
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mt Sicapoo: Toughness to the next level???!!!

I did not expect much of this Mt Sicapoo climb… It’s an impromptu climb of some sort which was finalized by my High Conqueror’s buddy Emmanuel David just a week before the holy week (our group usually prepares months before each climb). The reason for this rush is to save the High Conqueror’s from a Zero Holy Week Climb 2012 to a Mt Sicapoo Holy Week Climb 2012. The original climb schedule was cancelled coz no one organises it and there were no given alternatives. The result was actually surprising… this climb turned out be one of my best climb ever! Mt Sicapoo’s beauty surpassed my expectations. Its toughness truly goes beyond the next level!!!???
Mt Sicapoo

Day 1: All but wasted

We started the day with river trekking and swimming... who would not be tempted to splash on the crystal clear water of Gasgas River in the scorching summer heat? The hike here was so relaxing and enjoyable.
The jumping Ian...
Gasgas River crosiing

Our assault to Balbalitok (Junction) Campsite after our lunch just caught me up... my right leg cramped. I took each step upward slowly and convinced myself to relax... "Just have fun Gbins", those were the words circulating in my head. Five hours after the painful assault, I arrived at the campsite wasted.

Grassland... halfway to Junction campsite
Assault to Junction campsite... Mt Timarid in the background

Day 2: A very long day hike

All the pains and cramps were just a thing in the past... I woke up recharged. We started our  hike to Mt Sicapoo at eight in the morning and gazing at the mountain from our campsite… wooooow, it is so far away! The connector trail from our campsite to Mt Sicapoo is a snake-like knife ridge… it is long and rolling passing by 4 different mountain peaks before the final assault to Mt Sicapoo summit. This was just our second day but everyone felt the toughness of this climb due to the grueling 14 hours hike from the campsite to the summit and vice versa aside from the constant reminder as one glimpse at the very steep Mt Timarid awaiting for us on the third day. But the best treat after the arduous hike was the sardines-misua soup for dinner… satisfaction guaranteed!
Junction Campsite
Ridgeline trail to Mt Sicapoo
Mossy Forest
The Penguin... Mt Sicapoo summit

Day 3: A picturesque 3rd day

Finally Mt Timarid!  Our negative impression towards this mountain was replaced by a positive outlook. The reason? Just simply the views... everyone were just fired up! The trails traversing to this mountain, to Mt Simmagaysay and all the way to the longest and frightening grassland ridge line trails were so scenic… we were so busy savoring the panoramas that the toughness of third day trek sank in only after our twelve long hours of hiking… and to conclude this climb, a grueling hike plus picturesque landscape is equal to a perfect climb.
The scenic ridgeline trail to Mt Timarid

The dreadful ridgeline trail to Plateau

Mt Sicapoo adds up to list of my favourite hiking destinations. It also deserves to be on the list of top 10 toughest mountain climb in the Philippines together with White Peak and Mt Candalaga in Compostela Valley, Triple Traverse in Kitanglad mountain range, Mt Guiting Guiting Traverse (coming soon)... etc.
High Conquerors at Mt Sicapoo

The High Conquerors Mountaineering Club

Event: Holy Week Climb 2012

Mt. Sicapoo- Mt. Timarid traverse Mt. Simmagaysay

Climb Proper: April 5-7, 2012

Participants: Emmanuel David (Chief Strategist), Ian Tan, Gecarl Binongo, Allan dela Cruz, Antony Fiesta, Marcelino Paz, Marivic Bugara, Janel Banico, Jaja Mosqueda, Argie Palamos, Joan Gentolia and Neren Hechanova

Until my next adventure... GOD BLESS us all!

More pics...

Mt Timarid
Into Mt Sicapoo's Bonsai/Mossy forest
Gecarl @ Mt Sicapoo Mossy Forest
The penguin...