
Friday, April 28, 2023

The Fulness Of The Gentiles (Reload)

 What is the fulness of the Gentiles? Some Christians interpreted this passage as: the day when the gospel is preach to all the nations of the Gentiles all around the world. In some sense, yes, it is partly correct, but I think, it goes deeper than just preaching the gospel. The question is: Is it a positive thing or a negative thing that the Gentiles come to its fulness? Let us examine first the passage from the book of Matthew:

Matthew 24:14,  "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

The gospel will be preached to all the world as a "witness" to all nations, therefore, all the people of the world will know that the gospel is being preach to them, could be directly or indirectly, and to accept the gospel is a different story. The gospel will be preached in the last days as a "witness" for the coming "Judgment", it has nothing to do with the repentance of the unrighteous and the wicked, because there is no more repentance to them, they already accepted the mark of the beast. And the last days are the days of great apostasy and lawlessness, most of the Gentiles will be out of the true teaching and relationship with our Messiah YAHUSHA. Many will persecute the righteous who keep His commandments and have His testimony! Therefore, my 21st century definition of the fulness of the Gentiles is: it is the day of much iniquity and wickedness as a result of the 4th Industrial Revolution where the new invention of the Gentiles becomes a trend, and this invention or technology is within man himself, he is the technology. A day when the Gentiles will lead the people of the world to defy the Order of Creation, and will modify their DNA (implant a chip in their brain) to be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, and to be more than just a man, an upgrade to something powerful and mighty. Who are the Gentiles? Most interpreted them as the people who are not from the tribes of Yashar'el. But for me, the Gentiles are more than just outside the tribes of Yashar'el, their bloodline is different from the rest of humanity. And these are people who wanted to control the world's governments and economies. Examine the people group who planned for the Great Reset and the New World Order, all of them are the globalists, the rich and famous, the top executives and leaders of the highly industrilized nations (political, economic, and religious elites), and what's unique about them is that, they are of the same bloodline, they are opposite to our plus bloodline. Therefore, the Gentiles can be referred to the globalists (the secret society that is not secret anymore - members of WEF) who plotted the course of this world!

Let's examine this verse from Luke:

Luke 21:24,  “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

This is the end times prophecy of the tribes of Yashar'el: They shall fall by the edge of the sword, this is literal, this will happen on the Great Reset era. Most of the tribes of Yashar'el don't know who they are, they are blinded up to an appointed time, and the Gentiles (the globalists top brass), responsible to keep the tribes blinded by sending a strong delusion to them (Satan deceived the whole world - Revelation 12:9), knew who they are. And during the great apostasy, or back to the days of Noah, or the Great Reset, a "Light" (YAHUSHA) will shine to all the tribes of Yashar'el that are scattered to all the nations. Some will realize the deception that they planted prior to captivity, others will realize it during captivity. Wherever countries the people of the tribes go, they will be held captive, aside from the tribes of Ephraim (the northern kingdom of Yashar'el), where two lands will rise, or will have great awakening among the people (The Queen of the South-Cebu-Philippines and Nineveh-Kurdistan; Matthew 12:41-42). And Jerusalem shall be trodden and controlled the by Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, or the iniquity of the Gentiles come to its fullness or completeness! When will the iniquity of the Gentiles be fulfilled or completed? Let's discuss more passages before we dive into the question.

Here's a passage from Paul in Romams that talked about the fulness of the Gentiles:

Romans 11:25-26,  "{25} For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. {26} And so all Yashar'el shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Yacob:"

You should not be ignorant of this mystery, what mystery? That all of us are blinded, all are deceived, up to an appointed time! And the appointed time is already knocking at the door, because the mystery of iniquity or the mystery of apostasy (another "mystery" - it is called a "mystery" because of deception) is already here with us. The Gentiles are attacking humanity (played a constant enmity; Genesis 3:15) with major events coupled with deception, and these events are pestilence or pandemic, wars, famines or food shortages. And these mingled events which also include man-made earthquakes (a shallow earthquake; the perfect example was the earthquake of southern Turkey and northern Syria) and climate change that will result to much chaos, and will push the countries around the world to collapse, and will break in pieces. Then, the secret society (that is not so secret anymore - the globalists) will RESET the broken world, the Great Reset, and then the New World Order will commence and the 4th Industrial Revolution will be the fad. And their new invention will be out, and the people of the world will be lured to become "transhumans" or "human hybrids" or "nephilim 2.0", more than a man in terms of strength, ability, durability, intelligence, and knowledge. That's why Paul reminded us to be wise on our own pride (conceits); that blindness in part is happened to the tribes of Yashar'el (the Philippines is the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh), until the fulness or completeness of the Gentiles be come in, or the true intentions of the Gentiles are exposed! Their intentions, or plans are: much chaos, then collapse, then the Great Reset, then the New World Order, then the 4th Industrial Revolution where the new inventions will come out - prominent is transhumanism, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0. This is what the fulness of the Gentiles is all about, when the Gentiles become other that man, or transhumans or nephilim 2.0. But here's a promised to us: "All Yashar'el shall be saved, as it is written!" There shall come of from Sion the Deliverer, YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach (YAHUSHA our Messiah), and shall turn away unrighteousness from Yacob. A "light" will shine to the remnants of the tribes of Yashar'el that are scattered to all the nations!

Let's examine this passage from the book of Genesis that talked about the iniquity of the Amorites which is not yet full, or not yet to its fulness or completeness!

Genesis 15:12-16,  "{12} And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. {13} And He said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; {14} And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. {15} And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. {16} But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."

A vision saw by Abraham during his deep sleep: An horror of great darkness fell upon him. And YAHUWAH said to Abraham, know for sure that your seed, the tribes of Yashar'el, shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs (Egypt), and shall serve them (being a slave); and they shall be afflicted, hurt, weakened, defiled, for four hundred years. And also that nation (Egypt), whom they were slaves, will I judge: and afterward they shall come (out of Egypt) with great possessions or properties. And Abraham shall be buried of good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come back here, the promised land: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full or not yet completed. What kind of iniquity that the Amorites will do to make it full or complete? Who were the Amorites? 

Let's begin with the two kings of the Amorites, king Sihon of Heshbon and king Og of Bashan.

Deuteronomy 2:32-34,  "{32} Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. {33} And YAHUWAH our Elohiym (God) delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. {34} And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:"

King Sihon of Heshbon and its people were utterly destroyed, men and women, and little ones! A genocide done by the children of Yashar'el? NO! The children of Yashar'el did it for a reason. King Sihon and his people were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then! That's why, they must be rooted up!

Deuteronomy 3:1-6,  "{1} Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. {2} And YAHUWAH said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. {3} So YAHUWAH our Elohiym delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining. {4} And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan. {5} All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many. {6} And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city."

The children of Yashar'el battled with the giant king Og of Bashan, and YAHUWAH said, fear not: I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into your hand. And the children of Yashar'el took the cities that were fenced with high or massive walls, gates, and bars, beside unwalled towns that were great (massive) and many. And they utterly destroyed them, men, women, and children, of every city. Again, looked like a genocide done by the children of Yashar'el, but king Og and his people, the inhabitants of Bashan, were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then, they must be rooted up!

The great battle of the children of Yashar'el lead by Joshua (Yahusha) as they re-entered in the promised land against the armies of the Amorites lead by the five kings:

Joshua 10:7-12,  "{7} So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. {8} And YAHUWAH said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. {9} Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. {10} And YAHUWAH discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. {11} And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. {12} Then spake Joshua to YAHUWAH in the day when YAHUWAH delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Yashar'el, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon."

Joshua and all the mighty men of valour of the tribes of Yashar'el ascended from Gilgal, and YAHUWAH said to Joshua, fear them not! For I have delivered them into your hands; there shall be no enemy left standing before your troops. And YAHUWAH confused the Amorites before the children of Yashar'el and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah and to Makkedah. As the Amorites fled from the tribes of Yashar'el and were going down to Bathhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them into Azekah, and they died: there were more which died with hailstones than whom the children of Yashar'el slew or killed with the sword. And the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites until they were delivered at the hand of Yashar'el. Now, the question is: Why would YAHUWAH cast down great stones (hailstones) from heaven to kill the Amorites? This only showed that the Amorites were already judged, they were irredeemabe beings, the nephilim! The only reason why they were killed by hailstones from heaven, and some were smote and killed by the children of Yashar'el. The tribes of the Amorites must be rooted up! And a total of seven Amorites' kings were killed, the scriptures perfect number! And here's another question: Why did the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites? This is just my opinion, don't take it seriously, but it can also be true: Some of the Amorites armies were vampires and werewolves, the other form of nephilim aside from giants, and the power of these nephilim will become less at daytime.

Who were the Amorites? Amorite is the son of Canaan (Genesis 10:15-18), but what made this tribe became irredeemable? These people group had done something to themselves that's why their tribe was destined to condemnation (they must be rooted up)! What could it be?

Deuteronomy 7:1-3,  "[1} When YAHUWAH thy Elohiym shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; {2} And when YAHUWAH thy Elohiym shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: {3} Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son."

When YAHUWAH your Elohiym shall bring you back to the promised land and to possess it, you must cast out or destroy many nations, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the "Amorites", the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier or powerful (giants) than you. And YAHUWAH shall deliver them before you, you shall smite them, utterly destroy them, make no covenant with them, show no mercy with them. You shall not make marriages with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor give your sons to their daughters. YAHUWAH give a very strong warning to the tribes of Yashar'el because these seven tribes which possessed the promised land must be utterly destroyed. There is no more redemption with them, they must be destroyed on the face of the earth! And what's stand out among the seven tribes were the Amorites, where Joshua and the children of Yashar'el battled and the Sun halt or stand still until the Amorites were defeated. Or, Moses (writer of the book of Genesis and Deuteronomy) labelled the inhabitants of Canaan as the Amorites because the nephilim bloodline started with this tribe!

The very reason why the Amorites and Canaan tribes were irredeemable:

Deuteronomy 9:1-3,  "{1} Hear, O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than

thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, {2} A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak! {3} Understand therefore this day, that YAHUWAH thy Elohiym is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as YAHUWAH hath said unto thee."

When Yashar'el pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations (or tribes in Canaan) greater and mightier than you, cities great and fence up to heaven (massive walls). A people great and tall, the Anakims (giants - Anunnaki), whom you know and whom you heard, who can stand before the children of Anak! Who can stand to battle against the nephilim, the giants (the Anunnaki)! Understand therefore this day, that YAHUWAH your Elohiym will go over before you as a consuming fire and will destroy them, and He will bring them down before you face: So you shall drive them out, and destroy them quickly! The giants, Anakims (Anunnaki), were irredeemable, no more salvation in them! Therefore, the tribes in Canaan, the Amorites, are nephilim! A people group destined for condemnation! They must be rooted up!

Therefore, the fulness of iniquity of the Amorites is when the Amorites became other than men! The giants, the vampires, the sorcerers, the witches, the nephilim!

How come these tribes in Canaan, the Amorites, became nephilim? What was their origin?

Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohiym came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

There were giants (nephilim in Hebrew) in the earth in those days or the days before the flood; and also after that or the days after the flood, when the sons of Elohiym (bene ha Elohiym in Hebrew - in context means angels) came after or mated with the daughters of men, and they produced offsprings which were mighty men (mighty men is "gibborim" in Hebrew, meaning: champion, great, heroes, valiant warriors, giants), and men of renown or famous. Therefore, the nephilim, the giants, were half angels and half men, or in secular term they are called half gods and half men. In Greek folklore, they are gigantes (giants). And every imagination of nephilim were evil continually, all apostasy! Every ordinary men were killed before the flood except Noah and his family (8 persons), because he remained to be an ordinary man, perfect (his DNA or gemone is perfect) in his generation. The nephilim defied the Order of Creation and had dominion over the earth (usurping the dominion given to man at creation), the very reason why the world wide flood came and destroyed them all! All of the nephilim perished by the world wide flood! But the scriptures said, "there were giants or nephilim after the flood".

The nephilim returned after the flood because men invited some angels using dark prayers (fertility rites) to mate with them, and it happened in Sodom and Gomorrah! Let's examine this passage:

Jude 1:6-7,  "{6} And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. {7} Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

This passage talked about the angels who sinned and did not keep their first estate; angels first estate is "spirit", and their second estate is "flesh", they can transform to be like men. But the angels left their habitation, or abode, or dwelling place, which is in heaven (if angels left their dwelling place in heaven, there is only one place they will go: to the earth!), are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness or imprisoned at the bottomless pit or tartarus, until the day of final judgment. And Jude is referring to the angels in Genesis 6:4, and their offsprings, the nephilim, were punished by the world wide flood, and none were left, everyone vanished! Then, Jude verse 7 started with the word, "Even as", which is similar to "Same as" or "Like as", based in "strong's concordance". Therefore, Jude verse 7 talked about the same event in Genesis chapter 6 which also happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in "like manner". What happened to these places? They gave themselves over to fornication, and going after "strange flesh", wait, "strange flesh" can be "another flesh" or "other flesh" which is not men! We can't say, maybe, this is an animal flesh, no it's not! Jude is referring to the flesh of angels, their second estate, they transformed to be like men. And through dark prayers and fertility rites, the angels (in there fallen estate) went after or mated with the daughters of Sodom and Gomorrah. While the first nephilim's incursion was punished by a flood, the nephilim in Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fires and brimstones from heaven. But the cities around Canaan were not yet punished because their iniquity is not yet full, reserved to the tribes of Yashar'el in their return to the promised land. That's why, the children of Yashar'el went to Egypt at an appointed time until the iniquity of the Amorites in Canaan came into full display. And all the nephilim (the giants) around Canaan were destroyed, aside from the land of Palestine where Goliath and his brother dwelled, but king David and the children of Yashar'el destroyed them. But some of the nephilim survived and went abroad to the north (Europe) and to the east (Assyria and Babylonia). Almost all the giants were destroyed, but the nephilim who looked like us were not. 

In the prophecy of Daniel, it talked about the mingling of the seed of men and them!

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; who are "they" if their seed is not men? They are the remnant of nephilim, the "Iron", because the Clay are men!

Isaiah 64:8 KJV  "But now, O YAHUWAH, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand".

Therefore, during the divided kingdom, "Iron mixed with miry Clay", the seed of nephilim and the seed of men can't produced offsprings! And during the Babylon Empire (Gold), the nephilim bloodline and their special abilities were as precious as gold, then because of mixture of men's seed, they were reduced to Silver, a little lower than gold, then they became as Bronze, and then reduced to Iron, and finally their final estate is "Iron mixed with Clay", or we call it "mestizo" nephilim (Iron) and men (Clay). Their height also were greatly reduced to just like men, and they act and think like men, but they still bares some characteristics of nephilim, highly intelligent and creative (scientists, inventors), and sometimes, they see visions (false prophets). But during their final estate, the mixing of bloodlines, the remnant of nephilim and men, cannot produce an offspring! Is this accurate? Check this out:

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is, whether it's RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other, but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent. Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."   and   "If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History).  Now tell me, is Daniel accurate in his prophecy? 100% accurate! It's right before our noses all along! Also, the kingdoms or empires since Babylon and up to the present day, "divided kingdoms", were nephilim controlled kingdoms, or the leaders and top brass of these kingdoms or counyries are nephilim.

YAHUSHA identified the remnant of nephilim!

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by our heavenly Father, who planted them? They are the remnant of nephilim, the offsprings of angels and daughters of men. They were not created or formed by our heavenly Father out of Clay, but were products of abomination, that's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them:

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our Elohiym into lasciviousness, and denying the only Elohiym YAHUWAH, and our Messiah YAHUSHA."

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that the remnant of them are here with us today. And the bible which was created by them (the minus bloodline lead by the papacy), obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm of the bible were created to mislead us.

The enmity or hostility of the two races was outlined by the Most High at the Garden of Righteousness (Garden of Eden):

Genesis 3:15,  "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

YAHUWAH put hostility between you (Satan) and the woman (Eve), and between "your seed" or "Satan's seed", and her seed or "Eve's seed". Out of the seed of the serpent, the sons of Belial, the nephilim, will come out their saviour, the beast, that will bruise the Heel of YAHUSHA our Messiah at the cross. And out of the seed of Eve, the woman (Mary or Mariam), will come out our Redemmer and Saviour that will "bruise the head of the beast" (Revelation 13:3) at the 3rd temple of Jerusalem that will house the "ark of the covenant" found in archeology, the dwelling of the Spirit of the Son of man. And the nephilim (thy seed) became the enmity of the son of Sarah (Abraham's wife - her seed), which also became the children of Yacob (the son of Isaac; and Isaac was the son of Sarah and Abraham), the children of Yashar'el. And the remnant of nephilim deceived the people of the world (Satan deceived the whole world), while the children of Yashar'el were blinded and were scattered to all the nations, (Northern Tribes of Yashar'el were scattered in Kurdish region - Northern Syria, Southern Turkey, Northern Iraq, and North-Western Iran, and the Isles of the sea - the Philippines; and the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el, the Kingdom of Yahudah, were scattered in Egypt, Pathros or Sudan, and Cush or the whole central Africa from west coast to east coast, dubbed as the slave coast; Isaiah 11:11-13). And Filipinos are scattered to all the countries in the world. And the enmity of two bloodlines will go on and on up to the end times. And this is the "ultimate prophecy" from the Most High, YAHUWAH, Himself.

But the plan of salvation was laid to all humanity including them! But only in one condition, you must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and keep His commandments! Then, the enmity of the two races comes to an end at the cross! There is no more thy seed (nephilim) and her seed (men) - Genesis 3:15, all is one in the name of YAHUSHA!

Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that he might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

The "enmity" was slained at the cross, and through YAHUSHA, both (thy seed and her seed) have access by one Spirit to the Father. All become one through YAHUSHA.

Proof that they are included of the plan of salvation:

Acts 23:6,  "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question."

Paul was the son of the Pharisee (his mother is a Benyamite), the seed that was not planted by the Father. And Paul was born during the Roman Empire, the Iron, where the mingling of nephilim and men can still produce an offsprings, and only in the Divided Kingdom era that the seed of nephilim and men can't produced an offsprings. But since the enmity was slained at the cross, all are one through YAHUSHA, all can have a perfect relationship with Him. You must have faith in Him and keep His commandments. For this reason, Paul was tasked to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

Peter identified them as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity in the last days; play a contant enmity of the remnant of the children of Yashar'el:

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involve with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or transhumans or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then, the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el from the beginning up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. They will defy the Order of Creation, they will defile the temple of the Roach ha'Qodesh or Holy Spirit inside their body, the abomination of desolation inside them! It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

But the remnant of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Edomites mingled with them), the world wide elites today (political, economics and religious), the globalists, play a constant enmity (Genesis 3:15) with the tribes of Yashar'el because they are the true enemy of YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, and even to top brass of Vatican (they are just pretending to believe in YAHUSHA our Messiah) are no exception. For this reason, the enmity between the globalists (minus bloodline - remnant of nephilim - thy seed) and the followers of YAHUSHA (from the tribes of Yashar'el and mixed with the Gentiles - her seed), will continue up to the very end! 

And the vision of Abraham (Genesis 15:12-16) was fulfilled by Joshua (from the tribes of Ephraim), when the fulness of iniquity of the Amorites was in full display when they return to the promised land. And the fulness of the Gentiles will come into full display during the Great Reset era, when the remnant of nephilim will create transhumans or nephilim 2.0 - back to the days of Noah:

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

They will modify the DNA of men to be more intelligent, advance and high tech, but men will defy the Order of Creation, and will become irredeemable beings. In the process, the mark of the beast is literally engrave in their forehead or right hand as a sign that they already undergone DNA modification, an indication that they are not man anymore. And the tribes of Yashar'el and some mixed with the Gentiles will go to the Land of Promised - Mindanao, Philippines (2nd Exodus) lead by Ephraim (Filipinos abroad), and the name of the Father YAHUWAH will be our "Seal of the living Elohiym", or our Shield, for the coming great tribulation.

Joel 2:30-32,  "{30} And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. {31} The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD" or Ba'al in Hebrew) come. {32} And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD" or Ba'al in Hebrew) shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem (Yarushalayim) shall be deliverance, as YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD" or Ba'al in Hebrew) hath said, and in the remnant whom YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD" or Ba'al in Hebrew) shall call."

In the last days, whoever shall call in the "name" of our Heavenly Father YAHUWAH will be saved!

Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

We are save because the name of the Father YAHUWAH will be our shield, our "Seal of Elohiym" written in our foreheads, and the name of our Messiah YAHUSHA will be our Salvation, our Redemeer, our Saviour.

The Fulness of the Gentiles = the days of transhumans or human hybids or nephilim 2.0 to populate the earth = back to the days of Noah = the Great Reset (Great Reset is on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York) = the days of much inquity, and all the deeds of men are pure apostasy = the start of great tribulation = the end times! And in the fulness of the Gentiles, there will be no more be redemption! The people with the "Seal of Living Elohiym" will be separated from among the modified men with the mark of beast!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Religion Pushed Everyone To Worship Ba'al

 Most of us are clueless that we are exalting Ba'al in our prayers, and it's because we are so blinded, and this deception became the truth that we all knew today. And we have to depend the truth because it's what religion taught us. And each religion will fight for their own truth. If the truth is really the truth, why would the churches, the religion, fight for it? Because, something is wrong with the truth of the world today. The truth is mingled with a lie, a half truth and a half lie. In reality, there is only one Truth! Then, how come there are many religions? The secret society (but not secret anymore; the group that goes all the way to the holy Roman Empire) created the religion as a stumblingblock. The real Truth is actually hidden to us, we all lived in a strong delusion, a false reality, all of us are blinded until an appointed time.

We no longer have the ability to repel and rebuke the deception carried to all of us because the secret society (but not secret anymore) removed the Name above all names that is so important to us all, and that's the Name of our Heavenly Father, our Creator. And they replaced His Name to Ba'al in the bible.

Jeremiah 23:27,  "Which think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Ba'al."

Which think to cause My people, the children of Yashar'el, the Philippines is the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, to forget My Name by their dreams, or not just in dreams but in reality, which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My Name (the name of the Most High) for Ba'al. And Jeremiah is so accurate in his prophecy, because most of us exalted the name of Ba'al instead of the name of our Heavenly Father because we are so blinded. Even if the facts are laid out right before our noses, we still believe in the narrative of religion because it's the truth that we all knew.

And this is what happened in the world today:

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

YAH our Elohiym send a strong delusion, that we should believe a lie. Even if the facts are laid out right before our noses, to tend to believe a lie because it is the truth carried by religion. And a "strong" means, it cannot be broken easily until an appointed time. And slowly the appointed time is rising in the horizon that bring the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to overcome the curse of strong delusion, and that is knowing the Name of our Heavenly Father and the Son, our Redemeer. But the appointed time is also the time of great apostasy, lawlessness, and wickedness, and iniquity, or the Great Reset era, or the days of Noah all over again. And during this era, the chosen righteous will be separated and will be given sevenfold teaching concerning His whole creation, and the thick black clouds that covered the world (because of a strong delusion, or deception) will be removed only to the righteous nations. And the Light will be our guide moving forward in the last days; but those who had pleasures of unrighteousness, and love the false reality, will be damned forever.

Because the Great Reset, or the day of Noah, or the apostate generation, is almost here with us, the Name above all names is given to the righteous who have the Light in them, and to teach the remaining righteous so that they too can have the Light. And the Name above all names is the name of the Most High, our Heavenly Father, YAHUWAH. And His name was replaced in the bible for almost 7000 times with the name, the LORD, which is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. And they replaced the name of our Redemeer and Saviour, YAHUSHA our Messiah, to the names of two Roman gods, Zeus (hail Zeus) aka Hesus and Krishna aka Kristos. They also replaced the names of the patriachs and the prophets, and even the promised land itself, Yashar'el. And don't you know that in every Hebrew names, there is a meaning to it; below are the examples:

1. Elijah- Eliyahu (my El is Yahu) 

2. Jeremiah- Yirmiyahu (Yahu will exalt)

3. Isaiah- Yeshayahu (El is salvation)

4. Ezekiel- Yahazaqel (YAH is a strong El)

5. Nehemiah- Nehamayah (YAH is comfort)

6. Matthew- Mattityahu (gift of YAHU)

7. Joseph- Yahusap (may Yah increase)

8. Yashar'el - the righteous El or El is righteous

9. Yahudim - YAH's people or people of YAH (the tribes of Yashar'el are called after YAH's name)

And the meaning of the name of the Most High YAHUWAH is: YAH - the three letter name of our Elohiym; and UWAH - to breath; to be in the sense of existence. The name of the Father tells us, that YAH give us the breath of life; YAH is our Creator. And the meaning of the name of our Redemeer and Saviour YAHUSHA is: YAHU - four letters name of the Father; and SHA - is salvation. The name of the Son of man tells us that YAHU is our Salvation, or YAHU is our Redemeer, or YAHU is our Saviour.

The account of Noah's birth described the Name of our Heavenly Father.

1 Enoch 106:10-11,  “{10} And now hear me, my father, for a child has been born to my son Lamech, whose form and type are not like the type of a man. His colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun; and he opened his eyes and made the whole house bright. (11) And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and he opened his mouth, and blessed "the LORD" of Heaven.”

This is the account of the father of Noah, Lamech, when he asked his father Methuselah (the grandfather of Noah, the son of Enoch), that the son (Noah) has been born whose form is unusual or not like the type of a man. By the way, there is only one color of men before the flood, and it's brown. And Noah's colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower rose, and his hair is white than the white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun; and the whole house was made bright when he opened his eyes. And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and baby Noah opened his mouth, and blessed "YAHUWAH" (replaced by "the LORD") of Heaven. The question is: Was Noah's father, Lamech, concerned of what Noah had said when he was born, or Lamech was concern of Noah's feature? The answer is the latter, Lamech was concern on Noah's feature, because during the days of Methuselah and Lamech, there were babies born that were nephilim, the sons of the fallen angels who defiled themselves and lusted with women, and these babies don't have "the breath of life". They were not YAH's creation! But were the products of abomination! And Noah was born a "man", he had a "breath of life", "a cry of the new born baby", "UWAH, UWAH"! That's why Noah blessed YAH - UWAH of Heaven. But Lamech was so concern with Noah's feature, he resembled like the son of the fallen angels (this color became caucasian after the flood - Europeans).

And the plan to remove the Name of our Heavenly Father started during the dark ages. They, the secret society, hide the scriptures and forbade people to read it for almost a 1000 years. Then, they created their version of a scripture, a collection of books, but removed the Name of the Most High, YAHUWAH, and the Son, our Saviour, YAHUSHA. And they formed the reformed movements that would released the new writings (their version of the scripture) that is called the bible, with a lie infused to it, in early 1500, and the reformed movements divided the religion so that those who seek the truth inside the religion will never find it. And the reformed movements carried with them a narrative that the bible is the only source of truth. And they said that the dark ages ended after a thousand years, but it just continued up to this day. They just changed their narrative (narrative by the reformed Christian) to create normalcy. That's why, we are so blinded today! And the book of Judges is very accurate to say that we served Ba'al and Ashtaroth.

Judges 2:13,  "{13} And they forsook "the LORD", and served Ba'al and Ashtaroth."

We abandoned (forsook) YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD"), and served Ba'al because we exalt his name, the LORD, in the bible and in our prayers. We served Ashtaroth because we celebrated her feast every Easter Sunday and worship in the statue of Mary, which is actually the statue of Ashtaroth, or Ishtar, or Astarte, or ISIS, or Easter/Esther, the queen of heaven, the harlot of Babylon. The same statue was found (in archeology) in Babylon - Iraq dated 100 BC, many years before the birth of Mary (Mariam), and the statue of Ishtar is with baby Tammuz or they called it baby Jesus. Ba'al and Ishtar or Ashtaroth were husband and wife, and baby Tammuz was their son.

Who is responsible in hiding the Name of our Heavenly Father? It's a group that hide themselves in the secret society, but in the open, they are one of the biggest religion today. And the book of Matthew explained who they are.

Matthew 23:9,  "And call no man your Father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

Who call themselves holy father? The world famous pontiff which resides in western Europe, particularly in Vatican city and govern by the Holy See, and "see" is referred to a "chair" or "throne". The throne or seat of Satan? The all-seeing eye or the eye of Horus? And they are the ones who changed times and laws.

Daniel 7:25,  "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

Their leader, the beast, speak great words or words of blasphemy against the Most High, YAHUWAH, by declaring himself that he is the most high, the LORD, and the god of this world (the true name of Satan is Gadre'el - 1st Enoch 69:6, Gad or God in short!), and shall wear out the saints, or the righteous and the believers of the Most High, YAHUWAH. And think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand the 3rd temple at Jerusalem for three and half year, then, it will be destroyed. 

1. They changed times - they changed the beginning of a new day from "sunrise" (00:00 hr biblical clock, or 6:00 am modern clock) to 12:00 am (midnight). They changed the number of days in a year from 364 days to 365 and 1/4 days. They changed the biblical New Year or Head of Days or the 1st day of the Year from "spring equinox" (the day is equal to the night) in mid March to a little more than the "winter solstice" (the shortest day and the longest night) in January 1. This is the battle between "the sons of Light" against "the sons of darkness"; YAHUSHA is the Light, and Satan is the prince of darkness.

2. They changed laws - the 10 Commandments start with "I am YAHUWAH (YHWH) your Elohiym, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery"; they changed the name of the Father YAHUWAH to the "LORD", which is Ba'al in Hebrew. They removed the 2nd Commandment, "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form", and moved the 3rd Commandment to the 2nd. They removed the Sabbath, the 4th Commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy..."; and replaced it to Sunday, and they called it, the Lord day or Ba'al day, and placed it in the 3rd; and so on. Then, they brokedown to 10th commandment into two commandments to have their 10 Commandments completed.

And Revelation further explained their leader, the beast, who authored all of these abomination by changing the name of our Creator, YAHUWAH and the Son of man, YAHUSHA.

Revelation 13:1-2,  "{1} And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. {2} And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

A beast rise up out of the sea, or the beast rise up in densely populated area (in Europe), having 7 heads or 7 empire (then and now, and these empire are: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Divided Kingdom) and 10 horns or 10 kings, and upon his head the name of blasphemy (the name of the LORD or Ba'al; the name Jesus Christ or hail Zeus and Krishna, 2 Roman gods). And the beast is like a leopard, which country is associated with a leopard? The most significant is Germany. And don't you know, that the ruins of the temple of Zeus, the dwelling and seat of Satan, was temporarily transfered to Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany from Pergamon in Turkey, the original seat of Satan. Revelation 2:12-13,  "{12} And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; {13} I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth."

And his feet is like a bear, which country is associated with a bear? The most significant is Russia! And Russia is given a feet to conquer the world, and to spread the communism style of rule after the Great Reset. Russia, communism, and his associate, China, North Korea, Iran, could be Serbia, and Yemen, will make wars to NATO and capitalism aligned countries to change the order of this world, into a New World Order with a communism style of rule; "you must worship the image or avatar of the beast or be killed"!

And his mouth is like the mouth of a lion, which country is associated with a lion? The most significant is UK. And the medium of speech and communication used world wide, even in UN, is English, it is a widely spoken language to have a common understanding world wide. And don't you know that, when the scriptures were translated to English, it is also the time when the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, and the Son, our Messiah YAHUSHA, were obscured and replaced Their Names to the LORD and Jesus Christ. The original words of the scriptures written in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, and even written in ancient Latin still bares the name of the Father, YHWH, YAHUWAH and the Son, YAHUSHA. The beast has a mouth of the lion because he speaks with lots of lies!

And Satan, the dragon, gave the beast his power, to deceive all nations, and his seat (the fragment of the ruins, especially the seat of Satan, the Holy See, was placed in Vatican, from Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany), and the beast have great authority world wide. The beast is uniting Europe, the EU in Western and Central Europe, and Russia and the Eastern Europe, to create a One World Order. The beast is uniting the RC (Western and Central Europe) and the OC (Eastern Europe and Turkey) into a one world religion of the beast. But before he will unite Europe, a war must broke down first between communism and capitalism that will collapse most of the western world and break it into pieces. The the beast lead by the holy see will reset the broken world, the great reset.

And Ezekiel pointed where the seat or throne of the beast, and idenfied him, and he called him Gog:

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith YAHUWAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"

Gog, the prince demon origin was Magog, and became the chief price of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify these places? Yes we can! Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah. When the earth was divided by Noah between his three sons (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got the land of Asia (including eastern Russia), Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe, and Japheth and Ham divided America, the northern hemisphere went to Japheth and the southern hemisphere went to Ham, and the rest of world's islands, northern and southern hemisphere respectively. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles and Ireland but he didn't like it, maybe because it is always gloomy, snowy, cold, and rainy, so he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Medes, now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the source of Beast's power). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the British Isles and Ireland since Madai despised the land, Tubal got the Central Europe, Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Greece and the isles, and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU, his seat of power - the Vatican, the Holy See, but his origin is Russia (eastern Europe and Turkey, the place of origin of the holy Roman empire)! Gog controls the world's ideology (his creation) and sits at one table with communism Russia and capitalism EU. Gog owns the biggest religion in Europe, RC in Western and Central Europe and OC in Eastern Europe. And Gog resides in Vatican, the papacy, he could be Ber'gog'lio? The last pope? Just a coincidence maybe!

But the centers of Gog's power, the two divided kingdoms, communism and capitalism, will be destroyed and desolated. Just like all the empires which started in Egypt, then Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, were destroyed and desolated.

Ezekiel 39:6-7,  "{6} And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH. {7} So will I make My Holy Name known in the midst of my people Yashar'el; and I will not let them pollute My Holy Name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YAHUWAH, the Holy One in Yashar'el.

YAHUWAH will sent fire (could be nuclear missile) on Magog or Russia, center of communism; and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles, and there is no other isles that is the center of capitalism, only the British isle (UK). The two centers of Gog's power will be completely destroyed by nuclear missiles. So that Gog and the Holy See will know that the Most High is YAHUWAH, and will make His Holy Name known in the midst of the remnant of His people Yashar'el (Philippines is the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh); and the Father, YAHUWAH, will not let them pollute His Holy Name anymore; no more the LORD, and no more Jesus Christ, no more deception created by the power of Gog to the remnants of Yashar'el. And the heathen shall know that He is the only Father, the Most High, YAHUWAH, the Holy One in Yashar'el.

And the name of the Father and the Son will save us from the great tribulations that are coming:

Joel 2:30-32,  "{30} And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. {31} The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of YAHUWAH come. {32} And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAHUWAH shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YAHUWAH hath said, and in the remnant whom YAHUWAH shall call."

In the last days, YAHUWAH (replaced by the LORD) will show wonders in heavens and in the earth, blood, fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun will be darkened, the moon will be as blood, before the great and terrible day of YAHUWAH or the great tribulation come. An after those days, "whosoever shall call on the name of YAHUWAH shall be delivered, or shall be saved": for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, and in the remnant (house of Yashar'el together with the gentiles) whom YAHUWAH shall call. This is the very reason why it is important to know the real name of the Father, YAHUWAH, because His name will be our shield, and the name of the Son YAHUSHA will deliver us, or will save us, from the great tribulations that are coming.

And Revelation confirmed that the Name of the Father will protect us from the great tribulation: His name is the "Seal of Living Elohiym":

Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

What is written in the foreheads of 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Yashar'el? The Holy Name of the Father! Therefore, the "Seal of living Elohiym" is the name of the Father, YAHUWAH! This just confirmed the prophecy of Joel in chapter 2, verse 32. The name of the Father, YAHUWAH, will be our shield and will deliver us for the coming great tribulations.

We are all living in a strong delusion, every people of the world today are blinded. It was the plan of Gog and his secret society to deceived humanity by creating a half truth and half lie narrative. This narrative started when the Name of our Heavenly Father and the Son, our Saviour, were removed out of the scriptures. And Gog and the secret society who created the deception and pushed everyone to be blinded, are all bound with an oath, and that, their agenda will be hidden, will be in secret, until their plan for this world is finally achieved. And that is, to change the order of men or to modify the DNA of men (a chip is implanted in them) and become hybrid beings or transhumans, and to change the order of this world, into a New World Order. Death will fall to them who expose this secrecy. And this secret society became the world wide elites today, and their supreme leader is Satan and Gog, the prince of darkness and the ruler of this world:

Matthew 4:8-10,  "{8} Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; {9} And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. {10} Then saith YAHUSHA unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship YAHUWAH thy El, and him only shalt thou serve."

Satan offered the kingdoms of this world to YAHUSHA because he is the ruler of this world, the prince of this world! Therefore, the governments of this world, specially the western countries, are ruled by Gog, the prince demons.

And without the Name of our Heavenly Father and the Son of man, our Saviour, we cannot break the curse of strong delusion. We have the no power and ability to rebuke and repel the deceptions and lies that the power of Gog blanket the whole world, because the power can only be found in the Name of our Messiah, our Saviour, YAHUSHA.

Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Only in the name of YAHUSHA, which means, YAHU is our salvation, or YAHUWAH is our Salvation, our Redemeer, our Saviour, and nothing else! Jesus is simply a fraud! There is no "J" or "V" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, and old English.

Luke 10:17,  "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, YAHUSHA (replaced by Lord), even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."

Here's another one from the book of Luke! You can use the word Lord (Ba'al in Hebrew) or Master or Christ or any title you want! But the fact is, His name is YAHUSHA! Even the devils are subject unto us through Your name! This is the importance in knowing the true name of our Redemeer, YAHUSHA! His name will be our shield from the devils!

In the last days, many will receive the beast, the false Messiah.

John 5:43,  "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."

Our Redemeer literally come with His Father's name because His name is YAHUSHA, meaning: YAHU is our Salvation, YAHU is our Redemeer, and our Saviour. But many will not receive His real name because they wanted to defend the fraudulent narratives of religion. And when the Beast, the Wicked, the false Messiah will come with his own name, and many will be glad to receive him! But why? Because, the false Messiah's name is familiar to us! We had been using his name for so many years, and that's the truth that we knew because we believe in their lies! And there is no other name on earth that we will receive the false Messiah, only in the name Jesus Christ! Why is Jesus not the true name of our Saviour? Because, there is no "J" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, and old English. "J" was not a letter until 1500 AD in Latin, (Let that sink in) that was only 523 years ago! But some say, it is the English translation of Messiah's name! Well, if it's a title like Christ, Saviour, Messiah, it can be changed in every places, but the name can't. It's like saying that president Biden of the US, when he go to Russia or China, his name changes? No! Biden remains Biden anywhere in the world he goes! They are just trying to strench out the English name Jesus and connect it to our Redemeer. If one truly studied the transliteration of Messiah's name from Hebrew to English, it spelled YAHUSHA! Jesus is just simply a fraud!

John 8:12,  "Then spake YAHUSHA again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

YAHUSHA said to them, "I am the Light of this world: those who follow Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life." But how can we have the Light when they removed the name of our Saviour, and pushed us to worship in the name that is not His name. Trust me! Once you believe that the real name of our Redemeer and our Saviour is YAHUSHA, you will be enlighten, a Light will shine in you.

Those who seek the Truth inside the religion will never find it, because the truth in religion is mingled with a lie, and they set the religion as a stumblingblock. I'm not against Christianity or any religion. I'm just stating the facts here. All of us are blinded, all of us are deceived, and we will never discover it until a Light will shine to us. I cannot force everyone to believe me until an appointed time, and that time is also the time of great falling away, or the great apostasy, or the days of Noah all over again, or the Great Reset. And the Great Reset is on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York.

We have to worship our heavenly Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA in Spirit and in Truth, not in a chapel, or in a church, or in a temple, or in a holy place called Jerusalem (John 4:20-24). We can worship Him everywhere! But why? How about the seven churches in Asia (Turkey). "Church" in the Greek (New Testament is written in Greek) is "ekklesia", meaning (strong's definition): a gathering of people or a public assembly of people. In definition, ekklesia is not equal to a church, it's not a building used for public Christian worship, it is not a holy or sacred place. Ekklesia is simply a congregation not a building. Check out this passage from the book of Matthew.

Matthew 18:20,  " For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

The gathering of two or more people in the name of our Redemeer and Saviour YAHUSHA, He will be in the midst of them. The presence of our Heavenly Father is not in the churches, but it's in everyone of us. Your "body" is the temple of the Holy Spirit or the temple of YAH. And believing in Him is all about relationship! Not a religion that keep us divided and keep us blinded! Remember, we will not walk in darkness or no more deception once we know the true name of our Redemeer, YAHUSHA. He is the Light of this world.

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Apostate Generation = The Days Of Noah = The Great Reset

The mystery of iniquity or mystery of apostasy is already at work in our time. Most of us are blinded by not seeing the truth, the true reality, and it's because we are fully immersed to the paradigm of this world, and this paradigm caused us to be blinded. But how can we stop our immersion to this world when it's our jobs, our leisure time, and even our religion, are part of it. We are living in it, it is our reality. Well, it is our curse for not believing the real names of our Heaven Father YAHUWAH, and our Redemeer and Saviour YAHUSHA.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Because we believe not the real names of the Most High and our Saviour: YAH send a strong delusion to us all that we should believe a lie. A "strong" means, it cannot be broken easily, even if they lied to us right before our noses. The lies will be our truth, and the truth will be our lies. We can't escape the strong delusion because they infused their lies in our belief system since our ancestors. And the religion is the biggest culprit of it all, they (the secret society that is not secret anymore) created religion as a stumblingblock. We are made to believe that everything that is written in the bible is perfect. And why the bible can't be perfect? Because, when they made the English translation of the scriptures (and they called it the bible), they hide the most importand Name above all names, and that Name is YHWH or YAHUWAH; the name of the Most High, our Heavenly Father, and they replaced His name in the bible for almost 7000 times with the name, the LORD, which is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. And the name of our Redemeer and Saviour, YAHUSHA; they replaced it to two Roman gods, Zeus (hail Zeus) aka Hesus and Krishna aka Kristos. And the false names pushed us to move away from the power that is found in the Name of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA. And only an appointed time can break the curse of a strong delusion, or the great deception. And that appointed time is so close to us, that some of us are enlighten, a Light shines to the few who know His name. And that appointed time is the time of great apostasy or apostate generation, or some called it, the great falling away. But those who have pleasure in unrighteousness and believe not the Truth, will be damned forever.

Let's begin in the book of 1st Enoch explaining about the apostate generation, the final generation, the last days.

1 Enoch 93:9-11,  "{9} And after this, in the 'seventh week', an apostate generation will arise. And many will be its deeds - but all its deeds will be apostasy. {10} And at its end, the Chosen Righteous, from the 'Eternal Plant of Righteousness', will be chosen, to whom will be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation. {11} And when iniquity, and sin, and blasphemy, and wrong, and all kinds of evil deeds increase, and when apostasy, wickedness, and uncleanness increase, a great punishment will come from Heaven upon all these. And the Holy Elohiym YAHUWAH will come in anger, and in wrath, to execute judgment on the Earth. {12} In those days wrongdoing will be cut off at its roots, and the roots of iniquity, together with deceit, will be destroyed from under Heaven."

This is the Apocalypse of Weeks, the "First Week" prophecy up to the "Seventh Week" prophecy; and the "Seventh Week" has three weeks extension (8th, 9th, and 10th Weeks prophecy) which are just the judgment events. In the "Seventh Week", an apostate generation will arise. All of its deeds, the deeds of men, will be apostasy. It's when iniquity, and sin, and blasphemy, and wrong, and all kinds of evil deeds increase, and when apostasy, wickedness, and uncleanness increase. The Son of man, YAHUSHA, will come in anger, and in wrath, to execute judgment on the earth. The wrongdoing will be cut off at its roots, and the roots of iniquity, together with deceit, will be destroyed all over the earth or from under heaven. And close to the end of this generation, the Chosen Righteous, from the "Eternal Plant of Righteousness" (could be the remnant of the tribes of Yashar'el, and some mixed with the gentiles), will be chosen, to whom will be given sevenfold teaching concerning His whole creation. And why the chosen righteous will be taught concerning His whole creation? Because in this generation, the apostate generation, many people will defy the Order of Creation and will become other than man, and wisdom, and knowledge and understanding, will have no place on the earth, and will go back to its original place in heaven. And of course, the chosen righteous will live in a new heaven and new earth.

Enoch explained that the final generation will be the apostate generation. Now, we'll examine the prophecy of YAHUSHA that talked about what it's like living in the last days.

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

The coming of the Son of man, YAHUSHA, will be like the days of Noah. What were really the days of Noah before the flood? Genesis chapter 6 narrated what happened in the days of Noah. And by the way, it's not a prophecy in which most theologians and bible scholars treated this passage as such. No need for interpretation, the narration of this event is straight forward.

Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohiym came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

There were giants or nephilim (in Hebrew) in the earth in those days, or the days before the flood; and also after that, or also after the flood, when the sons of Elohiym, or the children of heaven, or the angels of heaven came in unto the daughters of men. This is a very straight forward narration, you just can't interpret the "sons of Elohiym" as the "sons of Seth", and the "daughters of men" are the "daughters of Cain". Moses and together with the angels who help him wrote the book of Genesis (and the book of Jubilees or the book of Yashar; that's why Moses stayed at Mt Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights) were smart and lots of wisdom in them, they can write directly the sons of Seth and daughters of Cain in order not to confuse the children of Yashar'el who read and studied the scriptures. This passage is not talking about the two families of ordinary men (Seth and Cain), which can only produced pure men, the genetic of men can only reproduced men. But Moses (intelligent, smart, and full of wisdom) wrote down the angels who had forbidden affairs with the daughers of men and their lusting produced extraordinary men, the giants or the nephilim; the genetic of angels mixed with the genetic of men produced mighty offsprings, the nephilim, which were of old (before the flood), men of renown, or superheroes. Mighty men is gibborim in Hebrew, meaning: champion, chief, excel, giant, mighty man, strong man. The nephilim or giants were new beings with excellent abilities and powers, superheroes! And I can't find a single reference, or a single evidence, or even a single verse, that talked about the sons of Seth who mingled with the daughters of Cain, and produced giants or nephilim children, ZERO evidence! I don't want to look stupid by following a fraudulent narrative! That's what happened to our religion today.

A pure man, ordinary man has in his heart and mind a fruit of good and evil, he has a goodness in his heart and the evil intention, that's the genetic and characteristic of man. And because the nephilim were not pure men, ordinary men, and were not part of the creation of the Most High, but were a product of abomination, their genetic and characteristic were all evil, and much wickedness dominated the earth because they usurp the dominion of men on the earth. 

Genesis 6:5,  "And YAH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

The nephilim don't have the fruit of good and evil in their heart and mind, but only the fruit of evil; every imagination of the thoughts of their heart were only evil continually. And because of much wickedness, they corrupted all living things.

Genesis 6:11-12,  "{11} The earth also was corrupt before YAHUWAH, and the earth was filled with violence. {12} And YAHUWAH looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."

The earth was filled with violence. And YAHUWAH looked upon the earth, behold, it was corrupt; all the flesh, men, animals, plants, and all living things, had corrupted their genetics upon the earth. All men, pure men, ordinary men, perish because of genetic modification, except Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives, eight persons only; they remained a man, pure man.

Genesis 6:9,  "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with YAH."

This passage is talking about the genetic of Noah. Noah was a righteous (just) man, and his genetic is perfect, or without blemish, or intact, or without spot, or complete, Noah is completely a pure man in his generation, and he walked with YAH his Elohiym. That's why Noah and his family were preserved (saved by the flood) because they remain of pure man, they were not tinted with nephilim blood, and that man, ordinary man, pure man, can repopulate the earth. The earth was created for man, Adam and his offsprings, but the nephilim usurp the dominion of the earth given to man at creation, and they ruled over the earth. And all of the nephilim were destroyed and perished by the world wide flood of one year, none were left, except Noah and his family. But Genesis chapter 6, verse 4, tells us that the nephilim returned after the flood! 

Strong's Concordance:

"Perfect" - "Tamim" in Hebrew, meaning: complete, sound, without blemish, full, perfect, sincerely ity, without spot, undefiled, intact.

After the flood, the nephilim return in Sodom and Gomorrah, but it was too early for them rule over men, their time was not appointed yet, so these two places were destroyed by fires and brimstones. Then, the nephilim returned again in Canaan when the tribes of Yashar'el went to Egypt and stayed in the land for 400 years until the iniquity of the Amorites comes to its fulness (Abraham's dream, a prophecy of the seed of Abraham, tribes of Yashar'el; Genesis 15:12-16). And the fulness of the iniquity of the Amorites was when they became other than men, the nephilim. And the nephilim were allowed to flourish in Canaan because the tribes that will fight with them will soon return to the promised land, and that's the tribes of Yashar'el. 

And the tribes of Yashar'el battled with the nephilim, the seven Amorites kings, in their return to the promised land:

First, they defeated the two Amorites kings, king Sihon of Heshbon and king Og of Bashan (Deuteronomy 2:32-34 and Deuteronomy 3:1-6). The children of Yashar'el lead by Moses and Joshua battled with them in their cities that were fenced with high or massive walls, massives gates, and massive bars; beside unwalled towns that are great (large, massive) and many. And the children of Yashar'el utterly destroyed them, men, women, and children, of every city. Looks like a genocide done by the tribes of Yashar'el, but king Sihon and king Og and their people, the inhabitants of Heshbon and Bashan, were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then. They were destined to condemnation, that's why they must be rooted up.

Second, the great battle with five Amorites kings when the tribes of Yashar'el finally returned to the promised land lead by Joshua (Joshua 10:7-12). Joshua and all the mighty men of valour of the tribes of Yashar'el ascended from Gilgal, and YAHUWAH said to Joshua, fear them not! For I have delivered them into your hands; there shall be no enemy left standing before your troops. And YAHUWAH confused the Amorites before the children of Yasher'el and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah and to Makkedah. As the Amorites fled from the tribes of Yashar'el and were going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them into Azekah, and they died: there were more which died with hailstones than whom the children of Yashar'el slew or killed with the sword. And the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the tribes of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites until they were delivered at the hand of Yashar'el. Now, the question is: Why would YAHUWAH cast down great stone (hailstones) from heaven to kill the Amorites? This only shows that the Amorites were already judged, they were irredeemabe beings! The only reason why they were killed by hailstones from heaven, and some were smote and killed by the children of Yashar'el. And why did the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites until the Amorites were defeated? This is just my opinion, but it can also be true; it looks like some of the Amorites warriors were vampires and werewolves, the other form of nephilim aside from giants, and these entities (vampires and werewolves) diminish or lost their powers at daytime (don't take it seriously; but I have a gut feeling that it can be true!). And a total of seven Amorites' kings were killed, the scriptures perfect number!

Almost all the nephilim tribes in Canaan were destroyed by Joshua and the tribes of Yashar'el except a few of them that remained in Palestine, and some ran abroad, to Europe, Assyria, and Babylon. And the remnant of nephilim at Palestine, the Anakims - the famous giant called Goliath, battled with the tribes of Yashar'el lead by king David, and king David defeated the giant. And during king Solomon reigned, there was peace in the land, and the 1st temple was built at Jerusalem. And after king Solomon, the remnant of nephilim tribes in Assyria formed an empire and battled with the northern kingdom of Yashar'el (Yashar'el was divided to 2 kingdoms, northern kingdom of Yashar'el and the kingdom of Yahudah or southern kingdom of Yashar'el), and the northern kingdom was defeated by Assyria and all of the northern tribes of Yashar'el were exciled to Assyria, and replaced them with nephilim tribes from Assyria, and placed the nephilim tribes in Samaria, and they dwell in the northern Yashar'el. And the nephilim tribes practised the worship of YAHUWAH and mingled it with their pagan worship (their gods and goddess) and prosper (2 Kings 17:6-33).

And the remnant of nephilim became strong, and formed the world's biggest empires. As Assyria weakened, an empire of Babylon (gold empire) arises, and the nephilim genetics and abilities were as precious as gold. The nephilim king and leaders of the empire were powerful, and the temple built by king Solomon was destroyed and desolated, and all the tribes of Judah (Yahudah) were exciled to Babylon. But because of the nephilim bloodline mingled with ordinary men, their genetics were degraded going to the next generation or empire. After Babylon, an empire arouse which is inferior to Babylon, the empire of Medo-Peria (silver empire). And during the Medo-Persian empire, the tribes of Judah (Yahudah) were allowed to return to southern Yashar'el, and they also allowed the building of the 2nd temple at Jerusalem. And after Medo-Persia, an empire up north arouse which is inferior to Medo-Persia, and lead by the great and excellent nephilim warrior, Alexander the great, the Greece empire (brass empire). But when Alexander the great died, the empire of Greece was divided into 4 kingdoms.

1. Lysimachus - who took Thrace and much of Asia Minor (Turkey).

2. Cassander - controlled Macedonia and Greece.

3. Ptolemy I - ruled Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra, and Cyprus. He founded the Ptolemaic Dynasty which lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE.

4. Seleucus I Nicator - ruled the remainder of Asia and founded the Seleucid Empire which was comprised of Syria and Mesopotamia, the Levant, Persia, and part of India.

And close to the end of empire of Greece, the Hasmoneans and the Pharisees (the replacement of the northern tribes of Yasharel) who lived in Samaria and mingled with the elites of the Seleucid kingdom, conquered Judaea (Yahudah) and usurp the temple in Jerusalem and defiled it. This happened during the 165 BC Hasmonean revolt, for they position themselves at Jerusalem and whole Judaea (Yahudah) before the next empire dissolved the Seleucid kingdom. These groups knew that the next empire will give them autonomy to rule Judaea because of the temple at Jerusalem. And the next empire, the last empire of the world (in terms of scale) is Rome (Iron empire), which was inferior to the empire of Greece, but was exceedingly strong and would break the world in pieces. The nephilim genetics and abilities deteriorated to Iron, it lost its preciousness, but were the strong warriors. And during this empire, our Saviour YAHUSHA was born, and so with His disciples and apostles. And YAHUSHA went to battle in words with the Pharisees and even identified who they were.

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by the Father YAHUWAH, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim, the sons of fallen angels and daughters of men! They were not created by the Father YAHUWAH, but a product of abomination! That's why they must be rooted up! But the power of the Pharisees succeeded to crucify YAHUSHA (Rome executed the power) and killed His disciples and apostles, and destroyed the temple at Jerusalem because the Pharisees already migrated to Turkey and eastern Europe, Russia and Russian Steppes (Ashkenazi Jews). And the tribes of Judah (Yahudah) migrated to Egypt, Sudan (Pathros), and central Africa (Cush), Isaiah 11:11-13. But the apostles lead by Peter, John, and Paul went to Syria, Turkey, and Europe to preach to gospel of YAHUSHA to the gentiles. And the remnant of the Pharisees successfully mingled with the Roman empire and became the elites and emperor of the empire, Constatine the great. But when YAHUSHA died at the cross, salvation was given to all, yes all! Including the remnant of nephilim; you must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, will all your strength, with all your soul, and keep His commandents. Salvation is through Him alone, and nothing else! Then the Roman empire weakened and fall asleep...

Proof that salvation was given to all, including the remnant of nephilim, "thy seed" of Genesis 3:15.

Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that he might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

When Messiah YAHUSHA died, His sacrifice at the cross put everyone to be qualified in the plan of salvation! Humanity will be saved only through YAHUSHA and nothing else, salvation is through Him alone! And the enmity (of thy seed and her seed) was slained at the cross, and through YAHUSHA, "both" (thy seed and her seed) have access by one Spirit to the Father. All humanity are one if we have faith in Him and keep His commandments. No more "thy seed" or "Satan's seed", and "her seed" or "Eve's seed" (Genesis 3:15).

Proof that this other race (remnant of nephilim) is included in the plan of salvation:

Acts 23:6,  "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question."

Paul was the son of a Pharisee but his mother is from the tribe of Benjamin, and the Pharisee is the seed that was not planted by our heavenly Father, the remnant of nephilim. And Paul was born during the Roman Empire, the Iron, where the mingling of nephilim and men can still produce offsprings, and only in the Divided Kingdom era that the seed of nephilim and men can't produced offsprings. But since the enmity was slained at the cross, all are one through YAHUSHA, all can have a perfect relationship with Him. You must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul, and keep His commandments. For this reason, Paul was tasked to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

Even Jude identified them:

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our Elohiym into lasciviousness, and denying the only Elohiym YAHUWAH, and our Messiah YAHUSHA.

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that the remnant of them are here with us today. And the bible which was created by them (the secret society that is not secret anymore lead by the papacy), obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm (the truth mingled with lies) of the bible were created to mislead the believers.

After the Roman empire (Iron empire), the Kingdoms were Divided, Iron mixed with miry Cray. Because of the nephilim (Iron) mingled with men (Clay: Isaiah 64:8,  "But now, O YAHUWAH, You are our Father; we are the 'clay', and You our Potter; and we all are the work of Your hand."), their genetics and abilities will be in its final state, mestizo nephilim-man. They have the characteristic of a nephilim, and a characteristic of man; they are strong, but easily get broke. Their Kingdoms also shall be in it of the strength of the Iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, the kingdoms shall be partly strong, and partly broken (Daniel 2:41-42).

Since they attained in their final state, they tend to divide everything. They divided the holy Roman empire, the eastern Roman empire became the Orthodox Christian and the western Roman empire became the Roman Catholic. The remnant of the Pharisees also divided themselves, some stayed at eastern Europe (Ashkenazi Jews), and some migrated to central and western Europe (Basque Jews). Then, further divided the religion so that, those who seek the Truth in religion will never find it. And they also divided the world's ideology, communism and capitalism. And this is the world that we live in today, and the western powers who ruled the world today, and the religious elites are remnant of them, the remnant of the Pharisees, the sons of Belial (Belial = Satan).

But during their Iron mixed with Clay state, or mestizo nephilim-man, their final state, their lusting with men/women can no longer produce offsprings.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay."

"They" shall mingle "themselves" with the seed of men! If "they" are not men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim! At their final estate, mestizo nephilim-man, their mingling or lusting with men/women can no longer produce offsprings; and this happened only in Divided Kingdom era. Therefore, the Iron mixed with Clay, the Iron, the Brass, the Silver, and the Gold are nephilim (or nephilim controlled empires). 

Is the prophecy accurate? Can you find reference to support this claim? Well, check this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

The prophecy of Daniel is 100% accurate!

Now, back to Matthew chapter 24, verse 37. If the last days is like the days of Noah, or the apostate generation, then, there will be a return of the angels who sinned; the return of the nephilim, and genetic modified men, the people that are not ordinary man (pure man) anymore, but are hybrid beings, the people with the mark of the beast engrave in the foreheads or right hands, the people that cannot be save, the people who are destined to condemnation (they must be rooted up!). And there will be lawlessness and apostasy, and much wickedness and iniquity in the last days.

But the plan of salvation is given to all humanity. Then, how is it possible that they and men cannot be saved in the last days? Is repentance no longer possible to them? Yes, they too (the remnant of nephilim) are qualified in the plan of salvation, they have to ask forgiveness of their sins (including us, men) and believe in YAHUSHA with all their hearts, and with all their souls, with all their strength, and keep His commandments. Salvation is through Him alone! But once you sinned against the Roach ha'Qodesh, or Holy Breath, or Holy Spirit, you cannot be saved! No more repentance! How to sin against the Roach ha'Qodesh or, Holy Breath, or Holy Spirit? That's when you agree to modify your DNA (and implant a chip in your brain), and you become a new being, a new creation that defy the Order of Creation, you defile the temple of the Roach ha'Qodesh, or Holy Breath, or Holy Spirit, inside your body, the abomination of desolation inside you. And a "mark" is literally engrave in your forehead or right hand as a sign or a marker that you are no longer an ordinary man, and the "mark" will separate you from the rest of the people who are not modified. Modifying your DNA is sinning and blashpheming the dwelling of the Roach ha'Kodesh, or Holy Breath, or Holy Spirit, inside your body. And a "mark" could be a cross sign.

And always remember, your DNA is what you are and who you are! The name of the Father, our Creator, is in our DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in our DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridges that keep our DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds the letters in Hebrew, "YOD-(10) HEH-(5) WAW-(6) HEH-(5)" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! Altering of our DNA is altering the Creator of all things, YAH. That is defiling the temple of YAH inside us, the abomination of desolation inside us (our body is the temple of the Roach ha'Kodesh, or Holy Breath, or Holy Spirit).

Peter identified them as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity in the last days:

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involve with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or transhumans or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then, the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el from the beginning up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. They will defy the Order of Creation, they will defile the temple of the Roach ha'Qodesh or Holy Spirit inside their body, the abomination of desolation inside them! It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

And Paul explained what will happen to the apostate generation:

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,  {3} Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; {4} Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Elohiym, or that is worshipped; so that he as Elohiym sitteth in the temple of Elohiym, shewing himself that he is Elohiym."

Close to the end, there will be a massive deception that is coming and Paul warned us not to be deceived by any means: For that day will not come, what day? The day of gathering together of the righteous in YAHUSHA's second coming (2 Thessalonians 2:1), or the Light will shine to the righteous and will be given a Seal of Elohiym. The day of gathering together will not come, except there come a falling away first! "Falling away" in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek) is "apostasia", or "apostasy" in English. An apostasy, or defection, or leaving from the previous standing or state, or leaving the state of an ordinary man (pure man) and become a hybrid, will come first and that man of sin, the beast, the false Messiah, be revealed, the son of perdition (perdition is apolia in Greek, or Apollo in English, or Abaddon in Hebrew, the angel of the bottomless pit, or abyss, or tartarus). Apollo or Apollyon (the demon from the bottomless pit) will inhabit the beast. And the beast will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called Elohiym, and he is worship and sits in the 3rd temple of Elohiym (the 3rd temple may have housed the ark of the covenant found in archeology to be called the temple of Elohiym), and showing himself that is is the most high Elohiym.

But the 3rd temple will be destroyed because there is no need of it. Once the beast have made a "covenant with death" to many (Daniel 9:27), or modified the DNA of many people of the world, the 3rd temple will be destroyed because the body of the DNA modified men become the temple of the beast. And since their brains are interface to the computers and to the network world wide, they can surf the net, play virtual games, and call their friends and colleagues, by using their minds. And they can also create an image of the beast or avatar of the beast in their minds, and they must worship the image or avatar of the beast or they will be killed by sending a kill virus to them who don't follow the command of the beast!

Man (Adam) was created perfect, all his heart and mind was pure goodness until sin was found in him. When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of "good" and "evil", the genetic of man changed, he has in his heart and mind good and evil, a characterictic and genetic of ordinary man. Even the worst criminal has goodness in his heart and mind. But a modified man isn't a creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. His genetic is not man anymore that possessed good and evil, but what he has is pure evil genetic because goodness can only be found in our Elohiym YAHUWAH. A population (more than 50%) that is not ordinary man only means so much wickedness, iniquity, and lawlessness; the great apostasy kicks in!

The reason why I called the "Great Reset" as the "days of Noah", or the generation of apostasy: Check this out!

News from "Catholic News Agency":   "Pope Francis: After a nuclear war, humanity would have to 'start from scratch'"

"Pope Francis said Wednesday that the image of Noah’s flood is "gaining ground in our subconscious" as the world considers the possibility of a nuclear war "that will extinguish us."  and  "Our imagination appears increasingly concentrated on the representation of a final catastrophe that will extinguish us - what may happen with a possible nuclear war," Pope Francis said March 16. The 'day after' - if there will still be days and human beings - we will have to start again from scratch."   Speaking to pilgrims seated in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall for his live-streamed general audience, the pope said that people today "are under pressure, exposed to opposing stresses that confuse us."

Pope Francis is simply conveying the Great Reset plan! This is exactly what he meant here - "we will have to start again from scrath"! And  "the image of Noah's flood is gaining ground in our subconscious", back to "the days of Noah"! Therefore, the "Great Reset" is equals to "the days of Noah". This is a confirmation coming from Pope Francis.

And also, the rainbow symbolizes that there will be no flood of the earth, a covenant made by the Most High YAH to Noah. But today, it symbolizes gender identity. Even the rainbow is pointing back to the days of Noah.

And the Great Reset will be on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York. But how can you Reset the world that isn't broken? That's why, the Great Reset will not come without much chaos, and collapse of governments and economies world wide. And the beast will lead the broken world into a Great Reset, then the New World Order will commence, which is also the start of great tribulation.

The last days is almost here with us, it's already knocking at our doors. We can't prevent it to happen, it's appointed in our generation. Therefore, no one can stop the coming of apostate generation (the Great Reset or the days of Noah); no one can stop the DNA modification of men and chips implanted in them; no one can stop the mark of the beast to be engraved in the foreheads or right hands of modified men; no one can stop the building of the 3rd temple at Jerusalem and its destruction; no one can stop Satan and his angels to fall to the earth as aliens because of deception; and then, no one can prevent these two places to rise up in the last days (great awakening), Nineveh or Kurdistan and Queen of the South or Cebu and the Philippines (Matthew 12:41-42). These prophecies must be fulfilled, and all these things will surely happen in our lifetime.

Remember, believing in our Redemeer and Saviour YAHUSHA is all about relationship, not a religion that pushed us to be divided and blinded!