
Friday, May 20, 2022

The Grand Deception Of The 21st Century: The Final Push Of Great Deceptions

 The globalists are doing the final push of great deceptions played in the world events to finally achieve their main goal. And the goal is a New World Order! As a result, the world's scenario and the world's landscape will be changed forever up to the very end. The new era that comes out will be called the Great Reset by the globalists who designed the world's direction, or the scriptures call it "the days of Noah" or the "great apostasy". The two events (1st and 2nd) are already here with us, and the propaganda of the next event (3rd) is already out in mass media and social media. The last event (4th) will just be the mixture of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd events coupled with the "marking of humanity". During the change of the world order, the transitional event (5th) will be felt, then the beast will be revealed and so with the aliens or fallen angels. What are these events?

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

These events are: 1. Pestilence or Pandemic  2. Wars  3. Famines  4. Is just the combination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd event + marking of humanity  5. Earthquake... All these are the beginning of sorrows or birth pains!

All the events that we see right now are just the surface of the actual scenario. Deception was played to us all causing the greater populate to never understand what they (the world wide elites/globalist) are doing! To at least have a glimpse of these things, we have to examine first the passage before these events were laid out in Matthew 24:4,  "And Yahusha answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."      Why would Yahusha wanted us to be very careful and be pay attention that no man would deceive us? Because He wanted us to be aware and never be fooled by them once the coming events or chaos will be bombarded to humanity. These aren't just simple deceptions but grand scale deceptions using dark prayers. Yes, they are doing opposite to the mainstream belief and pretended to not care on spirituality. In truth, science is the realm of the dark forces, and once the new inventions are out in what we call the 4th Industrial Revolution, it will change the world forever!

The events in Matthew 24:7 are equal to Revelation 6, the "Seals". The 1st seal up to the 4th seal are the four horse riders which carried the deceptions in them and the final event (6th seal) is a result of much wickedness done by the horse riders and this is also a transitional event from great deception to great apostasy, or the days of Noah, or the Great Reset. The four horse riders are also equal to Daniel chapter 7 prophecy, the four beasts.

We can't assume that everything that's happening all around us had no biblical implication to it. Almost everyone felt that way because of so much deceptions. We are taught by them that the sprituality is not true, it's just a product of our imagination. Well, they themselves are doing the spiritual warfare by means of deception and mind control in massive scale! We are bombarded by their dark prayers, occult spells and black magic (fallen angels rituals)! And who are they? They are the globalist, the world wide elites (political, economic and religious), the rich and famous (renowned). "Malayo yan sa katutuhanan"! Well, a strong delusion is here with us and force us to believe a lie! 2 Thessalonians 2:11,  "And for this cause Elohiym (God) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."     You can't downplay the strong delusion! Everything will just look normal, everything will just look logical, even if it's coupled with lies! The lies are here with us for a reason! So that unbelievers will be damned forever, and those who seek the "light" will be Him, Yahusha ha'Mashiach (Yahusha the Messiah)! And Satan controlled the kingdoms of this world: Matthew 4:8-10,  "{8} Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; {9} And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. {10} Then saith YAHUSHA unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship YAHUWAH thy Elohiym, and him only shalt thou serve."       Satan showed the kingdoms of this world and its glory and said, "all these kingdom I will give to you, if you fall down and worship me"! But Messiah YAHUSHA rebuked Satan! Worship YAHUWAH thy Elohiym, only Him you will serve! Therefore, the rich and famous, the globalists, the religious elites, and majority of world's leaders, are not on the side of YAHUSHA Messiah.

Now, let us examine the events: The beginning of birth pains or sorrows, which is equal to the "seals" in Revelation 6, which is also equal to the "beast" of Daniel 7 prophecy.

1. The Pandemic (Pestilences), The 1st Seal of Revelation 6, The 1st Beast of Daniel 7

If an event happenned world wide, there has to be biblical implication to it. That's what what happened to the pandemic, months after it started, the scriptures narrative came out, "you can't buy and sell". For almost 2000 years after the book of Revelation was written by John, we treated this narrative as nothing! Why? Because we have been bombarded with lies and we can't change it... our lives, our families, depend on the jobs and works created in this world! If we look closely to the biblical narrative, the probability that this will happen in our lifetime is too high. We are just so blinded! Now, let's examine the 1st seal in Revelation 6:2,  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."     A white horse rider was given a "bow" and a "crown", and he went conquering and to conquer. How will he conquer? He is given a "crown" or authority but he only has a "bow", just like going to war with a gun without a bullet. But, if we look closely at the transliteration of the word "bow", it means "toxon" in Greek, meaning a weapon! Both an "arrow" and a "bow", in which the arrow is dip in a poison! Therefore, the white horse rider conquered the world with a "crown" and a "bow and arrow", without a bloodshed, without a war! He conquered the world through deception! This is exactly what happened in the world today, the white horse rider conquered every house hold in every nations by mean of a "crown" and a "bow and arrow", coupled with deception. You need a "bow and arrow" dip in a poison to escape or to lessen the effect of the "crown"! We have to believe in them, their narrative... it is better to be safe that sorry! We treated science as our saviour! And we have forgotten the Author of us all, our Creator and Redemeer, YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA! What could be the purpose for this made up pestilence? To prepare humanity for the "stamping" or "marking". A "bow and arrow" will setup the sensors, neutrons, and senaptecs (graphene) in our body to prepare it to the next stage! This is crucial because the "mark" starts on the next stage! And the next stage is, you can now modify your DNA to be a transhuman or human hybrid by implanting a graphene chip in your brain and in your hand. As early as 2027, your celfon will be obsolete. You can contact your friends and surf the net by using your mind and the tasking will be done by your hand. That's why the narrative is here with us today, "you can't buy and sell"! This is the truth about their so called science! Again, the "bow and arrow" is not the "mark" but to prepare our body! Remember always, our DNA is what we are and who we are! Our Father and our Creator is in our DNA, His "signature" is attached to it! And once you replaced the "signature" of our Father, our Creator by modifying your DNA, it isn't you after the process! That's denying the image of Elohiym (God) in you! You are a new creation, a transhuman, a human hybrid, a nephilim 2.0, you defy creation, you have now the "signature" of satan, the mark of the beast and accepting the image of the beast. And graphene is made up of Carbon which made up of 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons, 666. Coincidence!  And who could be the white horse rider? It is UK! Their symbol or seal has a white horse! Let's also examine the beasts of Daniel's prophecy. Daniel 7:4,  "The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it."      In here, the lion is the UK (their symbol or seal has a lion to it also) and the eagle's wings is USA. And the major Pharma companies and main Research Lab in the world are located where? UK and the US! And USA is just a creation of UK. Just a coincidence maybe? And their spokesman is the WHO with a white flag, and is showing concern to the world (man's heart was given to it), but the end product of it all is to prepare humanity for their goal! And the new UN "beast statue" in their headquater, does it mean something? Or just a coincidence maybe that it looks like the 1st first beast? And the UN headquarter is in New York, and York is a place in England, and New York is just the extension of York! And you know what? The Pfizer Research and Development Lab address in China is: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Number "666"! Wuhan, China! Where the "crown" originated! Coincidence? And the Pfizer Main Research Lab is in UK, and even in the US, their address is New England! Coincidence? An the propaganda and news regarding the pestilence were almost centered to these two countries! Deception was on play with this pandemic (pestilence). The mystery of iniquity (apostasy) is already at work!

2. The Wars (Against Same Ethnicities or Tribes), The 2nd Seal of Revelation 6, The 2nd Beast of Daniel 7

These wars are significant for them who design the world's direction not us! Because, they will unite the two mytery Babylon (Western and Central Europe RC and Eastern Europe OC), and the final outcome will be a world with a communism style of rule! And they will focus their eyes on the promised land, where they will build a cathedral of the beast! What are these wars? Based on Matthew 24:7, "nations shall rise against nations", and the word "nation" in Greek is "ethnos", meaning - the same custom, the same culture or the same ethnicity. Therefore, the wars here are between nations that were once, one nation before but were the divided because of belief or political stance. And this is exactly what's happening now! Russia and Ukraine have conflict with each other from the same tribe or same ethnicity, both came from former USSR but were separated by their political belief. And you can see other conflicts that are brewing right now like, China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Yemen and UAE + Saudi, and or even Syria + Iran and Israel. These conficts will result to a World War 3. And let us examine this verse in Revelation 6:4, "And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."      A red horse rider who removed the peace on the earth and declare a war (kill) to one another of the same tribes or ethnicities. A very similar event (war - nations shall rise against nations) in Matthew 24:7. And Russia will lead the war here (a great sword was given to him) with so much strength and power, therefore, it's not easy to make war with him. And Russia's symbol is communism "red", even their flag is dominated by red. And the countries that are aligned to Russia which also have conflict with other countries have "flags" dominated by red. Hmmm... just a coincidence! And look what I found: "And there was given unto him a great sword". Based on Strong's Concordance, a "sword" is a Dirk, a dagger, a stabbing weapon; a very short, curved cutlas. And this is very interesting: The Kh 47M2 kinzhal ("kinzhar" in English is a "dagger") is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistc air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2000 km, Mach 12 speed, and an ability to perform evasive manuevers in every stage of its flight. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads and can be launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31K interceptors. It has been deployed at Russia's Southern Military District and Western Military District. The kinzhal entered military service in December 2017 and is one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. A "nuclear missiles", a great sword, make Russia unstoppable! The Horse Rider represents deception! And the communism style rule will win that's for sure, but no countries will win! Russia is the red horse! Let's check Daniel 7:5,  "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."      What country is associated with the bear? No other than Russia! And the three ribs could be tribes or nations that Russia will attack! The first one is Ukraine, so, the other two countries are coming? Or, these three RIBS can be three places in Ukraine that Russia conquered and take hold of the areas. Like, Crimea, Donetsk, and Kharkiv. "And THEY said unto the Bear, Russia, devour or destroy much men (flesh). This isn't just a simple war, it's killing much men! "And THEY said unto it", who are THEY? Could be the globalists... the author of it all!

3. The Famines (Food Shortage), The 3rd Seal in Revelation 6, The 3rd Beast of Daniel 7

Here's another plan of the globalist (world wide elites) that is already forming in the horizon. The propagada are slowly peaking up and in a few years from now, there will be a full blown food shortage (famine). Here are the news: From "Natural News", "Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped"  and from "The Suncoast News And Scoop", "As World War 3 Escalates, Get Ready For A Terrifying Breakdown Of Our Food And Energy Systems"  and from "Daily Maverick" (March 15, 2022) - "South Africa farmers battle to control locust swarms of biblical proportions". They are up into something that's why as early as now the propagandas are bombarded to the world's populate to get used of news reports of this event and once famine hit us, the famine will look normal in occurence. What could be their purpose? Let us examine first this passage in Revelation 6:5-6,  "{5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. {6} And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."       A black horse rider was given balances and he measure the prices of grains (wheat and barley) per kilos and it become way too expensive. But the prices of oil (cooking oil I guess) and wine are not affected... weird! It does't say there was a drought in the land that caused this famine or food shortage. Or maybe they are hoarding the major food staples? The answer is probably YES! Here's what I found: A news headline from "CNBC", "The ultra-wealthy like Bill Gates and Thomas Peterffy are investing in U.S. farmland". "In 2020, Bill Gates is becoming the largest private farmland owner in the US, accumulating more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 States. And Thomas Peterffy, chairman of Interactive Brokers owned 581,000 of farmlands."   This only points out that the wealthy, the rich and famous, the globalist will have control of our farmlands in the future. This pattern is happening world wide including our own country where Ayala, SM groups, San Miguel, and others are venturing in agri-bussiness now. Coincidence? They are doing it to have command in the major food staples specially grains where the new food staples will conquer our supermarkets. These are the DNA modified grains and other food products. They are slowly replacing the grains and other food products with the "signature" of satan by means of DNA modification. Even the foods products must be "mark"! And you can't buy and sell the food staples without the "mark". They will have the detailed lists of food products that can be sold to super markets and these products are of course DNA modified! One example of these products is the new hybrid rice in China that can be harvested in two months with a high yield and a ‘Seawater Rice’ that can feed 80 million people. Ultimately, their plan is to put a "mark" even in foods product also. Because, their future foods consumers are the transhumans or human hybrids, a new creation or new intities that where created after the image of the beast! That's why their foods must have the "signature" of the beast. Traditional foods (grains and vegetables) are the creation of our Elohiym (God) the Father, and the globalists (with the mark of the beast) are afraid that it will deteriorate their well beings or they will change back to ordinary men once they consumed these food products. And being a transhuman, he is already immune to diseases or even to death! Who do you think will lead this food shortage? My will guess would be Germany! Is it a coincidence maybe that Germany has "black" eagle symbol? Let's also examine Daniel's prophecy: Daniel 7:6,  "After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it."       Which country is associated with "leopard"? No other than Germany! But the beast have four wings and four heads? Well, these four heads or countries are associated with eagles. So, the coutries will be lead by Germany, Belgium, Austria and Poland! This is my wild guess! We will know once the new food staples (DNA modified foods) will come out, and know their origin... Germany will be the biggest supplier of these products (new food staples)! And the major news and propaganda will come out of Germany during this world famine! Even in famine, the black horse rider, Germany, is playing deception!

4. The Institution of "the Mark of the Beast", The 4th Seal in Revelation 6, The Fourth Beast of Daniel 7

The above three events will lead to the "marking" of humanity. That's why the sign was given to us during first event (the Pandemic), "you can't buy and sell". A strong delusion was on play for us to believe a lie! And the curse of a strong delusion can't be broken easily because it is here for a reason. So that unrighteousness will be damned forever! As the "marking of humanity" commence, the "light" will also be given to us all! It will solely depend on the decision of each one of us, to be damned forever because we love their lies, or accept the "light" of Messiah and know His name... YAHUSHA, meaning - YAH or YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redermeer, our saviour! Now, let us examine the passage in Revelation 6:8,  "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell (Hades) followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."     A pale horse rider and in him was "Death", and Hell or Hades followed him. How on earth that a pale horse rider has a "Death" that sat on him? This could only mean, that the pales horse rider had already done something to himself. To escape "death", he modified himself (DNA modification) by implanting a graphene or chip in his brain and in his hand, and is now resistant to diseases and even to "death". He made a covenant with death! He already has the "mark of the beast"! A sure condemnation and no more redemeption of soul, that's why, Hell or Hades followed him. Therefore, the pale horse rider with the "mark of the beast" gave power to them (his minions who have the mark of the beast) over the fouth part or 1/4 of the earth, but wait, 1/4 or a fourth part (25%) of the earth is literally dry land, where humans dwell, and about 3/4 (75%) of the earth is body of water. So, the pale horse rider was given power and authority world wide to implement the "mark of the beast" to humanity and those who refused will be:

1. Kill with sword (2nd Seal) - to have the "mark" or be killed! And they will make wars to the nations who refuse the "marking"!

2. Kill with hunger (3rd Seal) - there will be no food supplies for the countries or villages who refuses to be "mark". They have command over the food supplies world wide! And thus, the DNA modified grains and food products will dominate the supermakets. The food are "mark" and so with the consumers! That's why "you can't buy and sell" without the "mark".

3. Kill with plagues or death (1st seal) - a new variant of a crown will come out and is deadlier, and you are force to modify your DNA to be saved! The decision will be between your salvation (a sure life) or to be alive and have the "mark", but a sure "death" of soul. But I think, this variant is more dangerous to people who have completed the "bow and arrow" or a snake bite (ba-ku-na, the booster shots)!

4. Kill with the beast of the earth (a sign that the marking of humanity is here with us) - man was given a dominion over the beast of the earth at creation. Since, some already have the "mark of the beast", these people defied creation, they are a new being, they are no longer an ordinary men, a pure men with a perfect genome (DNA), that's denying the image of Elohiym (God) in them! The dominion over the beast of the earth is removed to them who have the "mark". Therefore, the attacked of the beast of the earth are to them who defied creation and accepted the image of the beast. This is the "sign" that the "mark" is already here with us! Believers will be protected because they remain pure and ordinary men and of course, "the seal of the living Elohiym (God)" is our shield! On the other hand, if they modified the gene (DNA) of some of the beast of the earth, it will attack ordinary men without the "mark". That why it is very important to have the "seal of the Living Elohiym (God)" to be protected. And the "SEAL" is the name of the Father, YAHUWAH! Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

Who do you think is the pale horse rider? No other than the papacy! the Vatican! It is just a coincidence maybe that their symbol and flag are yellowish in color (pale is a yellowish pale based in "Strong's Concordance"). Therefore, Vatican will lead the "marking" of humanity! Let us also check the prophecy of Daniel: Daniel 7:7-8,  "{7} After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. {8} I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things."       The beast is dreadful and terrible, and exceedingly strong! The country or an empire that this beast will lead is dreadful, terrible, and excessively strong! This could be the result of the new world order, the world's command is centralized to him who leads the empire. It had great iron teeth, his commands and laws must be executed strictly, and the countries that will not follow his command will be brake in pieces and stamped even the residue with the feet of the beast (the beast empire). The beast is diverse, change, alter, or modify from all the beast before it! So, the beast here could be a combination of the first 3 beast, the lion, the bear, and the leopard! Therefore, the beast, or the empire, have already undergone DNA modification or already have the "mark"! And it had ten horns or ten kings, and a "little horn" plucked up by the roots of the three horns (these three horns could be UK-western Europe, Germany-Central Europe, and Russia), out of the ten horns or ten kings or ten countries. And this "little horn" will magnify himself: Daniel 7:25,  "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."      And he shall speak great words or words of blasphemy against the most High YAHUWAH, and shall harass the righteous believers of the most High YAHUWAH, and will change times and laws. Who do you think is the "little horn" who changed the times (they changed the beginning of a new day at sunrise to 12 midnight) and changed laws (they removed the 2nd commandment - thou shall make a graven image... and replaced the Sabbath to Sunday)? No other than the Vatican, the papacy! The book of Revelation further confirmed this: Revelation 13:2,  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."      So the 4th beast in Daniel 7:7-8 is like a leopard (Germany), and his feet were like that of bear (Russia), and his mouth is like a lion (UK - after DNA modification, he is fluent in English). And the power of the papacy, the seat of satan in Vatican, and great authority world wide was given by Satan himself! Can we know him, the little horn? Check this out! Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith the YAHUAH thy Elohim (GOD); Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"        Gog, the prince demon, is from Magog, and became the chief price of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify these places? Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah. When the earth was divided (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees) by Noah between his three sons, Shem got the land of Asia, Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles but he despised it! So, he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Media or Medes, now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the Brit Isles since Madai despised the land. Tubal got the Central Europe. Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Macedonia-Greece and the Isles and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU but his bloodline came from Russia! Gog seat - throne was controlled by eastern Europe - Russia and Russian Steppes and Turkey, and after many years, Gog moved his seat - throne to Rome, Vatican, which is controlled by western and central Europe (EU). Gog is playing with the two opposing forces, communism (Russia) and capitalim (western and central Europe-EU). And Gog is trying to unite the RC at EU and OC at eastern Europe. Therefore, the pope, Gog, will form the New World Order by uniting to two opposing forces (communism or socialism and capitalism) world wide! Gog could be... Ber'gog'lio? Or maybe just another coincidence? How many more coincidence before it become your truth? None! Because, we believe in their lies!

If we are waiting for the great deception to happen in our lifetime, it is already here with us! You can't downplay the strong delusion, it is called strong because no one can break the curse, and no one knows they are being deceived! Although, their are some who are enlightened and recognized this deception in our time, it can only be removed once the "veil of great deception" is broken, and the apostate generation will commence. When will this thing happen? During the great reset, or the days of Noah all over again! The apostate generation! Their plan of a great reset is 2027?

5. Earthquakes in Divers Places, The 6th Seal

Although there are seven seals in Revelation 6, the "5th seal" are the souls of men that were slain when the "mark of the beast" is instituted to humanity! They raised their complaint to the most High YAHUWAH in heaven. Revelation 6:9-10,  "{9} And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: {10} And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O YAHUWAH, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"     "On them that dwell on the earth", therefore, majority of the earth's populate (that dwell on the earth) are transhumans, human hybrids, cyborgs, nephilim 2.0! Majority has the "mark of the beast"! Then, the "seventh seal" is equals to the "Seven Trumphets", the "great tribulations". Therefore, the 1st seal (pestilence or pandemic), the 2nd seal (wars), the 3rd seal (famine or food shortage), the 4th seal (institution of the "mark"), are the major events that will happen before the transition to the next era. And the 6th seal (earthquakes), is the result of too much wickedness done by the people with the "mark". No more deception here but this is a warning to the earth populate that the great tribulations are coming! This is the Great Reset era, the generation of apostasy or the days of Noah all over again, and satan and his angels begin to fall to the earth because the veil of great deception is broken! Revelation 12:9,  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."     Satan which deceived the whole world, again, Satan which deceived the whole world! Satan is the reason of a great deception! There is no place for satan and his angels in heaven, so, they will attack the earth with a great wrath or hatred. But this time, only the unrighteous will be deceived still by him. And we, the righteous and believers of Yahusha will no longer fall to the deception. And these things will happen during the major: Revelation 6:12-14,  "{12} And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; {13} And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. {14} And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."       When the sixth seal was opened, a great earthquake followed. The sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair and the moon becomes blood, there will be a never before seen eclipse of the sun and the moon! And the stars or angels of heaven fall into the earth. The heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together, blackness will dominate the sky (heaven or kalangitan), no more stars. And every mountain and island are move out of their place. There will be a changed on earth's geography after the great earthquake! Then the a full-blown era of apostasy begin, it's no longer a mystery of iniquity! It is the days of Noah all over again or the Great Reset! Their plan for the great reset is 2027, then satan and his troops will attack the earth contributing of this major event (6th seal) to happen!

On the other hand, satan's power could be the caused of this earthquake! Revelation 12:15-17,  "(15) And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. (16) And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (17) And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim (God), and have the testimony of Yahusha Messiah."        And the serpent (satan) cast out of his mouth a tsunami after the woman, that she might be carried away by the flood. And the earth help the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. Well, there is only one place that satan will attack. A significant place because, this place will lead the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) back to the promised land. And satan will prevent this happen! It is the place of Ephraim because he is given the first-born right of Yashar'el! And the land of Ephraim is ancient Sheba and Tarshish, the Philippines! Therefore, when China, the "great red dragon" (No other country is associated with red dragon), controlled by satan himself will attack the Philippines (the map of the Philippines looks a woman in travail) by sending a tsunami from South China Sea (China would create a big earthquake that produces tsunami - water as flood from the mouth of the serpent), and the Manila trench and the Philippine trench will open (the earth will open her mouth) and will swallow up the flood (the opening of Philippine trenches could also be a result of great earthquake to save us from the flood! - the breath of Yahusha). Therefore, after this event, the world geography will change! The earth could look like its old self before the flood. There were no oceans back then but massives rivers from Eden (North Pole), and these rivers are the earth's trenches! And the end of Eden river system is Pison river which surrounds the land of Havila, the name of our place before the flood, and the garden of Eden, and became Ophir after the flood! The Philippines! The original place of Noah before the flood! And we are literally back to the days of Noah! Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be".      And since the power and authority was given to the beast, the little horn, Gog, the papacy, over the fourth part or 1/4 (25%) of the earth (Revelation 6:8), basically is the dry lands, the continents, where human dwell! The huge and massive earthquake will give way for the righteous to dwell in the new dry land that the earthquake has created when the trenches opens and swallow the flood (body of water, seas, oceans). And the new dry land below the continents, which is not under the power and authority of the beast, will be the safe place (haven) for the righteous with the seal of Elohiym, to dwell. And will be guarded by the beasts of the earth!

It's time to re-examine the paradigm of this world. We are living in an era of so much deception, and we must realize these deceptions or else we will be damned forever. We must not harden our hearts! It is now a high time that we must know the true name our Elohiym (God) the Father, YAHUWAH, and never is the LORD (translated directly to Ba'al in Hebrew)! We must know the true name of Messiah, YAHUSHA, never is Jesus (there is no "J" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, old German, old French, and old English). These names are out to deceived us, and these lies became our truth! There is a literal power that come in His name. It is the only weapon to break the curse of so much deception! The name of Messiah will save us from the great tribulations that are coming! Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."      Only through His name, YAHUSHA meaning - YAH is salvation or YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour, and nothing else!

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