
Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Elusive Mt Irid

A failed climb on our first attempt... an almost failed climb on our 2nd attempt.
Thanks to Sir Meynard Ricarte our Chief Strategist & Chief Negotiator, we were given a go signal by the Military and Barangay to proceed even though we lacked some climb requirements. Finally, Sta Inis ain't no longer be nakakainis.
Mt Irid

A stroll to the campsite is just one and a half hour with several river crossing. I called it a stroll because the hike is just like walking in the countryside.
River Crossing
Into the valley
Small rice field

The campsite is not really a campsite but a space of what they called a school in the village at the foot of Mt Irid. We really wanted to move up and camp somewhere near the mountain area but the guide won't allow us. But just 30 minutes away, there's another campsite which I like... why didn't we camp here?
The other campsite

We started our early summit assault around 5am passing by a few villages and up to the rocky forest. The forest here is just like a normal low lying mountain forest but its attraction is its rocky trail. I guess Mt Irid was once underwater because the mountain is actually like a very huge limestone rock that resembles like corral... this is just my opinion but it could also be true.
Meynard looking at the rockt trail

Surprisingly, Mt Irid summit is superb. After 3 hours of long ascend, a view on the top is a perfect reliever. The whisper of the cool mountain breeze is like a song of ibong adarna that makes one fall asleep... indeed, everyone just want to take a nap. After our brief rest, we retreated fulfilled. Another mountain captured!

Climbing the summit rock
HC at Mt Irid
Gecarl at the summit rock

We had our lunch at the campsite where our porter prepared for us and then finally,we hit for our side trip... Kinabuan Falls! Just around 300 meters away from the village.
Kinabuan Falls
Mossy limestone wall of Kinabuan Falls

To wrap it up, Mt Irid climb is still fun despite some setbacks and overpriced porter and guide. Until my next adventure... God Bless us all!

More Pics...
View of the Metro

Traversing on the other rock formations

Into the edge