
Monday, February 28, 2022

Pandemic, Wars Between Same Ethnicity, Food Shortage, Climate Change And Great Reset: A Set Up Of One World Order

 Let's discuss each of the triggers that would set up the One World Order. It is like going back to the tower of Babel where everyone were united to build a massive tower. That's why Yahuah our Elohim (God) foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another. The world was then divided by language and ethnicity after the tower of Babel. It is the origin of the word Babylon... mystery Babylon! And now, the mystery Babylon tried to unite the world, to set up a one world order. And the world today is united by internet connectivity through Google, Metaverse, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tweeter, and other social media sites, and all of these can also be done by means of Neurolink (brain-computer interface). These were the plans of the principalities and the beast all along. Back then, it was not the right time! What makes it a right this time around?

Here are the triggers:

1. The Pandemic - is a set up for receiving a 'mark'? Most probably YES! There is no such thing as coincidence if we based our belief in the scriptures. The only sure thing is the bible's prophecy. If we see it forming before our very eyes, we can call it the fulfillment of bible's prophecy. Everything happens for a reason. It was prophesied by John for almost 2000 years ago, it will surely happen in our lifetime. Revelation 13:17,  “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”       For those who keep on denying the scriptures, it's a normal days for them, as if nothing happened. The deception was on play to us all a long time ago and those who are waiting for it to happen, it's already here! A strong delusion was set up for us to believe a lie, 2 Thessalonians 2:11. The precursors are already here in our plain sight. If we keep on denying it, there will come a time that we'll be blinded by our reasonings. Deceptions are real! We can still get out of it for now! The second time is still ok, the third time is a little ok but the fourth time will be crucial. Remember, science can never be and it will never be Yahusha's plan for us! It is antithesis of Elohim (God). A time will come that our decisions will be crucial, and it will be like Matthew 19:21;  Yahusha answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”      You can only choose one! Follow the belief of this world or seek the 'light' of Messiah Yahusha. Your work, your job and your position or your salvation! The crown is a set up for their coming and a bow and arrow (toxon in Greek) is to setup the sensors in our body for an explosion of human intelligence. I can't say it straight, just take heed!

2. The Wars Between Same Ethnicity - When people are used to the pandemic and it becomes the way of life, they will set up a world wide conflict between same ethnicity or the same tribes. They have to create a world chaos in preparation for the "markings" of humanity. Look at what's happening in the world today, conflicts are brewing among the same ethnicity like Russia and Ukraine, Yemen and UAE + Saudi Arabia, China and Taiwan, South Korea and North Korea, and Israel and Iran. Anytime soon, these conflicts will turn to a full blown wars. A sign for the coming of the beast! Matthew 24:6-7,  "{6} And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. {7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."       "Nation shall rise against nation", checking the word "nation" in Greek here means "éthnos" (from ethō, "forming a custom, culture") – properly, people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture. Therefore, this is a war among the same tribes or ethnicity. And it's happening now! Russia vs. Ukraine, A civil war in Ethiopia, and next will be China vs. Taiwan? UAE vs. Yemen? South Korea vs. North Korea? Israel vs. Iran? These wars will not be a random one, these wars are actually set up by the beast, Gog itself (the prince demon) to create a scenario because the prince demon and his cohorts will come out to establish peace and safety. It's not really peace and safety but a generation of great apostasy, the days of Noah all over again! The great reset! Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

3. Food Shortage - there will be a fake food shortage because the world wide elites are hoarding the major foods staples. Revelation 6:6  "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."      A food shortage is a set up so that their new foods staples will come out replacing the traditional ones. And what are these new food staples? The DNA modified grains, plants and animals. The world economic elites are now buying farmlands to have a control of food chains in the future! They already started commercializing it (DNA modified food) and we see it as normal! Really? But no it's not! What they're doing here is the precursor of the coming world famine in Revelation 6:6. Examining this passage, what could be the reason for the prices of wheat and barley to go up? It doesn't say there was a drought in the land. This could only mean that DNA modified plants and aminals could be problematic in the future! Does Elohiym (God) wants us to modify plants and animals? Leviticus 19:19 KJV,  "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle 'gender' with a 'diverse kind': thou shalt not sow thy field with 'mingled seed': neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee."      Based on 'Strong's Concordance', we are looking at the meaning of 'Gender', 'Diverse Kind' and Mingled Seed in Hebrew: 'Gender' - to lie stretched out, lie down, to cause to lay down (of cattle breeding) ; 'Diverse Kind' - two kinds, mixture, forbidden practice among cattle (cross breeding), seeds (sowing), and cloth garments (material) ; Mingled Seed - two kinds, mixture, forbidden practice among cattle (cross breeding), seeds (sowing), and cloth garments (material). From the above verse and reference, we can conclude that it is forbidden to mix or mingle two kinds plants or animals together like guyabano and atis creating "guyatis". A horse and a zebra mix together to produce a horse that looks like a zebra. Also, there are now more than 60% of our vegetable and 99% of our grains that are genetically modified. And with the latest technology called CRISPR Gene Editing Tool, it is now easy to modify plants and animals genome/DNA. That's why China released their latest genetic modified rice that can be harvested in just two months. Yes, in a short time you can have a rice on your table, a great breakthrough really but, it is really what Elohiym (God) YAHUAH want us to do? We don't even know how many genes of plants or even insects are mix together with the rice gene to produce this 'rice hybrid' that made them good for harvesting in two month time. That's why diseases and cancers are prevalent in our time because of these things. And the DNA modified plants goes even deeper, they also produced a modified 'corn', soybeans, potato, papaya, coconut, squash and many more. They are also doing it to poultry products, cattles and fishes too. They produced a DNA modified pig called frankinswine! Scientists in both China and Argentina have genetically engineered cows to produce milk similar in composition to that made by humans. The Canadian authorities allowed a GM salmon designed by US company AquaBounty to be sold to consumers and it is engineered to reach market size in 18 months, half the time of its natural counterpart. These are just a few examples of DNA modified plants and animals and they are doing it for the purpose of commercialization! For money! Or maybe, the foods itself has the "mark of the beast" also. What's happening nowadays isn't normal! It's a form of blasphemy! Science can never be Elohiym's (God's) plan for us! And going back to Revelation 6:6, there is a sure food shortage coming soon, and after these, the DNA modified grains and other food staples will conquer our supermarkets. Let's prepare ourselves, stick to the plants and animals that are natives in our the land to avoid this kind of event in the future!

4. Climate Change - why are they so certain for this to happen? Could it be, that they knew something that we didn't know? Most probably Yes! That's for sure! We are just so blinded that's why everything that happened to earth's weather are just normal to us, or, is it really normal? Are some countries doing a modified weather? You better believe it! I'll give you an example: Are you familiar with a video game called 'Red Alert 2'? If yes, then you knew that the Allied forces had a superweapon called "The weather control device" that is capable of creating powerful thunderstorms. It's just a game but it's true! Now, we knew that the US and Europe are modifying storms for more than 30 years, how about other countries? Are they doing it too? Let's check this latest articles regarding China doing a modified weather from "Futurism" entitled 'Scientist Say They Caught China Successfully Changing The Weather' and here's what the article said:

"Call it a conspiracy theory, China has succeeded in literally changing the weather, a new study claim. As the South China Morning Post report, researchers say that during the Chinese Communist Party's centennial celebration, over the summer, weather authorities successfully modified weather above to clear sky. They did so using cloud seeding technology, a long-studied but controversial process that involve shooting silver iodide particles into the clouds, with the idea of attracting water droplets to modify the weather. The paper, by researchers at China Tsinghua University, comes a year after reports that China was dramatically expanding their weather modification program to a test area of 5.5 millions square miles... by the year 2025... that's bigger than the entire country of India."

From the above article, we see how the industrialized countries toyed with the earth's weather to have a good weather condition on their places or intentionally modify weather to prevent other countries they hate to rise up. Here's another article from "Forbes" entitled 'A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun, What Could Go Wrong?' and here's what the article said:

"Microsoft's billionaire and founder Bill Gates is financially backing of sun dimming technology that would potentilly reflect sunlight out of the earth's atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming."

Wow, examining these articles, all I can say is that, who gives them the authority to modify sunlight or earth's weather? Unless, that authority was given to them by satan itself. He is the ruler of this world! Matthew 4:8-9,  "{8} Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; {9} And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."      Satan 'offered' Yahusha Messiah the kingdoms of this world if only Messiah fall down and worship him. But He just rebuke satan by saying "you should worship YAHUAH thy Elohim (God), and Him alone you will serve"! If satan is the ruler of this world, then the richness and power of industrialized countries and the elites came from him, the devil, satan! And the harsh weather condition last December, the super typhoon Odette that we experienced, was caused by a modified storm? The storm intensified from 100++ kph to 200++ kph wind in less than 12 hours, and it happened on December where the usual storms pattern always came with not so destructive wind but an excessive amount of rainfall. That is the usual weather pattern unless someone manipulated it! Satan is the prince of the power of the 'air'. A manipulation was the most likely scenario. The weather attacked got something to do with our real identity! Because they know this prophecy: Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."    What place is the queen of the south unto this day? It's Cebu - Sheba! And Philippines is the place where Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, from the northern tribes of Israel migrated after they were exciled to Assyria. (You can read my previous commentaries entitled "The Three Kings: Their True Origin, Middle East? Or Philippines?" dated 6th January 2022 and "Super Typhoon Odette: A Manipulated Storm?"  dated last 9th of January 2022). And they have the guts to shout for a "climate change". You hypocrites! And the nature and sunlight itself will be hoard by the rich and famous in the future for the purpose of mometary, and the sunlight, the nature itself will not be for free! It will come with a cost, a price! Surely, a great punishment await to them who blasphemed by messing up with the earth natural flow! Revelation 16:8-9,  "{8} And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. {9} And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of Elohiym (God), which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory."      They will be scorched will great heat by hoarding the earth sunlight!

5. Great Reset - by pressing the reset button, everything will go according to their plans. This follow after the worst scenario they planned are realized, the two institution in a one world order. A great reset is equals to the 'days of Noah' where humanity restart or reset after the world wide flood. Pushing a great reset button is a set up the coming of Human Hybrids and Artificial Intelligence. A nephilim 2.0 explosion in our society. Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."      The days of Noah were the days the nephilim, unredeemable being, a being who defies the law of creation, ruled over the earth. These nephilim 2.0 are the future of humanity once you are willing to modify your DNA to become a human hybrids (brain-computer interface, mutants) or brain interface with AI. By becoming a hybrid, you are now ordained to condemnation, that is receiving the 'mark of the beast' and accepting the image of the beast. You destroyed the image of Elohiym (God) in you! The great reset is the beginning of great apostasy, the falling away of believers, the coming of the anti-Christ! And our time is on the edge of a generation of great deception! A few more steps to the generation of great apostasy once the restrainer (an angel who restrained the devil in moving to an appointed time) is removed! 2 Thessalonians 2:3,  "{3} Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"     "Let no man deceive you by any means", a generation of great deception, today's generation. "Falling away", is apotasia in Greek, the great reset, the days of Noah, a generation of great apostasy! Then "the son of perdition will be revealed", the beast, the anti-Christ will show up!

Some of the most probable events that are coming after the set up of the two Final Institutions in a One World Order:

1. Those who want to live longer and transcribed to satan plan of immortality (accepting the image of the beast) using CRISPR gene editing tool will finally achieved what they wish for... 'ZOMBIE' like nga lang. Revelation 9:6 KJV;  “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”      This is the punishment to them that deny Yahusha Messiah's the plan of salvation but accepted the plan of immortality offered by satan with full of deception... "and the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"   Genesis 3:4

2. The return of "tingbalang" and probably "aswang" too. Revelation 9:7  "And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men."

3. UFO/Alien envasion on earth and more asteroids/meteorites to fall into the earth. Revelation 12:3-4,  "{3} And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. {4} And his tail drew the third part of the "StarS" of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born."  and  Revelation 12:9,  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."     If you are among the people who choose to be deceive by them, you will call satan and his angels in secular term as aliens and their medium of transports or spaceships that falls to the earth are asteroids and meteorites. Do you choose to be deceive by the dark forces? Move out from the matrix of this world, disassociate yourself with the paradigm of this world where its intention is the cast a strong delusion to the populate. The things that are happening all around us have a biblical implication to it. Forget the narratives of this world! Aliens are real, they are the fallen angels! And this will happen during the great reset, the days of Noah all over again, and the great apostasy! The veil of great deception will be removed and the aliens, etse fallen angels, start to fall to the earth. For what I know, the great reset will commence in 2027!

4. Killed by the beast of the earth. Revelation 6:8,  "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the 'BeastS' of the earth."       Although the 4th seal when opened will have 3 ways to destroy humanity, what stands out here is being "killed by the beast of the earth". It stands out because men were given the authority by Elohim (God) to rule over the beast of the earth, to have dominon over them. But since majority of the populate transcribe to be a human hybrid, a brain computer interface and mutant, their DNA are modified, they become a new being, a new creation that defies the law of creation itself, they're no longer ordinary man, no longer a perfect men, a pure men, and without blemish, therefore the authority instilled to men at creation to have 'Dominion' over the beast of the earth is already removed! That's why, being killed by the beast of the earth are prevalent to people who have the 'mark of the beast'. This is a sign that the "mark of the beast" is already here with us.

The world's direction is designed by them, the principalities, the rich and famous, the world political elites, religious elites, scientists and more, creating a one world order. The global elites already set their clock at the year 2027 to the coming 'great reset'. We are coming closer to that era, an era of great apotasy, the days of Noah all over again, the return of nephilim, a nephilim 2.0, the human hybrids - mutants, a brain computer interface hybrids and AI. Once you are willing to modify yourself and become a human hybrid, say goodbye to youself! It isn't you after the process, that's receiving the 'mark of the beast', you defy creation, you become unredeemable and subject to condemnation! The signs are already given to us as a precursors; the pandemic, you can't buy and can't sell, food shortage and economic collapse, climate change, the coming wars of same ethnicity set up by the occultist (illuminati-elites) that would stir up a world conflict, a great chaos, then a great reset scenorio, and then the coming of the 'son of perdition', the beast! The coming also of the "aliens and UFOs, I mean, fallen angels! We must be alert and take heed! The generation of great apostasy is knocking at the door!

We must recognize the deception that are played to all of us! The principalities have to do their deceitful move in order for their plan to prosper. They have to do it fast because satan and his angels only have short time to rule over humanity. Revelation 12:10,  "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."      The occultist (elites) have been planning a one world order to happen a long time ago. What makes it a right this time around? The prophecy of John in Revelation is the answer! Could be that 2000 years after the book of Revelation is written, the great tribulation will commence? It was written somewhere around 65 AD to 90 AD, that's 43 years to 68 years to go! And we already saw the signs forming right before our eyes! And remember, they have a short time! So, the occulist have to act now! Yes, the time is now! And the only way to stay strong in the time of troubles is to rely on the name of Messiah, YAHUSHA - YAHUAH is our Salvation, our Redeemer, our Saviour! The name above all names. There is a power in His name! His name and His Sabbath will separate us and save us from the great tribulation the are coming!


I've written this blog (bible's commentary) almost two months now when I realized that the details of this blog (commentary) is almost equals to the "seals" in the book of Revelation chapter six (6).

1. The first seal is equals to "Pandemic". The white horse rider that conquered the world with a bow and a crown. He did it without a single shot fired, no bloodshed! He did it through deception! And look at what happened to the world today, we are conquered by the pandemic world wide. The white horse attacked by means of a crown in preparation for their coming and a bow and arrow (toxon in Greek - the origin of the word toxic) for the set up of sensors to our body. That's why the precursor are here with us, you can't buy and you can't sell!

2. The second seal is equal to "The Wars Between Same Ethnicity". A red horse rider that was given a power to remove the peace of the earth, that people should kill one another. And look what's happening in the world today, there is a confict between Russia and Ukraine, a civil war in Ethiopia, possibly China and Taiwan, South Korea and North Korea, UAE and Yemen, and Israel and Iran. A war between same ethnicities. The purpose really is to set up a communism ideology world wide. A "great sword" is given to the red horse rider to create "a world order" based on socialism.

3. The third seal is equals to "Food Shortage". A black horse rider which had a pair of balance in his hand and the prices of wheat and barley per kilo soared tremendously high and become too expensive. But the price of oil and wine are not affected. This could only means that there was no draught in the land. Could it be that, the prices were affected by the wars and some hoard the "grains" so that prices will sky rocket! This is the most likely scenario! The top economic players world wide will hoard the grains because a "new grains", a alternative one, will conquer the supermaket. It is a "DNA modified grains". In preparation of the marking of humanity! Even the grains have a "mark" too.

4. The fourth seal is equal to the mingling of all the triggers: the pandemic, the war between same ethnicity, food shortage, climate change and great reset. A pale horse rider and the name that sat on him was death and hell or hades followed him. This could only means that, he is carrying a "mark of the beast", and once you're "mark", that's a sure death for your soul, no more redemption, that why hell followed him! And a power is given to them, who had the "mark", over the fourth part (1/4) of the earth to:

1. Kill by the sword - 2nd seal (war between same ethnicity)

2. Kill with hunger - 3rd seal (food shortage mingled with climate change)

3. Kill with death - 4th seal (great reset), those people who refuse to be "mark" will be killed (physical death but a sure redemption of soul), and to those who have the "mark" will also have a sure death of the soul, hell follow them.

4. Kill by the beast of the earth - 4th seal (a sign that the markings are already here). Those who have the "mark of the beast" will become the target of the beast of the earth because they aren't normal men anymore. The image of Elohiym (God) is removed in them and what they have is the image of the beast. So, the "dominion" over the beast of the earth instilled to men at creation is also removed. Therefore, the attacked and be killed by the beast of the earth are to those people who defied creation, unredeemable being, with the mark of the beast! This is the sign that the "mark" has already started!

Only the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th seals are using horse riders for the deception of humanity. After the 4th seal, which is the beginning of the "mark", the deception will be removed. A day of great apostasy will commence, a great reset, the days of Noah, so much iniquity, and so much wickedness: Matthew 24:37-39,  "{37} But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.{38} For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, {39} And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."      And during this time, the veil of great deception is also removed putting the aliens to visit the earth (secular term) or the angels will be cast out from heaven and fall to the earth. Approximate date is 2027, the start of Great Reset! The 4 seals or the 4 horse riders in Revelation 6 is completed or fulfilled!

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