
Friday, July 8, 2022

The 21st Century Wars: Nations Shall Rise Against Nations

 Is the wars prophesied by Yahusha Messiah in Matthew chapter 24 is happening now? We had seen and heard lot of wars in our time, from the war against communism, the war against moro insurgency and terrorism. There were wars abroad like the terrorism war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and so on. Very seldom that we seen war between two countries aside from what happened during World War 2. But this year, a war broke down between Russia and Ukraine, between two countries! This changes everything! Could this be the beginning of world conflict that will lead to World War 3?

The war on ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and the in the Philippines.

Looking at the war against the terrorist group ISIS, it seemed that the ISIS concentrated their assualt in Kurds region in Syria and Iraq. Then, the ISIS affliate Maute group strike in the Philippines. This terrorism war against the ISIS looked normal or just another war on terror, but if you dig deeper, there is something behind the scene that is happening. The two places that were involved here play a special role in the end times. This isn't just another terrorism war, it's done with a purpose! How come these two places (Kurdistan and the Philippines) are significant in the end times? Who are they? Let's examine scriptures first. 2 Kings 17:5-6,  "{5} Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. {6} In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes."      During the time of Hoshea king of Yashar'el (Israel), Samaria or the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) were exciled to Assyria, an carried them to Halah, to Gozan, and to the cities of Medes and replaced them with the people groups coming from these places. The scriptures said, "they remained there unto these days". And these places in modern day are: Southern Turkey (Halah), Northern Syria (Gozon), and Northern Iraq and North Western Iran (Medes). These places are basically the home of the Kurds, Kurdistan! How come the Philippines was included here? The Philippines is where some of the Northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) migrated after they were exciled to Assyria.

2 Esdras (4 Ezra) 13:41,  "{41} But they took this counsel amongst themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, {42} That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. {43} And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the River. {44} For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, til they were passed over. {45} For through that country there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called 'Arsareth'. {46} Then dwelt they there until the latter time."        Some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) migrated to a far away country that they might keep their statutes. They cross the Euphrates river like an Exodus, where the water was dried up and the Yashar'elites (Israelites) walked in dry land until everyone passed over. And they went to a country with one and a half year journey and the same region called 'Arsareth'. A one and a half year journey, that's too far! It can't be around the middle east or Africa, it can be somewhere in the far away land. And if we look closely at the word "Arsareth", it is a combination of two Hebrew words, 'Asah' and 'Ehrets'. Where "Asah" means, to do, work, make, produce and "Ehrets" means, land, earth. Therefore, "Arsereth" means, "to make the earth" or "the land of creation". Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) went to the "land of creation". This simply referred to our land! The first Sabbath on the first seventh (7th) day of creation, an Oath and Seven (feast of covenant renewal), Shebu'ah: Shebu: Sheba: Sebu, then became Cebu. These are just variants in the same root word Shebu'ah, it is also equals to Pentecost, the feast of weeks, a day of oath and a covenant renewal, sometimes it falls in June 12! Coincidence? And Cebu (Sebu) is in region 7, and lake Sebu in North Cotabato has 7 waterfalls or Sheba waterfalls! Coincidence?

And Isaiah further identified our land when he talked about the Isles where some of the Northern Tribes migrated. Isaiah 49:12,  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."      The word "north" in this passage is translated as "tsaphon" in Hebrew meaning north or northward. The word "west" here is translated as "yam" in Hebrew meaning, "sea'. The word "sea" as "yam" in the scriptures was used more than 320 times while the word "west" as "yam" was used 47 times because west of Yashar'el (Israel) is Mediterannian sea, but "west" itself can be translated to Hebrew as "maarab". Therefore, "west" can't be used in this passage, the exact word here is "sea". Therefore, the correct verse from Isaiah 49:12 is:  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the sea; and these from the land of Sinim."       The word "Sinim" is equal to "Ciyniym" in Hebrew which means "south China" (Sinim: Ciyniym: סינים: a people living at the extremity of the known world; may be identified with the inhabitants of southern ChinaSinim (1x): a people living at the extremity of the known world; may be identified with the inhabitants of southern China.) Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) can be found in the isles afar off, to the sea of South China or the South China Sea. Wow! What isles (plural) are located in the sea of South China? Simply, the Philippines! And combining 2 Esdras and Isaiah, we can conclude that some of the northern tribes of Israel went to Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish, the land of creation. This is the reason why king Solomon wanted the gold, silver, almug trees (narra tree) and other resources from our land to be used for the temple in Jerusalem because it is the land of creation, the land where Adam, Enoch, and to Noah dwelled before the flood. Not just another place but a very significant place! It is also the location of the "Garden of Eden" and the biblical "Ends of the Earth" and "the Isles" afar of! Now modern day Philippines! Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) dwelled among us or we are the lost tribes! Ophir is Luzon, Sheba is Cebu and the Visayas, Tarshish is Mindanao. By the way, about 60% of the writings of Isaiah talked about the Isles, Sheba, Tarshish, ends of the earth, and Ephraim, these are all referring to our land.

Now, we clearly established that the two places where the ISIS concentrated their attacked were the home of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el (Israel). And the Boko Haram, an ISIS affiliate group, concentrated their attacks in Cental Africa, the migration of Southern Tribes of Yashar'el after the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. And, if you tried to locate the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel), track the movement of the ISIS, they will give you the answer! It is just coincidence that, ISIS is the name of moon goddess, and the flag of ISIS is a full moon! And ISIS is equals to Ashtaroth, Ishtar, Esther, Easter, Astarte, the harlot of Babylon, the mystery Babylon, the statue of Mary, and the Statue of Liberty. Who finance this terrorist group to create much chaos in these two lands? Ask the globalists and Vatican... they operated secretly behind the scene!

Location of the tribes of Yashar'el:

Isaiah 11:11-13,  "{11} And it shall come to pass in that day, that YAHUWAH shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the 'Islands of the Sea'."

All the 12 tribes were scattered from these places. The Southern Tribes of Israel, Judah (Yahudah) and Benyamin are scattered in Egypt, Pathros (Sudan) and Cush - basically the whole of central Africa from east coast to west coast, popularly dubbed as the slave coast. And the Northern Tribes of Israel are scattered in Assyria, Elam, Shinar and Hamath. These are basically known in modern day as Kurdistan, the home of the Kurds - Northern Syria, Southern Turkey, Northern Iraq and North Western Iran. And the Islands of the sea is the Philippines!

And Matthew give us the hint why they attacked our land and Kurdistan: (By the way, I referred to Gog as the beast who will play a special role in the endtimes!)

Matthew 12:41,  "{41} The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here."        Nineveh is in the Kurdistan plain, therefore, Kurdistan will rise in the last days and shall condemn Gog: because they repented at the preaching of Yohan (Jonah). There will be a great repentance at Kurdistan in the last days! Kurdistan will rise and shall condemn the power of Gog!

Matthew 12:42,  "{42} The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."         The queen of the south is Sheba or Cebu! Therefore, Cebu and the Philippines will also rise in the last days and shall condemn Gog, the prince demon! For she (queen of the south - queen Sheba) came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Behold, our leader (she) will be greater and wiser than king Solomon! Who could she be? Could be Sara Duterte Carpio? Our last president maybe? And these two places will rise, Kurdistan and Philippines, and shall condemn the power of Gog that will create the New World Order a few year from now after the Great Reset!

Here's a similar passage from Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 38:13,  "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"       Sheba is equals to Cebu, and Dedan could be a place in Kurdistan? and the merchants of Tarshish - merchants from Mindanao (about 30% of the world's mariners are Filipinos), shall say to Gog the prince demon, you come unto us to take a spoil or to corrupt us? You gathered forces or armies to take a plunder (prey), to carry away silver and gold, agricultural products and other raw materials, to take a great plunder, booty, or spoil? These two places (Philippines and Kurdistan) will condemn the power of Gog, the prince demon (the power of the papacy) who will set up a New World Order! Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith YAHUWAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"        Gog is from the land of Magog (Russia) - communism, and became the chief prince of Meschech (Western Europe) and Tubal (Central Europe) - Gog sit of power is in EU (Vatican - Papacy) - capitalism. Gog played between the two ideology and the power of the two is one! Gog could be Bergoglio? No... just a coincidence maybe!

The truth is, the power of Gog wanted our country to be divided, low, poor, and broken! That is why, Gog played with our politics (Liberals), Gog played with our economy (The Basques), Gog played with our education who set the course of our younger generation (The Jesuits and other old Christian Universities), Gog played with the communist and Moro rebels, Gog played with drugs and criminality, and Gog played with our religion who give us belief system to keep us divided (RC). When Digong started his presidency, he was faced with mountain of problems like drugs, communism, moro rebels, economy, and so on, but little by little he, and our country defeated them because the scriptures is on our side. Then, he moved away from the influence of the west, the source of Gog's power (this includes China). And PBBM will strengthen what Digong had started, to give way for the Queen of the South! And the power of Gog will continue their deceptive attack for they knew that we will rise as prophesied in Matthew 12:42! Just like Christopher Columbus (a Basque jew - remnant of the Pharisees) used the prophecies of Esdras, and Isaiah, and king Solomon, to locate the land of gold, Sheba, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden, and some of the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) in SE Asian Isles, north of the equator. But Columbus accidentally stumbled in the land of America! From the movie, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery 1992.

Now, a war had started between two countries of the same origin. The war of Russia and Ukraine! And this event has a prophetic implication to it! Matthew 24:7,  "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."       Although, there are several events in this passage like the "pestilences" (pandemic), the "famines", and "earthquakes", but my main topic here is the "wars", "nations shall rise against nations". If we look closely at the word "nation", it is translated to Greek as "ethnos", defined based in Strong's Concordance as: "éthnos" (from ethō, "forming a custom, culture") – properly, people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture; nation(s), usually referring to unbelieving Gentiles (non-Jews). The people in these nations are practicing similar or common customs, cultures and practices. Therefore, these two nations were one country before and were divided by their ideology. This is exactly what's happening between Russia and Ukraine (both came from former USSR) in which, Russia is aligned to communism and Ukraine is aligned to NATO/EU - capitalism. And conflicts are brewing right now between countries of same roots, like China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Yemen and UAE/Saudi Arabia, and possibly Iran and Israel (the pharisees from Israel were from Medes-Persia). These are the conflicts between places with communism or socialism ideology and capitalism ideology. Daniel is so accurate with his prophecy! The earth's kingdoms will be divided: Daniel 2:41-42,  "{41} And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. {42} And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken."        The kingdoms will be divided between "Iron" and "Iron mixed with miry Clay". To interpret this, we have to know the "Clay"! Isaiah 64:8 KJV  "But now, O YAHUWAH, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand".      If the "Clay" were ordinary men like us, then the "Iron" could be the nephilim! The "Iron" kingdom is a pure nephilim controlled kingdom, and the "Iron mixed with miry Clay" is a mixed nephilim-men (mestizo) kingdom. Or, this could also be the belief system! Communism - a belief system that is pure nephilim (pagan), don't believe in the Father Yahuwah and the Son Yahusha. Capitalism - a belief system with a mixture of pure nephilim belief (pagan) and the belief system of the Father Yahuwah and the Son Yahusha. Like Christmas - it is mingled with Saturnilia celebration in December 25 with the birth of Messiah Yahusha (not actually Yahusha's birthday, His birth is Shebu'ah or Pentecost!), Easter Sunday - celebration of the goddess Easter, Esther, Ishtar, Ashtaroth, the harlot of Babylon mingled with Messiah's ascension (Messiah's ascension was still Sabbath not Sunday), the name of the Father YAHUWAH was replaced by LORD which is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew, and the name of Messiah YAHUSHA was replaced by Jesus Christ which equals to the two Roman gods Hesus (Zeus) and Kristna. Therefore, the wars here are between two opposing factions, a war between "Iron" and "Iron mixed with miry Clay", a war between Russia (Magog) and its allies, and EU (western Europe-Meshech and Central Europe Tubal) and its allies,  a war between communism or socialism and capitalism!

Remember! Before Yahusha laid out the events in Matthew chapter 24, verse 7, He warned us! Matthew 24:4,  "Take heed that no man deceive you."       Yahusha warned us to be very careful because the events here are coupled with deception! It started with pestilence (pandemic), then wars (started with Russia and Ukraine... what's next?), then famines (propagandas are already out in mass media and social media), and the last event is earthquake! We will not understand what's happening because a strong delusion was sent to us and we tend to believe a lie! 2 Thessalonian 2:11

Let's examine these verses in Revelation chapter 6.

Revelation 6:3-4,  "{3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."       This is the 2nd Seal, a Red Horse Rider! A power was given to him to take the peace from the earth that people should kill one another! There is only one way that people should kill one another, only by war! And this war is between the same tribes or the same ethnicities (kill one another). And the war already started between Russia and Ukraine! And similar scenarios are brewing right now like, China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, and so on. Who do you think is the Red Horse Rider? No other than Russia! And their flag is dominated by a communism RED! And the countries that are aligned to Russia have their flags dominated by RED like China, North Korea, Yemen and Iran! The "RED horse", Russia!

"There was a great sword given to the Red Horse Rider - Russia". Based on Strong's Concordance, a "sword" (in this passage) is a Dirk, a dagger, a stabbing weapon; a very short, curved cutlas. And look what I found: The Kh 47M2 kinzhal (kinzhar in English is a dagger) is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistc air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2000 km, Mach 12 speed, and an ability to perform evasive manuevers in every stage of its flight. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads and can be launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31K interceptors. It has been deployed at Russia's Southern Military District and Western Military District. The kinzhal entered military service in December 2017 and is one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. A "nuclear missiles", a great sword, make Russia unstoppable! The Horse Rider represents deception! And the communism style rule will win! And no countries, communism and capitalism, will win the wars... only the power of Gog will win to summon communism style of rule in a New World Order!

The Beasts in Daniel chapter 7 is equals to the Seals, the Horse Riders, in Revelation chapter 6. Therefore, the 2nd Beast is equals to the 2nd Seal, the Red Horse Rider! This is my interpretation, and I'm moving away from the mainstream interpretation of Daniel 7.

Daniel 7:5,  "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."       The Beast here is like a Bear, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it! And they(?) said unto the Bear, Arise, devour, destroy, demolish, much flesh (flesh is referred to men - same as kill one another). Who do you think is the Bear? No other than Russia! Russia is more fitted than Medo-Persia, the old interpretation. The three RIBS are the three countries in the mouth of Russia that he will attack! Ukraine first, what's next? Could be Poland? Sweden? Finland? or Lithuania? Only time will tell! Or, these three RIBS can also be three places in Ukraine that Russia conquered and take hold of the areas. Like, Crimea, Donetsk, and Kharkiv. Russia is unstoppable! Don't believe in the news that comes from EU, Russia and the US media, all of it are just propaganda! "And 'THEY' said unto the Bear (Russia), devour or destroy much men."  Who are "THEY"? Could be the globalists or the elites, who appoint themselves to set the world's direction...?

Here are the examples of their propaganda. Their moves are obvious but they look normal because most are blinded!

1. "Pope Francis: After a nuclear war, humanity would have to ‘start from scratch’" from Catholic News Agency

By Courtney Mares, Vatican City, Mar 16, 2022 / 04:20 am

Pope Francis said Wednesday that the image of Noah’s flood is “gaining ground in our subconscious” as the world considers the possibility of a nuclear war “that will extinguish us.”

“Our imagination appears increasingly concentrated on the representation of a final catastrophe that will extinguish us — what may happen with a possible nuclear war,” Pope Francis said March 16.

“The ‘day after’ — if there will still be days and human beings — we will have to start again from scratch.”

Speaking to pilgrims seated in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall for his live-streamed general audience, the pope said that people today “are under pressure, exposed to opposing stresses that confuse us.”

Pope Francis is conveying the "Great Reset" plan! This is exactly what he meant here - "we will have to start again from scrath"! and "Noah's flood is gaining ground", or "back to the days of Noah"! Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."    Great Reset is equal to "the days of Noah"!

2. "Russia Is Going to Try to Clone an Army of 3,000-Year-Old Scythian Warriors", News from "Popular Mechanics" May 11, 2021.

What is special about this report is that, the scythians warriors were "giant warriors"! Russia is talking about bringing back the nephilim! Back in the days of Noah before the flood! Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."        There were giants or nephilim (in Hebrew) in the earth before the flood and after the flood; when the sons of Elohiym (ben ha Elohiym in Hebrew), the sons of heaven, or angels, mated with the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, which were mighty men (gibbor in Hebrew which is also equal to a champion, valiant warriors, outstanding men, heroes, men with special abilities) which were of old or before the flood, men of renowned or rich and famous! The nephilim were the very reason for the earth's destruction by a world wide flood! And in the last days, the nephilim will be back, back to unredeemable beings, a new nephilim - transhumans or human hybrids, men that defy the law of creation by modifiying (DNA) themselves to be more than a man in terms of abilities, strength, power, and intelligence. But the mark of the beast is engraved in their forehead or right hand to separate them, or a sign that they undergone DNA modification! In the new world society after the Great Reset, people without the "mark" will be killed!

3. A news report from "NEWSMAX" dated June 13, 2022:  "Weak US Will Bring on Four Horsemen of WWIII" - "Wars, rumors of wars, famine, and pestilence. Not that we should tempt fate, but it seems giant earthquakes are the only thing left to fulfill ancient prophesy."

"It is almost cliché today to say that these are indeed biblical times. We were taught that the four horsemen of the apocalypse would be our sign."

"If one had to identify today’s potential four horsemen, one could argue that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea would be burnished into each saddle. Their loathing of the system and resentment, based on ill-defined grievances has brought them in league with each other, despite having such disparate cultures."

These aren't the four horsemen of Revelation 6, these are the four potential players for the coming wars! Russia started it all, next three countries could be China, Iran, and North Korea.

Remember, deception plays a special role in these wars, and their leader already started the war! We must take heed, because, war is part of the ingredients that will push the button for a Great Reset! The other ingredients (events) are pestilences (pandemic), and famines, climate change, and much chaos. The WAR is necessary to change the global institution into a New (One) World Order or New World Empire of the Beast!

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