
Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Importance Of Knowing The Real Name Of Messiah!

It is very important to know the real name of Messiah because our salvation will come from Him. They tried to obscure His name in order for us not to access the power that comes with His name. And don't you know that every Hebrew names come with a meaning in it! If you examine the name given to our Messiah, does it mean something? Does the name connotes something important? Most of us have the idea in our mind once Messiah's name is discuss because we tried to connect it to Him. But the name itself is very important! Not someone else name that we all knew today. If we discuss the name Jesus Christ, we always think that it's Holy, the name of our Saviour. But what if I tell you that we have been lied all along, most would not believe me because they would try to depend what most of us already known since our forefathers. But religion itself is the stumbling block, instead of knowing the truth, they painted them as lies! It was them (religious, economic, and political elites) who created religion to divide our belief system. I know it's not easy for us to believe even if the truth is presented to us right before our nose! A strong delusion has been carried to us all for us to believe a lie, 2 Thessalonian 2:11. But the time is near, a "Light" will shine to each one of us and the real name of our Messiah will be known to many. It's really up to us, to accept the "Light", or just continue with the fraud, and be damned forever.

What is really the real name of our Messiah? Before we dive in to this topic, we have to know first the name of the Father, because Messiah's name is within His Father's name. The name of the Father is YAHUWAH or YAHUAH, where YAH is the three letters name of the Father and HUAH or UWAH (in Hebrew) means, to breath, to be in the sense of existence. The Father's name tells us that He gaves us the breath of life (a cry of a new born baby), YAH is our Creator. The name of the Father (YHWH - YAHUWAH) was replaced in the bible for almost 7000 times by the word "LORD" which is directly translated to Hebrew as Ba'al! Jeremiah 23:27,  "Which think to cause my people to forget My Name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal."      We have no idea that the bible that we called Holy is penetrated by the power of evil ones! Now, since the name of the Father is already given to us, the name of the Son, our Messiah is YAHUSHA, where YAH or YAHU is the name of the Father and SHA means salvation. Messiah's name tells us that YAH is our salvation, YAH is our redemeer, YAH is our saviour, or YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour! The one who created the bible, remnant of the Pharisees and scribes, replaced the name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA, and the names of the patriarchs and the prophets, and the important places around the promised land. And this happened during the dark ages, they prohibited the used of the scriptures and even burned them down, with the intent to deceive the populate. And the dark ages never ended, they just changed their narrative to create normalcy. Then, they created the book called the bible with a lot of infusion to it. And during the "divided kingdom" era (Daniel 2:42), they created religion to divide our belief system. We have been deceived all along! We are so blinded! Satan is really the master of deception!

But some say Messiah's name is Yeshu and some say it's Yeshua. Well, the name Yeshu comes with a curse! Yeshu is an acrostic abbreviation for: YEMACH SHMO VEZICHRO (written in Hebrew texts), which means "may his name be obliterated". A curse placed after the name of particular enemy of the Jewish people. It's the strongest curses in Hebrew language. Who do think will name Messiah to the strongest curse? No other than the true enemy of Messiah up to these days, the Pharisees and the Sadducees! They moved to Europe and became the elites! And since, Yeshu is a curse, they changed it to Yeshua! They added a Hebrew letter (Ayin) to have the salvation part to it, but they still removed the name of the Father, they removed the Author and the Creator of all things, YAH.

Here are the very interesting passage from the scriptures.

Luke 2:25-32,  "{25} And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. {26} And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he had seen Messiah. {27} And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child YAHUSHA, to do for him after the custom of the law, {28} Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed Elohiym (God), and said, {29} YAHUWAH, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: {30} For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, {31} Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; {32} A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Yashar'el (Israel)."

There was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. He was a just and devout man and the holy spirit was with him, and revealed to him that he shall not see death before he had seen Messiah. When he was at the temple, the Holy Spirit came to him. And when the parents brought in the Child YAHUSHA, to do for Him after the custom of the law. Simeon took the Child YAHUSHA up in his hand and blessed Elohiym and said, YAHUWAH, now let your servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen "your salvation", which you have prepared before the face of all people. Simeon had truly seen "YAHUWAH's salvation" because Messiah's name is, YAH is our salvation, or YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour, YAHUSHA! He is the "Light" to the gentiles, and the Glory of the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel).

Matthew 1:20-21,  "{20} But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of "the Lord" (YAHUWAH) appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. {21} And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS (YAHUSHA): for He shall save his people from their sins."     The angel of YAHUWAH revealed into Joseph that Mary, his wife, shall conceive that is of the Holy Spirit, and shall bring forth a son, and you shall call Him YAHUSHA: for He will save His people! His name simply tells us, that YAH is our saviour, our redemeer, our salvation. Why is the church called Him Jesus? Because, everyone of us believe in their LIES! We have been deceived all along! Got nothing to do with the priests and the pastors! The true enemy of Messiah, the Pharisees and Sadducees (became the elites today), created the religion of this world to force humanity to be divided and continually do wrong! And knowing the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA is all about relationship, not a religion! 

Matthew 21:9,  "And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of "the Lord" (YAHUWAH); Hosanna in the highest."

Most believers today don't fully understand what this verse really meant because the one who created the bible replaced the name of the Father to "the Lord" which directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. Messiah's name literally comes with His Father's name because YAHUSHA means, YAH is our salvation, or YAHUWAH is our salvation, YAHUWAH is our redemmer, YAHUWAH is our saviour.

Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Only in the name of YAHUSHA, which means, YAH is our salvation or, YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour, and nothing else! Jesus is simply a fraud!

Here a prophecy of Yahusha Messiah where the Beast, the Wicked, the anti-Messiah, or another person will come with his own name but many will receive him because of deception! John 5:43,  "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."

Messiah literally come with His Father's name because His name is YAHUSHA, meaning, YAH is our salvation, or YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour... and many will not receive the real name of Messiah. But the Beast, the Wicked, the anti-Messiah will come with his own name, and many will be glad to receive him! But why? Because, the anti-Messiah's name is familiar to us! We had been using this name for so many years, and that's the truth that we knew because we believe in their lies! There is no other name on earth that we will receive the anti-Messiah, no other than the name Jesus Christ! Why is Jesus not the true name of Messiah? Because, there is no "J" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, and old English. "J" was not a letter until 1500 AD in Latin. (Let that sink in) that was only 522 years ago! But some say, it is the English translation of Messiah's name! Well, if it's a title like Christ, Saviour, Messiah, it can be changed in every places, but the name can't. It's like saying that president Biden of the US, when he go to Russia or China, his name changes? No! Biden remains Biden everywhere in the world he goes! They are just trying to strench out the English name Jesus and connect it to Messiah. If one truly studied the transliteration of Messiah's name from Hebrew to English, it spelled YAHUSHA! Jesus is just simply a fraud! Yeshua is simply a fraud!

Where did the name Jesus Christ came from?

Here are some of the articles I got. I'm sure these are accurate, let's give it a try. "Jesus" derives from the word "sus", which in Hebrew means horse, or "sus" in Latin means pig, or in Greek means praise Zeus. "Iesous" in Greek literally translate to 'hail Zeus'. Where "Ie" translate as "hail" and "Sous" or "Sus" is "Zeus".

The next one has accuracy in it! From "Dictionary Of Christian Lore And Legend", December 25 168BC, Zeus birthday, Antiochus Epiphanes IV set up a stutue of Zeus, a Greek god, upon the altar at the temple in Jerusalem defiling it. The pagan behavior continued today in many churches who used steeples, obelisk, crosses, altars and more. These are directly tied to Zeus worship. The temple in Jerusalem was defiled in 165BC during the Hasmonean revolt. These two events were very close, 168BC and 165BC.

Next is a little bit shocking. Although there are a lot of articles and blogs that said this event didn't happened because there were no Christians or Roman Catholic back in Turkey (the origin of Catholism). Hmmm... yes, because they were Nicolaitans back then. And they always tried to put the name of Constantine on high... really ridiculous. The evil ones utilized evil men to create one of the greatest deception ever. Here's what happened, around 325 AD at the council of NICAEA, emperor Contantine presided over a group of church bishop with the purpose of defining the nature of God for all of Christianity and eliminating confusion, controversy and contention within the church. History shows that Constantine intention at NICAEA is to create an entirely new God for his empire and to unite all religion will be in one diety. Constatine brought together over 300 bishops and influencial leaders. These religious leaders were ask to debate and decide who their God would be. The name of up to 50 gods is in the selection process who the Roman Empire and the world would follow and worship. As to yet, no God has been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to determine that matter... for 1 year and 5 months the balloting lasted", from the book "God's Book of Eskra", Prof. S.L. MacGuire's Translation, Salisbury, 1922, Chapter 48... This maybe shocking to many but this is history. 

Then, the council gathered again but they have not selected the "pagan diety", yet, they did however narrow down to 5 dieties, Zeus, Mithra, Caeser, Krishna and Horus. As ruler, Constatine chose 2 of the dieties, his choice was Hesus (aka Zeus) to be joined by an eastern saviour god Krishna sunskrit for the word Christ. Became Hesus Krishna and now known as Jesus Christ. Thus the name Hesus Krishna became the official name of new Roman God. From "Historia, Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325". And look what happened to the world today... it is under Constatine's spell!

The use of the word "Christ" isn't bad really. Christ means annoited one, but Messiah came to this world to save us not to exalt himself. And also, the meaning of the word Christ came out after the dark ages, therefore, it's better to call Him in Hebrew title ha'Mashiach (our Messiah) rather than the title Christ.

· Jesus is the pig sacrifice of Ishtar (Easter) – YAHUSHA is The Passover Lamb of YAHUWAH!

· Jesus’ holy day is Dias Solis (day of the sun-god or Sunday) – YAHUSHA is the king of the Sabbath and kept the 4th Commandment!

Matthew 7:22-23,  "{22} Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? {23} And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Why do you think Messiah said, I never knew you? Depart from me? Because, many of us will call Him Lord, Lord, Jesus, Jesus and Christ, Christ! We have been deceived all along! Lord in Hebrew is directly translated to Ba'al. Even Jesus Christ is not His real name. If you call me in another name, will I answer you? No! you are calling someone else, not me! How much more to Messiah YAHUSHA. We must know His name! They intentionally hide His name in order for us not to access the power that come in His name! We must call His real name, YAHUSHA!

Luke 10:17,  "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord (YAHUSHA), even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."

Here's another one from Luke! You can use the word Lord (Ba'al in Hebrew) or Master or Saviour or any title you want! But the fact is, His name is YAHUSHA! Even the devils are subject unto us through Your name! This is the importance in knowing the true name of Messiah, YAHUSHA! His name will be our shield from the devils!

Romans 10:13,  "For whosoever shall call upon the name of "the Lord" (YAHUWAH or YAHUSHA) shall be saved."

Here's another one! The name of YAHUWAH or YAHUSHA was replaced by "the Lord"! You can use it if you want to! But Lord is equals to Ba'al in Hebrew! This verse tells us the importance of knowing His name. Through the name of YAHUSHA, we will be saved! YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour.

Acts 4:30,  "By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Yahusha."

The English translation of the word "child" can also means "servant" based in "Strong's Concordance". Anyway, by stretching out your hand to heal and the signs and wonders may be done by the name of Holy Servant "YAHUSHA".

Isaiah 54:8,  "In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith "the LORD" (YAHUWAH) thy Redeemer."     YAHUWAH thy Redeemer, or YAHUWAH is my redeemer or YAHUWAH is my salvation, or YAHUWAH is my saviour, this verse in Isaiah is referring to "YAHUSHA"!

Matthew 24:5,  "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ (Messiah); and shall deceive many."

Many will be deceived because His name isn't "Jesus" or "Christ". This name is a fraud! His true name is YAHUSHA. Although, Christ means annointed one, but YAHUSHA came not to exalt Himself but to save us! That's why His title is our Saviour, our Redemeer, our Messiah! "Yahusha ha'Mashiach" in Hebrew, or Yahusha our Messiah in English.

Matthew 24:23-24,  "{23} Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ (Messiah), or there; believe it not. {24} For there shall arise false Christs (Messiahs), and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

This is an end times prophecy, and it is already happening in the world today, and in not so distant future. Many will be deceived by false Messiahs and false prophet because the true name of Messiah isn't Jesus, isn't Christ! Even the elect, the chosen people, from the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) will be deceived! Because, we are all blinded by them. Even if the facts are laid out in front of us, we still believe in there lies! But soon, a "Light" will shine to each one of us! It's up to us, to accept the "Light", or reject it! Those who accept the "Light", their eyes will be opened! And those who reject the "Light" and just continue with the fraud, will be damned forever! YAHUSHA is the "Light"!   

Proverbs 30:4,  "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is His name, and what is His son's name, if thou canst tell?"

The name of the Father is YAHUWAH! YAH give us the breath of life, YAH is the creator of all things! The name of the Son is YAHUSHA! YAH is our salvation, YAH is our redemeer, YAH is our saviour!

Philippians 2:9-11,  "{9} Wherefore Elohiym also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: {10} That at the name of YAHUSHA every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; {11} And that every tongue should confess that YAHUSHA Ha'Mashiach is Lord (YAHUWAH), to the glory of Elohiym the Father."

From this passage, they replaced the name of the Father YAHUWAH to Ba'al or Lord that's why we can't fully understand what this passage meant! It goes like this, Elohiym the Father highly exalted Him, given Him the name above every names. And the name is YAHUSHA, every knees should bow, every things in heaven, in earth, and under the earth; every tongue should confess that YAHUSHA Ha'Mashiach (YAHUSHA our Messiah) is YAHUWAH, the glory of Elohiym the Father. Why? Because YAHUSHA means, YAH is our salvation or, YAHUWAH is our salvation, YAHUWAH is our redemeer, YAHUWAH is our saviour! The Father and the Son is One!

Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."        And the seal of living Elohiym is placed where? In our foreheads! Therefore, the name of the Father YAHUWAH will be our shield for the coming great tribulation! That's why, it is very important to know the name of the Father and the Son, because our salvation will come from Him, YAHUWAH is our salvation, our redemeer, our saviour!

Matthew 7:15-20,  "{15} Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. {16} Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? {17} Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. {18} A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. {19} Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. {20} Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

- Examine the fruit that can be found in Religion, Christianity especially the Catholism. An infusion belief just as Daniel prophesied that in the last days, the kingdom will be divided! A pagan belief (Iron) mixed with the belief of Elohiym (Clay). Look at what's happening in the religion today, it is so divided!

- Examine the fruit can be found in the attemp to supplant Ya'aqob (Jacob - Yashar'el). They say they are Yahudim (Yah's people, Jews is a fraud) and are not but do lie! They are the synagogue of satan! The tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) will be back to the promised land in the end times!

- Examine the fruit can be found in the attemp to replaced the name of YAHUWAH, the Elohiym of Abraham, Yitschaq (Isaac), Ya'aqob (Jacob) to the LORD, and the name of Messiah YAHUSHA to Jesus Christ. They call themselves the holy fathers, and are also the vicars of Christ, or instead of Christ, or in-place of Christ... which is more similar to anti Christ (anti Messiah)! He will carry the fourth seal (the pale horse rider) in the book of Revelation. 

- Examine the fruit can be found in the attemp to connect the ESSENCE to the deadsea scrolls. While protecting the bible, the world's bible scholars and the Rabbis exposed themselves as protectors the Pharisees bible canon or we can call it the doctrines of men! Because they watered down the scriptures, with the book called the bible, into an infusion canon. And what they found at Qumran (ancient Bethabara) were the complete set of the books in the bible including the book of 1st Enoch (2nd & 3rd Enoch are occult books), the book of Jubilees, the books of 1st and 2nd Esdras (Esdras in Greek - Ezra in Hebrew), the book of Tobit, and the writtings and commentaries of the Levites priest and John the Baptist. The book in the bible which was never found in Qumran is the book of Esther! Who kept these ancient scrolls (Deadsea Scrolls)? The Levites priests - the sons of Zadok! Who were the ESSENCE? They were not even mentioned in the scriptures! They were part of the cover up! Know their fruit!

Acts 16:31,  "And they said, Believe on YAHUSHA Messiah, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."      Believe in YAHUSHA, and you will be saved and your family.

The paradigm of the bible is intended for us to commit mistakes and to do wrong continually. But an appointed time is near, a "Light" will shine in our land and the glory of YAHUSHA will be seen by many. To those who accept the "Light", their eyes will be opened and recognized the deception that they planted. And to those who sticked with the narratives of this world, they will be damned forever. It is also the time when the veil of great deception is removed, and the time of great apostasy commence, or the days of Noah, or in secular term, they call it the Great Reset (Great Reset target is 2027, based on the climate clock or great reset clock in New York). The mystery of inquity or apostasy is no longer a mystery. The beast will come out to open and declare himself as saviour of humanity (he claim he save humanity from the pandemic, the wars, the famines, and much chaos!). But their (the beast and them that ruled the world - minus bloodline) time is short, because YAHUSHA shall destroy them with the brightness of His coming and will comsume them with the breath of His mouth (2 Thessalonians 2:8). But the chosen believers, the righteous, will be separated and the sevenfold teaching concerning His whole creation will be preach. And the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, will be of our shield, the seal of the living Elohiym, for the great tribulations that are coming! In the name of YAHUSHA, we will be Saved! 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Pestilence Deception

 It's almost three years since the pestilence started and most of us have no idea that we are just being fooled by them. Yes, the virus is real but their purpose for creating such was actually their plan for the future of humanity in coming new era, the Great Reset. What is this plan? It is a seven years plan where their new invention will be released in the 4th Industrial Revolution. And because of controversy surrounding it, they have to operate underground and use deception to set up their plan. They started it with pestilence to prepare our body for the new invention, then wars against same ethnicities and same tribes to summon communism as the standard ideology in the New World Order, and a force famine or food shortage to have control in the financial system and the new (DNA modified) foods will be a new standard food consumptions for the great reset era (the New World Order). For their plan to be effective, they have to create multiple scenarios so that the populate focus will be shifted to the other scenarios, as a result, it is a plain chaos world wide! Then, they will create a deadly virus or strain that would force humanity to modify their DNA in order to live. This is the globalist plan all along, we are so blinded!

Let's examine their moves prior to the pestilence event!

From TED youtube channel dated April 24, 2015 entitled, "Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready"! Bill Gates said, that, "the highly infectious virus would kill 10M people in the next decade".    Bill Gates predicted it five years before the pestilence started, he knew it's going to happen. How come the rich and famous guy like Bill Gates knew the future? Is he a prophet? He will have no time for this unless they are planning something for this world! One thing is for sure, he is laying out the propaganda for this event! I would categorized him as a false prophet!

Here's a very interesting topic by Peter Diamandis, TEDxLA youtube channel dated Jan 18 2017. He discussed about the future of humanity... "They will create a future of perfect knowledge, you can know anything you want, anytime, anywhere."  He further explained that,  "all those sensors on your body, in your body"... "we're about to see an explosion on how we think, we connect, and we communicate."  Then,  "connecting the brain to the cloud... your brain is a collection of 100 billions nuerons and with a 100 trillions of senaptec connections... an explosion of human intelligence."  Then, he discussed the future of DNA modification!

Genomics Revolution: Future of Programming

1. Reading DNA

2. Writing DNA

3. Editing DNA

Can edit DNA and put up to life through CRSPR CASP 9!

Then he discussed what will happen next!  "The Transformation of Humanity into a Meta-Intelligence". But wait! Meta? Transhumanism? He called humanity to be "Multicelullar", can communicate using their minds! (A grapene chip is implanted in your brain and in your hand!) There will be an "Emergence of Intelligence", 10 trillion human cells - then connect to 8 billion minds (estimated population), and these become "Meta-Intelligence"! "As we connect, we become a new spicies, a new creation" (this coming is directly from them - that's the mark of the beast! - you defy the law of creation!).  Then, "Inspire and Guide the Transformation of Humanity on and off the Earth." The final outcome will be "Post-Humanity"!    He was laying out the propaganda of the future of humanity! This is real! The Great Reset is their marker! The days of Noah all over again, the days of human hybrids, or transhumans, or nephilim 2.0! The beginning of the marking of humanity!

Here's an interview of Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of World Economic Forum, dated January 10, 2016.

Reporter - Today, at the end of this, we are talking about the chips that can be implanted. When will this be?

Schwab - certainly the next ten years. At first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brain or our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is the kind of fusion in a physical, digital and biological world.

Reporter - We call someone, we don't even have a reflex to take a device, it's done naturally, the techniques continue the body.

Schwab - Yes, you talk and say, "I want to be connected with you now". And first you have to personalized robots, and I saw that Mr Zuckerberg that the end of the year he will have his robot. His personalized butler that is for his disposal. 

Reporter - Like in, "Downton Abbey", we will have our personal robot butler, our servant, our slave?

Schwab - Yes, but there is a difference. It is a servants will artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work , but that can really be intellectual partner of you.

What's the World Economic Forum and the globalists plan for us? The 4th Industrial Revolution! Creating a hybrid humanity or transhuman! This is where Elon Musk Neuralink company come into picture. They will be modifying men to be a human hybrids or transhumans! Back to days of Noah, back to the nephilim (the very reason for the world wide flood), back to the unredemable beings! They will implant a grapene chip in your brain and in your hand! And the mark of the beast is place where? It is engrave in the forehead or right hand as a sign that you undergone modification! Coincidence? This is the world's direction that the globalists are tracking, the Great Reset, the days of human hybrids to polulate the earth and have dominion over the earth! And the globalists simply called them "transhumans"! The transformation of men to be more advance, smart, hightech, and mighty beings! 

Now we see the propaganda of the globalists years prior to this event (pestilence). Let's examine the scriptures that talked about this event. We'll start with Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:4,  "And Yahusha answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."     Before Yahusha laid out the events in His prophecy, He warned us to be very careful, to take heed that no man would deceive us because the events that will follow will be coupled with deception! What are these events? I will discuss briefly the other events and will highlight the "Pestilence".

Matthew 24:7,  "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."    The events are:

1. Wars - nation shall rise against nation, "nation" in Greek is "ethnos", therefore, this is a conflict between same ethnicity, same tribe. One country before, then split to become two nations because of belief or ideology, like communism and capitalism. Russia and Ukraine started these conflicts. What's next? Could be China and Taiwan? North Korea and South Korea? The same land before but divided into two opposing ideology, the communism and the capitalism! What's the purpose of these wars? To have a communist style of rule during the New (One) World Order! No country will win but communism ideology will come out victorious!

2. Famines - there will be a force famine world wide. I call it a force famine because this is just a setup by the globalists to have a control of the food chains in the future. They are doing it because the new grains and other food products (DNA modified) will come out at your favorite supermarkets during the Great Reset. Once, they established command in the food chains, "you can't buy and sell" without the "mark", you must complete the bow and arrow + modify your DNA + a grapene chip is implanted in you, in order to have DNA modified foods in your table!

3. Earthquakes - I call this event as a transitional event because, it is a transition from an era of great deception to an era of great apostasy. It is also the great reset era or the days of Noah all over again. Even the earth's geography will be back to its original form before the flood (back to the days of Noah before the flood), a possibility but not certain. There were no oceans back then but the earth was surrounded by the massive rivers from Eden, which are the earth's (oceans) trenches today. After the great earthquake, those who have the testimony of Yahusha and keep His commandments will have the "seal of Elohiym" and will be separated to the people who will have control and dominion over this world, the people with the mark of the beast.

4. Pestilences - when this event came out, the scriptures narrative also came out, "you can't buy and sell". Most believers treated this narrative us nothing! Got something to do with a FEAR factor! Most are afraid that the pestilence will wreak havoc in our family. We tried to be objective and follow their narratives to be safe than sorry! Our jobs, our leisure time, our sports, our business, and so on, depends on this narrative! Nobody even question them! It's science! Our medical systems are here to save us! Then, the bow and arrow (injection was designed like a bow and arrow) became the foundation in everything we do. For less than a year, they created it! Every government in the world are sold in this narrative! Our medical system is focus mainly on the bow and arrow without even studying the natural immunity! An this narrative was carried by mass media which were finance by them (the globalists). What is really the purpose of bow and arrow? To prepare our body for the 4th Industrial Revolution! To establish the sensors (graphene) in our body, nuerons and senaptecs in our brain, to be ready for modification! They need it slowly, a multiple shots before it will be completed. And after the bow and arrow is completed, you're ready for the next stage... to defy creation or not! That will solely depends on you! The purpose of this made up pestilence? For humanty to transcend to something better, smarter, and mightier than human. To defy the law of creation and implement the mark of the beast! Now, the biblical narrative came out as a precursor, a warning to us! We must take heed, be very careful! Don't treat this narrative as nothing! Remember, we are on an era of great deception, everyone is blinded! And what they're doing now is the final push of their deceptive events before the great reset, the days of Noah, the generation of great apostasy!

Let us examine the book of Revelation chapter 6, the events here are parallel to Matthew chapter 24, verse 7 events. But, we will discuss more on the Pestilence (the 1st Seal), which is the preparation for the "marking" of humanity (the 4th Seal). By the way, the horses in Revelatiom 6 represent deceptions, the horse riders are places where the beast reside!

Revelation 6:2,  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."       This is the 1st Seal. The white horse rider that was given a "bow" and a "crown", and he went conquering, and to conquer. He was given a "bow", a strength, and a "crown", an authority! And he went conquering humanity with only a "bow" without an arrow, just like given a gun without a bullet, just like given a power and strength but war is not an option! How will he conquer humanity? Through deception? But wait! A "bow" in Greek (based on Strong's Concordance) is translated to "toxon", meaning a weapon. Just like "pana" in Pilipino, a weapon! With both an arrow and a bow. But in Greek, an arrow is dip in a poison! This is where the English word "toxic" came or derived from. Now, the white horse rider is using deception in conquering humanity with a "crown" and a "bown and arrow" (design of injection is like a bow and arrow). This is exactly what's happening in the world today, every countries, every tribes, every communities, and every households are conquered by a "crown", and one must abide by their narrative to have a "bow and arrow" for safety! And it's just a coincidence that the biblical narrative came out: Revelation 13:17,  "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."       In the midst of a "crown", this biblical narrative came out and we treated it as nothing! For almost 2000 years after the book of Revelation was written, could only signal to one thing... the "mark" is coming! It was given to us as a precursor! Because of deception, most people will not understand it. This is a mystery that need to be uncovered! But an appointed time is near, a "Light" (from Yahusha) will be given to us all. Yes, all the earth's populate will be given, but it will solely depends on us to accept the "Light", or just continue with the false paradigm. To those who accept the "Light", their eyes will be opened and will realize the deception that they (globalists, papacy) planted to humanity. And this is one of the deception that they planted, created a pestilence that would force humanity to move closer to the "mark". The purpose really of the "bow and arrow" is to establish the grapene sensors, neurons, and senaptecs in our body and brain, and some immunity kuno. This cannot be done in a single shot, that's why they need a multiple shots to install the grapene sensors in our body (they call it artificial mRNA - elliminating the natural mRNA). And through these, they will know you what's happening in your heart, in your brain, your blood pressure, and soon, even your location! That's all about their new technology that is accomplished by the "bow and arrow"! And once completed, you are one step closer to DNA modification, on step closer to be a transhuman or a hybrid, one step closer to defy the law of creation, one step closer to be a new creation, one step closer to receiving the mark of the beast, one step closer in denying the image of Elohiym (God) in you, and one step closer in accepting the image of the beast! And this will be realized once a new variant that is so deadly will be released. The pollulate will be force to modify their DNA in order to live! You will be made to choose between: Physical death but a sure redemption of soul, or To live and be safe but have a "mark of the beast" and a sure death of soul. And this deadly variant is exclusively dangerous to people who completed the "bow and arrow"! Therefore, as early as now, we have to realize these things so that we will not fall to their trap!

What place is the White horse rider resides? Well, my guess is UK! Their seal or symbol has a white horse or white unicorn. And the Revelation chapter 6 four Horse Riders are also equal to Daniel chapter 7 four Beasts. The first Seal or White Horse is equals to Daniel 7 1st Beast which is a Lion with wings of an eagle. What place is associated with a Lion? It is UK! Their seal or symbol has a Lion in it also! And the eagle's wings is the US. Where did the big pharma companies headquarters and research lab are mostly located? The UK and the US! And you know what? The Pfizer Research and Development Lab address in China is: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China.   Number "666", Wuhan China! Where the "crown" originated! Coincidence? And the Pfizer Main Research Lab is in UK, and even in the US, their address is New England! Coincidence?

Is the virus real? Definitely YES! But, the pestilence is done for a reason! So that the goal of globalists will be achieved! Messiah Yahusha let all of things to happen as prophesied to exposed them or the bible called it, "the fulness of the Gentiles", or "the iniquity of the Gentiles is fulfilled". Imagine, they are meeting yearly for the world's direction in the coming Great Reset and the New (One) World Order but nobody is looking. They gave us propaganda what will happen in the future but were are so busy with our own narratives! We are so blinded, their moves are very obvious. Check this out! "Bill Gates warns of Future Pandemic Potentially is more deadly than COVID-19", Source: "Marca".  I told you, the propaganda of their next move are out to mass media. Remember, they aint prophets! They are predicting nothing, they are stating the obvious scenario in the coming years based on their plan for this world. From Los Angeles Times, "In California, an army of genetically engineered mosquitoes awaits release. Will it backfire?"  Here's the details of this article:

"In the mosquito breeding rooms of "British" biotech company Oxitec, scientists line up fresh eggs, each the size of a grain of salt. Using microscopic needles, the white-coated researchers inject each egg with a dab of a proprietary synthetic DNA.

For four days, Oxitec technicians care for the eggs, watching for those that hatch into wriggling brown larvae. Those “injection survivors,” as the company calls them, face a battery of tests to ensure their genetic modification is successful.

Soon, millions of these engineered mosquitoes could be set loose in California in an experiment recently approved by the federal government."

We see tons of problems regarding this DNA modified mosquitoes in the future (even mosquitoes defy the law of creation). A problem more dangerous than dengue! About the benefits, well, a parasite like mosquitoes will give us benefits? Really! That's a wishful thinking!

Here another from "abc NEWS", "Puzzling outbreak of liver disease in kids spreads to EU, US"... "Health officials say they have detected more cases of a mysterious liver disease in children that was first identified in "Britain", with new infections in Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain."

If you examine the news or the propaganda of this event, there is only one place of origin, the source of pestilences! It is UK! And the Pfizer Biotech Research and Development Lab with an address of No. "666" in Wuhan China, where the virus originated! These are too much to be just a coincidence! We aren't going back to our normal lives after all. It's just getting worse and worse! We can now clearly see the 1st Seal, White horse rider of Revelation 6, 1st Beast of Daniel 7, the Pestilence event in Matthew chapter 24 verse 7 is played by the UK. And this event, aside from the preparation of humanity for the "mark", could also be part of the globalists population reduction. What is their population goal? A 500M max population of the planet! And the 500M figure is the estimated population of the minus bloodline! What bloodline are the globalists? The minus bloodline! Coincidence? These people are really out of their minds! But who can stop them? They pretended to be good and just! It's been prophesied that the will rule over this world. Back to the days of Noah! A seven years plan by the globalists which started in the mid 2020 with the pestilences, then wars (same tribes and ethnicity like Russia and Ukraine... next will be China and Taiwan?), then the force famines in which the propaganda are ramping up, and the last could be the "marking" of humanity! Then because of much chaos, they will hit the Great Reset button!!! Welcome to the days of Noah all over again! No more deceptions for the righteous, but it is the day of much iniquity! The great apostasy! Their planned date of the Great Reset is 2027, based on the climate or Great Reset clock in New York! The days when transhumans begin to populate the earth! This is the world's direction that the globalists are tracking, and the scriptures' prophecy in on their side!

Our Elohiym the Father YAHUWAH permitted this pestilence to happen to us for a reason:

Exodus 9:15-16,  "{15} For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth. {16} And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth."

The pestilence (pandemic) was permitted to happen world wide to cut off the unbelievers, and the righteous will be raised up, to shew them the power of YAHUWAH, and His name may be declared throughout all the earth! Starting from this event, the pandemic, a "Light" will shine world wide that will make known the real name of the Father YAHUWAH, and will slowly removed the deception that they planted to us all. Those who refused to accept the "Light" will be damned forever! And YAHUSHA Messiah is the "Light"!

The PESTILENCE (PANDEMIC) is a set up for humanity to modify their DNA! A set up to defy the law of creation! A set up for the mark of the beast!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Queen Of The South Will Rise

 Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Talking about the Queen of the South in biblical context, most of us have no idea who she might be or who is Messiah is referring to this prophecy. We can guess that maybe, this could be Cebu City, the Queen City of the South. But when I go for google search to check who she might be, or where this place might be, I found none! No significant place aside from the American TV series entitled, "Queen of the South". Maybe, my guess is true! Well, many would also say no, it can't be! It is not written in our history. If I say YES, many would raised their eyebrows! But if you examine Cebu itself, it is an ancient land. And the first war recorded in our modern history (modern because we have no ancient history, or maybe they obscured it!) was between Magellan and his troops against the Cebuano warriors lead by Lapu Lapu, where the illiterate Cebuano warriors defeated the much educated Spaniards! I called them illiterate because that's the narrative of our modern history, we were illiterate before they enslave us! Wearing just a "bahang", and don't know how to read and write! Then, how will you explain the "Boxer Codex"? We have an ancient dress code from the northern tip of Luzon to Mindanao. How will you explain our ancient writing called "Baybayin"? We were illiterate because we can't read and write Baybayin? It make no sense! This ancient writing was not even taught in schools. And even the history of our origin or beginning, could have been manufactured. They say that, there were migrations happened in our land, the Aetas first, then the Indos, and then the Malays. But this story cannot hold! Because, if you look at the ancient histories of our ancient neighbors, they recorded our ancient past! If we stick on the modern narratives of our history, ours is unique! Because, we are the only country in the world that believe that we came from the three migration. And these stories don't even have parallel scenios from our neighbors. We are just willing to be fooled by them. Mabait kasi tayo! We are contented with the fraudulent paradigm.  We are just so blinded by them. Who are they? The power who enslave us! The country changes, from Spain to US, but the power still remain up to this very day. They are embedded in every corner of our society. They play with our politics (the Liberals), they play with our economy (the Basque), they play with our education (the Jesuits), and they play with our religion (RC). Why were our own historians don't even want to dig into this topic? Well, maybe, our very own historians from our schools and universities loved their positions, their fames, and money, more than our ancient history. That's already ancient, past, we must move on and not dwell in the past. But, we cannot dwell in a fraud! Filipinos have the right to know their real identity! We must know our ancient lands! And we'll start it with Cebu, where it all begun! Both our modern history (account by Magellan) and our ancient past.

Let's examine Cebu based on the early maps and the accounts of the people who enslaved us. Looking at our ancient maps, there is only on thing that is consistent, there is no Cebu in the map. I mean, there is no "C" because our ancient dialect has no "C" even today. Instead, Cebu is labelled as Zebu in 1855 which is the same in the 1906 Map by Justus Perthes. In 1893, Cebu is rendered as Seboe and in 1521, Antonio Pigafetta recorded it as Zubu or ZZubu. Never in the old maps that showed Cebu as Sugbu! Could be that Sugbu is a modern name pretended to be ancient to deceive us? Probably YES! Just look at how they covered up our ancient names Ophir and Tarshish! Then, back in 1765, “A New Map of the Philippine Islands” by Thomas Kitchin, renders Cebu as SEBU. The name Sebu leads to the modern name Cebu. This is very interesting as when you look at the Hebrew, there is a word which ties to Sebu but yet none of the dialogues regarding the origin of Cebu from linguists fit. They do not know it’s etymology. The word Sebu is equated and derived from the Hebrew word SHEBU'AH:SHEBU:SHEBA meaning an oath: week: seven: the First Sabbath. The first 7th day of creation from the land of creation! Wow! The seventh day is the day of oath, Sabbath or Shabbat also known as Shebat or Sebat. Just as this word Sebu leads to Shebu’ah or Shebat or Sebat. This is very interesting because in a 1646 map by Dudley’s Dell Arcano de Mare, Cebu is rendered as the "Isle of Sebat". Cebu or Sebu simply came from Sheba, the land of the Sebat/Shabbat or Sabbath, and not just any Sabbath but the very first one, on the 7th Day of Creation – Shebu’ah. It is the Feast Day which commemorates the first Sabbath/Shabbat. This took place in Sheba which means "seven" (7) as well as "oath" because shebu’ah (in Hebrew, "Pentecost" in Greek) is also the Day of Covenant Renewal (Shebu'ah or Shavout or Pentecost is usually celebrated on the last week of May to the 2nd week of June and sometimes, the day falls on June 12, coincidence?). The first Sabbath, the first 7th day of creation, written and recorded on an island in the Philippines which still bares such name in Hebrew! What is amazing is that, Cebu (Sebu) is in region 7! Coincidence? And Lake Sebu in South Cotabato has 7 waterfalls or Sheba waterfalls, coincidence? I think not! Our Elohiym (God) YAHUWAH simply gives as a sign for us to know these things!

Now, we knew that Cebu (Sebu) ties with the first seventh day of creation, Shebu'ah, Shabbat, Sebat, Sabbath, Shebu, Sheba! Therefore, our land is the land of creation! The land of Adam and Eve, the land of Seth, the land of Enoch, and up to Noah before the flood. That's how significant our place is! It didn't stop there, the people of our land are also significant! Check this out! 2 Esdras (Ezra) 13:41-46,  "{41} But they took this counsel amongst themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, {42} That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. {43} And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the River. {44} For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, til they were passed over. {45} For through that country there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called 'Arsareth'. {46} Then dwelt they there until the latter time."      This is a prophecy of some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) migration to a far away land after the northern tribes were exciled to Assyria. They took counsel among themselves that they would leave the multitude of the unbelievers (heathen) and go into a further country where never mankind dwelt that they might there keep their statutes which they never kept in their own land. They crossed the Euphrates river, an Exodus like scenario, where the Most High YAHUWAH showed them signs, and the water or flood was held still until everyone passed over. And they went to a far country with a year and a half journey. This isn't a country around the middle east or Africa were a journey would take months. A far away land and the same region called "Arsareth"! Then they dwelt there until the latter time... our time! The clue here is "Arsareth". And if we look closely at this word, it is a combination of two words, "Asah" and "Ehrets". "Asah" means - to do, work, make, produce and "Ehrets" means - land, earth. Therefore, "Arsereth" means, to make the earth or the land of creation. Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) went to the land of creation. And it points to our land, the first seventh day of creation, Shebu'ah, Shebu, Sheba, Sebu or Cebu.

The book of 1st and 2nd Esdras (Ezra) were found in the Deadsea Scrolls at Qumran. What is the Deadsea Scrolls? It is a collection of the scrolls found in the wilderness of Qumran where, a complete set of the books in the bible were found, and which also included the book of 1st Enoch (2nd and 3rd Enoch are occult books), the book of Jubilees (or the book of Yashar - Jasher is a fraud), the books of "Esdras (in Greek) or Ezra (in Hebrew)", and the book of Tobit, and the writings of the Levite priests and John the Baptist, and excluding the book of Esther. Who were the people at Qumran? Why were the collections of scriptures were located in this place? It is a place where "the voice of the one crying the the wilderness" was heard. It is the ancient place called Bethabara! A place where John the Baptist lived and operated. And what they found at Qumran was the library of the Levite priest, the son of Zadok! Don't believe in the paradigm coming from the Christian churches especially the Roman Catholic and the Rabbinic Institution! There are out to deceive us. They aren't the real keepers of the scriptures! Yes, they created the bible, but it's there to keep us blinded! And those who are tasked to guard and protect the bible aren't the Levite Priest (the sons of Zadok) but the remnant of the Pharisees! Deception was played at the Deadsea Scrolls! They connected it to the ESSENCE in which the sect was not even mentioned at the bible! Read the books found in Qumran and know the scrolls yourself, you can download it through the net in a pdf copy!

If you don't believe in Esdras (Ezra) because the book is not in the bible, then, Isaiah will convince you! He nailed the location of some of the lost tribes of Yashar'el (Israel). By the way, about 60% of the book of Isaiah talked about the lost tribes of Yashar'el (Israel), the Isles, Sheba, Tarshish, the end of the earth, and Ephraim. All of these are connected to our land, and chapter 49 is one of it: Isaiah 49:12,  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."      The word "north" in this passage is translated as "tsaphon" in Hebrew meaning north or northward. The word "west" here is translated as "yam" in Hebrew, meaning "sea". The word "sea" as "yam" in the scriptures was used more than 320 times while the word "west" as "yam" was used 47 times because, west of Israel (Yashar'el) is Mediterannian sea, but "west" itself can be translated to Hebrew as "maarab". Therefore, "west" can't be used in this passage. The real translation of the word "west" from this verse is "yam" which equals to "sea". Therefore, the correct verse from Isaiah 49:12 is:  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the sea; and these from the land of Sinim."       The word 'Sinim' is equal to 'Ciyniym' in Hebrew which means 'south china'. Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) can be found in the isles afar off, to the sea of South China or the South China Sea. Wow! What isles are located in the sea of South China? Simply, the Philippines! Who were the early people who occupied our land? From the lost tribes of Yashar'el (Israel)!

These references, 2 Esdras and Isaiah and Solomon gold (1st and 2nd Kings), was used by Christopher Columbus as a reference when he set sail looking for the land of gold, the Garden of Eden, location of the lost tribes, and the land of creation! He sailed in the westward direction because during his time, the route going eastward was problematic among christian sailors, but accidentally, he stumbled in the land of America. From the movie, Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, 1992. Here are some of the evidences that our country is an ancient land but most of us prefered our fraud history! A fraud that were invented or manufactured by the one who enslaved us and taught us religion!

1. In 1522, Antonio Pigafetta recorded Philippines as Tarshish and Ophir.

2. In 1490, a research of Christopher Columbus located Ophir, Tarshish, Garden of Eden and the lost tribes of Israel in SE Asian Isles north of equator.

3. In March 4, 1521, Sebastian Cabot contract with Spain identifies Tarsis (Tarshish) and Ophir.

4. In 1600s, Father Colin still refered to Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish.

5. In 1600s, Dominican Gregorio Garcia located Ophir in the Moluccas and Philippines.

6. In 1890, former Prime Minister Pedro A. Paterno recorded Ophir as the Philippines.

If our country is the ancient Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, as recorded by the one who enslave us, why were our historians wanted to cling on the modern and fraud history? Even Christopher Columbus knew our land, the early Spanish explorers and Magellan knew our land, and the geography was not lost up to 1800's. Why so suddenly, all of us lost it! We are so blinded! Many would say, it is already our ancient past, we must moved on, our lives now are different! Don't you know that we were blinded for a reason? To see to it that we can't rise! They wanted to keep this us divided, low, poor, and broken. And this is what happened to us: 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12,  {11} And for this cause Elohim (God) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."       A strong delusion was sent to us, and for us to believe a lie! And this is no ordinary deception, it is a strong one using dark prayers, occult spells and black magic, therefore, it can't be broken easily. Even if the facts are laid out in front of us, we prefer their lies because we are comfortable with it. If we don't seek the "light", the truth, then, we will be damned forever! It's time for us to seek the truth and move out of this curse!

Here's the location of the Lost Tribes of Yashar'el (Israel), both Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom, up to this very day!

Isaiah 11:11-13,  "{11} And it shall come to pass in that day, that YAHUWAH shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the 'Islands of the Sea'."     All the 12 tribes were scattered from these places. The Southern Tribes of Israel, Judah (Yahudah) and Benjamin are scattered in Egypt, Pathros (Sudan) and Cush - basically the whole of central Africa from east coast to west coast, popularly dubbed as the slave coast. And the Northern Tribes of Israel are scattered in Assyria, Elam, Shinar and Hamath. These are basically known in modern day as Kurdistan, the home of the Kurds - Northern Syria, Southern Turkey, Northern Iraq and North Western Iran. And the Islands of the sea is the Philippines!

The northern tribes were scattered first, all of the northern kingdom of Yashar'el were exciled to Assyria (Kurdistan) and to the Islands of the sea (Philippines). They dwelt among the gentile and became gentiles because our Elohiym YAHUWAH annulled His relationship with them. They no longer His people! Then, the southern tribes were scattered after the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed. Like the northern kingdom, the southern kingdom (tribes) were no longer His people, YAHUWAH also annulled His relationship with them. And because YAHUSHA Messiah died at the cross, everyone has a chance to be save! Everyone becomes His people if you believe in Him and keep His commandments. Therefore , both the northern and the southern tribes of Yasher'el are blinded until an appointed time, until the fulness of the Gentiles has come! Those who claimed to be Israel today are fake! That's for sure! But in the last days, when the fulness of the Gentiles has come, or an appointed has come, a "Light" will shine in both the norther tribes and southern tribes! YAHUWAH will remember His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob (Jacob), He will remember His people, the tribes of Yashar'el! But this will happen when the iniquity of the Gentiles come into fulness, and that's during the Great Reset and a New World Order! The days of Noah all over again, the apostate generation. All the deeds of men are pure apostasy, much sin and iniquity! And most people will defy the law of creation, they aren't normal men anymore, they are human hybrids or transhumans! A real physical "mark" is engrave in their forehead or right hand as a distinction that they already upgrade themselves to be an advance human! And the righteous, both the tribes of Yashar'el and the some Gentiles will be separated, a seal of Living Elohiym will be given, and a seven fold teaching of the gospel will preach concerning His whole creation! And, as this event is unfolding, the northern tribes of Yashar'el will rise!

Here is the prophecy of Yahusha Messiah where He predicted two places that will rise! And these two places are both from the northern tribes of Yashar'el (Israel). Remember, the Basque Jew, Christopher Columbus used Esdras, Isaiah, and king Solomon gold to locate our land! They are well verse of the scriptures! It is also a 100% that they knew this prophecy! That's why they enslaved us and controlled every aspect of our society up to this very day! They aren't from the tribes of Yashar'el (Israel), but the remnant of pharisees and sadducees! Their bloodline is true enemy of Messiah, the emnity of true Yashar'el! The Jews, the Basques, the elites (political, economics and religious), the globalists!

Matthew 12:41,  "The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here."       Nineveh is located in the Kurdistan plain. Therefore, Kurdistan will rise in the last days, and shall condemn it, they, them, who lied to them and kept them blinded, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, behold, greater than Jonas is here! There will be a "light" (from Yahusha) that will shine in Kurdistan and Jonas or some individual who acts like Jonas will lead the people of Kurdistan to a great awakening and repentance! And Kurdistan will oppose in the New World Order!

Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."      The Queen of the South is associated with Cebu, and from the uttermost part of the earth, or from the ends of the earth, which is described as from antiquity, ancient, eastern, oriental, the land of creation, the Philippines. Therefore, our future leader will come from Cebu or her lineage comes from Cebu. She will lead our country to condemn it, they, them who lied to us and kept us blinded. She will be greater (wiser) than king Solomon! And we see this prophecy forming right before our eyes! Who could she be? Could be Sara Durterte Carpio! When will she (the Queen of the South) lead us? What I see is the Great Reset era! The globalists plan is around 2027, based on the great reset clock or climate clock in New York, and they will create a new world order, and a 3rd temple will be build at Jerusalem. And our country and Kurdistan will oppose to the New World Order!

Here's a parallel verse from Ezekiel: Ezekiel 38:13,  "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"      Sheba is the Queen of the South, Sebu or Cebu, and the merchants of Tarshish is the seafarers of Mindanao (30% of seafearer in the world are Filipinos - that's a FACT), and Dedan here could be a place of Kurdistan. What will these two places do? Philippines and Kurdistan will condemn "Gog", the power that came from the land of Magog (Russia - communism) and is the chief prince of Meschech (Western Europe) and Tubal (Central Europe), basically EU - capitalism, and the seat of Gog is in Vatican - from Ezekiel 38:2. You come to take a spoil? You gathered your troops or army to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away the agricultural products and merchandizes, to take a great spoil?" By the way, the whole Ezekiel 38 discussed about Gog, the beast, who took over the lands of Asia and African and enslaved them. He (Gog) searched world wide looking for the lost tribes of Yashar'el (Israel) to keep them low, poor and broken. Then, Gog's power takes over the land of Israel. And this event will happen when Gog will set up a new world order and starts to build a 3rd temple at Jerusalem!

If the churches paradigm is really based on the scriptures, why don't they examine the true history of our land diligently? This is very important because knowing our identity, is knowing which direction we will be moving forward. I know it's not easy! It is giving up everything we have, our works, our positions, and our fames! But a "light", from Messiah Yahusha, will shine to each one of us that will remove the strong delusion that we are in. A great awakening will happen to us all, and the name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA will be known to many. We must hold on to the "light" because our redemption will only come from Him, YAHUSHA! Those who resist the "light" will be damned forever, and will eventually receive the mark of the beast! The "marking" will happen during the Great Reset era (2027), people will start to defy the law of creation! And become human hybrids or transhumans! I'm not making this up! This is the globalists (WEF) plan all along and their propaganda is out in the mass media and social media but nobody seems to care.

It's time to move away from the power who enslave us. Away from them whose intention is to keep us blinded. Away from the power and influence embedded in our political system (the Liberals), away from the power and influence embedded in our economy (the Basques), away from the power and influence embedded in our education that chart the course of the younger generation (the Jesuits and the Catholic Universities), and away from the power and influence embedded in religion who taught us our belief system to keep us blinded (the RC)! This isn't political. It's aligning ourselves away from the west (capitalism) or even China and Russia (communism), away from the beast system, away from the mystery Babylon. It's the direction that our country is tracking whether you like it or not! Our country is forming to be like an ancient land where the early biblical patriarch dwelled. We are forming to be like our ancestors who came to this land to keep their statutes. We are forming to be the people who are destined to rise up on the last days! This is our fate! Those who fight against it will lose! Some will realize it as early as now, some will realize it in the days of trouble, some will try to resist it but eventually will be over powered by the vast majority. We are the people who hold on to the promise. We are the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. We are from the tribes Yashar'el (Israel)! Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish! Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao! The land of creation and the location of the Garden of Eden (the Garden of Righteousness)! And Pilipinas kung mahal!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The New World Order: The Rise Of The Four Beasts

 The New World Order, a phrase associated with conspiracy theory once you try to discuss this topic outside the narratives of the elites and the globalists. Well, let's add to the so called conspiracy theoriests! Let's talk about them in the context of the scriptures. You'll be amazed on what I discovered! Now, if you read the scriptures especially in the book of Daniel chapter 2, the world's kingdoms are divided at the end times, or our time. But, if you look closely at the world wide elites and globalists movement, their ultimate goal is to setup a new world order. How can the two events (Divided Kingdom and New World Order) coincide? We have a singularity which is the new world order, and scattered because the kingdoms are divided. How can the bible's prophecy go hand in hand with the secular goal? Let's discuss this topic because the goal of the globalists to create a new world order is also prophesied by Daniel, and by Ezekiel, then expanded the the book of Revelation. Let us examine first the book of Daniel chapter seven (7). By the way, this interpretation of Daniel chapter 7 is moving away from the popular interpretation which defined the four beast as, the 1st Beast - Babylonian Empire, the 2nd Beast - Medo-Persian Empire, the 3rd Beast - Grecian Empire, and the 4th Beast -Romans Empire. The topic that I will be discussing here is the modern day interpretation, more accurate than the former!

The First Beast - The First Kingdom - The Lion

Daniel 7:4,  "The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it."

The first (1st) Beast is a lion with an eagle's wing. The beast stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. Which country is associated with the lion? No other than UK. Which country is associated with the eagle? There are many countries associated with eagle, but I will go here with the US (US is just a creation of UK). If you look into the lion symbol of UK, it stand upon the feet as a man! A man's heart was given to it because, the lion has a red lips maybe? or maybe the lion is showing concern? Just my speculation! Anyways, the lion with eagles wings is UK, and his close associate is the US. The prophecy here only described the first beast, not talking about what the beast will do or what events the kingdom will do.

Let's check on Revelation chapter 6. The 1st Beast is equals to the White Horse - the 1st Seal!

Revelation 6:1-2,  "{1} And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. {2} And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

This is the 1st Seal. A white horse rider that was given a bow and a crown, and he went conquering, and to conquer. He is given a crown, an authority but only has a bow without an arrow! How will he conquer the world without the fire power? But wait! A "bow" based on strong's concordance is translated to Greek as "toxon", just like "pana" in Pilipino, meaning, a weapon of both a "bow and arrow", but in Greek, the arrow is dip in a poison! So, the white horse rider went conquering, to conquer the world with a crown and a bow and arrow coupled with deception! That's exactly what's happening in the world today! The world is conquered by a crown, and you need a bow and arrow to be safe than sorry. No wonder why this narrative came out, "you can't buy and sell". The purpose really of bow and arrow is to establish graphene sensors, nuerons, and senaptecs (they called it artificial mRNA), in our body and brain to prepare us for their future new inventions in the 4th Industrial Revolution. What is this new invention? To modify your DNA and implanting a graphene chip you brain and in your hand. Your cellphone will be obsolete in the great reset era because men can call their friends and communicate with them, and browse the net by using their mind. And the tasking is done by using their hand, and the "mark" is place where? In your forehead or in your right hand! Once you allow yourself to be modified, it isn't you after the process! You are a new creation, you defy the order of creation, you become a new being, a new entity, a human hybrid, a transhuman, unredemable being, subject to condemnation, you receive the mark of the beast! Therefore, this pestilence is just a setup for the marking of humanity! Without a bow and arrow (injection is designed like a "pana"), their new invention cannot work or won't work, that's why they are very strict to implement, you can't buy and sell!

Who do you think is the white horse rider? No other than UK! Their symbol also has a white horse or a white unicorn. UK is the center of Bio-Research Lab for this pestilence creating a new strain or variant of the crown and an effective bow and arrow. This is the main reason why we should believe the biblical narrative (you can't buy and sell) more than their narrative (to have a bow and arrow to be safe than sorry!)! John had prophesied it in Revelation for almost 2000 years ago, and now, and we treated this prophecy as nothing! Surely, a mark is waiting for us if we don't take heed! And you know what? The Pfizer Research and Development Lab address in China is: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Number "666" Gaoxine Avenue, Wuhan? And the "crown" originated in what place? Wuhan China! And Pfizer Main Research Lab is in UK and the US! Coincidence?  Of all the places, why UK? Because, they're showing to them (their comrades) who leads this first event! And the US address of Pfizer also bares the name of the in UK, New England. Coincidence? By the way, their spokeman is UN-WHO which has a new beast statue at their headquater that looks like the first beast. And the WHO headquarter is in New York, which is just a extension of "York", a cathedral city with Roman origins in England! Just a coincidence! By the way, this pestilence is real! But the purpose of this pestilence is to prepare humanity for the 4th Industrial Revolution that will commence a few years from now, the Great Reset!

The Second Beast - The Second Kingdom - The Bear

Daniel 7:5,  "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."

The second (2nd) Beast is a bear. It had three ribs in the mouth, between the teeth of the bear. And the Beast devour or destroy much men (flesh)! Who do you think is the bear? No other than Russia! And it had three ribs in the mouth of Russia, could be three countries that Russia will conquer or have conflict with and destroyed (devour) much men (flesh). Ukraine is one of the three countries! What's next? Could be Finland, or Sweden, or Poland, or other countries in Russian Steppes? Or, these could be three places in Ukraine where Russia (the Bear) conquered and took over the areas, like Crimea, Donetsk, and Kharkiv? This is taking shape, we'll know it in a few years! And "they" said to the Bear (Russia), arise, destroy much men (flesh) by means of wars! And who are "they" who commanded Russia to arise? Could be the globalists? They are playing deception?

Let's check on Revelation chapter 6. The 2nd Beast is equals to the Red Horse - the 2nd Seal!

Revelation 6:3-4,  "{3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."

This is the second Seal. A Red Horse rider that was given a power to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. Should kill one another? This means that every tribes or every ethnicities will have conflict or war with one another. This is actually what is happening in our world today. We have conflicts or wars of same tribe or same ethnicity like Russia and Ukraine. These two nations were one country before, from former USSR, then split because of ideology. Russia and Ukraine started the war, what will happen next? Russia will attack two more lands? And the same conflicts are brewing right now like China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Yemen and UAE/Saudi. And you know what's common of these conflicts? It is between communism/socialism against capitalism!  Daniel is so right with his prophecy that the kingdom will be divided in the last days, between "Iron" and "Iron mixed with miry Clay". Who are the "Iron"? Because "Clay" is probably ordinary men! Isaiah 64:8 KJV  "But now, O YAHUAH, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."      Therefore, the "Iron" are the nephilim! And the divided kingdoms are the kingdom of nephilim (Iron), with pure pagan belief like the communism (don't believe in Elohiym the Father and the Son, our Messiah), and the kingdom of Iron mixed with Clay are nephilim mixed with men or pagan belief mixed with the belief of Elohiym (God) like Christmas (Birth of Messiah mixed with Saturnilia), Holy Week (Death of Messiah, Passover mixed with Easter or Esther or Ishtar or Ashtaroth), the name of Elohiym (God) the Father YAHUWAH replaced to LORD meaning Ba'al in Hebrew, and many more - this is capitalism. What could be the end result of these wars? The "Red", communism will win the war! A setup for a communism style of rule world wide during the Great Reset! Who do you think is the Red Horse rider? It is Russia, communism RED! And the countries aligned with Russia have flags dominated by RED! And a "great sword" was given to him, to Russia! Check this out: A "sword" based in strong's concordance is "a short sword or a dagger". And guess what "dagger" could this be? The Kh 47M2 kinzhal (kinzhal in English is a dagger) is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistc air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2000 km, Mach 12 speed, and an ability to perform evasive manuevers in every stage of its flight. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads and can be launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31K interceptors. It has been deployed at Russia's Southern Military District and Western Military District. The kinzhal entered military service in December 2017 and is one of the six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018.  "A great kinzhal (nuclear missile) was given to him (Russia)!" and "kinzhal" will make Russia unstoppable!

The Third Beast - The Third Kingdom - The Leopard

Daniel 7:6,  "After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it."

The third (3rd) Beast is a leopard, which upon it back has four wings of a fowl, and also four heads. And dominion was given to it. What country is associated with leopard? There are several countries but the most significant is Germany. The leopard has four wing and four head or four countries associated with fowls! The prominent one is Germany, then Austria, Belgium and Poland (central Europe). It was not explained what the third beast will do but it is given a dominion!

Let's check on Revelation chapter 6. The 3rd Beast is equals to the Black Horse - the 3rd Seal!

Revelation 6:5-6,  "{5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. {6} And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."

This is the third Seal. A Black Horse rider that was given a balances and he measure the prices of wheat and barley or grains, and were way too expensive that ordinary populate can't afford to buy it. It doesn't say that there was a drought in the land because the prices of oil (cooking oil -corn oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, etc) and wine (grapes, rice, tuba, etc) were not affected! Therefore, this is a force famine! Could be that the grains and other food staples were hoarded or affected by wars and pandemic? But one thing is for sure, the Black Horse rider is creating a scenario for their plan to be out in the Great Reset! What is this plan? To release the DNA modified grains and other food staples as the new foods standard replacing the traditional ones. Look at the pattern of the super wealthy or the elites are doing these days: Here's what I found: A news headline from "CNBC", "The ultra-wealthy like Bill Gates and Thomas Peterffy are investing in U.S. farmland". "In 2020, Bill Gates is becoming the largest private farmland owner in the US, accumulating more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 States. And Thomas Peterffy, chairman of Interactive Brokers owned 581,000 of farmlands."   It only shows that the wealthy, the rich and famous, the globalist will have control of our farmlands in the future. This pattern is happening world wide including our own country where Ayala, SM groups, San Miguel, and others are venturing in agri-bussiness now. Coincidence? I think not! The grains and other food products will also have the "mark" or "signature of the beast" by modifying the DNA. This is done so that, they will have control over the food chains and you can't buy and sell the food products without the "mark of the beast"! And these new food staples (DNA modofied) will be the only consumption for the people who have the "mark". And their narrative for these new food staples, "the new food products (DNA modified) will be much healthier and generally plants and vegetables based, friendly for the environment!" This is what the globalists want this world to be in 2030, the World Economic Forum 8 predictions in the world in 2030! And no. 4 of their prediction is: "You'll eat less much meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health."  Don't you know that the propaganda of this event, the famine, are already out in mass media and social media? Check this out: From "Natural News", "Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped"  and from "The Suncoast News And Scoop", "As World War 3 Escalates, Get Ready For A Terrifying Breakdown Of Our Food And Energy Systems"  and from "Daily Maverick" (March 15, 2022) - "South Africa farmers battle to control locust swarms of biblical proportions".    Now, examining the patterns here, there is a sure famine, a very sour one (the prices of grains and other food staples will be to expensive), that will happen next year or early 2024. The Black Horse rider is now preparing for the 3rd Seal event to commence! Who do you think is the Black Horse rider? No other than the Germany! Their flag is dominated by black, NAZI black flag, and one of their symbols is a black fowl! During the world famine event, lots of propaganda will come out from Germany and the major grains and food staples (DNA modified) source are coming from this place. A very prominent place of this manufactured or force famine propaganda or news!

The Fourth Beast - The Fourth Kingdom - Diverse (Altered/Modified)

Daniel 7:7-8,  "{7} After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. {8} I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things."

The fourth Beast (kingdom or Empire) is dreadful or fearful, terrible, strong exceedingly, and it had a great iron teeth: it devoured or destroy the whole earth, and broke it in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it. The Beast will have authority world wide, and is destroying the world order in favor of his plan, the New World Order! The empire (Beast) was diverse, changed, altered (based on "strong's concordance, diverse means changed or altered - modified?) from all the Beast that were before it. Could be that the empire has undergone DNA modification? Hmmm... and the countries that won't follow his command to modify their DNA will be destroyed or devour! It had ten horns or ten kings! And there came up among them another little horn coming from the three horns that plucked up by the roots, and these three horns or three kingdoms are, the Lion (UK), the Bear (Russia), and the Leopard (Germany). The little horn (anti-Messiah) is diverse, or changed, altered (DNA modified?), and has an eyes like a man, and a mouth speaking of great things, full of lies and blashphemy!

Daniel 7:25,  "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

The little horn shall speak great words (blasphemy) against the most High Yahuwah, and shall wear out the saints of the most High Yahuwah, and think to change times and laws.

1. They changed times - they changed the beginning of a new day from sunrise (6am) to 12 midnight - the Sunday worshippers, and the other one was, they changed the beginning of a new day from sunrise at 6am, to sunset at 6pm - sundown Sabbath worshippers.

2. They changed laws - they removed the 2nd commandment, “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below", and placed the 3rd commandment to the 2nd then placed the 4th commandment (which is the Sabbath worship but they never keep it, but declared Sunday as their worship) to the 3rd. Then they broke down the 10th commandment into 2 commandments to have their "Ten Commandments" completed.

It's not hard to understand who this little horn is... the power of Vatican, the papacy! They changed times and laws! And the fourth Beast was not fully described or identified from this prophecy. What type of being could it be? It was not explained in Daniel, but the prophecy in Revelation will make it clear!

Let's check on Revelation chapter 6. The 4th Beast is equals to the Pale Horse - the 4th Seal!

Revelation 6:7-8,  "{7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

This is the fourth seal. A Pale Horse rider whose name or character is "death", and "hades or sheol" (hell) followed him. How on earth can a Pale Horse rider has a "death" on him, and "hades or sheol" (hell) followed him? This only means that the Pale Horse rider has done something to himself! He altered or modified (diverse) his DNA to be a human hybrid or transhuman. He is not a normal man! He defied the law of creation, he's now a new entity, he received the "mark of the beast"! That why, his name or character is death because, there is no more redemption in him, a sure death of soul (spirit), and there is only one place his soul goes, a sure condemnation to hell! And he give power to them, his minions who are "mark" from UK (pestilence), Russia (wars), Germany (food shortage or famines), over the fourth part of the earth or one fourth (1/4) of the earth, to receive the "mark of the beast", or be killed! By the way, 4th part (1/4) of the earth is literally dry ground, where human dwell! Therefore, the Pale Horse Rider has authority world wide!

1. Kill with sword (2nd Seal - Red Horse - 2nd Beast - Russia) - have the "mark of the beast" or die! He will make wars to communities, tribes, or countries who refuse to accept the "image of the beast" and be "mark"!

2. Kill with hunger (3rd Seal - Black Horse - 3rd Beast - Germany) - there will be no food supplies for communities, tribes, or countries who refuses to accept the "image of the beast" and be "mark"! You can't buy and sell without the "mark of the beast"!

3. Kill with plague or death (1st Seal - White Horse - 1st Beast - UK) - a new variant or strain of this pestilence or plague will come out, and it is the deadliest among the variants! Therefore, everyone will be force to alter or to modify themselves to be save from the deadly variant. It's like, to survive and be safe but have the "mark of the beast" and a sure death of soul, or to suffer with the deadly variant and be killed physically, but a sure redemption or salvation of soul! And this variant is deadlier to individual who completed the bow and arrow!

4. Kill with the beast of the earth (a sign that the "mark of the beast" has begun!) - men were given authority to have dominion over the beast of the earth at creation by Elohiym (God). Genesis 1:27-28,  {27} So Elohiym (God) created man in his own image, in the image of Elohiym (God) created he him; male and female created he them. {28} And Elohiym (God) blessed them, and Elohiym (God) said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have "dominion" over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."      We are created after the "image of Elohiym (God)! Our DNA is who we are and what we are! An once you give them a go signal to modify your DNA and have a graphene (chip) implanted in you brain and in you hand, it is not you after the process. You are a new being, a new entity, a new creation that defies the order of creation. That is receiving the "mark of the beast"! You destroyed the "image of Elohiym (God) in you by accepting the "image of the beast". And the authority given to men to have "dominion" over all the animals, the beasts of the earth are removed to those who have the "mark"! Therefore, the attacked and be killed by the beasts of the earth are prevalent to the people who received the "mark of the beast".

On the other hand, if the Pale Horse rider minions modified the DNA of some of the beast of the earth, then, the modified beast of the earth starts attacking people who have no "mark of the beast". It's like, have the "mark" or be killed by the beast of the earth! Well I guess, it's vice versa! A pure chaos! But a "seal of our living Elohiym (God)" will be our protection, and the "seal" is the name of the Father! Revelation 14:1,  "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."        And the seal of living Elohiym is placed where? In our foreheads! Therefore, the name of the Father YAHUWAH will be our shield for the coming great tribulation!

Who do you think is the Pale Horse rider? It's just a coincidence maybe that the Vatican flag is white and yellow color, and so with their symbol, a yellowish pale or pale. The Pale Horse rider is no other than the papacy! He is using the three events, the famine (3rd Seal, black horse, 3rd Beast - Germany), the wars (2nd Seal, Red Horse, 2nd Beast - Russia), and pestilence or plague (1st Seal, White horse, 1st Beast - UK). Looking at Daniel 7 prophecy, all the three beast are here! Therefore, the 4th Beast is equals to the 4th Seal or the Pale Horse rider which is using the 3 events and 3 countries. Now, let's examine with another passage from Revelation that confirms this!

Revelation 13:2,  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

The beast or anti-Messiah here is like a leopard - Germany, and his feet is like a bear - Russia, and his mouth is like a lion - he speaks good english accent after modification - UK. And satan, the dragon gave him power, his seat and great authority! He will rule over humanity with great strength and power! No man can defeat him! Only the brightness of the coming of our Messiah Yahusha and the breath of His mouth will comsume the beast! Now, the Daniel 7 fourth (4th) Beast is confirmed here, which is also equals to the Pale Horse rider, the papacy!

Revelation 13:3,  "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

And the beast was wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed. So, the beast died and has risen! Satan really is the master of imitation, he copied Messiah Yahusha. From here, we can now understand that the beast has undergone a DNA modification to survive and escape death! When was the beast encountered the deadly wound?

Daniel 11:45,  "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."

When the beast plant the tabernacles or build the 3rd temple at Jerusalem, he shall come to his end and none shall help him! Could be during this time that he receive the deadly wound?

Or this event in Daniel chapter 11 verse 45, I think is equal to  Ezekiel 39:11,  "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog."

So, Gog, the beast, will come to his end. He will be buried at a place called Hamongog. Could be that the beast (Gog) received his deadly wound here? 

Who is Gog, the beast, the anti-Messiah? 

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  {2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith YAHUAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"      Gog, the prince demon origin is Magog, and became the chief price of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify these places? Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah. When the earth was divided (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees) by Noah between his three sons, Shem got the land of Asia, Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe, and Japheth and Ham divided America, the north went to Japheth and the south went to Ham. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles but he didn't like it, so, he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Media (Medes) now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the source of Beast power). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the Brit Isles since Madai despised the land. Tubal got the Central Europe. Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Macedonia-Greece and the Isles and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU - capitalism but he was born or came from Russia - communism! Gog power is the papacy and his sit or throne is in EU (western and central Europe), and he could be Ber'gog'lio? Just a coincidence maybe! The last pope?

Therefore, Gog - the 4th Beast in Daniel 7, the Pale Horse rider (4th Seal) in Revelation 6, is trying to unite Beasts in Daniel 7 (1st Beast - UK, and 2nd Beast - Russia, and 3rd Beast - Germany). He is trying to unite the events Revelation 6, the Pestilence/Pandemic - white horse - 1st Seal - UK, and the Wars - Red Horse - 2nd Seal - Russia, and the Famine - Black Horse - 3rd Seal - Germany. He is trying to unite the opposing forces of capitalism - EU (western Europe and Central Europe) and communism - Russia (eastern Europe). He is out to unite the two mystery Balylon, Roman Catholic of western Europe and central Europe, and Orthodox Christians of eastern Europe. He is trying to unite the religion of this world, Hinduism (pure pagan - Iron), Islam (belief in the prophets and Abraham mixed with a pagan belief of Allah, a nephilim god - Iron mixed with Clay), Buddahism (pure pagan - Iron), and Christianity (belief in Elohim - God mixed with pagan belief - saturnilia, easter, valentines or Tammuz, all souls day, and many more). He is trying to unite the world's governments ideolgy, communism and capitalism. He is trying to create much chaos by summoning pestilences, wars, and famines to press the global reset or the Great Reset. He is uniting the world by creating a "New World Order"! This is actually the pope's and globalists' master plan all along! A one world empire, the whole statue of king Nebuchadnezzar dream, from Gold up to Iron mixed with Clay, the one world order or the New World Order, the singularity! And one of their master plan is to reduce the earth's population in 2030! Guess what, their ideal earth's population target is 500 millions, which is also equals (approximate) to the population of minus bloodline. Coincidence? Who are the minus bloodline? Check this out: Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."        "They" shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, who are "they"? They are the remnant of nephilim who look like us! And the mixture of them and us can't produce an offsprings. Check this out:

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent.  Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)      Daniel is simply very accurate in his prophecy!

This is just my take, but this might be true: The remnant of the Babylonian Empire migrated to UK, the remnant of the Medo-Persian Empire migrated to Russia, the remnant of the Grecian Empire migrated to Germany, and the remnant of the Roman Empire is the papacy. The remnant of these kingdoms gathered together at Israel and became Jews, became Pharisees and Sadducess. When the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD, they mixed with the Roman Empire and became the elites then scattered from these four places.

The earth is really divided between Iron and Clay, between thy seed and her seed, between minus bloodline and plus bloodline. Genesis 3:15,  "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."       "Thy seed" lead by Gog will have a constant enmity between "her seed" lead by our Saviour Yahusha. We are just so blinded by them because of their dark prayers, occult spells and black magic! They told us that supernatural is only a product of our imagination, but the globalists are doing the opposite! We are constantly bombarded with their spells, dark prayers and magic. We are fooled by them! And now they're out to create a New World Order and no one can stop them! Their bloodline are the rich and famous, the elites, they control the world financially and politically! And it's been prophesied they will rule over the earth! The only way to stay strong and endure all of the troubles that are coming ahead, is to know the real name of Messiah! Because, through Him, we will be saved! Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."        Only through Yahusha, which means, Yah is salvation or Yahuwah is our salvation , our redemeer, our saviour, and nothing else!

Note: The plan of salvation is laid out to all! Both minus and plus bloodlines! But majority of the people that will lead the apostasy, the Great Reset, and the New World Order is from minus bloodline! They tried to play the emnity of men!