
Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Return Of Nephilim: A Modern Age Human Hybrids And The Mark!

 Let's discuss about the return of Human Hybrids in our age. I'm no bible expert but here's my take.

Before moving forward to our main topic, let's discuss first what really happened during the days of Noah that resulted to a world-wide flood. Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants (in Hebrew giants is equals to nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."      Back in the days of Noah, there were 2 people groups, ordinary men like us and the nephilim, the human hybrids. The nephilim dominated the earth in those days thus removing the authority given to men. Ordinary men perished in those days by mixing of bloodlines/genetics through mating and by murders except Noah and his family coz they remain pure, their genetics were perfect, without blemish and they were not tinted with a nephilim blood. That's why, God was so wroth with the angels who transgressed His laws when they came into the daughters of men because their offspring, the nephilim defies creation and were abomination to Him. They weren't a part of God's design which made them 'unredeemable'. That's why God sent flood to erase them entirely on the face of the earth! But mysteriouly, some of the nephilim survived the world wide flood. "There were nephilim in those days; and after that," meaning, there were nephilim before the flood and after the flood. The bible didn't explained how the nephilim managed to reappear after the flood but they were the mortal enemy of the Israelites. This explained why the Israelites battled the nephilim tribes around Canaan and would destroyed them all incuding women and children like the Emims, the Anakims, the Zamzummims, King Sihon of Hesbon, King Og of Bashan and the Anakims left in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, Amalekites and so on. The nephilim were abomination to God! They were unredeemable back then! But Christ (Yahusha) died at the cross to saved all humanity, both 'her seed' (ordinary men like us) and thy seed (men who are the remnant of the nephilim) at Genesis 3:15. That's the reason why we have two people group of today, (+ & -). And the plan of salvation was laid out to all that each one of us is qualified to be save in one condition... we have to have faith in Messiah and keep His commandments!

In modern times, Messiah prophesied the return of this event before the flood. Matthew 24:37-38,  "{37} But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. {38} For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,"       In the last days, just like in the days of Noah, there will be a return of nephilim or I'll call it a nephilim 2.0! It's the time where people will be very complacent, parties will be everywhere without knowing what are going to happen to them. A great apostasy could be the reason for this kind of behaviour to flourish and these people have done something that made them unredeemable. What do you think could it be?

The "mark of the beast" will not be put to us without us knowing it. Although there are deceptions going on that most people won't recognize the 'mark' and what it really meant but the warning and precursor are in place for everyone to see. It's up for you, for us to decide as early as now... to be with this world, your work, your position or lost everything you have to be with Christ. This will surely be the choice that we'll be encountering as early as now and up to the future. How would we qualify a sin to be unredeemable? What do you think humanity will do to be abomination to God? Because the 'mark' will be given to everyone in his own free will! It is ones choice! Here are the three most possible transgression that would qualify one to be unredeemable! Receiving a 'mark'eventually!

1. You become a new being or entity that defies creation... not a part of creation.

Creating a new being is creating a new spicies that defies creation. God created man from His own image thus modifying oneself or DNA to something else only shows you lost trust in the Almighty thus erasing the image of God in you. A new being or entity or a hybrid is not part of God's design were He created everything to be very good. Genesis 1:31,  "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was 'Very Good'. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

2. The new inventions, beings, entities will have dominion over the entire earth.

The earth was created for men. Creating these new species or inventions who are way too powerful will surely have dominion over us  or will replace us thus slashing the authority that God has instilled to men at creation. Genesis 1:28,  "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have 'DominioN' over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

3. Not part of Messia's plan of salvation.

Messiah died to save us all! But a new set of species that defies creation are not a part of His plan of salvation. What beings, species or entities could it be that will be popularize soon in our society? Let's check first Genesis 3:15,  "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between 'thy seed' and 'her seed'; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."      In here, it talks about the conflict between men (her seed) and the nephilim (thy seed). Messiah literally bruished the head of the serpent when He died at the cross to save all humanity, both 'her seed' and 'thy seed'. But the remnant of 'thy seed' (nephilim remnant) which are loyal to the devil will continously suppress, fight, have conflict with God's people thus attacking the heel of men, "thou shall bruise his heel", with a bite of deception. As deception covered the earth, they designed and invented a new beings that are not part of the 'plan of salvation' in form of Artificial Intelligent and Human Hybrids (Brain-Computer Interface and Mutants). This is the final move of satan to deceive humanity and make war with the creator!

Based on three categories above, we can clearly define the events that would lead us to great tribulation. And the inventions of AI and Human Hybrids (Human-Computer Interface, DNA manipulated Humans-Mutants) are within the three categories. If more than 50% of the populate will receive a 'mark', it will be the beginning of a great tribulation. That's for certain!

In not so distant future, there will be an encroachment of nephilim 2.0 in our society. There will also be a gospel, a true teaching of Messiah not an infuzed, mingled or mixed one, being preach to humanity that will serve as a warning, a red flag that one must avoid to remain 'just a man', 'perfect' and 'without blemish'. Because DNA manipulation will be prevalent. It would lure and seduce many. It will be promoted through mass media, social media, commercials and even governments. Always remember, your DNA is who we are and what we are! Once you give them a go signal to modify your genetic, even just a small fraction of it, it isn't a normal 'you' after the process. You become a mutant or an android or become brain-computer interface human hybrid. You become unredeemable after the process! It's receiving the 'mark of the beast'! That's why a chip will be implanted in your head and in your hand that will be used for browsing the net, communications, gaming, and so on... once you transcribe to be a cyborg or brain-computer interface hybrid.

This is the real interpretation of Matthew 24:37-38 prophecy! Or we can include the days of Lot: Luke 17:28-29,  "{28} Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; {29} But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."      After the flood, Sodom and Gommorah became the breeding ground of nephilim's remnants, that's why God punished these two places by a rain of fire and brimstome. You know what? Like Sodom and Gommorah, the earth and all the living things on it will be destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone. And it will be realize once the unredeemable beings, nephilim 2.0 will have dominion over everything.

Here are the proofs that AI and Human Hybrids are already here!

1. The US release a passport with a gender x designation. For who or what? 

2. Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface company Neuralink. In its advance phase?

3. The Meta ads... I've watched their it and lo, the human characters were so advance. Looks like they were human hybrids, a brain-computer interface hybrids! Also their ads shows a DNA modified dogs with sheep DNA producing a dog with a beautiful sheep hair and a DNA modified trees that glows in the dark. Really amazing! How soon will be their beginning?

4.Google Quantum AI - shows Qubit the dog was interviewed. Yes, a dog whose name is Qubit was interviewed by humam and the dog answered like a human! This is an example of dog-computer interface... dog hybrids. Still can't believe it! Search google quantum AI.

These are just some of the examples. We still have China's AI and Human Hybrids which are also in more advance phase. Russia, Japan and South Korea having their own inventions too.

Here's my summary:

The 'mark of the beast' that everyone wanted to avoid will not be force to anyone. It is the deception that's been carried out to all that pushes us towards the 'mark'. These worldly narratives can't easily be broken especially if includes your health, your family and your survival. You live in this world where the narratives and paradigms are controlled by the principalities. The only way for us to escape the deception is to unlearn everything we acquire in educations and religions. We must renew our relationship with Messiah (Yahusha). We have to read the scriptures as a scriptures! Ask for Messiah's guidance and He will surely enlighten us. A light will lead us all the way even in dark places. Messiah (Yahusha) is our light.

The new age hybrids are already here with us. We must open our eyes to have a glimse of the true reality. These things will become very popular any time soon. They will be all over the ads, mass media and social media. Even government will promote them. The ads will be concerning ones health. They will seduce many to transcribe to their agenda that one must modify their DNA and have a healthy lifestyle. And it will be a trend that everyone will follow suit. If you don't have the light of Christ (Yahusha), you will be deceive by them. Because your DNA is who you are and what you are. If you're willing to modify your DNA and have you brain interface with computer, say goodbye to yourself coz you're a new being after the process. That is accepting the 'mark'. There is no other way to be unredeemable and at the same time receiving a 'mark'... it's only through DNA modification and have a brain-computer interface! 

If you add Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the equation, that would put them more dominant on earth! And adding the DNA modified plants and animals would make a right recipe for a great tribulation. And these things are already forming right before our plain sight! We have to be aware and beware! Matthew 24:4,  "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."

None have come these far because their doctrines prohibate them. As long as the teaching of the churches fall short because of worldly doctrines, satan wins! He own this world. Remember when Satan tempted Christ (Yahusha) in the wilderness? Matthew 4:8-9,  "{8} Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; {9} And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."     Satan is the ruler of this world. He owns the worldly paradigms and narratives that most religions follow. We will be stuck on the deception if we failed to recognize them because a 'strong delusion has been carried out for us to believe a lie', 2 Thessalonians 2:11. We have to disconnect with the matrix of this world and renew our relationship with Messiah. This is the only way to know what are coming ahead of us. Their coming is already unfolding! If we don't take heed, we will be caught unaware of the 'mark'!

In order to be strong to the coming great tribulation ahead, we have to accept Messiah (Yahusha) as our personal saviour! Have faith in Him and keep His commandments, His laws! Not 8 or 9 commandments but 10 commandments, it's not negotiable! We have to be perfect in Messiah! This is my own interpretation and I think it is more accurte than any bible scholars out there. Coz Messiah (Yahusha) is our light... we are the 'sons of light'!

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