipedia and Britinnica (RC and western narrative propaganda machine) even gave us the direct verse but nobody seems to be looking at it. The book of Psalms will end all of these speculations and occult origin of three kings.

The prophecy of King David that talked about the kings who offered gifts to our Redemeer.

Psalms 72:10-15,  "{10} The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. {11} Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve Him. {12} For He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. {13} He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. {14} He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in His sight. {15} And He shall live, and to Him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for Him continually; and daily shall He be praised."

Where did the kings or wise men came from? The kings of "Tarshish" and the "Isles" shall bring presents: the king of "Sheba" and "Seba" shall offer gifts. All the kings will fall down or worship before Him: All nations will serve Him. Who is able to save the needy? Who shall redeem their soul? No other than our Saviour and Redemeer YAHUSHA. And to Him shall be given of the gold of Ophir or gold of Sheba: and prayers also will be made for Him continually; and daily shall He be praised.

Can we connect the places in the "east" of Israel which are Iraq, Iran, Arabia, and India, and even Armenia (Northeast) to "Tarshish" and the "Isles", "Sheba", and "Seba" where the three kings originated? These places in Middle East are not even the Isles. And Tarshish, Sheba, and Seba are isles or Islands, geographically situated in the "east" or the "fareast", the rising of the sun, the region of light, oriental. Can we now identify the ancient "Tarshish" and the "Isles", and ancient "Sheba" and "Seba"? Check this out!

Let's look into what the ancient vogayers and explorers of western Europe, some of the Romam Catholic priests in 1600s, and our very own government officials in the late 1800s, had said regarding our land.

1. In 1490, a research of Christopher Columbus located Ophir, Tarshish, Garden of Eden and the "lost tribes of Israel" in East Indies or SE Asian Isles north of equator.

2. In 1522, Antonio Pigafetta recorded Philippines as Tarshish and Ophir.

3. In March 4, 1521, Sebastian Cabot contract with Spain identifies Tarsis (Tarshish) and Ophir.

Wikipedia - Sebastian Cabot (the explorer) 

Cabot was commissioned at the rank of captain general in Spain. On 4 March 1525, he was given command of a fleet that was to determine from astronomical observation the precise demarcation of the Treaty of Tordesillas, which defined the area of Spanish and Portuguese monopolies. He was also to convey settlers to the Molucca Islands in the Pacific, to strengthen Spanish claims in the spice islands. This voyage was officially noted as an expedition for the discovery of Tarshish, Ophir, Eastern Cathay, and Cipango (Japan). This expedition consisted of four ships with 250 men, and set sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda on 3 April 1526.

Sebastian Cabot was commissioned to locate the islands in the east, and Cipango is Japan, and Eastern Cathay is Taiwan, then, that leaves Tarshish and Ophir as the Philippines, Ophir is Luzon and Tarshish is Mindanao.

4. In 1600s, Father Colin still refered to Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish.

5. In 1600s, Dominican Gregorio Garcia located Ophir in the Moluccas and Philippines.

6. In 1890, former Prime Minister Pedro A. Paterno recorded Ophir as the Philippines.

7. In 1891, Prof. Bluemmentritt still record Philippines as an ancient Ophir.

And based on the ancient flat-earth map used by the Greeks (the Grecian empire; and the Greek speakers of Eastern Roman Empire), the island in the east were labelled as Chryse (in Greek - gold) or Ophir in Hebrew and Argyre (in Greek - silver) or Tarshish in Hebrew. And even labelled these isles as the home of Adam and Eve, and the serpent (included in the drawings of the flat-earth map), which is "the land of creation". And the ancients called our land (the isles) as the "ends of the earth", because it is the last islands to the fareast based on the flat-earth map where Ophir or Chryse in Greek (gold) and Tarshish or Argyre in Greek (silver) is the last inhabited islands to the fareast or oriental.

The origin of the word Ophir and Tarshish, including Sheba, is the Bible. It's a place where the navy of king Solomon travelled using ships from Ezion-gaber port, by the Red sea, going to Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the ancient land of gold, and the land of creation, to the ends of the earth. Solomon's navy lead by Hiram went to Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish for gold and other resources to be used at the temple. And when queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the "NAME of YAHUWAH", she want to prove him with hard question.

1 Kings 10:1-10,  "{1} And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of YAHUWAH, she came to prove him with hard questions. {2} And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart. {3} And Solomon told her all her questions: there was not any thing hid from the king, which he told her not. {4} And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built, {5} And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of YAHUWAH; there was no more spirit in her. {6} And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. {7} Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard. {8} Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom. {9} Blessed be YAHUWAH thy Elohiym, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Yashar'el: because YAHUWAH loved Yashar'el for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice. {10} And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon."

And queen of Sheba travelled to Yashar'el (with the ship of Tarshish) and arrived at the seaport in Ezion-gaber and went to Jerusalem with very great train, with camels that brought spices and abundant of gold and precious stones. And she came to Solomon and she communed or conversed with him on spiritual level, all that was in her heart. And Solomon answered all her questions: there was nothing the king hide, he told her everything. And when queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the House or Temple of YAH that he had built, and the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his burnt offerings (ascent) by which he went up unto the House or Temple of YAH; there was no more spirit in her. And she said to the king, it was true of what I heard of you in my own land about your acts and about your wisdom. Nevertheless, I did not believe it, until I came, and witness it myself: and behold, half was not told to me: your wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame which I heard. Blessed be YAHUWAH your Aluah (queen of Sheba was also a believer of YAHUWAH), which delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Yashar'el: because YAHUWAH loved Yashar'el forever! Therefore, YAHUWAH made you king to do judgment and justice. And she gave the king a 120 talents of gold (gold of Ophir, gold of Sheba), and a very great store of spices, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.

And the book of Chronicles further explained that queen of Sheba gave gold and other resources to king Solomon, and together with her were the servants of Huram or Hiram, and the servants of Solomon that brought gold from Ophir.

2 Chronicles 9:1-12,  "{9} And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices great abundance, and precious stones: neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon. {10} And the servants also of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir, brought algum trees and precious stones. {11} And the king made of the algum trees terraces to the house of YAHUWAH, and to the king’s palace, and harps and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seen before in the land of Judah. {12} And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which she had brought unto the king. So she turned, and went away to her own land, she and her servants."

Queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon much gold, and great abundance of spices, and precious stones. And also, the servants of Huram or Hiram, and the servants of Solomon brought gold of Ophir, almug trees (could be narra trees), and precious stones. From this passage, Sheba and Ophir were located in the same land or place. And the king made of the almug trees (narra trees) terraces to the House or Temple of YAHUWAH, and to the king's palace, and harps and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seen before in the land of Yahudah. And king Solomon gave to queen of Sheba all her desire, so she turned and went away to her own land in the fareast, she and her servants. But some bible scholars (scholars to protect their paradigm) believe that queen of Sheba is from Ethiopia in Africa. But there is only one Ophir in the table of nation, and he is the son of Yoktan (his grandfather is Shem), and his brother is Sheba. And Sheba in Ethiopia is the son of Cush, the son of Ham. When the earth was divided between the sons of Noah (Yes, Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got Asia (including Eastern Russia) and up to the fareast as the lot of his inheritance, and Ham got Africa as the lot of his inheritance, and Japhet got Europe (excluding Eastern Russia) as the lot of his inheritance. And Ham and Japhet divided America, Southern hemisphere went to Ham, and Northern hemisphere went to Japhet, and the rest of the world's islands in Southern hemisphere and Northern hemisphere, Ham and Japhet respectively. Therefore Sheba, the son of Yoktan from the line of Shem, cannot live to Ethiopia because it is not a lot of his inheritance; and also, Sheba, the son Cush, the son of Ham cannot live in the fareast because it does not fall to his inheritance. Therefore, to associate king Solomon of the Sheba from Ethiopia is a BIG LIE. And Solomon, the wisiest man on earth, wanted the gold and other resources coming from Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, because it is the same resources that their ancient fathers (before the flood, Adam to Noah) used, and it is the resources of the Land of Creation, the land of the Garden of Eden.

And why the land of gold can't be in Africa?

2 Chronicles 9:21,  "{9:21} For the king’s ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of

Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks."

The king's ships went to Tarshish (Sheba and Ophir) with the servants of Hiram: Once every "three year", the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold, silver, ivory (our country had an ancient elephants based in archeology; and the remnants of these elephants can still be found in Borneo island), monkey (apes), and peacock (Palawan peacocks). Now, the question is: Do the king need ships to go to Africa for gold? Does going to Africa take "three years" journey back and forth by ships? The true biblical paradigm doesn't fit with the occults paradigm going to Africa. While going to the Fareast takes a "three years" journey back in forth by means of ancient ships.

And during the time of king Jehoshaphat, the ships of the Red Sea port at Ezion-gaber was broken.

2 Chronicles 20:36-37,  "{36} And he joined himself with him to make ships to go to Tarshish: and they made the ships in Ezion-gaber. {37} Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, YAHUWAH hath broken thy works. And the ships were broken, that they were not able to go to Tarshish."

Eliezer, the son of Dodavah of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, the king of Yahudah (the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el), saying, because you had joined yourself with Ahaziah, the wicked king of Northern Kingdom of Yashar'el, YAHUWAH had broken your works, and the ships were broken, that they were not able to go to Tarshish (Sheba and Ophir). And from then on, there were no ships coming from the Red Sea port going to Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish. And all ships that go to the promised land have to set sail in all of the western coast of Africa to mediterranean sea. And going to the mediterranean sea port of the promised land (Yashar'el) takes almost two year journey by ship from the east, or Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish.

The places of origin of the kings or wise men are Tarshish and the Isles, and Sheba and Seba, and these places of today are Mindanao (Tarshish) and the Isles of Basilan and Sulu, and Cebu (Sheba) and Sabah (Seba - territory of Sheba or controlled by Sheba). Now, the question is: why would the kings or wise men came to our land? Are we significant that the kings came from our land? Here's why, check this out!

The book of 2nd Esdras (in Greek, and Ezra in Hebrew) detailed the captivity of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el and all of them were exciled to Assyria. And Ezra also prophesied regarding the migration of some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el to a far away country, and this country is very significant because it is the dwelling of righteous generation before the flood, the Land of Creation. And the book of 2 Esdras chapter 13 is the prophecy of the last days, and he injected the migration of the Lost Tribes of Yashar'el, because it's them who would usher the return of all the children of Yashar'el in the last days.

Esdras 13:39-40,  "{39} And whereas you saw that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him; {40} Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land, in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land."

The 10 tribes of Yashar'el which were carried away prisoners out of their own land (Northern Yashar'el), in the time of Osea or Hoshea king of Yashar'el, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and carried them over the waters, or over the two rivers of Euphrates and Tigres, and so they came to another land, and this land became the Kurdish region today. And this is supported by the narration of the book of 2 Kings 17:6-33.

And the migration of some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el to Arsareth, the Land of Creation.

Esdras 13:41-48,  "{41} But they took this counsel amongst themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, {42} That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. {43} And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the River. {44} For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, til they were passed over. {45} For through that country there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. {46} Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, {47} The Highest shall stay the springs of the stream again, that they may go through: therefore you saw the multitude with peace. {48} But those that be left behind of your people, are they that are found within my borders."

Some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el took counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the unbelievers, and go into a further country where no man lived, that they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered and crossed into Euphrates by the narrow passage of the river (without crossing the Tigres; could be in Basrah, Iraq). For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood or water of the river, until everyone crossed the river walking in dry land (2nd exodus). And from that certain place, after they crossed the Eurphrates river (could be around Qatar; which means, smoke sacrifice in Hebrew), there was a great way to go; namely, of a year a half journey; this is a far country, it can't be somewhere in the middle east or Africa; and they were using ships to set sail into this faraway land or country. And the same region called "Arsareth". And if we look closely at the word "Arsareth", it is a combination of two Hebrew words, "Asah" and "Ehrets". Where "Asah" means: to do, work, make, produce and "Ehrets" means: land, earth. Therefore, "Arsareth" means, "to make the earth" or "the land of creation". By means of the ships of Tarshish as their transport, some of the Northern tribes of Yashar'el travelled from the Persian Gulf to the "Land of Creation" (Genesis 2:4,  "These are the generation of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that YAHUWAH Elohiym "made (Asah)" the "earth (Ehrets)" and the heavens..."). And this is simply the ancient land of gold, to the ends of the earth or uttermost part of the earth, the Isles afar off, to the fareast, the location of the Garden of Eden, and these isles were called Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines today. Therefore, some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el migrated to the isles of Luzon (Ophir), Cebu and the Visayas (Sheba), and Mindanao (Tarshish), ang Pilipinas kung mahal. And they dwelt there until the latter time or they dwelt in our land until our time! And "now" (our generation) when they shall begin to come ("in the last days"), the Most High shall stay or held the springs of water in the great deep (or the streams of oceanic trenches) again, just like Exodus again. That they, tribes of Yashar'el, may go through, like walking in dry land: therefore you (Ezra, in his vision) saw the multitude with peace. But those that are left behind of your people, the tribes of Yashar'el that remained in "Kurdistan", are they that are found within My borders.

And the book of Isaiah talked about the isles in the east, where the tribes of Yashar'el migrated, and Isaiah identified their location to the fareast.

Isaiah 49:12,  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."

The word "north" in this passage is translated as "tsaphon" in Hebrew, meaning: north or northward. The word "west" in this passage is translated as "yam" in Hebrew, meaning: "sea". The word "sea" as "yam" in the scriptures was used more than 320 times, while the word "west" as "yam" was used 47 times, could be because west of Yashar'el is Mediterannian sea, but "west" itself can be translated in Hebrew as "maarab". Therefore, "west" can't be used in this passage, the exact word here is "sea" or "yam" in Hebrew. Therefore, the correct verse of Isaiah 49:12 is:

"Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the sea; and these from the land of Sinim."

The word "Sinim" is equal to "Ciyniym" in Hebrew which means, "south China". Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el can be found in the isles afar off, to the sea of South China or the South China Sea. Wow! What isles are located in the sea of South China? There is only one prominent isles in the South China sea, that's the Philippines! Therefore, some of the lost tribes of Yashar'el dwelled among us, or we are the lost tribes of Yashar'el. By the way, chapter 49 of the book of Isaiah talked about the "isles" where the children of Yacob dwelled.

Sinim: Ciyniym: סינים

Sinim (1x): a people living at the extremity of the known world; may be identified with

the inhabitants of southern ChinaSinim (1x): a people living at the extremity of the

known world; may be identified with the inhabitants of southern China.

Here's the last days prophecy of Jeremiah that said, Ephraim is the firstborn of Yashar'el, and this is the reason why our ancestors travelled to Yashar'el to visit the Child YAHUSHA. The firstborn must acknowledge the coming of the Messiah in flesh.

Jeremiah 31:9-11,  "{9} They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a Father to Yashar'el, and Ephraim is my firstborn. {10} Hear the word of YAHUWAH, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Yashar'el will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock. {11} For YAHUWAH hath redeemed Yacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he."

YAHUWAH will lead them (Ephraim and Manasseh), and they shall come with weeping and with supplication. And YAHUWAH will cause them (Ephraim and Manasseh) to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they will not stumble (like Exodus in the last days): for YAHUWAH is the Father of Yashar'el, and Ephraim is His "firstborn". Hear the word of YAHUWAH, O you nations, and declare it in the "isles afar off" or the Philippines, and say, He that scattered the tribes of Yashar'el will gather them, and keep them as a Shepherd do with His flocks. For YAHUWAH had redeemed Yacob or the children of Yashar'el, and ransomed them from the hand of him (the global elites; western colonial power; secret society) that was stronger than remnants of Yashar'el. Ephraim, the Philippines, and the children of Yashar'el will rise up in the last day with the help of the "Light", YAHUSHA. A great awakening will happen in the Land of Creation.

In the final generation, or the apostate generation, or the Great Reset era 2028, there will be a great awakening to all Filipinos lead by Queen of Sheba or the Queen of the South. Who could she be?

Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Queen of the South is Queen of Sheba or Queen of Sebu or Cebu (city), the Queen (City) of the South. Therefore, Cebu and the Philippines (home of Ephraim and Manasseh) shall rise up in the judgment with this generation or the final generation or the Great Reset 2028, and shall condemn it, they, them, (the power of Gog, the western colonial power), for so much deception and lies they inflicted to us, and continuously corrupting our natural resources, and also planning for the Great Reset in which, the Great Reset will come with great chaos, great confusion, and global depopulation. For "she" came from the uttermost parts of the earth, or the ends of the earth, or the ancient voyagers and explorers called it, the last inhabited islands to the east or oriental (based on the ancient flat earth map, where Chryse or Ophir and Argyre or Tarshish is the last inhabited island to the fareast), from antiquity, or the land of creation, the ancient land of gold, Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines today; to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here! Who could "she" be? She must come from Cebu or her lineage is from Cebu. And she will lead our country during the Great Reset era, officially the last days or the final generation (will start on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or doomsday clock or great reset clock in New York that will expire on September of 2028). "She" could be Sarah Duterte Carpio, our next president in 2028, and her lineage is from Cebu! And don't you know that "Sarah" in Hebrew means, "Princess"! The princess from Mindanao, the Princess of the South! There will be a great awakening in our country, the Philippines, lead be Sarah, the Princess or the Queen of the South.

The kings or wise men from our land visit the Child YAHUSHA because they were from the seed of Yacob, the northern tribes of Yashar'el, and it was Ephraim who was given the birthright of Yashar'el by Yacob himself before he died. And our ancient fathers, our ancestors, knew the prophecy of the coming Messiah, that's why, when they saw the "star" of YAHUSHA, they travelled to Yahudah to witness the coming of our Redemeer in flesh. And these kings were never identified because the Most High YAHUWAH rejected the seed of Yashar'el, and were no longer with His covenant, therefore the kings or wise men were treated as gentiles. And here's how the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el became gentiles.

2 Kings 17:18-20,  "{18} Therefore YAHUWAH was very angry with Yashar'el, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Yahudah only. {19} Also Yahudah kept not the commandments of YAHUWAH their Aluah, but walked in the statutes of Yashar'el which they made. {20} And YAHUWAH rejected all the seed of Yashar'el, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight."

Because Yashar'el was not following YAHUWAH's statutes and His covenant, YAHUWAH was very angry with Yashar'el, and removed them out of His sight, out of the land of Yashar'el, and were exciled to Assyria: there was none left in Yashar'el but the tribe of Yahudah alone. And YAHUWAH rejected the seed of Yashar'el, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of the spoilers, the Assyrians, until He had cast them out of His sight. And since the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el were no longer had a covenant with YAHUWAH, they are considered as gentiles. Therefore, the kings or wise men that visited the Child YAHUSHA from the tribes of Ephraim were considered gentiles, until YAHUWAH will renew His covenant with them in the last days.

And the "star" prophecy of the coming Deliverer and Redemeer could be two or more prophecies, but I guess those were removed or obscurred in the bible, just like the Matthew chapter 2, verse 5 and 6, that said: "In Bethlehem of Yahudaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Yahudah, art not the least among the princes of Yahudah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Yashar'el." And you can't find this prophecy (Matthew 2:5-6) in the bible, but the chief priests and scribes used it as a reference. Why do you think this prophecy was removed? Because they, the remnant of the Pharisees (the real Jews), were the ones who made and instituted the book that we knew today as the bible. And they don't believe in YAHUSHA, and that, He would Redeem His people. But the kings of Tarshish (Mindanao), Sheba (Cebu and the Visayas), and Seba (Sabah) knew that a Redemeer will be born in Yahudah (Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el) because of the "star" prophecy that is written in the books of their forefathers. And the kings from the tribes of Ephraim were oblivious of who they were, because they were no longer with a "covenant" with YAHUWAH, and He caused these kings and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh not to know their identity until the last days. And that day is so close that some of us are slowly enlightened, and slowly seek the truth, and will stumble to the true Filipino identity. 

Conclusion: The modern three kings narrative is an occult!

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