
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Looking Back: Adventures 2014

At the start of each year, it is always fun to look back and savor all those little adventures you've done all year round. I call it little adventures because my whole year is 90% work and my outdoor activity is just a small fraction of the remaining 10% of my precious time. And to start it up, last year was not actually my explosive year of adventure. I just done a few minor climbs while missing the fun and painful major climbs. Blame it to busy work schedules, financials and some other factors, 2014 marks as the year of my hiking inactivity. But don't get me wrong here... a special adventure also happened last year.
Gbins at Pico de Loro

Here's a review of my hiking 2014...

Mt Natib with High Conquerors

A chilling January climb. Mt Natib is a minor climb with a major climb twist... Why? Because the first 2 hour of the hike was just like walking in the park while the remaining 2 to 3 hours (depends on hiking speed) is a heart-pounding assault with several rope sections until you reach the top. The summit offers a 360 degrees view. 
The Highlight- Sir Jerome Sajise's joke time... one can really burst into laughter. I think this was also the reason why our climb was such an enjoyable one.
Pinagbutasan (Mt Natib)
Rappelling section (Mt Natib)
At the summit (Mt Natib)
HC group pic w/o Sir Jerome Sajise who took this picture

Makiling Traverse (Maktrav)

With High Conquerors and friends... this is my 4th time to climb Mt Makiling but it's my first time to climb this mountain with no rain and almost no limatiks. Thanks to a very nice weather, it was a perfect timing to truly appreciate the traverse trail mossy forest and the beautiful Melkas Ridge.
Group Pic (Maktrav)
View of Melkas Ridge at Haring Bato (Maktrav)
Erwin Layosa at the traverse trail Mossy Forest (Maktrav)

PEAK Conquers Pico de Loro

Finally, after months of planning... PEAK (Philab Explorer and Adventure Klub) is back with a lot of new faces.
Highlight: A night before the climb, I was shocked and surprised by a green creature that entered my room.  At a closer looked, I figured out it was a bird but a little bigger. I closed my windows and chased it for almost half an hour... the bird was very very tired and finally given up! I really wanted to hand it over to my son for present but I changed my mind! At Pico de Loro, I set the King Fisher's free!
Rommel Dela Cerna setting the King Fisher's free!

View near the campsite (Pico de Loro)
At the monolith (Pico de Loro)
PEAK full cast (Pico de Loro)

An almost failed Mt Irid climb

Thanks to Sir Meynard Ricarte our chief strategist and chief negotiator, we were given a go signal to climb with no permit from Tanay Mayor's Office. It could had been our second failed climb but luckily it's a go... Sta Inis aint no longer be nakakainis!
One of the many rivers we crossed (Mt Irid)
Climbing on top of the summit rock (Mt Irid)
High Conqueror at Mt Irid summit

Gerome Jan's Birthday wish granted... A swift hike to Pico de Loro

During my son's 8th birthday, we gave him 3 wishes. The 1st one was surprising, "I want to climb Pico de Loro"... My wife looked at me and smiled... "What?", she said. Looking at her, I knew that my son's wish will be granted. A couple of days later, my son and I found ourselves hitting the trails of Mt Palay Palay.
Father & Son (Gbins & Ombins)
Ombins can also do it!
Ombins and Pico de Loro

At Pico de Loro summit

Gerome Jan captures Mt Batulao

It is always nice to end the year with another mountain climb. The new year is fast approaching and my diet for sure will be in jeopardy... need to burn those extra calories. This is actually the reason why I like a yearend climbs.
It could have been a Father and Son climb... Thanks to the last minute decision of Pastor Albert Soltero who opted to join despite his hectic schedules.
AF at Peak 9 (Mt Batulao)
Father & Son at Mt Batulao summit
Gerome at the rapelling section with Pastor Albert Soltero

Omjan at Old Trail to Mt Batulao

Although 2014 was not as grand as my past and previous years' adventures, it was the start of Gerome Jan's new adventure...

I'm looking forward for a great and rare climb 2015! God Bless us all!

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