
Friday, February 17, 2023

Mind Control: The Ultimate Goal Of The Secret Society (In Mainstream, They Are Called The Globalists) Lead By The Beast

Is it possible to control people's mind? The answer is a BIG YES! With the new technology that is coming, the 4th Industrial Revolution, they can control you, track you, and even hack you. This isn't a conspiration theory that most people wanted to neglect, it's a conspiracy fact! And the globalists (the secret society that became mainstream) projected it to happen a few years from now. They are laying the foundation of this new technology, and the pandemic is the "key", without it, the new invention is nothing. Let's examine first the passage of Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

Our Messiah YAHUSHA prophesied that the beginning of sorrows, or the beginning of birth pangs (the woman in travail), or the beginning of tribulation, is when all these 4 events will happen. And these events are:

1. Pestilences (Pandemic) - Our topic evolves here. When the pandemic started, suddenly this prophetic narrative came out, "you can't buy or sell. This prophetic narative came out as a precursor, a warning to us all that something isn't right with this pandemic. The real motive of this pandemic is to prepare humanity for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Deception played a major role of this pandemic.

2. Wars (nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom) - "Nation" in Greek is "Ethnos", meaning: similar custome, similar culture, similar ethnicity. This war is between two countries that were part of the same land but were divided because of opposing ideology, communism and capitalism. And this war started in Russia and Ukraine, both coming from former USSR, and the same wars are brewing right now like China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Serbia and Kosovo, and many more. Communism against Capitalism, kingdom against kingdom. The wars are appointed so that the world will be broken, most countries in the world will collapse, and the globalists will restart (Great Reset) the broken world, then going to the New World Order. You just can't change the order of this world by simply pressing the PC reset button, there have to be chaos, wars must happen first. And after the RESET, the world societies will be one, with one ideology, and that's a communism style of rule! "You must worship the beast or be killed"! Deception played a major role of these wars.

3. Famines (food shortages) - There will be foods shortages mostly in the western world, because of climate change. Farmers of the western world are forbidden to grow major food crops and raised cattles because it is anti-climate, and very high in carbon footprint. They are pressing the importance of carbon not oxygen, could be that carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons; 666, coincidence? And they wanted to replaced the entire food chains to DNA modified foods which they termed as healthy and mostly vegetarians. They are modifying the DNA of the food products (mostly vegetarians) to eradicate the DNA that points to the name of our heavenly Father, the Most High, the Creator of all things, YAHUWAH. And these DNA modified plants for foods can be planted indoors using "artificle light". They are moving away the natural habitation of crops or plants in the farmlands which uses the sunlight or the light from the sun, the "true light", in a preparation going to the Great Reset, when the world will collapse, maybe because of nuclear war! And the DNA modified foods will only be the food consumption of DNA modified men moving to the Great Reset and beyond. And these new foods will not be healthy to ordinary men, men who did not modify their DNA, because these new foods are the source major health problems and cancer to ordinary men. Deception played a major role of the changing the weather condition and the foods shortages.

4. Earthquakes - Is it possible that an earthquake can be man-made? If this event is coupled with deception, why not? It's no secret that countries (world's superpowers) have man-made earthquake as part of their arsenal. If you're familiar with "Red Alert 2" video game, then you knew that the superpower countries can create superweapons like "weather control device" (for CC or changing weather), "nuclear missiles", and "earthquakes". Do superpower countries have nuclear missiles? Yes, the superpowers like US, Russia, EU countries, China, Israel, Iran, India and Pakistan. If these countries develop nuclear missiles, it is very possible that some of these countries develop "weather control device" and "earthquakes", as be part of their arsenals, or their secret weapons! Therefore, selected areas, or selected places, or selected countries can be the targets of these earthquakes to prevent them to rise up moving forward to their Great Reset plan and the New World Order. Is the earthquake in southern Turkey and northern Syria a man-made? It's hard to speculate, but two places will rise in the last days (Matthew 12:41-42), Nineveh or Kurdistan (Kurdish region - Southern Turkey, Northern Syria, Northern Iraq, and North-Western Iran) and the Queen of the South or Cebu and the Philippines (the location of the northern tribes of Yashar'el). Be warned, take heed, strong earthquakes are coming!

Strong's Greek: "Divers" (from Matthew 24:7) - "Kata" (in Greek): down, against, according to.

1.) 2596, "katá" (a preposition, governing two grammatical cases) – properly, "down from, i.e. from a higher to a lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point)" (J. Thayer).

2.) 2596, "katá" - "bring down exactly, complete"; is "opposite" to 303, "aná" - "bring up to completion".

All these events will bring "down" (divers) places, or places will collapse, or places will be broken, or the world will collapse and will be broken. Then, the leader who appointed these 4 events to happen will lead the broken world to a Great Reset. And the Great Reset will happen on 2027 or 2028, depends on how fast is the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York.

And before these events were laid out in the prophecy of YAHUSHA, He warned us: Matthew 24:4,  "And YAHUSHA answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."      He warned us to pay attention, to be very careful, and must open our eyes, because the events that He prophesied will be coupled with deception. And this is exactly what is happening the the world today. We are made to believe that the events that are unfoldings are natural in occurence, but are not. We are so blinded!

And the pandemic is further explained in Revelation chapter 6, the 1st Seal:

Revelation 6:2,  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

The 1st Seal. The White Horseman and was given to him a crown and a bow, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. A "bow" in Greek (the New Testament is written in Greek) is "toxon" meaning, a weapon of both an arrow and a bow, just like "pana" in Pilipino, both an arrow and a bow. But in "toxon", the arrow is dip in a poison, and "toxon" was the origin of the English word, toxic and intoxicate. Therefore, the White Horseman has a "crown", or "corona", and a "bow and arrow" (the design of injection is like a minature bow and arrow), and he conquered the world. This is exactly what's happening in the world today! We are conquered by the crown, corona virus, and you must abide in science to have a "toxon", or a bow and arrow, or a vaccine to safe than sorry. And it's just a coincidence that this prophetic narrative came out, "you can't buy or sell". For almost 2000 years after the book of Revelation was written, all of a sudden, this prophetic narrative came out but most people viewed it as nothing today. Surely, this prophecy will be fulfilled in our time! And this prophetic narrative came out as a precursor, a warning that something isn't right with the pandemic. I'm not saying that the virus of this pandemic is unreal, a hoax, it is 100% true, there is no disputing that! But the virus was created with a purpose, and what is the purpose? The virus was specially created to prepare the people of the world for the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution. With the so called mRNA technology, the sensors in our body, and the neurons and senaptecs connections in our brain, will be setup in preparation for the evolution of man. And the new technology is within man himself, he is the technology. And this technology or invention will come to its fulness once the bow and arrow, or the jabs, the booster shots (could be approximately 6 jabs, their favorite number) are completed, and you agree to have a chip implanted in you. And once you agree (a chip implanted in you), it isn't you after the process, you are a new being, a new creation that defied the Law of Creation, you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body, the abomination of desolation inside you.

And always remember, your DNA is what you are and who you are! The name of the Father, our Creator, is in our DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in our DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridges that keep our DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds the letters in Hebrew, "YOD-(10) HEH-(5) WAW-(6) HEH-(5)" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! Altering of our DNA is altering the Creator of all things, YAH. That is defiling the temple of YAH inside us, the abomination of desolation inside us (our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit).

And the Pfizer Research and Development Lab address in China is: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China... No. "666", Wuhan China! Where the "crown" originated! Coincidence?

Now, let's talk about the beast that will push for the DNA modification to all men:

Revelation 13:11-12,  "{11} And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. {12} And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."

Another beast, or the 2nd beast, the false prophet, coming out of the earth, or coming out of the less populated area. And he had two horns or two countries like a lamb or pretented to be a lamb, the leaders of these two countries pretended to be righteous, and he speak like a dragon (a lot of deceit), and exercise all the power of the 1st beast, the false Messiah, the papacy. And he causeth, or do, or make, or construct, the earth! Looks like the false prophet is redesigning or recreating the earth (after the Great Reset) to a New World Order, and them that dwell therein, "them that dwell therein"? Why not use here "men" or "human"? Because, they are also recreating "men" by means of DNA modification to be transhumans or human hybrids. And once they modified (DNA) them, the false prophet intructed them to worship the 1st beast, the false Messiah, whose deadly wound was healed (the false Messiah is the first to modify his DNA in order to come to life again, he died and resurrected! Satan is really the master of mimicry). And what are these two countries or two horns like a lamb? These countries are the US and Israel! The US came from a less populated area during the 1700s, and Israel came from a less populated or desolated area before they became a nation. The USA national motto is "In God we trust", but don't you know that their capital in Washington DC has an obelisk of Ba'al and their government building (white house) has a dome of Ishtar? Just like the obelisk and dome at the Vatican, the 1st beast, the false Messiah. And the US exercises the power of the 1st beast! And why Israel? Because Israel today is not from the tribes of Yashar'el and Judah (Yahudah). The Pharisees, now the Rabbis, are not from the tribes of Yashar'el! They were the replacement of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el when all the tribes were exciled to Assyria (modern day Kurdistan). And they attacked the Southern Tribes of Yashar'el (Yahudah - Judah) and usurp the temple in Jerusalem during the 165 BC Hasmonean revolt. The Levites priests were exciled to Bethabara now modern day Qumran, where the Deadsea scrolls were found! Who holds the temple at the time of Messiah, and until the temple was destroyed? It was the Pharisees! And their remnants formed the modern day Israel. Revelation 2:9,  "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."     They pretended to be Yahudim or Yah's people (the real translation of the word "Jews"), and are not, but do lie, but worship in the synagogue of Satan! The Rabbis is equal to the Pharisees! And don't you know that, on the top of their government building, there is an obelisk and a dome similar to the US and the Vatican! Now, you know! Israel exercises the power of the 1st beast! The false prophet is a Jew coming from the US or Israel... this is still a mystery, but we will recognize him by his worldly prophecy! But definitely, the false prophet will be protected by these two places when he come into open.

Revelation 13:13-14,  "{13} And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, {14} And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."

And the false prophet, the 2nd beast, do great wonders so that he make fire or lightning come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (just like a lightning which stroke the dome in Vatican when Pope Benedict announced that his resignation), and deceive them (men who modified their DNA) that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had powers to do in the sight of the false Messiah, the 1st beast; saying to modified men that dwell on the earth, that they should make an "image of the beast", which had the wound by a sword, and did live. Before we get into the "image of the beast", let's briefly discuss the beast whose deadly wound was healed.

Who is the 1st beast, the false Messiah, whose deadly wound was healed?

Revelation 13:1-3,  "{1} And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. {2} And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. {3} And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

And the 1st beast, the false Messiah, is like a Leopard (Germany), his dominion is in Central Europe (The ruins of the temple of Zeus, the dwelling and seat of Satan was transferred to Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany from Pergamos in Turkey - the original location of the temple of Zeus, the dwelling of Satan, Revelation 2:13), and his feet are like a Bear (Russia), he commanded his troops in Eastern Europe to kill one another in a war of the same ethnicity (Russia-communism and Ukraine-capitalism/EU/NATO), and his mouth is like a Lion (UK), he speaks fluent in English accent after DNA modification, and English is the widely spoken language to have a common understanding world wide, and his command comes from Western Europe, and speak a lot of lies. And Satan, the dragon gave him his power (deceive nations), an his throne (the seat of Satan was transfered from Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany to Vatican), and great authority worldwide! The 1st beast, the false Messiah, is uniting the Roman Catholic (western and central Europe) and Orthodox Christian (eastern Europe), he is uniting the two oppossing forces, western and central Europe (EU) - capitalism and Russia - communism. He is uniting the world creating a New World Order, where the order of men will also change in favor of the DNA modified men, or transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, and will have dominion over the earth.

The false Messiah, the 1st beast, was given power by Satan, including the seat of Satan in Pergamon Berlin, and great authority world wide. And the false Messiah, the 1st beast, also gives his power to the false prophet, the 2nd beast, to declare to the world that they should modify their DNA in order to live and not to suffer the deadly variant of corona virus. And once the people of the world modified their DNA and a chip is implanted in them, their cellphones or mobile phones, and computers will be obsolete. They can contact their friends and colleagues, surf the net, and play virtual games, by using their minds, and some of the commands and changing of windows to another is done by using their hands. And because the human hybrids or transhumans are interface with computers or AI, it easy for them to create an "image of the beast" or "avatar of the beast" inside their minds. It's no conspiracy theory, it's a fact!

Revelation 13:15,  "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

And the false prophet, the 2nd beast, had power to give life unto the "image" or "avatar" of the beast through its network connection. No need to pay for the internet, the modified men automatically connect to the network everywhere he goes, even to the ends of the earth, because Elon Musk had launched many satellites that covers the whole world even to remote places. There is no place for them to hide, everywhere the modified men go, they can be track, control, or even hack their whole well being. And the "image" or "avatar" of the beast can see you, can track you, and will make or cause as many, who do not worship the "image" or "avatar" of the beast to be killed. The false prophet will just send a kill virus to modified man who doesn't follow his command, then goodbye to transhuman. No more freedom to modified men! The earth will be on the communism style of rule after the Great Reset.

Revelation 13:16-17,  "{16} And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {17} And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, as a sign that they are no longer ordinary men, a pure men, but are transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, and they will be separated from the people who didn't modified, so that it's easy for them to pinpoint ordinary men and to kill them. And no man can buy or sell without the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

And here's what happened in your body once they modified your DNA. The DNA of man is a "double helix". And a "double helix", as related to genomics, is a term used to describe the physical structure of DNA. A DNA molecule is made up of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder in a helix-like shape. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. And each strand of DNA molecules or helix is made up of 72,000 genes, and our "double helix" DNA (of man) has 144,000 genes. And what they're doing with the "bow and arrow", or the jabs (for immunity of crown virus), is they inject us with artificial mRNA that will become DNA in our liver. They are adding articifial strand or single helix DNA in our present "double helix DNA", to make it a "triple helix DNA", that will become 216,000 genes of a modified DNA of men.

And the 216,000 is the "number of the beast".

Revelation 13:18,  "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

"Count" in this verse is "pséphizó" in Greek meaning: to count, calculate. Now, here is wisdom! Let me that has understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a DNA modofied man; and his number is 600, 60, and 6. Here's how to calculate: 600 X 60 X 6 = 216,000; the triple helix DNA of modified men! Coincidence!

And the reason why they are appointing to build the 3rd temple at Jerusalem is they will try to mimic the 2nd temple that was destroyed. And once the 3rd temple stands in Jerusalem, the 1st beast, the false messiah, will declare to the world that he is god the most high. And what makes the 3rd temple significant is that, they unearth the "ark of the covenant" (found in archeology-strong possibility) and place it in the temple. And since the 3rd temple is the dwelling of the beast, the "ark of the covenant" will cause the 3rd temple to be destroyed and desolated. Maybe Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, and Turkey, will attacked Jerusalem and the 3rd temple with missiles (could be nuclear missiles). And the false messiah, the beast, will suffer a deadly wound caused by the "ark of the covenant", the dwelling of the Spirit of YAHUSHA. The fulfillment of the Genesis chapter 3, verse 15 prophecy, "...He (YAHUSHA) shall bruise your (beast - false messiah) head..." And the 3rd temple will be destroyed and desolated because there is no need for it! The bodies of modified men or transhumans will become the temple of the beast! And their whole well beings will be interface to the computers and networks world wide. The two meaning of "abomination of desolation" spoken by Daniel (Mathew 24:15): 1. When the physical temple stand in Jerusalem, it will be destroyed and desolated; 2. Once you modify you DNA, you defied the Law of Creation, you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body.

The mind control concept is now popularized by means of the news or the propaganda. Check this out:

"Bill Gates just dropped MILLIONS to track every move you make", Redacted (YouTube channel) with Clayton Morris.

Bill Gates and the European Unions wanted to track you! They want to put "carbon footprint" tracker in everything that you do. And here's an article from "Gates Foundation":

"$200 million to expand global Digital Public Infrastructure"

"This funding will help expand infrastructure that low- and middle-income countries can use to become more resilient to crises such as food shortages, public health threats, and climate change, as well as to aid in pandemic and economic recovery. This infrastructure encompasses tools such as interoperable payment systems, digital ID, data-sharing systems, and civil registry databases."

If countries fully submit to "digital ID", "data-sharing system", and "civil registry databases", then each person who submit to them will be known and will be track because each person has a "toxon", or a "bow and arrow", or "jabs", identification inside their bodies by means of the graphenes, or the sensors, the neurons and senaptecs connections, inside them. There will be no place for them to hide!

This is the reason why Yuval Noah Harari, top Advisor of Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum, said:  "With a new technology, it's now possible to hack your brain."  (from "Yuval Noah Harari" Youtube channel with a video entitled: "Jonathan Haidt & Yuval Noah Harari: Adapting to Change in an Accelerating World", March 2022)

It's possible to hack our brain because they have done something to us! It is not because of the new technology that they can hack us, control us, and even track our movements. The bow and arrow, or the vaccine, made this thing possible, and it's not because of their intelligence and being smart, they simply deceive us!

Here's from TIME dated June 30, 2022, "We're Dangerously Close to Giving Big Tech Control Of Our Thoughts."

We are dangerously close in giving the tech giants control of our thoughts because we have been lied by them. This pandemic made this thing possible that's why they are so certain with controlling our thoughts.

It's really fascinating to know that our bible prophesied the future events accurately. The problem is that, most churches failed to recognize it because they are following the paradigm being taught to them by religion. It is not the pastors or the priests fault, it's them who created the world's religion and divided it so that those who seek the truth, the real truth, in religion will never find it.  The truth in religion is mingled with a lie, and they set the religion as the stumbingblock. And no one will know that they are being deceived by them, the secret society, a group that goes all they back to the Roman Empire, until an appointed time.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

YAH send a strong delusion so that the truths will be our lies and the lies will be our truths. All of us are blinded until an appointed time. And when the appointed time comes, many people of the world already modified their DNA to be other the men, and the world will collapse, the world will be broken, and the globalists, lead by the beasts, will form a new order of this world. But during the process of creating a New World Order, a "Light" will shine to the righteous and the deception that they planted will be discovered. The righteous, the people who remain a normal man, pure man, will be separated and will have a seventhfold teaching concerning YAH's creation, and the Seal of the Living Elohiym is written in their foreheads (the Name of the Father YAHUWAH is the Seal, Revelation 14:1). Those who had pleasure in unrighteousness, or those who love corruptions and lies, and modified their DNA (a chip is implanted in them) will be damned forever. And the appointed time is the Great Reset era (2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York), or back the days of Noah, or the apostate generation (great apostasy), or the fulness of the Gentiles, or the fulness of iniquity of the Gentiles. And their fulness is when they become transhumans or nephilim 2.0. And the Gentiles in modern day is the globalists, or the world's economics, political, and religious elites, or rich and famous, members of WEF, which is oppossite to the world's leading positive bloodline.

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