
Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Biggest Lie: "We Are A Creation Of Aliens", As Propagadized By The Enmity Of Man

 Are we created by aliens as some authors suggest? No, This is the biggest LIE! But yes, there is a bloodline that comes from aliens, and they can be called the sons of aliens! Some who lived in the earth today were the result of the mingling of extraterrestrial beings or beings outside the earth with humans. And this people group really exist, because there are two races of humanity! But there was only one creation of man, how come there are two distinct races. Is this supported by the scriptures? Of course, it is outlined by the Most High, the Great and Holy One, YAHUWAH, at the Garden of Righteouness (Garden of Eden) when Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of good and evil.

The very first prophecy coming directly from the mouth of the Most High YAHUWAH. The ultimate prophecy which transcend from the fall of Adam and Eve, and up to the End Times.

Genesis 3:15,  "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

YAHUWAH put enmity or hostility between thee (you), the serpent, Satan and the woman, Eve; and between "thy seed" (your seed), or the seed of the serpent and "her seed", or the seed of Eve. And out of "her seed", will come out our Saviour, our Redemmer, that will bruise the head of the beast; and out of "thy seed", or the seed of the serpent, will come out their messiah, the beast, that will bruise the heel of our Redemeer at the cross. This prophecy clearly outlined the hostility of the two races, and this isn't spiritual races, these races are of flesh. And the battle of two races started on the pre-flood world.

Why are we discussing about this topic? Why is most christian churches not talking about these two seeds, or two races of humanity? We are discussing about this topic because the beginning is also the ending, what happened before the flood will also happen in the last days. "I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending". And also, most christian denominations don't tackle about this topic, because it is the religion that pushed most us to be blinded. Anyways, let's kick-off with the origin of "thy seed" or the seed of Satan, the other race.

The book of Genesis, the book of Jubilees (the book of Yashar; the bible called this book, "Jasher"; and the book named "Jasher" is a fraud), and the book of 1st Enoch (I called it 1st Enoch because there are other books of Enoch, the 2nd and 3rd Enoch, which are occults), detailed the origin of the other race, the origin of the enmity of men:

Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohiym came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Jubilees 5:1-3,  "{1} And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of Elohiym saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants. {2} And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walketh on the earth-all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually. {3} And Elohiym looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were upon the earth had wrought all manner of evil before His eyes."

1 Enoch 12:4, "Enoch, scribe of righteousness. Go and inform the Watchers of Heaven, who have left the High Heaven and the Holy Eternal Place, and have corrupted themselves with women, and have done as the sons of men do and have taken wives for themselves, and have become completely corrupt on the earth."

1 Enoch 15:3-7,  "{3} Why have you left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven, and lain with women, and become unclean with the daughters of men, and taken wives for yourselves, and done as the sons of the earth, and begotten giant sons? {4} And you were spiritual, Holy, living an eternal life, but you became unclean upon the women, and begot children through the blood of flesh, and lusted after the blood of men, and produced flesh and blood, as they do, who die and are destroyed. {5} And for this reason I give men wives; so that they might sow seed in them, and so that children might be born by them, so that deeds might be done on the Earth. {6} But you, formerly, were spiritual, living an eternal, immortal life, for all the generations of the world. {7} For this reason I did not arrange wives for you; because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven."

All these three books detailed how the angels transgressed the law of YAHUWAH by lusting with the daughters of men, and begot giants or nephilim sons ("thy seed"). The angels (beings from outside of the earth or aliens) were not supposed to have intimate relationship with women, they are immortal and their dwelling is in heaven, but they did not keep their first estate; angels first estate is "spirit" and their second estate is "flesh", they can transform to man; but left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven. In their second estate, the angels lusted after the blood of men, and produced "flesh and blood", the giants, the nephilim, who die and are destroyed, mortal beings that are not a creation of the Most High YAHUWAH. And lawlessness increased on the earth and all "flesh" corrupted its way, men, cattle and beasts, birds, and everything that walk on the earth, all corrupted their ways and their "order". The fallen angels and nephilim changed the "order" of all living creatures that walked upon the earth. They changed the order of cattle and beast and became giants beasts, the dinosaur; they changed the "order" of birds and became flying dinosaur; they changed the "order" of plants and became the giant carnivorous plants; they changed the "order" of men to become like them, the nephilim. None were left to ordinary men, they were killed and some were genetically modified (changed their "order"), except Noah and his three sons, and their wives, 8 persons only ("her seed"). That's why, the world wide flood came and destroyed them all, because the inhabitants of the earth were not a creation of our heaveny Father YAHUWAH.

Most Christians won't believe the real narrative of Genesis chapter 6, verse 4. They insist that the "sons of Elohiym" is the "sons of Seth" and the "daughters of men" are the "daughters of Cain". Do you think Moses who wrote down Genesis, and is full of wisdom and understanding will not write down these two families (Seth and Cain) directly in order not to confuse believers who study the bible? This passage is not even a prophecy, it is a narration of the previous events that happened before the flood, and the narration is straight forward. And do you think the sons of Seth (ordinary man) and the daughters of Cain (ordinary man) can produced giants or nephilim offsprings having special abilities, and are renown or super heroes. The genetic of man mixed with the genetic of man can only produce genetic of man! And this fraudulent narrative is not even supported in the bible, you can't find a single reference or a single verse that talked about the sons of Seth which mingled with the sons of Cain and produced giants sons, ZERO reference! The events that happened in Genesis chapter 6 is critical, because these events will be back on the last days, Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

And this is the first incursion the nephilim (the sons of the fallen angels, or the sons of beings outside of this world, or the sons of extraterrestrial beings, or the sons of aliens), thy seed - the enmity of men, but they were destroyed by a world wide flood and none were left. But Genesis chapter 6, verse 4 outlined that "there were giants or nephilim in the earth in those days, or the days of Noah before the flood; and also after that, or "after the flood". The question is: How did the nephilim return after the flood? Let's examine the passage of the book of Jude.

The nephilim (thy seed), the enmity of men, return at Sodom and Gomorrah.

Jude 1:6-7,  "{6} And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. {7} Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

The angels which did not kept their first estate; angels' first estate is spirit and their second estate is flesh, they can transform to man; but left their own habitation or abode in heaven (If angels left their habitation in heaven, there is only one place that they will go, to the earth!), were punished and imprisoned in everlasting chains under darkness at the tartarus, or the abyss, or the bottomless pit, until the judgment of the great day or the final day of judgment. This verse (verse 6) talked about the angels who sinned in Genesis chapter 6. And verse 7 begins with the words, "even as"; which is similar to "like as" or "same as", based on "strong's concordance". Therefore, verse 7 looks like this; "Like as, or same as, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner", this verse is referring or describing the previous verse that talked about the angels who sinned in Genesis 6 that also happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Because of dark prayers and fertility rites, the women of Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to fornication, and going after "strange flesh"; and "strange flesh" is also similar to "other flesh" or "another flesh" that is not man! And what "strange flesh", or "other flesh", that women can mingle with? Jude is referring to angel's flesh, their second estate, they can transform to men. Therefore, Sodom and Gomorrah were the center of fertility rites inviting angels (or aliens) to have sex with women, in order to produce offsprings that were half angels (half gods) and half men, the nephilim! This is the very reason why these two places were destroyed by fires and brimstones. The Father YAHUWAH, don't want this world to like the days of Noah before the flood, it was too early, the time was not yet appointed, that's why, He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah before the nephilim ruled over the earth. What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah is a foreshadow of the last days: the last days is like the days of Lot (Luke 17:28-29).

This is to debunk the narrative that angels are spirits and they can't mingled with women:

Hebrew 13:2,  "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

There are two estate of angels; their first estate is spirits, and their second estate is "flesh", they can transform to man. And here a reminder to us all: Do not forget to entertain strangers, because some of us could have entertained angels unawares.

And the enmity or hostility continued; because of dark prayers and fertility rites, the nephilim (thy seed - sons of aliens), re-emerged again in Canaan, but this time, the nephilim became the enmity of the tribes of Yashar'el (her seed, the seed of Sarah-Abraham's wife, and became the seed of Yashar'el). The tribes of Yashar'el would destroyed them all!   

The battle of two Amorite nephilim kings, king Sihon of Heshbon and king Og of Bashan:

Deuteronomy 2:32-34,  "{32} Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. {33} And YAHUWAH our Elohiym (God) delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. {34} And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:"

King Sihon of Heshbon and its people were utterly destroyed, men and women, and little ones! A genocidal act done by the tribes of Yashar'el (her seed), but they did it for a reason. King Sihon and his people were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then, they must be rooted up!

Deuteronomy 3:1-6,  "{1} Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. {2} And YAHUWAH said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. {3} So YAHUWAH our Elohiym delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining. {4} And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan. {5} All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many. {6} And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city."

The tribes of Yashar'el (her seed) battled with the giant king Og of Bashan, and YAHUWAH said, fear not: I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into your hand. And the tribes of Yashar'el took the cities that were fenced with high or massive walls, gates, and bars, beside unwalled towns that were great or massive and many. And they utterly destroyed them, men, women, and children, of every city. A genocidal act done by the children of Yashar'el, but king Og and his people, the inhabitants of Bashan, were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then, they must be rooted up.

The great battle with the tribes of Yashar'el (her seed) and the five Amorite nephilim kings (thy seed):

Joshua 10:7-12,  "{7} So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. {8} And YAHUWAH said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. {9} Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. {10} And YAHUWAH discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. {11} And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. {12} Then spake Joshua to YAHUWAH in the day when YAHUWAH delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Yashar'el, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon."

Joshua and all the mighty men of valour of the tribes of Yashar'el ascended from Gilgal, and YAHUWAH said to Joshua, fear them not! For I have delivered them into your hands; there shall be no enemy left standing before your troops. And YAHUWAH confused the Amorites before the children of Yasher'el and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah and to Makkedah. As the Amorites fled from the tribes of Yashar'el and were going down to Bathhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them into Azekah, and they died: there were more which died with hailstones than whom the children of Yashar'el slew or killed with the sword. And the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites until they were delivered at the hand of Yashar'el. Now, the question is: Why would YAHUWAH cast down great stone (hailstones) from heaven to kill the Amorites? This only shows that the Amorites were already judged, they were irredeemabe beings! The only reason why they were killed by hailstones from heaven, and some were smote and killed by the children of Yashar'el. And a total of seven Amorites' nephilim kings were killed, the scriptures perfect number! And why was the sun stand still at Gibeon as the tribes of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites? This is just my opinion, but I have a gut feeling that it can be true; some of the Amorites in Canaan were "vampires" and "werewolves", the other form of nephilim, not just giants. And the power of vampires and werewolves will be less effective at daytime.

Almost all the nephilim at Canaan were killed and destroyed by the tribes of Yashar'el lead by Joshua, and few of them escape going to the north (Europe) and to Assyria, and few stayed at Palestine. And these nephilim (the enmity of the tribes of Yashar'el) became strong and formed an empire in Assyria. The empire of Assyria, whose leaders were nephilim, went to battled with Northern tribes of Yashar'el, and the Northern tribes were defeated and all of the 10 tribes of Yashar'el were exciled to Assyria except the tribes of Yahudah (Judah), the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el. And the some of nephilim tribes (thy seed) from Assyria replaced the 10 tribes of Yashar'el and dwelled in Samaria and the cities, and they possessed the Northern kingdom of Yashar'el. The "kingship" of Yashar'el, the Northern Kingdom, was removed by the Assyrians. As the empire of Assyria weaken, another empire (the nephilim controlled empire) was on the rise that world ruled the world, the Babylonian empire.

And the empire of Babylon ruled the world! They exciled the whole tribes of Yahudah (Judah) to Babylon, and they removed the remaining "kingship" of Yashar'el, the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el, the Kingdom of Yahudah ("her seed"). Since Babylon, the kingdoms or empires of this "world" were ruled by the remnant of nephilim, and up to our time, our generation. Daniel prophesied the empires that ruled the world in chapter 2 of his book, will be lead by the nephilim kings or emperors (thy seed). The identity of the kings (their bloodline) were not exposed until the "Divided Kingdoms", our generation. Here's how Daniel identified them:

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"! If "they" are not men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim (the iron, the brass, the silver, and the gold), in which their lusting with men/women cannot produced an offspring. And this only happened in Divided Kingdom era, and during the time of Iron (Rome), Brass (Greece), Silver (Medes-Persia), and Gold (Babylon) empires, all is well with the mingling of seeds. Therefore, the empires since Babylon and up to the divided kingdoms were ruled by the nephilim (thy seed). But because of mixing with ordinary men, the nephilim genetics during the Divided kingdom era became almost man, "iron mixed with miry clay" or mestizo nephilim-man, their final estate of being a nephilim. 

Is this prophecy or claim accurate? Chect this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

Why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible, like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy! And because we are living in the day of increasing knowledge, it's science and their invention that confirmed Daniel's prophecy.

And the tribes of nephilim, the replacement of the 10 tribes of Yashar'el, from the Northern Kingdom (Samaria) attacked Yahudah (Judah), the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el, and usurp the temple at Jerusalem, and offered a pig sacrifice defiling it. And this happened during the 165 BC "Hasmonean" revolt lead by the hasmoneans, the maccabees, and the pharisees (not from the children of Yacob). The nephilim group at Samaria wanted to position themselves in Jerusalem and whole Yahudah (Judah) before the fall of the Seleucid kingdom (one of the four divided kingdoms of Greece empire), for they knew that Jerusalem is untouchable because of the temple, and the empire of Rome is on the rise.

Our Saviour, YAHUSHA identified them:

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by the Father YAHUWAH, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim (thy seed), the sons of fallen angels (or aliens) and daughters of men! They were not created by the Father YAHUWAH, but a product of abomination! That's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them:

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our Elohiym into lasciviousness, and denying the only Elohiym YAHUWAH, and our Messiah YAHUSHA.

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that there are two races of humanity! And the bible which was created by the remnant of nephilim (they became the religious elites who played constant enmity of the children of Yacob, ordinary men, her seed), obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even created the modern paradigm or narrative of the bible to mislead us.

And when YAHUSHA our Messiah died at the cross, all are included in the plan of Salvation, thy seed (nephilim who became like us, mestizo nephilim-man) and her seed (man). YAHUSHA made peace to the enmity or hostility of the two races (Genesis 3:15).

Ephesians 2:12-17,  "{12} That at that time ye were without Messiah, being aliens from the commonwealth of Yashar'el, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without Elohim in the world: {13} But now in Messiah YAHUSHA ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of YAHUSHA. {14} For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; {15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that He might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

At that time you (thy seed) were without Messiah, a Saviour, being aliens from the commonwealth of Yashar'el, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without Elohiym in the world: But now in or through YAHUSHA our Redemeer, you who sometimes were far off are made near by the blood of YAHUSHA. For He is our peace (YAHUSHA make peace of the enmity or hostility of two races), who had made both (thy seed and her seed) one, and had broken down the middle wall of partition between us, a wall that separates between the two bloodlines. Having abolished in His flesh the "enmity" (of "thy seed" and "her seed"), even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of duo or two (twain) "into" new race (man). Since YAHUSHA died at the cross, His death put the two races of humanity into one race, because all, nephilim-man mestizo and men, are included in a plan of Salvation. And that He (YAHUSHA) might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity (of "thy seed" and "her seed") thereby: And came and preached peace to you (the nephilim's remnants, thy seed) which are afar off, and to them (men, her seed) that are near. For through Him (YAHUSHA) we both (thy seed - nephilim, and her seed - men) have access by one spirit unto the Father YAHUWAH. No more "thy seed" and "her seed", no more enmity of the two bloodlines!

"Strong's Definition" (verse 15):

1. "One" - "Eis" in Greek, in definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result)

Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among.

1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.

2. "Man" - "Anthrópos" in Greek, in definition: a man, human, mankind; Usage: a man, one of the human race.

444 ánthrōpos – man, also the generic term for "mankind"; the human race; people, including women and men (Mt 4:19, 12:12, etc.).

When YAHUSHA died at the cross, the nephilim (thy seed) were included in the plan of Salvation, you must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul, and keep His Ten Commandments. Salvation is only through Him alone, and nothing else! But the remnant of their bloodline, the rich and famous, the secret society, played a constant enmity of the remnant of the children of Yashar'el, or "ordinary man", and will create people that cannot be saved, people that will defy the Order of Creation. That's why, they are pushing for their plan for immortality, Satan ultimate plan for us: "to be as elohiym or gods". They wanted to be nephilim again or "nephilim 2.0, and this is made possible in the 4th Industrial Revolution where the technology is within man himself, he is the technology, or they called it "singularity"! And with the mRNA technology of the vaccine (of this pandemic), the sensors in your body, and the neurons and senaptecs connections in your brain are setup, to prepare humanity for DNA modification (the DNA of man mix with the DNA of nephilim of old) and to implant chip in your brain. And once you agree to them (their covenant with death), it isn't you after the process! You are a new being, a new creation that defy the Order of Creation, you defile the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body, the abomination of desolation inside you. And the "mark of the beast" is literally engrave in your forehead or right hand as a sign that you are no longer ordinary man anymore, and the "mark" will separate you from the rest of the people who aren't modified (DNA), and it will be easy for them to identify ordinary men and to kill them.

And Peter identified them as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity in the last days; for they wanted to be nephilim again:

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involve with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or transhumans or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then (they must be rooted up!), the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. They will defy the Order of Creation, they will defile the temple of the Holy Spirit inside their body, the abomination of desolation inside them! It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

And once the bloodline of nephilim (thy seed - who became almost like us) comes to its fulness, and will be nephilim again or nephilim 2.0, our world will be going back to the days of Noah before the flood, or the apostate generation, or the Great Reset era:

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

And here are the events that will come to us in the last days, in the return of the days of Noah, or the Great Reset, or the apostate generation:

1. The remnant of nephilim who became a man will be nephilim again, or nephilim 2.0, or transhumans. They will usurp the dominion of the earth given to man at creation, and will kill ordinary men.

2. There will be a return of the fallen angels, or angels who sinned from "above" and from "below". Since the nephilim 2.0 usurp the dominion given to men, they will give Satan the authority to govern to the earth physically. Then Satan and his angels will fall to the earth after the war in heaven  (Revelation 12), and they will fall to the earth as "aliens" because of deception. And the angels in Genesis 6 and together with the demons who were imprisoned in the bottomless pit, or the abyss, or the tartarus, will be released (Revelation 9:1-11).

3. There will be a great punishment to the earth, but no flood is coming, the earth will be destroyed by fires and brimstones just like the days of Lot at Sodom.

The witches, the wizard, the vampires, the werewolves, the "kapre" or giants, the "duwende" or dwarfs, the "tikbalangs" (Revelation 9:7), "manananggal", superman, batman, spiderman, thor, ironman, etc., will be here in the last days!

Our real battle is not against flesh and blood:

Ephesians 6:12,  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Our real battle is against aliens and demons (the rulers of this world and the princes of darkness, and the spirit of demons that possessed world leaders during ceremonial rites or masonic rituals) who wanted to corrupt the DNA of men to become transhumans, or nephilim 2.0; and creating a being that defy the order of creation. And this is done (corruption of gemone or DNA manipulation) by the remnants of the sons of aliens. In truth, it's their bloodline (thy seed) who created the paradigm of the bible, or the leaven of the scriptures, to prevent our bloodline to know the truth and to know who they are. Most will never understand it, because their lies became our truth, and we will defend the lie mascarading as truth until an appointed time, and that appointed time is when they become nephilim again or nephilim 2.0. Their agenda is to corrupt and to elliminate ordinary men, pure men, out of the world, for they wanted the return of the golden age before the flood where their bloodline ruled the world. And their ideal population to this world is 500 millions, and this number is close to the population of their bloodline, opposite to our positive bloodline.

Now, back to the question: Are they created by aliens? Well, the fact is, they are their sons! Angels are extraterrestrial beings or beings outside the earth. The dwelling place or habitation of angels is in the stars or heaven. And their sons, the nephilim, will lead the world into a 4th Industrial Revolution (the repackage 4th Reich), the globalists ultimate goal, to be as gods, or to become nephilim again, or nephilim 2.0.

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