
Friday, October 28, 2022

Mass Media And The Controlled Paradigm

 Mass Media is part of our daily lives, they bring the latest news and informations of the country's outlook, could be about politics, economics, and the day to day lives in major cities and the provinces. Without the news, it is like living in remote and isolated area with no communication signals, no TV, and no radio, but the events and news coming from this area are spreading fast like tsismis, no need for journalism to broadcast the latest information, a person to person interaction will accomplish it, in a day or two. For now, there is no need to be isolated, it's the twentyfirst century, everyone had access to informations. And we are partly shape up by the news and informations we read and heard daily. It becomes part of our lives, discussing about the political views, current events, economic and business information, overseas updates, and showbiz. Most of us rely on media outlets to broadcast only the truth, all that we hear and see are only the truth! But, is it really the truth? Yes, they carried the truth, but they also propagandized their lies. Mass Media is specially created by them (the elites, the globalists) to advance their cause and their narratives? It is a news outlet basically, but at the same time, it serves as their propaganda machinery! Well, that's exciting!

Mass Media are here with us not just to bring the latest information but to have a controlled paradigm. It is not the intentions of the lowly workers in Media, yes, they broadcast the propaganda but they knew nothing. They are really good of what their doing, but at the back of it, they're spreading propaganda without the knowledge of the audience and the journalists themselves. It's the elite owners and the investors who are pushing this controlled narratives. And they call it sublimal seduction! Yap, Mass Media are being used by the globalists investors to advance the liberals narratives world wide, and our country's media outlets are no exemption. This isn't a new concept, it's been here for a thousand years, and the players who are using mass media or scribes are the same players of old but are the remnant of them, the globalists, or elites. Our societies today are formed based on the wishlists that were written since ancient times (I will not dwell on this topic, it a long story). And this controlled narratives are orchestrated by the globalists of today, but this group existed since the Roman Empire (or the mystery Babylonian Empire). And this narrative is to spread the truth that is mingled and infused with a lie. Just like what Satan, the old serpent, did at the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:3-5,  "{3} But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohiym hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. {4} And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: {5} For Elohiym doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as elohiym, knowing good and evil."      Eve was tempted by Satan to eat the fruit of good and evil at the Garden of Eden, and said to her, "you shall not surely die... your eyes will be opened, and you will be as god, or elohiym"! And when Eve and Adam eat the fruit, they never died instantly, but their bodies became mortal and were appointed to death, and they never became as god, or elohiym. Satan was saying to them half truth and half lie, because Adam and Eve died that same day! Adam died 930 years old and Eve died years before Adam, and both of them died short to one day with the Father, the Most High, YAHUWAH. 2 Peter 3:8,  "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with YAHUWAH as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

And what's unique with our country is that, the globalists top brass knew our real identity, and we Filipinos are blinded, we knew nothing. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."      Elohiym send a strong delusion so that the truths will be the lies and the lies they propagated will be our truths. And the religion that is here with us, serves as a stumblingblock because it carried half truth and half lie, the words of the Father YAHUWAH mingled and infused with the doctrines of this world. And this is not a simple deception, it is a strong one, meaning, it cannot be broken and recognized easily, even if they lied to us right before our noses. And the deceptions that they planted to humanity are here with us since thousand of years, and they do it little by little for many years up to our time. The deceptions are being propagated by means of sublimal seduction using their propaganda machinery like movies and televisions, advertisements and commercials, and mass media. All these things are permitted to happen by our heavenly Father so that unrighteouness will be damned forever, and those who seek the truth, will find the "Light". And the truth that was obscured to us is our real identity. Who really are we?

Let's examine the passage from Isaiah that talked about the tribes of Yashar'el that were in the Isles:

Isaiah 49:12,  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."

The word "north" in this passage is translated as "tsaphon" in  Hebrew, meaning, north or northward; and the word "west" is translated as "yam" in Hebrew, meaning, "sea". Why was the word "west" used here? Could be because, west of Yashar'el is Mediterannian sea? But "west" itself can be translated to Hebrew as 'maarab'. Therefore, "west" can't be used in this passage, the exact word here is "sea". So, the correct verse of Isaiah 49:12 is:  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the sea; and these from the land of Sinim."       The word "Sinim" is equal to "Ciyniym" in Hebrew, meaning, "South China". Therefore, some of the tribes of Yashar'el can be found in the isles afar off, to the sea of South China or the South China Sea. Wow! What isles are located in the sea of South China? Simply, the Philippines! By the way, almost 60% of the book of Isaiah talked about the Isles, Sheba, Tarshish, the ends of the earth, Ephraim, and all of these referred to our land.

Here are the ancient names of our land that were obscurred to us, and was not even taught in our history classes:

1. In 1490, a research of Christopher Columbus located Ophir, Tarshish, Garden of Eden and the lost tribes of Israel in SE Asian Isles north of equator.

2. In 1522, Antonio Pigafetta recorded Philippines as Tarshish and Ophir.

3. In March 4, 1521, Sebastian Cabot contract with Spain identifies Tarsis (Tarshish) and Ophir.

4. In 1600s, Father Colin still refered to Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish.

5. In 1600s, Dominican Gregorio Garcia located Ophir in the Moluccas and Philippines.

6. In 1890, former Prime Minister Pedro A. Paterno recorded Ophir as the Philippines.

7. In 1891, Prof. Bluemmentritt still record Philippines as an ancient Ophir.

Details are abundant regarding our history from the people who enslave us but why aren't we talking about it today? Because we prefer to stick with the fraudulent paradigm they inflicted to us. We can't get over to the great deception because we don't want to, we prefer their lies, we are comfortable with it. It's a good thing that this history is preserve until today, and Christopher Columbus nailed it based on the passage of Isaiah chapter 49, verse 12. And Columbus travelled to East Indies in westward direction (unknown during his time), because going in eastward direction, from Africa to Asia, is closed to Christian sailors. But he accidentally stumbled in the land of America! From the movie, "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery", 1992. And his references were the book of 2 Esdras, the book of Isaiah, and the Solomom gold. And Ferdinand Magellan followed Christopher Columbus route going to the west, passing by America and into the Pacific. And based on Pigafetta journal, Magellan replaced the name Chryse (Gold) and Argyre (Silver) to Ofir and Tarsis. Magellan knew that these Isles were located at the south of China because he already travelled to Moluccas and part of Malaysia under Portugese flag. And under the Spanish flag, he landed first at Homonhon, then to Butuan (could be the center of Tarshish where ancient archeological ships were found), then went to Limasawa, then finally Mactan in Cebu.

Now, talking about Cebu, it is an ancient land based on our history. And looking at our ancient maps, there is only on thing that is consistent, there is no Cebu in the map. I mean, there is no "C" because our ancient dialect has no "C" even today. Instead, Cebu is labelled as Zebu in 1855 which is the same in the 1906 Map by Justus Perthes. In 1893, Cebu is rendered as Seboe, and in 1521 Antonio Pigafetta recorded it as Zubu or ZZubu. Never in the old maps that showed Cebu as Sugbu! Could be that Sugbu is a modern name pretended to be ancient to deceive us? Probably YES! Just look at how they covered up our ancient names Ophir and Tarshish! Then, back in 1765, "A New Map of the Philippine Islands" by Thomas Kitchin, renders Cebu as SEBU. The name Sebu leads to the modern name Cebu. This is very interesting as when you look at the Hebrew, there is a word which ties to Sebu but yet none of the dialogues regarding the origin of Cebu from linguists fit. They do not know it’s etymology. The word Sebu is equated and derived from the Hebrew word SHEBU'AH:SHEBU:SHEBA, meaning, an Oath:Week:Seven, the First Sabbath. The first 7th day of creation from the land of creation? Wow! The seventh (7th) day is the day of oath, Sabbath or Shabbat also known as Shebat or Sebat. Just as this word Sebu leads to Shebu’ah or Shebat or Sebat. This is very interesting because in a 1646 map by Dudley’s Dell Arcano de Mare, Cebu is rendered as "Isle of Sebat". Cebu simply came from Sheba, the land of the Sebat, or Shabbat, or Sabbath, and not just any Sabbath but the very first one, on the 7th Day of Creation – Shebu’ah. It is the Feast Day which commemorates the first Sabbath, or Shabbat, and this took place in Sheba which means 7 as well as oath because Shebu’ah (in Hebrew), or Pentecost (in Greek), is also the Day of Covenant Renewal. And the feast of Covenant Renewal is celebrated as a Sabbath on the last week of May, or even up to 2nd week of June as Shebu'ah, or Shavout, or Pentecost. Sometimes it falls to our independence day! Coincidence? The first Sabbath (first 7th day) written and recorded on an island in the Philippines which still bares such name in Hebrew! What is amazing is, Cebu (Sebu) is in region 7! Coincidence? And Lake Sebu in South Cotabato has 7 waterfalls or Sheba waterfalls, coincidence? I think not! YAHUWAH our Elohiym simply gives as a sign for us to know these things!

Our country is the land of creation, the land of Adam and Eve, the land of Seth, the land of Enoch, and up to Noah before the flood. It is also the place where some of the Northern tribes of Yashar'el migrated after the tribes were exciled to Assyria. Check this out:

2 Esdras (4 Ezra) 13:41-46,  "{41} But they took this counsel amongst themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, {42} That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. {43} And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the River. {44} For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, til they were passed over. {45} For through that country there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called 'Arsareth'. {46} Then dwelt they there until the latter time."        Some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el migrated to a further country that they might keep their statutes. They cross the Euphrates river like an Exodus, where the water was dried up and everyone walked in dry land until everyone passed over. And they went to a country with one and a half year journey (by means of the ships of Tarshish, their transport from Persian gulf) and the same region called 'Arsareth'. A one and a half year journey? that's too far! It can't be around the middle east or Africa, it can be somewhere in the far away land. And if we look closely at the word "Arsareth", it is a combination of two Hebrew words, 'Asah' and 'Ehrets'. Where "Asah" means, to do, work, make, produce and "Ehrets" means, land, earth. Therefore, "Arsereth" means, "to make the earth" or "the land of creation". Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el went to the "land of creation". This simply referred to our land! The first Sabbath of the first seventh (7th) day of creation, Shebu'ah: Sheba: Sebu: Cebu. And finally, they dwelt there until the latter time! They dwelt in our land until our time! And the tribes of Yashar'el are here with us today, or we are the lost tribes!

And during the mid 1500s, the book of Esdras was removed from the bible cannon. Could be when they finally located our land, they removed Esdras and changed some of the bible wordings to obscured the direction of our place? That's for sure! Then, they enslaved us and taught us religion, and we're under control of Spain for more than 300 years, and it never ended, they just passed our land to the US! From a Basque Jews (the remnant of the pharisees and sadducees) controlled country in Europe to another Basque Jews controlled country in America (the US political ad economic elites are mostly Basque Jews). And they are embedded in every corner of our society today, in politics - the Liberals International (the Basques controlled party worldwide), in economy - the Basques, in education - the Jesuits (creation of the Basque Jews), and in our religion - the RC (the origin of infused religion). And they gave us freedom because they already set the biggest propaganda machinery, the mass media! All of these are in place to keep us blinded and to prevent us to rise.

Let's examine today's controlled narratives being push and propagated by mass media:

Famous lines for the pandemic (pestilence):

- mandatory vaccine for our safety

- health and safety protocol can defeat the pandemic

- you can't travel, buy, and sell, without the vaccination ID

- prepare for the next pandemic that will that will wreak havoc in the countries world wide

Famous lines for the food shortage (famine):

- reduce cabon footprint, and carbonization.

- good for our health and environment

- foods that can prevent climate change

- we will eat bugs and love it! (the WEF agenda)

Famous lines for the wars (nations against nations - ethnos - same ethnicity)

- crude oil prices became unstable because of war

- prices of grains (wheat and barley) will be affected because of war

- prices of fertilizer rose up because of war

- we are winning (both the capitalist and the communist propaganda), and no country will win the wars... ultimately, the globalists will win the wars!

All theses events, the pandemic, the wars, and the famines, will push the nations world wide to collapse! And the globalists will RESET the world, the Great Reset! Then a new era begins with a New World Order!

What will come out after much chaos or mingled events?

1. Because of pandemic, it is possible to modify the DNA of men and implant a chip inside them. The bow and arrow (the design of injection is like a bow and arrow) prepares our body and brain with the famous mRNA so that they can monitor inside you, it is possible to hack you! And once you undergone DNA modification, a "mark" is literally engraved in your forehead or right hand as a sign that you are a modified man, a transhuman, or human hybrid, or nephilim 2.0, and will separate you from the people who aren't modified.

2. Because of famine, they are pushing a complete collapse of foods, and completely replace it with the new food staples which are mostly vegetarians. These are the DNA modified food staples, the only food consumptions for modified men. They are appointing the food products to be "mark" just like men. And "you can't buy and sell" without the "mark" or vaccination ID, engraved in you!

3. Because of wars, the world's order is change to a New World Order with a socialist or communist style of rule! Back to the days of Babylon where everybody must worship the image or statue made by king Nebuchanezzar, or you will be killed! And the New World Order will be lead by mystery Babylon, the holy Roman Empire!

And these events were listed in Matthew 24:7,  "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

And the earthquakes are done because of much wickedness done by the globalists! They will prevent selected places to rise during their reigned, that's why, they are attacking them with man-made earthquakes! Why am I so certains that these events listed in Matthew 24:7 is coupled with deception? Because, before verse 7, YAHUSHA warned us to be alert and be very careful: Matthew 24:4,  "And YAHUSHA answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."       YAHUSHA warned us because there are men who will trick humanity to believe them that the world is OK, that everything that happened were just normal in occurence, but a sudden collapse will change everything!

Here are the famous quotes of Henry Kissinger (Globalist), international mass media favorite, and the quotes became the pattern of WEF agenda.

1. "You control the food and you control the people" - they wanted the foods collapse to appoint their new food staples. You control the foods that are low in carbon footprint, and these are the DNA modified foods, good for the environment.

2. "You control the energy and you control the whole continent" - they wanted to reduce or even elliminate the fossil fuel that are the cause for climate change. They are collapsing the fossil fuel or crude oil in favor to the new energy sources which are mostly solar, or carbonization. And this shift of energy and power sources begins in Europe, the green movement in Europe. 

3. "You control the money and you control the world" - they wanted to control the flow of money, and the only way to do that is to digitized your cash. They wanted to collapse the world's currency in favor of cashless transactions. And without a digital cash, "you can't buy and sell".

They wanted a collapse of everything essentials in order to have control in everything and change the order of things, including the order of men. And the narratives of all of these start with mass media, and media are reporting their lines which barely scratch the surface of the globalist real intentions. They are reporting feel good and some doomsday scenario that comes with it. But in truth, the globalists had already plotted the course of this world.

And back to our country. What could be our role at the end times? And why our very own mass media aligned to the power of the west?

Matthew 12:41-42,  "{41} The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. {42} The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Nineveh is in Kurdistan plain, Iraq! Therefore, Kurditan will rise in today's generation and shall condemn it, they, them, that are responsible for so much deception they planted in Kurdistan. There will be great awakening in Kurdistan lead by the prophet Jonas, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, greater than Jonas will be in Kurdistan a few years from now.

And the Queen of the South is Cebu, or Queen Sheba from Sebu (later became Cebu). Therefore, Cebu and the Philippines will rise in today's generation and shall condemn it, they, them, that are responsible for so much deception they inflicted to our land. For "she" came from the uttermost part of the earth, or ends of the earth, or antiquity, the land of creation, Cebu Philippines, to hear the wisdom of Solomon, behold, greater and wiser than king Solomon is here (1 King 4:34,  "And there came of all people to hear

the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom."). Who could "she" be? Could be Sarah Duterte Carpio, her lineage is from Cebu. And don't you know the "Sarah" in Hebrew means, "Princess"! The "Princess of the South"! Coincidence? And she will be our next president during the Great Reset era, 2028 and onwards (based on Great Reset clock in New York or climate clock, that will expire on 2028)! Coincidence? And we are at the crossroad where biblical prophecies are being fulfilled right before our eyes!

And they already started their attacked in Kurdistan region in Iraq and Syria, and in the Southern Philippines. And these lands were attacked by the moon goddess, Ishtar, Ashtaroth, Astarte, harlot of Babylon, mother Mary, mystery Babylon - "ISIS" terrorist group with a flag of a full moon! Coincidence? And if you track down the movement of "ISIS" or harlot of Babylon, the moon goddess, it points to the lost tribes of Yashar'el. And who commissioned this terrorist group? Maybe the mystery Babylon... the holy Roman Empire... the empire controlled by the Jews... they knew exactly who we are!

In truth, these Liberal narratives were created and propagandized by the western world, and other countries of the world followed, because they see and hear the good of it through mass media, and social media, and other mediums. But the reality is, those who follow the Liberal narrative will collapse! Look what happened to Sri Lanka and Lebanon. The globalists already set the course of this world!

1. They attack our health, and established a control paradigm propagated by media that limits people movement and their freedom, freedom to own the land, "you'll own nothing, and you'll be happy"; and freedom to remain a man, just a man, not a hybrid, which is being accomplished by the vaccine. Their ultimate goal is 6 doses to have it completed. You can still escape up to the 5th, but it is crucial! After their ultimate goal, the DNA of men are modified, and men defied the Law of Creation!

2. They attack our foods with their so called Paris Climate Accord which limits the farmlands to grow our foods because of climate change. Look at what happened to the farmers in Holland (Netherland), they are forced to move away from their farmlands because of pesticides and feltilizers, and raising cattles, which they called anti-climate and anti-green environment. They put emphasis on low Carbon footprint and Carbonization. Why Carbon is so important to them? Not Oxygen! Could be that Carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutron, 666. Hmmm... All of these are just the surface of reality! In truth, they are appointing DNA modified foods to take over the markets. They must modify the DNA of our foods to stay away from our Creator. The name of the Father, our Creator is in our DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in our DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridges that keep our DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds the letters in Hebrew, "YOD HEH WAW HEH" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! They are using climate change to accomplish their plan! One example is the low supply of McDonalds fries, they said that it came from special kind of potatoes that can grow only to certain countries. That's a lie! The potatoes supply collapse is intended so that the new DNA modified potatoes and other additives (could be bugs) will be out in the supply chain anytime soon! They modified the DNA of foods to defy the Law of Creation!

3. They commissioned wars to have one ideology world wide. A war is appointed to Russia and Ukraine, from former USSR and were divided because of ideology, so that ony one ideology will flourish, and that's socialism or communism. And these wars are appointed to communist aligned countries and capitalist (NAZI) aligned countries like China vs Taiwan, North Korea vs South Korea, Serbia vs Kosovo, and could be Iran/Syria/Lebanon vs Israel. This will result to a world war 3, and with nuclear attacks as the finality! No country will win the war, only the socialism ideology will come out victorious. And the globalists, the elites, are making bunker houses in preparation for nuclear war, they knew axactly what will happen because they themselves are appointing this event to take its course.

All of these are appointed by the globalists, to RESET the world (Great Reset) because of much chaos and collapse, and no one can stop them. Then, the world will restart with a new order, the New World Order. And even the order of men is change in favor of DNA modified men, or transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0.

And the the globalists from the west, wanted to obscure the ancient names of our land and our identity because they knew to well who we really are! We are just so blinded by them! Christopher Columbus (a Basque Jew) identified us because he studied the scriptures diligently, and set his voyage going to East Indies in westward direction (still unknown) because the route going eastward from Africa to Asia were closed among Christian sailors during his time. But he stumbled in the land of America! They (the remnant of Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes - globalists today) knew the bible too well because they created it in the 1500s. To obscure the location of our land and our identity were their main objective because they knew that we will rise as prophesied by Yahusha in Matthew 12:42. That's why they took hold of every aspect of our society today, and even appoint the destiny of our younger generation through the liberals aligned education. And Mass Media play a special role to all of these. They even made media outlets as the fact-checkers of informations that flow on social media. And if the news and informations are not aligned with Liberal narratives, it is labelled as fake news! And if the country move toward the liberal narratives as propagated by mass media, the more it is susceptible to collapse! The globalists invested heavily on the stocks of media outlets to carry their narratives, the Liberal narratives, until their plan is accomplished. And the collapse of their plan (world economic collapse) is the fulfillment of their plan! So that, they can RESET the world, the Great Reset!

It is a good thing that our country moved out from the western and liberal narratives, because we could had been like Sri Lanka and Lebanon. They collapse because they are faithful to the liberal narratives. And the collapse are appointed to the western world, Europe, US, Canada, which also includes Australia and New Zealand. But as the world collapses, our country (the Philippines) and Kursdistan (Iraq) will rise! And will greatly oppossed the drama which the globalists instituted for their plan to prosper, the New World Order, after the collapse and the Great Reset! But with the power they invested in media outlets, the propaganda of media will push our country to its knees, to be always at low estate, as the globalists wish our country will forever be! But they can't stop the prophecy! We are on the verge of rising! This country will move opposite to their plan! It was Digong who started it all, he move out from the liberal narratives, then BBM will cement the path by controlling the imports of agricultural products that will put us on the verge of foods collapse if we become too dependent on imported food products. Our country must secure the local food supplies and must be self-dependent! And the DEPED lead by VP Sarah Duterte, will change the liberal narratives of our education, to a more Pilipino controlled paradigm in which, our ancient history will be remembered! BBM will pave the way to the "Princess" of the South, to rise as our president in the Great Reset era! And Sarah ("Princess" in Hebrew) Duterte Carpio will lead our country to condemn the media outlets (from the west) and the globalists, for their plan for a world economic collapse to give way for the Great Reset, then the New World Order, where, the order of men will also change in favor of transhumans.

And our religion will be dissolved in favor of our belief of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son, our Messiah, YAHUSHA. It is the religion that keep us divided, and keep us blinded, and it is the stumblingblock to our faith in the Father and the Son. Because believing in Him is all about relationship, not a religion which is specially created to deceive us. We have to move away from the religion and narratives of this world, in order to be called the children of our Elohiym YAH.

Matthew 5:20,  "For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."

We cannot exceed the righteousness of the media outlets, the fact-checkers (scribes) and the globalists, the elites (Pharisees), if we continue to merge ourselves with them, because their truth is aligned with the liberal narratives, and if it's against their paradigm, it's labelled as a lie. In them, the truth is relative! It's completely out of the scriptures, out of the teaching of YAHUSHA, but when the scriptures' narrative is found in us, we are greatly righteous than the fact-checkers and the globalists that dictate what is true and what is not! Because the Truth carries righteousness, and the Truth is found in YAHUSHA Messiah.

Surely, we will rise! Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, will be remembered! We are the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh! We are the tribes of Yashar'el!

And the media outlets are the Scribes (media top brass, investors), and the globalists (world wide elites - WEF) are the Pharisees and Sadducees! And the source of their "power" is Gog, the papacy, the chief prince of western countries (Europe and North America).

Note: The Lost Tribes is based on the "Solomon Gold Series", by the God Culture.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Let's Talk About The Rapture

 The rapture is the most discussed biblical topic with lot of questions and controversies surrounding it. Let's examine 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and some other passages to have a better understanding of this so called rapture doctrine. What always comes to my mind is that, why is an important event like the rapture was not explicitly written in the bible? The Prophets and the Apostles could have outlined this very important event clearly from Genesis to Revelation, but it's not. An endtime event like this wasn't even mentioned or laid out in Matthew chapter 24 endtimes prophecy by YAHUSHA Messiah. Although the scriptures outlined that in the end, those who are alive (the righteous), and together with the spirits of the dead in YAHUSHA, will be caught up in the clouds and will meet YAHUSHA in the air, then the earth will be destroyed by fires and brimstones. There is no rapture event here! It's the only way for the remaining righteous to be saved by the great punishment of the earth. No one wanted to be destroyed in earth (the judgment of the wicked) when this happen, that's why YAH is gathering His people before this final event, the judgment, and then He will create a new Heaven and new Earth. Remember, there only two groups of people here, those who are alive during and after the great tribulation, and those who are dead (the spirits of the dead) in YAHUSHA. Where did the raptured people go?

Let's examine some passages concerning the rapture concept:

2 Thessalonians 2:3,  "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

From the verse, some said that, "falling away" is the rapture. Let's examine this verse: "Let no man deceive you by any means", the question is, are we not deceive today? With what happened to the pandemic in which the bible narrative came out, "you can't buy and sell", you still think everything that happened to us was normal in occurence, and we are going back to our normal lives? We are so deceived by them! "For that day shall not come", what day? The day of the "gathering together" of the righteous with the Seal of Elohiym in their foreheads (in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 1). "Except there come a falling away first"; "falling away" in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek) is "apostasia", or "apostasy", or "departure", or "abandon", in English. Before the "gathering together", there will be a "great apostasy", or "the days of Noah", or "the Great Reset", first! What event that will contribute to great apostasy? People of the earth will defy the Law of Creation! They will modify their DNA to be other than man, more than an ordinary man in terms of strength, ability, intelligence, durability, and skills. And these modified men are called transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, with the mark of the beast literally engraved in their foreheads or right hands as a sign (palatandaan) that they are modified men, no longer an ordinary men. During the days of apostasy, or the days of Noah, or the Great Reset, and when the transhumans become a trend, the man of sin, or the beast, will be revealed, the son of perdition. Therefore, "falling away" is not a rapture! It is the apostasy, or the departure of being a normal, pure, and perfect man, not just abandoning your faith, but you abandon your whole well-being, or you abandon the tabernacle or the temple of Elohiym inside you by modifying your DNA in favor of a human hybrid! You removed the image of Elohiym in you and replaced it with the image of the beast. And because there is no more salvation in them, every imagination of the thoughts of hybrid men will be evil continually, pure apostasy. A great falling away or great apostasy is caused by DNA modification, and once you modify your DNA, there no turning back, you can't undo what they had done to you! And people cannot apostatised being an ordinary men, even if they are criminals, killers, there is still some goodness in their hearts.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-8,  "{7} For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. {8} And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom Yahusha shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:"

From this passage, they connected, "he be taken out of the way", to the rapture. Now, let's examine this passage to bring clarity:

"For the mystery of iniquity is already at work", "iniquity" from this verse is equal to "lawlessness", or "unrighteousness", or "apostasy". For the mystery of lawlessness, or the mystery of unrighteousness, or the mystery of apostasy, is already at work, and because of deception (we are blinded), it is called a mystery, the reality of iniquity is hidden in our plain sight and is working behind the scene! "Only HE who now letteth will let (or allow)", "letteth" in Greek is "katecho", meaning, to hold back, or restrain, or hinder. There is a force (HE) who now "hold back", or "restrain", or "hinder", that will allow the beast to move forward at an appointed time, then the force (HE) who restrain, or hinder, will be taken out of the way. No more restriction, no more hinder or restrain, the mystery is remove and what come out is pure iniquity, or pure apostasy, or pure lawlessness! The generation of great apostasy will follow, the days of Noah all over again, or the globalists called it, the Great Reset!

Who is HE, the force? HE or the force is usually referred to angels who restrain or hinder the demonic beings or the beast to move forward at an appointed time. Daniel 10:13,  "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia 'withstood' me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia."      Angels Michael and Gabriel withstood, or restrain, or hinder, the prince of Persia for twenty one days (could be 21 years) to move forward at an appointed time. A battle is also happening in spiritual realm between angels and demonic beings, the beasts, to move forward only at an appointed time.

"And then shall the Wicked be revealed", the beast of mystery Babylon will come into open and declare himself as their saviour, he saved them from the pandemics, wars, famines, climate change, and world economic collapse, and much chaos. He decrale himself as their elohiym (their god). But the beast will be consumed with the spirit of Yahusha Messiah's mouth, and will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming.

Therefore, there is no rapture here! The verses just outlined what will happen during the generation of great apostasy, or the days of Noah all over again, or the Great Reset!

Matthew 24:40-42,  "{40} Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. {41} Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. {42} Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour YAHUSHA doth come."

Here's another passage that is connected with the rapture. "Two persons are in the field, ones is taken and the other is left behind." "Two women grinding at the mill, one is taken and the other is left behind."  This is same as, one person is save and the other person is destined to condemnation. It also shows that the earth's population (whatever the figure is... it will be reduced drastically by much chaos as appointed by the globalists) in the endtimes is 50 percent righteous and 50 percent unrighteous. And this event, the separation of righteous and unrighteous, is an end time scenario. Check out this passage before the above verses: Matthew 24:37-39,  "{37} But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. {38} For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, {39} And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."      The return of YAHUSHA Messiah is like the days of Noah before the flood. What were the days of Noah? The days when people became nephilim or giants (became human hybrids) because the fallen angels mated or lusted with the daughters of men and produced offsprings that were hybrids (Genesis 6:4). And these nephilim (the offsprings of fallen angels) usurp the dominion of the earth given to ordinary men. The nephilim ruled over the earth, and their thoughts were evil continually. No ordinary men were left on the earth except Noah and his family, only 8 people were saved by the ark. The nephilim were the very reason for the world wide flood! And the angels who sinned were punished and imprisoned at the abyss or bottomless pit (2 Peter 2:5 and Jude 1:6). And in the last days, people will hybridize themselves (modify themselves - DNA modification) to be a transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, men with better strength, durability, intelligence, ability, and skills. And it is the remnant of the sons of the fallen angels (the remnant of nephilim - the minus bloodline) who orchestrated this DNA modification to be other than men. They wanted the return of the golden ages before the flood. But their (the nephilim 2.0) time is short, because YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach return is inevitable, the great apostasy will be shortened. Those who keep the commandments of YAHUSHA and have His testimony will be given a SEAL of Elohiym and will be separated from the rest, for they still remain to be an ordinary man, pure man. And the transhumans, or the human hybrids, will have the "mark of the beast". And this separation will be 50-50, the earth's population at the endtimes will be half (50%) coming from the righteous, and half (50%) coming from the unrighteous (modified men). This explained why two persons on the field, one is taken and the other is left behind, and so with two women at the grinding mill.

Here's a similar passage: Matthew 25:1-2,  "{1} Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. {2} And five of them were wise, and five were foolish."     This is the parable of the ten virgins; five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. It shows that five will be saved and five will be condemned! It's 50-50 of the earth's population whoever is left in the last day, 50% wise or righteous who keep the commandments and precepts of YAHUWAH, and 50% foolish who are destined to condemnation by worshipping the image (avatar) of the beast. 

1 Thessalonians explained further what will happen in the last days, the day of final judgment:

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17,  "{16} For YAHUSHA himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of Elohiym: and the dead in Messiah shall rise first: {17} Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet YAHUSHA in the air: and so shall we ever be with YAHUWAH."

This is the second coming of YAHUSHA. He will descent from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of YAHUWAH: and the dead which kept the commandments and testimony of YAHUSHA will rise first: Then we which are alive and remain after the great tribulation will be caught up together with the spirit of the dead in the clouds, to meet YAHUSHA in the air! And so shall we ever be with the Father YAHUWAH.

From the above passage, there are only two groups of people:

1. Those that are alive and remain that kept the commandments of YAHUSHA and have His testimony.

2. Those that are dead in YAHUSHA (the righteous).

Those who are dead will rise first, then, those that are alive and remain (with the Seal of Elohiym) on the earth after the great tribulation will be caught up in the clouds. Then, both will meet YAHUSHA in the air. Then the earth will be punished with fires and brimstones.

Now, where is the rapture? The people who are alive and remain on the earth after the great tribulation is the only answer! There is no pre-tribulation or mid-tribulation rapture! Post tribulation rapture, YES! But I'm not calling it a rapture because it's the only way for the righteous who remain to be saved. If the righteous will not be caught up in the air, they will not survive by the fires and brimstones. And of course, with the blink of an eye, they'll change into a new body. In truth, rapture isn't a biblical term, it's not even in the scriptures, it's not even prophesied in the old testatment up to new testament.

Let's examine if there are raptured individuals in heaven based on the passages of the book of Revelation:

Revelation 6:9-11,  "{9} And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of Elohiym, and for the testimony which they held: {10} And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O YAHUWAH, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? {11} And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."

The 5th Seal. The souls that were "slain" (killed) for the word of YAHUWAH, and for the testimony they held, cried with a loud voice, saying, O YAHUWAH, how long will You judge and avenge our blood on them, modified men, or transhumans, that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given to every one of them and it was said to them, that they should rest yet a little season, until their fellowservants and their brethren, that should be "killed" as they were, should be fulfilled. Therefore, there are "souls" in heaven coming from the people who were killed during the tribulation or were killed by the Pale Horse Rider (the 4th Seal), could be killed by the swords, or slain by the sword. There were no mentioned of raptured or caught in the air during the 5th Seal event. And after the 7 Seals judgments, the next judgments, or afflictions, or persecution, will be the "Seven (7) Trumpets" and the "Seven (7) Vials", that are exclusively for the unrighteous with the mark of the beast! The righteous will be protected by the Name of our Creator, YAHUWAH, the SEAL of Elohiym.

And Revelation 7 further explained who these souls are:

Revelation 7:9,  "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;"

A great multitude in heaven which no man can number, out of all nations, and tribes, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, YAHUSHA, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hand.

Revelation 7:13-14,  {13} And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? {14} And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

And these souls of people which arrayed in white robes are they which came out of "great tribulation", or "great affliction", or "great persecution", and they were made white in the blood of the Lamb! Where are the people who are raptured? They say, they are raptured before the great tribulation! They don't feel the great affliction and the great persecution! From here, we can conclude that there are no people that are being raptured in heaven, all the souls (the righteous) came out from the great persecution and death.

Revelation chapter 20 further explained who will participate in the first resurrection and live a thousand years with YAHUSHA:

Revelation 20:4-6,  "{4} And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of YAHUSHA, and for the word of Elohiym, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Messiah a thousand years. {5} But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. {6} Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of YAHUWAH and of YAHUSHA, and shall reign with him a thousand years."

And I saw the souls of men (in heaven) that were "beheaded" for the witness of YAHUSHA, and for the word and testimony of YAHUWAH. And did not worshipped the beast, neither his image (or avatar), neither had received the mark of the beast upon their foreheads or their hands; and they lived and reigned with YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach a thousand years. But the rest of the dead which are killed by famines, by wars, by pestilences, and by the beast of the earth, live not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection, and Blessed and Holy is he that take part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power! But they shall be priest of YAHUWAH and of YAHUSHA! No worries to those who are asleep, because, "a day in YAHUWAH is a thousand years"! Where are the "raptured individuals"? None! They aren't killed or "beheaded", therefore, there is no place for them in heaven!

We can consider as the raptured individuals, the 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Yashar'el because they were not killed, they were redeemed from among men: 

Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

The 144,000 having the name of the Father written in their foreheads. Therefore, the Seal of Elohiym is the name of the Father "YAHUWAH"!

And verses 4 and 5 explained who the 144,000 were:

Revelation 14:4-5,  "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto Elohiym and to the Lamb. {5} And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of YAHUWAH."

The 144,000 were "not defiled with women" for they are "virgins". They followed the Lamb, YAHUSHA, wherever He go. They were redeemed from among men, being the firstborn into YAHUWAH and to YAHUSHA. And in their mouth was found "no guile": for they are "without fault" before the throne of YAHUWAH. Therefore, the 144,000 are "children" redeemed from among the 12 tribes of Yashar'el. Can we connect the rapture doctrine here? It can't be! There were no raptured individuals in heaven! It's what the bible said!

Do righteous people go to heaven when they died? No! Not from me, as per YAHUSHA our Messiah: John 3:13,  "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."     No man has ascended up to heaven, yes, Messiah came down from heaven, even He, the Son of man, which was from heaven, had not ascended yet. Enoch and John the Revelator visited heaven, but they never live there.

Are Enoch and Elijah in heaven?

Jubilees 4:22-23,  "{22} And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch testified against (them) all. {23} And he was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honour, and behold there he writeth down the condemnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men."        Enoch was taken from among men and was conducted into the Garden of Eden (Garden of Righteousness)! Enoch was not in heaven! And where is the Garden of Eden? The bible said, it's in the east, oriental, at the ends of the earth, the same geographic location of the land of creation, Havila before the flood, and became Ophir after the flood, the Philippines. And it is under the ocean floor because of the world wide flood, and is guarded by angels! And nobody can dive in this area because of the very rough sea... could be between the Visayas and Northern Mindanao? 

And here's the prophecy of Enoch regarding the prophet Elijah:

Enoch 89:52,  "But one of them was saved, and was not killed, and it sprang away and cried out against the sheep. And they wished to kill it but YAHUWAH of the sheep saved it from the hands of the sheep, brought it up to me, and made it stay."        This is from the Second Dream Vision of Enoch: The History of the World (a.k.a. the Apocalypse of Animals). But one of them (one of the prophets) was saved, and was not killed, and cried out against the sheep. They wished to kill him, but YAHUWAH saved him, and he was brought to me (to Enoch, in the Garden of Eden), and made him stay. And in 1 Kings 19:9-10, the Father YAHUWAH asked Elijah what he was doing at the cave of Mt Sanai, and Elijah answered: "{10}... for the children of Yashar'el have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and "slain Your prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.""    And 2 Kings 2:11,  "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."     From 2 Kings 2:11 passage; "heaven" is translated in Hebrew as "shamayim", meaning, air; sky; atmosphere; heaven; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve). Therefore, "shamayim" or heaven, is not the heaven of heavens where the Father, our Almighty Elohiym dwell. It simply means sky! And so Elijah was taken from among men, and zoom to the sky via whirlwind (his transport), and he went to the ends of the earth, to the east or oriental, and to Enoch at the Garden of Eden (Garden of Righteousness). Both Enoch and Elijah reside not in heaven but in the Garden of Righteousness!

Where did the spirits or souls of people go when they died? To heaven? To purgatory? To hell? These are occults in origin, and most churches believed in their lies! Our souls go to chambers in the inner earth, or underworld, or the scriptures called it hades, and sleep. And these chambers are separated in four stages. The chamber for the righteous, the chamber for those who complain, the chamber for the sinners, and the lowest chamber is the abyss, or the prison for the fallen angels. The book of Enoch explained where the souls of men go: 

Enoch 22:1-10,  "{1} And from there, I went to another place, and he showed me in the west a large and high mountain, and a hard rock, and four beautiful places. {2} And inside, it was deep, wide, and very smooth. How smooth is that which rolls, and deep and dark to look at! {3} Then Raphael, one of the Holy Angels who was with me, answered me, and said to me: "These beautiful places are there so that the spirits, the souls of the dead, might be gathered into them. For them they were created; so that here they might gather the souls of the sons of men. {4} And these places they made, where they will keep them until the Day of Judgment, and until their appointed time, and that appointed time will be long, until the great judgment comes upon them. {5} And I saw the spirits of the sons of men who were dead and their voices reached Heaven and complained. {6} Then I asked Raphael, the Angel who was with me, and said to him: "Whose is this spirit, whose voice thus reaches Heaven and complains?" {7} And he answered me, and said to me, saying: "This spirit is the one that came out of Abel, whom Cain, his brother, killed. And he will complain about him until his offspring are destroyed from the face of the Earth, and from amongst the offspring of men, his offspring perish." {8} Then I asked about him, and about judgment on all, and I said: "Why is one separated from another?" {9} And he answered me, and said to me: "These three places where made, in order that they might separate the spirits of the dead. And thus the souls of the righteous have been separated; this is the spring of water, and on it the light. {10} Likewise, a place has been created for sinners, when they die, and are buried in the earth, and judgment has not come upon them during their life."

Enoch 22:11-13,  "{11} And here their souls will be separated for this great torment, until the Great Day of Judgment and Punishment and Torment for those who curse, forever, and of vengeance on their souls. And there he will bind them forever. Verily, He is, from the beginning of the world. {12} And thus a place has been separated for the souls of those who complain, and give information about their destruction, about when they were killed, in the days of the sinners. {13}  Thus a place has been created, for the souls of men who are not righteous, but sinners, accomplished in wrongdoing, and with the wrongdoers will be their lot. But their souls will not be killed on the day of judgment, nor will they rise from here."

There are four places in the inner earth, or the hades, sheol, or underworld, that the souls go and sleep, and are separated from each other and guarded by angels.

1. Chamber for the righteous - a beautiful place, deep, wide, and very smooth. It has the spring of water and light on it.

2. Chamber for those who complain - give information about their destruction, about when they were killed.

3. Chamber for the sinners - this is the place of great torment until the Great Day of Judgment, and Punishment, and Torment.

4. Prison of Fallen Angels - the lowest part of the earth, or it is called the abyss, or tartarus in Greek, or bottomless pit. This place is terrible and painful, with full of great pillars of fire.

Angels' prison: Revelation called it the bottomless pit, the book of Jude described it as the place of everlasting chains and under darkness, and 2nd Peter chapter two described it as hell, as translated in English (KJV), or tartarus in Greek, in chains of darkness:

Enoch 21:7-10,  "{7} And from there I went to another place, more terrible than this. And I saw a terrible thing: there was a great fire there, which burnt and blazed. And the place had a cleft reaching into the abyss, full of great pillars of fire, which were made to fall; neither its extent nor its size could I see, nor could I see its source. {8} Then I said: "How terrible this place is, and how painful to look at!" {9} Then Uriel, one of the Holy Angels, who was with me, answered me. He answered me and said to me: "Enoch, why do you have such fear and terror because of this terrible place, and before this pain?" {10} And he said to me: "This place is the prison of the Angels, and there they will be held for ever."

This inner earth's chambers, or the underworld, or the hades, is supported by the scriptures. Let's begin with Abraham's bosom:

Luke 16:25-26,  "{25} But Abraham said, son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. {26} And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."

This is the story of a rich man and a beggar called Lazarus that is full of sores. One day, Lazarus wanted to fed himself with the small fragments of bread that fell in the rich man's table, and the dog came and licked his sores. And the years passed, the beggar Lazarus died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom (or the chamber of the righteous). The rich man also died and was buried, and lift up his eyes, and he was in hell (chamber of the sinners) being torment. And the rich men cried to Abraham, have mercy on me, send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. And Abraham said, son, remember that during your lifetime you received good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now Lazarus is comforted, and you are tormented. And beside all this, there is a great gulf fixed, so that the souls that are tormented cannot pass, and neither are the righteous souls passed over. From this passage, Messiah outlined where the souls go when they died, could be in the chamber for the righteous or Abraham's bosom where they sleep, or the chamber of the sinners with a great torment. And these chambers or places in the inner earth is separated and no one can cross or pass in these chambers, and are guarded by angels. And all these chambers are on the inner earth, or the underworld, or the hades, or the sheol! Definitely not in heaven!

Job 14:10-14,  "{10} But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? {11} As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up: {12} So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. {13} O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me! {14} If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come."

Man died and wasted away, man give up the soul, and where is he? As the waters go to the sea, and the flood dried up: So man lied down, asleep, will not rise, until the heavens be no more, they shall not awake nor raised out of their sleep. O that you would hide me in the underworld, or the inner earth, or the hades, or the pit (grave or dungeun), that you would keep me secret, until your wrath or tribulation be past, that you would appoint me a set time, the final day of judgment, and remember me! If a man die, will he live again? For the righteous, YES! For that appointed time will come when a new body is given to the righteous, and the sinners will be consummed by an everlasting fire! All of the dead are asleep at the inner chambers, or the underworld, or the hades, or the pit, until the appointed time! Our bible is clear about this, why most of us believe in their lies?

Job 33:30,  "To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living."

Job really taught us where the souls go! It is not the pit that we all knew, or the grave, but it is more of a dungeon (chamber) in inner earth or the underworld, or the hades, or sheol. In the day of judgment, this pit or dungeon at the inner earth will be enlightened with the light of the living Elohiym YAHUSHA. In the end, all the spirits of the righteous will wake up (enlightened) and will meet YAHUSHA in the air, before the earth will be melted with fires and brimstones.

Psalms 63:9,  "But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth."

Even king David knew where the spirits (the souls) of the people go after they died, to the lower parts of the earth, or Hades, or Sheol. Those that seek my "soul" and wanted to destroy it, shall meet their end or will be killed, and go into the lower parts of the earth, or the chamber of sinners.

When YAHUSHA died, He descended first to Hades, or Sheol, or Underworld:

Ephesians 4:8-10,  "{8} Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. {9} (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? {10} He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)"

When YAHUSHA ascented on high, He led captivity captive, He led the believers to be captived by the gospel being taught, and He gave gifts, salvation, into men. The next part is amazing, now that He ascended, "He descended first to the lower parts of the earth." He descended to the hades to fully fulfill that He is a Man! The Soul or Spirit of YAHUSHA descended first at the chamber of the righteous in the inner earth, or the hades, at the lower parts of the earth, and after three days, He ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things. And the lowest part of the earth is the abyss, or tartarus, or bottomless pit, the prison of fallen angels.

Now we knew that when people died, we will go to the chambers in inner earth, or underworld, or hades, or sheol, until the appointed time or the judgment of the great day! Not in heaven! With only one exception, when people died during the tribulation or during the 4th Seal in Revelation 6, "kill by the sword" or "beheaded", because they keep the commandments of YAHUSHA and the testimony that they held. The only time that there are a great multitude of souls in heaven, aside from 144,000 from the tribes of Yashar'el which are mostly children.

Here's what the book of Enoch described the events in the last days. There is no rapture, pre-trib rapture, or mid-trib rapture. The post-trib rapture, yes, but I will not call it a rapture, because it is the only way to save the remaining righteous on the earth, to be caught up in the clouds before the earth will be melted with fires and brimstones!

1 Enoch 93:9-11,  "{9} And after this, in the seventh week, an apostate generation will arise. And many will be its deeds - but all its deeds will be apostasy. {10} And at its end, the Chosen Righteous, from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen, to whom will be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation. {11} And when iniquity, and sin, and blasphemy, and wrong, and all kinds of evil deeds increase, and when apostasy, wickedness, and uncleanness increase, a great punishment will come from Heaven upon all these. And the Holy YAHUWAH will come in anger, and in wrath, to execute judgment on the Earth."

This is the "Prophecy Of The Weeks", from "First Week" up to the "Seveth Week". The "Sixth Week" prophecy is when all are blinded, all are deceive! And our generation is on the edge or tip of the "Sixth Week" prophecy! We are moving closer to the "Seventh Week", the days of apostasy! And we are on the mystery of iniquity, or the mystery of apostasy! It is called a "mystery" because we are so blinded! But as soon as the chaos (mingled events) are performed by them (the pandemic or pestilences, the wars, the food shortages or famines, and climate change), they will RESET the broken world (the Great Reset), then the mystery is no longer a mystery, apostasy or the days of Noah or the Great Reset, kick off with all kinds of evil deeds, much iniquity, much wickedness, and much uncleanness. And a great punishment will come to the earth, like Sodom and Gomorrah.

And the righteous with the "Seal of the living Elohiym" will be separated from them who have the "mark of the beast", and will be given sevenfold teaching concerning His whole creation. And the righteous will be taught concerning His whole "creation" because it is the day when people, including some plants and animals, will defy the Law of Creation! They are modifying the DNA of men, plants, and animals, to be other than its nature created by our Heavenly Father. And the modified plants can survive indoors with an artificial light or electric light, and become their healthy foods, good for the environment, protect them from climate change (not a healthy foods for ordinary men), they are "marking" the plants and foods, just like men; and the modified animals will become the modified beast of the earth that will attack men who do not have the mark of the beast; And the modified men become transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, with the mark of the beast. And the "Seal of Elohiym" is the name of the Father YAHUWAH: Acts 2:19-21,  "{19} And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: {20} The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of YAHUWAH come: {21} And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of YAHUWAH shall be saved."      Whoever shall call on the Name of YAHUWAH will be protected up to the very end! Matthew 24:13,  "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."      The righteous who endured the great tribulation will be saved because the name of the Father is their protection! Luke 21:27-28,  "{27} And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. {28} And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."      And all the righteous that remained see YAHUSHA in the clouds with power and great glory, and great Light, and all these things will be on its climax, then all the righeous that remained, look up and lift up their heads; for their redemption is near! If the earth is like a ball (sphere, globe), can all the people see YAHUSHA's second coming? And the teaching concerning His whole creation is done because the righteous will finally live in a new created Heaven and Earth, or new Heaven and new Earth, back from the very beginning... back to the creation!


There are people that will endure the great tribulation and will be saved, and there are people that will be "beheaded" and killed during the tribulation and will be redeemed. And these are they that will participate in the Millenial Kingdom (one thousand years) where YAHUSHA ha'Maschiach reign!

And people that are raptured? None! Deception played a major rule of their doctrine!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Earthquakes and Tsunamis Of The 21st Century

 The signs of the endtimes are already here with us like; "you can't buy and sell (caused by the pestilence - Revelation 13)", "the sudden disclosure of Aliens and UFO (Satan and his angels will fall after the war in heaven - Revelation 12)", and "the Queen of the South will rise (Cebu and Philippines will rise - Matthew 12:42)", "the building of the 3rd temple at Jerusalem (abomination of desolation - Matthew 24:15)", then the threat of major earthquakes and tsunamis will be more frequent and more disastrous, and rare incidence of earthquakes or no recorded earthquakes based on histories could happen in certain places. These signs only shows us one thing, we are on the critical and crucial stage where the biblical prophecies are being fulfilled right before our eyes. But most will deny these facts because our jobs and our lives are completely immerse with the narratives of this world that are created to mislead us. But we must take heed for the days of much chaos is fast approaching! They created scenarios like the pandemics, the wars, the famines or food shortages, and climate change, that will surely wreak havoc world wide and will push most countries to economic collapse. And these aren't enough, earthquakes in selected places will further put down and draw the countries to its knees. And the collapse will lead them (world wide elites, globalists) to reset the world, the Great Reset, then the World will come out with a New Order, the New World Order. How can you reset the world that isn't broken? The answer is CHAOS!

And this chaos and collapse worldwide is prophesied in Matthew 24:7, but before these events where laid out, Messiah warned us: Matthew 24:4, "And Yahusha answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."    Messiah warned to be very careful because the events that will follow will be coupled with deceptions. And these events are:

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

The events that will lead to chaos and world collapse are:

1. Pestilences (Pandemic) - they created pestilinces to prepare our body and brain to be ready for the future of their new invention which will be out during the start of 4th Industrial Revolution. Men can communicate with their friends and colleague, can surf the net, and play virtual games, using their mind. And this process can be done through DNA modification, and by implanting a chip in your brain and in your hand. And by doing so, you become a transhuman, or human hybrid, or nephilim 2.0! No longer an ordinary man, you defy the Law of Creation. And remember, this pestilence just relax a little bit to give way for the second scenario (event), but the worst is yet to come! (My June 23, 2022 bible commentary entitled, "The Pestilence Deception")

2. Wars - they created wars between nations that were once belong to the same country but were divided because of ideology. And this ideology separated the nations of the world today, between communism and capitalism. And this war started with Russia and Ukraine, and the same conflicts are brewing right now like China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Serbia and Kosovo, and many more. These wars are summoned to selected countries that will advance the communism or socialism ideology as the stardard type of rule during the Great Reset era, and in the New World Order. And no countries will win the wars, only the mystery of the liberals, or the communism, or socialism will come out victorious. It's called a mystery because of deception. These wars will lead to a World War 3 with with nuclear attacks as the finality. (My July 8, 2022 bible commentary entitled, "The 21st Century Wars: Nations Shall Rise Against Nations")

3. "Famines" - they manufactured famines so that their new food staples will be out during the Great Reset era, and when people of the world start to modify their DNA to become transhumans. And they will dub these new food staples as healthy foods, good for the environment and protect the earth from climate change. But these are DNA modified grains, vegetables, and plants, which are low in carbon footprints and can be planted indoors. No need for the natural light or sunlight, these plants can survive with the used of artificial lights or electric lights! They are modifying the DNA of grains, and other food products as the only food consumptions for the people who are transhumans. They are "marking" the foods just like men. And to reduce the carbon footprint (carbonization) is very important to them, and Carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutron, 666! That's why the propaganda of foods collapse are abound today because they appointed the time of its coming. And the worst of these food shortages is yet to come. (My August 12, 2022 bible commentary entitled, "The Propaganda Of Manufactured Famine Is Here!")

4. "Earthquakes in various places" - is it possible that an earthquake can be man-made? If this event is coupled with deception, why not? It's no secret that countries (world's superpowers) have man-made earthquake as part of their arsenal. If you're familiar with "Red Alert 2" video game, then you knew that the superpower countries can create superweapons like "weather control device", "nuclear missiles", and "earthquakes". Do superpower countries have nuclear missiles? Yes, the superpowers like US, Russia, EU countries, China, Israel, Iran, India and Pakistan. If these countries develop nuclear missiles, it is very possible that some of these countries develop "weather control device" and "earthquakes", as be part of their arsenals, or their secret weapons! Therefore, selected areas, or selected places, or selected countries are the targets of these earthquakes to prevent them to rise! This will add to much chaos world wide, then the globalists will reset the world, the Great Reset! This event is the finality before the New World Order commence.

All these events are not natural in occurence, they are specially made for the world economic collapse, then they will have to restart the broken world, the Great Reset! And all of these are the beginning of sorrows, or in Strong's concordance, it means, the beginning of birth pains! Before the birth of Millenial Kingdom (1000 years) where Yahusha ha'Mashiach will reign, a woman must travail first, or great tribulation must happen first! And the events that were laid out here are the beginning of birth pains, the beginning of tribulation! We are literally on the last days! And most of us are blinded! 

Here's a similar prophecy from 2 Esdras (in Greek) or 4 Ezra (in Hebrew):

2 Esdras 16:17-20,  "{17} Woe is me, woe is me, who will deliver me in those days? {18} The beginning of sorrows, and great mournings, the beginning of famine, and great death: the beginning of wars, and the powers shall stand in fear, the beginning of evils, what shall I do when these evils shall come? {19} Behold, famine, and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment."

Difficulty, or burden is in me, who will save me in those days? The beginning of sorrows, or the begining of birth pains, and great mournings, the beginning of famine, the great death (when people will modify their DNA to be other than men and have the mark of the beast, people that have a covenant with death!), the beginning of wars, and powers and governments shall stand in fear, every governments collapse, the beginning of evils, what shall I do when these evils shall come? Behold, famine, plague (pandemic), wars, tribulation and anguish, are send to all as misfortunes (scourges) for corrections (amendments). With so much chaos, a "Light" will shine to us all, and those who accept the "Light", they will be guided and will push their acts to be straightened, and to correct the acts that they wrongfully committed because of deception. And during that time, the righteous will be separated from the world, from the worldly paradigm. But the unrighteous who neglect the "Light" will be damned forever. Satan is the light bearer (Helel, Lucifer), the artificial light of this world! And YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach is the true "Light"!

And here a passage from Revelation chapter six that prophesied the great earthquake, the 6th Seal. And prior to the 6th Seal, the four seals are represented by the four horse riders (the 1st Seal, the 2nd Seal, the 3rd Seal, and the 4th Seal) which carry with them events that are coupled with deception. Therefore, the earthquakes here are Satan's attack to humanity before the Great Reset and the New World Order.

Revelation 6:12-14,  "{12} And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; {13} And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. {14} And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

The 6th Seal: A great earthquake! And every mountains and islands moved out from their places! There will be a changed of earth's geography, that's for sure! And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair (dim), and the moon became as blood. And the stars or angels of heaven fell to the earth, and the heaven departed as scrolls! The viel that separated the heaven and the earth is removed to give way for Satan and his angels to fall. Blackness and nothingness will dominate the sky! This is the result of war in heaven!

And our land, the Philippines, will be attacked by Satan, the great red dragon, to prevent us from rising! For Satan knew too well that Ephraim, ancient Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines, will lead the final exodus of the tribes of Yashar'el back to the promised land. Just like Joshua (Yahushua), from the tribe of Ephraim, lead the tribes of Yashar'el back to the promised land (Moses died before they entered the promised land). And Satan will prevent this to happen, but he failed because YAH is our Saviour... YAHUSHA.

Revelation 12:15-17,  "{15} And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. {16} And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. {17} And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohiym, and have the testimony of Yahusha ha'Mashiach."

And the serpent, Satan, the great red dragon, cast out of his mouth water as a flood, a tsunami is cast out from the great red dragon, after the woman. There is no other country in the world that is associated with the great red dragon, only China! And Satan is using China to attack the woman by means of tsunami (could be a nuclear bomb in the West Philippine Sea that create a great earthquake then a massive tsunami). And the "woman" in this passage is in travail (Revelation 12:4), and you know what? Our country's map looks like a woman in travail! The land of Ephraim, ancient Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Isles, the ends of the earth, the land of creation, the location of the Garden of Eden, the migration of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh after they were exciled to Assyria (2 Esdras 13:41-46, Arsareth = the land of creation; and Moses prophesied regarding Joseph in Deuteronomy 33:13-17, Ephraim and Manasseh will be push to the ends of the earth!), the Philippines! Therefore, China (lead by Satan) will attack our land (woman - Eve - the land of creation and the Garden of Eden), that the dragon (China - Satan) might cause our country, Filipinos, to be carried away of the tsunami. And the earth helped our country (the woman - Eve - Filipinos), and the earth swallowed up the tsunami which China, the dragon, had made. The Philippine trench and Manila trench will open up absorbing the tsunami, because YAH is our Saviour, YAHUSHA! Now, opening of the trenches is a result by a great earthquake! And because of the opening of trenches which absorb the water, or the tsunami, or the sea, or the ocean, the earth's geography will be changed. Most probably, we are going back to the days of Noah before the flood (Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."). There were no oceans back then but the earth was surrounded by massive rivers from Eden or from the north pole (we call it today as the oceanic trences). And the first river is Pison river which surrounds the land of Havila, the land of creation, the land of Adam and Eve, the became Ophir after the flood, the isles, the ends of the earth, the Philippines. Our country is surrounded by the Philippine trench and Manila trench, or the ancients called it Pison river.

Revelation 12:17,  "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohiym, and have the testimony of Yahusha Messiah.

And the dragon (China - Satan) was angry with the woman (Philippines - Filipinos - Ephraim and Manasseh) because his plan to inflict much suffering due to a massive tsunami failed. And he went to make war with the remnant of her seed (Filipinos abroad), and the other tribes of Yashar'el (Kurdistan and in Egypt, Sudan, and Central Africa), which keep the commandments of YAHUWAH and have the testimony of YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach! But the seed of Yashar'el who have faith in YAHUSHA and keep His commandments will be protected by the "seal of Elohiym", the name of the Father YAHUWAH, is in our foreheads, our protection (Revelation 14:1 and Joel 2:30-32)! And Satan will punish humanity without the "seal of Elohiym"!

And prior to the great earthquake and tsunami, Satan (the great red dragon - Revelation 12:3) and his angel fall to the earth after the war in heaven:

Revelation 12:7-9,  "{7} And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, {8} And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. {9} And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, Satan, and his angels, in a war in heaven. And Satan and his angels prevailed not, there is no place anymore for them in heaven. And the dragon was cast to the earth, the old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which "deceived the whole world"! No wonder why we are so deceived today, and our religion becomes a stumblingblock because the truths that we all knew are mingled with lies! But since Satan and his angels fall into the earth, there will be a great apostasy on the earth. Those who have the testimony YAHUSHA and keep His commandment, will be separated and their eyes will be opened, and the deception will be known by them. And those who believe still in Satan's lies will be deceived forever.

Here's one of the documentary I watched from "60 Minutes Australia" Youtube channel dated, June 6, 2022: "Scientist who predicted Boxing Day tsunami says another disaster is coming". From this documentary, it is very possible to have a major tsunami in Asia just like what happened in Indonesia. Well, a great earthquake and a massive tsunami will happen so that they can restart the broken world (the Great Reset). This is fulfilling the Matthew 24:7 events. And their plan for a Great Reset is 2027, based on the climate clock or Great Reset clock in New York. Therefore, we can expect the great earthquakes and tsunami could happen on 2028, or 2029, or 2030! The Great Reset era!

And from "Israel National News", dated September 7, 2022: "Israel draws up plan for long-term rebuilding after earthquakes"... "A First: Israel preparing plans for long-term rebuilding after an earthquake."  Israel is preparing for a long-term rebuilding after an earthquake? I'm not surprise! This nation was a creation of the globalists, and the country's top brass know what will happen because they are the ones who planned for this!

Why our land will be attacked by Satan, the great red dragon (represented by China), why not other places or lands?

Jeremiah 31:9-10,   "{9} They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them 'to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way', wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a Father to Yashar'el, and Ephraim is my firstborn. {10} Hear the word of YAHUWAH, O ye nations, and declare it in 'The Isles Afar Off', and say, He that scattered Yashar'el will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth His flock."

The Isles Afar Off, the Philippines! We, Filipinos, shall come with weeping and with supplication (earnest prayers) will YAHUSHA lead us: And YAHUSHA will cause us to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, like an exodus, wherein we will not stumble: For YAHUWAH is the Father of Yashar'el, and Ephraim (Filipinos - Philippines) is my firstborn. The reason why Ephraim (Filipinos) will lead the tribes of Yashar'el, together with some gentiles, back to the promised land. And Ephraim was given the firstborn right by Yacob (Jacob) before he died. And YAHUSHA shall gather together the scattered Yashar'el, and keep us, as a Shepherd that will watch over His flocks. YAH will protect us, and will save us!

And our country will rise, and Satan (the great red dragon - China) will see our country as a threat:

Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

The Queen of the South is Sheba, or Sebu, or Cebu (1 Kings 10:1-10). Therefore, Cebu and our country will rise in our generation and shall condemn it, they, them, for so much deception they inflicted in our land. For "she" came from the uttermost part of the earth, or the ends of the earth, former Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the land of creation, the isles afar off, the Philippines. Our future leader is "she", from Cebu or her lineage is from Cebu, and she will be greater and wiser than king Solomon. Who could "she" be? Could be Sara Duterte Carpio, our president during the Great Reset era? Behold, greater than Solomon will here with us! And don't you know that "Sarah" in Hebrew means "Princess", the "Princess" of the South! Coincidence? There will be great awakening that will happen in our land that will push religion out in our society, because religion is the stumblingblock that cause us to be blinded. And the name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son, our Messiah, YAHUSHA, will be known to Filipinos. No more separation, no more division, all is one the Father's name, because believing in Him is all about relationship! Not a religion that cause division! As the world collapses, a revival will happen to us, and our country will not be affected by much chaos they specially designed to accomplish their plan for a Great Reset and a New World Order. And our country will greatly oppossed the New Order, that why the great red dragon, China, will atack our land!

We are truly in the last day! The biblical narratives coincide with the narratives of this world, but most will not understand it because we are very much connected to the paradigm of this world. But no worries, a Light will shine to each one of us before the Great Reset, or the days of Noah, that will change our destiny. Our country will rise spiritually and will soon realize our mistakes and faults regarding religion which was created by them (the globalists, the elites), and a great awakening will happen to us. And those who keep denying the Light, a sure "mark of the beast" is waiting for them, a sure DNA modifiction will happen to them. And YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach is the Light!

I am not prophesying here! This is a bible commentary not a prophecy! I'm just sharing my interpretations of the prophecies that are happening in our time and some will happen in not so distant future, which are also parallel to the world's events. In truth, all that are happening world wide since the pandemic, are just the fulfillment of the biblical prophecies! We are literally on the last days, and we are at the crossroad where the biblical prophecies are unfolding right before our eyes!

Friday, October 7, 2022

The Book Of 1st Enoch: New Born Noah Blessed The Father Of Heaven!

 Let's talk about how Noah blessed the Father of Heaven when he was a new born baby. This is pretty amazing! I've watched several videos regarding this topic but all were inaccurate because without the real name of the Father, the interpretation of this passage becomes totally different. Knowing the name of the Father makes every passages of the scriptures clearer. And before diving to our topic, let's discuss briefly the name of our Heavenly Father.

What is the name of the Father? The name of the Father is YAHUAH or YAHUWAH, where YAH is the three letters name of the Father and HUAH or UWAH, is to breath, to be in the sense of existence. The name of the Father tells us that He gave us the breath of life (a cry of a new born baby), YAH is our Creator. The name of the Father, YHWH - YAHUWAH, was replaced in the bible for almost 7000 times by the word the "LORD" which is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. Each one of us are clueless because they hid the name of the Father during the dark ages and banned the use of the Holy Scriptures to the public, and some of it were burned. Then they created the book called the Bible where the name of the Father, YAHUWAH (YHWH), was replaced by the LORD, then created a narrative that the name of the Father cannot be pronounced. They said that the dark ages lasted for almost a 1000 years, but in the truth, it never ended, they just changed their narratives to create normalcy. And this continued up to these days where most of us are blinded by believing the bible is a perfect words of YAH our Elohiym. Yes, the bible is the words of YAH but Satan minions here on earth created the bible with an infusion to it to deceive humanity. Satan is the master deceiver! Revelation 12:9,  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:..."     Satan deceived our ancient parents (Adam and Eve) at the Garden of Righteousness (Garden of Eden) which are wiser than us, therefore, we can't say that we are not deceive by him. Everyone are blinded, there are no exemptions! And the deception became a mystery in our time. And the mystery of iniquity or mystery apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:7) is here with us. The generation of apostasy is literally here with us but none will understand it because of deception. But soon, the Light will shine to the righteous and the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, will be known to many. In that day, the mystery is no longer a mystery! The iniquity or apostasy will be clearer because the deceptions that they planted are recognize by the righteous, but much wickedness will dominate the earth. It is like going back to the days of Noah before the flood. And here's the story of new born Noah before the flood!

The account of Noah's birth:

1 Enoch 106:10-11,  “{10} And now hear me, my father, for a child has been born to my son Lamech, whose form and type are not like the type of a man. His colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun; and he opened his eyes and made the whole house bright. (11) And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and he opened his mouth, and blessed "the LORD" of Heaven.”

This is the account of the father of Noah, Lamech, when he asked his father Methuselah (the grand father of Noah, the son of Enoch), that the son (Noah) has been born whose form is unusual or not like the type of a man. By the way, there is only one color of men before the flood, and it's brown. Noah's colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower rose, and his hair is white than the white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun; and the whole house was made bright when he opened his eyes. And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and baby Noah opened his mouth, and blessed YAHUWAH (replaced by "the LORD") of Heaven. The question is, was Noah's father, Lamech, concerned of what Noah had said when he was born, or Lamech was concern of Noah's feature? The answer is the latter, Lamech was concern on Noah's feature. Because during the days of Methuselah and Lamech, there were babies born that were nephilim, the sons of the fallen angels who defiled themselves and lusted with women, and these babies don't have "the breath of life". They were not "YAH's" creation! They were the products of angels who defied the Law of Creation! And Noah was born a "man", he had a "breath of life", "a cry of the new born baby", "UWAH, UWAH"! That's why Noah blessed YAH - UWAH of Heaven. But Lamech was so concern with Noah's feature, he resembled like the son of the fallen angels (this color became caucasian after the flood - Europeans).

1 Enoch 106:12-13,  "{12} And his father Lamech was afraid and fled to me. And he does not believe he is sprung from him but thinks him to be from the Angels of Heaven. And behold, I have come to you, so that you may make known to me the truth." {13} And I, Enoch, answered and said to him: "YAHUWAH will do new things on Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and made known to you. For in the generation of my father, Jared, some from the height of Heaven transgressed the word of YAHUWAH."

And Noah's father Lamech was afraid and fled to his father Methuselah. Lamech did not believe that the baby came from him but think Noah to be from the Angels of Heaven or fallen angels. And behold, Methuselah came to Enoch (at the Garden of Righteousness or Garden of Eden) to know the truth. And Enoch answered and said to him:  "YAHUWAH will do new things on Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and made known to you. For in the generation of my father, Jared (Yahred), some of the angels of Heaven transgressed the word or the law of YAHUWAH."

1 Enoch 106:14-15,  {14} And behold, they commit sin and transgress the law, and have been promiscuous with women, and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begotten children by them. {15} And there will be great destruction over the whole Earth, and there will be a deluge, and there will be great destruction for one year."

The angels commit sin and transgress the law, and have lusted with women, and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begotten children by them which were nephilim (giants). And there will be great destruction over the whole earth, there will be a flood, and a great destruction for one (1) year. The flood lasted for one year according to the book of Jubilees!

1 Enoch 106:17,  "They will beget on the Earth giants, not of spirit, but of flesh, and there will be great wrath on Earth, and the Earth will be cleansed of all corruption."

They will bring foth giants or nephilim of the earth, not of spirit, but of flesh, and there will be great punishment on the earth, and the earth will be cleansed of all corruption!

1 Enoch 106:16,  "But this child, who has been born to you, will be left on the Earth, and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men who are on the Earth die he and his sons will be saved."

But this child, Noah, who has been born to Lamech, will be left on the earth and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men (hybrid men - sons of fallen angels) who are on the earth die, but only Noah and his sons will be saved!

1 Enoch 107:2-3,  "{2} And now, my son, go, make known to your son Lamech, that this child that has been born, is truly his son, and this is no lie. {3} And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch - for he showed him everything which is secret - he returned, having seen him, and called the name of that child Noah; for he will comfort the Earth after all the destruction."

And Enoch commanded his son Methuselah, to make known to Lamech, his son, that this child that has been born is truly his son, and this is no lie! And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch, everything that is shown to him in secret, he returned and called the name of the child Noah; The meaning of the name "Noah" - "the comforter" of the earth after all the destruction. And Noah was given a feature which resembled to the nephilim, the sons of the fallen angels, so that he will not be killed by the nephilim, thus preserving the race of pure man, without blemish.

And fast forward to our time (the time of the mystery of iniquity or the mystery of apostasy), the name of the Father YAHUWAH was hidden once again because some of the remnant of the sons of the fallen angels, the remnant of nephilim, intentionally obscurred or hid His name. And prophet Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) prophesied that the Name of the Father will be forgotten for "Ba'al":

Jeremiah 23:27,  "Which think to cause my people to forget My Name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal."     Every people on earth never knew the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, because our ancestors forgotten His name for Ba'al! But how? It started during the dark ages, they hid the scriptures for more than a thousand years. Then they created a book called the bible and replaced the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, to the LORD which directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. The dark ages never ended, they just changed their narrative to create normalcy. And that's what happening all around us today! We are so blinded!

And it's prophesied that we will served Ba'al and Ashtaroth, and will abandoned and forgot YAHUWAH:

Judges 2:13,  "{13} And they forsook "the LORD", and served Ba'al and Ashtaroth."      The name of the Most High YAHUWAH was forgotten, and we forsook or abandoned Him, and served Ba'al instead, because we had been fooled by them without knowing that the "LORD" is Ba'al himself! And we also served Ashtaroth because most of us celebrated her every Easter Sunday and praying on the statue or image of Mary which is actually the image of Ashtaroth, Ishtar, ISIS, Easter or Esther (a similar statue dubbed as the mother of all statue that was found in Iraq - Babylon dated 100BC++ many years before Mary was even born!).

And this prophecy from YAHUSHA Messiah will surely happen in our lifetime, we are very close to its fulfilment:

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."      We are literally in the days of Noah but it remains a mystery because of deception. And that deception was played in the name of the Father, our Creator YAH. His name is forgotten in our generation. Just like time of Noah's birth, where Lamech was unsure that the child that was born was his son, even when he heard him uttered the breath of life, or UWAH, UWAH, a cry of a new born baby (the name of the Father, YAH give us the breath of life-UWAH). Lamech went to his father Methuselah to ask his grandfather Enoch (Methuselah's father), for he was unsure that Noah was his son. Then Enoch confirmed to Methuselah that Noah was truly the son of Lamech, and told him a mystery that will happen in the days of Noah. And that mystery was the world wide flood, and only Noah and his family (8 people) will be saved by the great punishment. Surely, our time is ripe! And the day is fast approaching that the children that will be born during the Great Reset era don't have the "breath of his nostrils, or the breath of life", "uwah, uwah"! These are what they called the designers baby! These children are a product of manipulation, of DNA modification, they are abomination, they defied the Law of Creation. These babies will become human hybrids which will be "mark", to set them apart from ordinary men. And some people will also modify their DNA to be other than men, transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, with strength, power, intelligence, awareness, and durability, not normal to ordinary men. But these hybrids are subject to condemnation, they are not YAH's Creation! Back from the very beginning, back to the nephilim who will have dominion over the earth. But no flood is coming! The great punishment will be like Sodom and Gomorrah! And the righteous who uttered the name of our Heavenly Father, YAHUWAH, will be save! Joel 2:30-32,  "{30} And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. {31} The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of YAHUWAH come. {32} And it shall come to pass, that whosoever "shall call on the name of YAHUWAH shall be delivered": for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YAHUWAH hath said, and in the remnant whom YAHUWAH shall call."       It is very important for us to know the name of our Heavenly Father because His name will be our protection. Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."       The SEAL of Elohiym is the name of the Father YAHUWAH, just like what were written in the foreheads of 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Yashar'el that are mostly children, and have not defile women (Revelation 14:4)!

There is nothing new under the sun, our ancient past is just the foreshadow of what is to come:

Ecclesiates 1:9-10,  "{9} The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. {10} Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us."        Is there really something new? All of the new things were already here before us! We are just moving full circle back from the beginning, back to the days of Noah before the flood! And the very reason for the world wide flood, will also be the very reason for the great punishment (the great tribulation) that is coming. And the reason for the world wide flood were the nephilim, therefore, the nephilim will also be the reason for earth's final destruction! Are the remnant of nephilim here with us today? Let's examine the prophecy of Daniel:

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."        "They" shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, who are "they" if "they" aren't men? They are the remnant of nephilim who look like us! And the mixture of them and us can't produce an offsprings. Check this out:

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent.  Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

Daniel is simply very accurate in his prophecy! Examine who are they! They plan for a Great Reset, the transhumanism (nephilim 2.0), the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the New World Order! The globalist - WEF! In truth, we are deceive by them (using dark prayers) to hide their identity!

And YAH permitted the deception to happen to us for a reason:

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  "{11} And for this cause Elohiym shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

YAH our Elohiym sent a strong delusion to us all! There are no exceptions, all are deceived! And a strong means it cannot be recognized and broken easily, even if they lied to us right before our noses! Their lies will be our truths, and the truths will be our lies! And even if you read this article, or commentary, or blog, you will never believe me because we are accustomed to the narrative of religion which the remnant of the nephilim created to mislead us, it is a stumblingblock. We had been using "the LORD" since our forefathers and all is well with us, and now you showed His Name, YAHUWAH, that was not even written in the bible. But how will you know? You don't even bother to research the real Name of the Farther! We are on the 21's century, and knowledge is increasing. Every tools are available to us all to know His (YAHUWAH) name. And all of these things are permitted to happen until the "mystery of inquity" (it's a mystery because of deception) or "the fulness of the Gentiles" will be fulfilled. And during the "fulness of the Gentiles", the mystery of iniquity will no longer be a mystery! What will come out is iniquity, much wickedness, or the generation of apostasy! This is done so that unrighteousness will be damned forever, and those who seek the name of our Creator YAH will be saved! YAH is our Saviour, YAH is our Redeemer, YAH is our Salvation - YAHUSHA, the meaning of the name of the Son, our Messiah.

I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last. In the beginning, YAH created man of His own image, His own likeness, and He gave man a "breath of life", "uwah" (cry of a newborn baby). In the end, those who recognized that they are created after the image and likeness of YAH, pure, without blemish, and just a man, will be save! Because, YAH's "breath of life", YAH - "uwah", will be our protection! His name will be the SEAL written in our foreheads.

As the apostasy, or the Great Reset, or back to the days of Noah commence, the righteous will blessed YAHUWAH of Heaven.