
Friday, March 18, 2022

Who's Gonna Preach The Gospel In The End Times?

 In the book of Revelation, the gospel will be preach to all nations in the end times. Who do you think will preach the gospel? If we based our way of thinking in modern times, the gospel will be preach by priests with a high educational attainments, recognitions and awards, doctor of theology or even religious elites. But if we studied the scriptures carefully, the answer is NO and it's NOT. It's not what we think it is! The religion that we knew, the christianity and the churches were created to mislead us and deprived us from the truth. It is a lie! It has nothing to do with pastors or priests. The world religions were created by the remnant of the Pharisees with an intent to sway believers away from the true teaching of the gospel. The truths that we all knew were mingled with lies!

When Yahusha Messiah came into this world, He wasn't showing Himself as an expert of Torah like the Pharisees. He never acted to know everything like the Sadducees. He never advertised who He was like the Scribe. He never exalted himself as King of Israel (Yashar'el). Messiah came as an ordinary man. He selected His disciples from the poor and ordinary families. His teaching were focus mainly on the poor communities. Messiah taught about salvation, righteousness and unity among believers. And examining our belief in Elohiym (God) today, it is so divided. This isn't what our Elohiym (God) Yahusha plan for us. The modern teaching of the scriptures are meant for us believers to do wrong. They established a church worship and divided the belief system so that, those who will seek the truth will not find it. The devil's minions will continue to operate to deceive believers by creating a Pharisees like churches or temple rather than patenting our worship to the early Ekklesias.

If we really studied the scriptures carefully, the use of the word "church" is problematic because "church", as translated in English, is not equals to the word "ekklesia" in Greek which is the actual term or word used in the scriptures. The definition of "church" is a holy or sacred place, a place of worship, a building, while "ekklesia" means a gathering of people (believers) or a public assembly of people (believers), a congregation. Therefore, the "ekklesia" is not the same as the word "church". "Ekklesia" can be equated to "synagogue" where "synagogue" means, a bringing together, gathering (as of fruits), a contracting, an assembling together of men, an assembly of men. Therefore, "synagogue" is equals to "ekklesia" and we can equate the word "church" to a "temple". But there is only one temple of Elohiym (God), and that's in Jerusalem which was destroyed in 70 AD. That's the reason why our body became the temple of the holy spirit; 1 Corinthians 3:16,  "Know ye not that ye are the temple of Elohiym (God), and that the Spirit of Elohiym (God) dwelleth in you?"      Athough, the place for "ekklesia" can be appointed or you can appoint a place to gather, but the concept of that place is not equal to a church or a temple. And that place can be like a gym or an auditorium or a hall, just a raw place where you can gather and protect the "ekklesia" from the elements. If you look into the context of "church" in the scriptures, you will see the difference. 1 Corinthians 16:19 KJV,  "The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in Messiah, with the church that is in their house."     "The 'church' that is in their house"? How can you put a 'church' inside a house? It merely says, a gathering of people (believers), "ekklesia"! Acts 7:38,  "This is he, that was in the 'church' in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:"      A "church" in the wilderness? This simply means "ekklesia", a gathering of people (believers). Even if you look into the "Strong's Corcordance", the word 'church' in this passage is translated to Greek as "ekklesia" meaning - gathering, assembly of people (believers). It is never a place of worship, a sacred place or a building. They just replaced here the original word "ekklesia" and translated it to english as "church" which is equal to a temple. But the problem is, you cannot create a new temple here on earth. To created one, it is not Elohiym's (God's) temple but a temple of the beast! And that's what happening all around us today... full of deception! And don't you know that a "church" concept is pagan in origin? And the original "old English" meaning of the "church" is circus? That is why the Roman Catholic top hierarchies refer to their "churches" as "ecclesias" (they knew that someone is playing with the Bible translation) but the meaning is equals to a temple or a church.

If we look into Yahusha's ministries, He started to look for His disciples not at the temple in Jerusalem where He can find persons well verse of the scriptures, but rather, He chose a fishing village in Galilee. Matthew 4:17-19,  "{17} From that time Yahusha began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. {18} And Yahusha, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. {19} And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."       See the pattern! This is most probably the similar pattern for the final preaching of the gospel in the end times, His second coming. Yahusha selected His disciples not from influential people, the rich and famous and people with a high statutes but rather from the poor and ordinary. Luke 6:20   "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of Elohiym (God)."        This is the very reason why He chose the poor! For they are less connected to the narratives of this world. The world is evil! And the world that we are in will bring us to condemnation, if we prefer to be connected to it rather than seek the light of Yahusha. Therefore, as early as now, we must renew our relationship with Him and stay away from the narrative of this world. It's the only way to avoid the deception that we are in! But our works prohibit us to do these things. No worries, a "light" will be given to each one of us in a very near future. You have to decide, to pursue with the best jobs, careers and positions in this world and just continue with the fraudulent paradigm or follow the "light" of Yahusha that would bring us to a sure redemption. Having a "mark" or having a "seal"... our choice will be very critical!

The signs of the end times are already here with us. The "UFO disclosure", "you can't buy and sell", "Great Reset" or "days of Noah", "climate change" and the coming of the "queen of the South" in Matthew 12:42, signs that are here in just 2 years. We must take heed and be prepared. Stop the worldly desires and be contented on what we had. Being a poor is a blessing! James 2:5,  "Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not Elohiym (God) chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?"       The poor that loved Yahusha are heirs of the kingdom of Elohiym (God), this is His promised. Because of this promised, there is a great possibility that the gospel in the end times will be preach by ordinary men just like you or me. Revelation 14:6-7,  "{6} And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, {7} Saying with a loud voice, Fear Elohim (God), and give glory to Him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."       We must worship Him that made the heaven and earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters. We must worship our Creator. And to worship Him effectively, we must know the true name of our Elohiym (God) the Father, "YAHUAH"; where "YAH" is the three letters name of Elohiym and "Huah" means - to breath, to be in the sense of existence. "YAHUAH" gave us the breath of life, our Creator. His name is never the "LORD", which is directly translated to Hebrew as Ba'al. We must know the true name of Messiah, "YAHUSHA"; where "YAHU" is the four letters name of Elohim (God) the Father and "SHA" in Hebrew means - salvation. YAHUSHA means YAH is salvation or YAHUAH is our salvation, YAHUAH is our redemeer, YAHUAH is our saviour. Messiah's name is not and never is Jesus Christ! This name came out to deceived us. John 5:43,  "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."        Messiah literally come with His Father's name because the name of Messiah is YAHUSHA, meaning YAHUAH is our salvation, our redemeer and our saviour. We must know the real name of the Father and the Son our Messiah because deception was on play here unto this very day. And the other person, the beast, will come with his own name and we will receive him openly, but why? This is no other name on earth that we will receive that person or the beast, no other than the name Jesus Christ. And that's the truth that we all knew today because we believe in their lies! We must know the true worship of our Elohiym (God), the Sabbath worship instituted by YAHUAH our Elohim (God) since creation. Not Sunday which was instituted by men. In Mark 2:27-28 KJV,  "And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."       Yahusha cannot declare Himself the "Master or Suppreme of our Sabbath" (the Lord of the Sabbath) then completely abandon His declaration as the Head and the Top of our Worship! It make no sense! The Sabbath worship is the worship of Yahusha! And the Sunday worship is a worship of men, the other man, the beast! We must break the strong delusion that was planted to us by knowing His name. It is the only way to remove the curse! There is a literal power in the name of YAHUAH and YAHUSHA. We must hold on to it, because surely, the gospel in the end times will come to the people who knew His name!

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