
Monday, February 24, 2025

Living A Life With No Religion

Is it bad living a life with no religion? It's not bad having no religion, but only in one condition, you fully knew and believed in the name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA. The Name above all names will cause you to understand that believing in the Most High is all about relationship, it is a way of life. But having no religion, you can be an atheist! No, an atheist has no religion and without the name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA.

Why do we have religion today if our faith is the way of life? Because all of us are blinded, all are deceived by the power of the evil ones. Proofs that we are blinded.

John 9:39-41,  "{39} And YAHUSHA said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. {40} And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? {41} YAHUSHA said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth."

YAHUSHA said: For "judgment" in the last days I will come into this world, "His second coming", that the righteous which "see not" or "blinded" or "deceived" might "see" or "be enlightened"; and that they (the Pharisees, the global elites today) which "see" or who sent "sublimal seduction" to the whole world might be made "blind". And when the Pharisees (the global elites today) heard these words from YAHUSHA, they said: Are we blind also? And YAHUSHA said to them, "If you were blind, you should have no sin or you should not sent sublimal seduction to the whole world: but now you say, "WE SEE"; therefore, you (global elites) are sinners. Almost all of us are blinded today because of them! Examine yourself, are you not blinded? Don't be like the Pharisees or the global elites!

Romans 11:25-27,  "{25} For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yashar'al, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. {26} And so all Yashar'al shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Yacob: {27} For this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."

You should not be ignorant of this mystery, what mystery? That all of us are blinded, all of us are deceived, and in order to avoid the risk of knowing the truth prior to an appointed time (lest), you should be wise in your own excessive prides or conceits; that blindness in part is happened to the remnant of the children of Yashar'al, until the "fulness of the Gentiles" or "fulness of global elites" be come in. When will be the "fulness of the Gentiles" or "fulness of the global elites" be come in? It's when the Gentiles or global elites will lead the people of the world to modify their DNA, and will become other than man, other than what man was created for, and will become transhumans, or posthumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. Hybrid beings that will defy the order of creation, and will defile the temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies, a sin that will not be forgiven, because they will blaspheme the Holy Spirit whose dwelling is inside their body. And the mark of the beast (could be a 'cross' sign) will be literally engraved in their foreheads or right hands as a sign or a marker that they are no longer an ordinary man anymore, and the mark will separate them from the rest of the people who are not modified, and it will be easy for them to identify ordinary men and to kill them. Or we can also call this event as "the fulness of the iniquity of the Gentiles or the global elites". And when this time comes (the appointed time is the Great Reset 2028 or the apostate generation, or the days of Noah all over again), the Light of YAHUSHA will shine to the remnant children of Yashar'al, and all will be saved: as it is written, "there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, our Saviour, YAHUSHA, and will turn away the unrighteousness from Yacob: For this is YAHUWAH's "covenant" to the children of Yashar'al, when I shall take away their sins.

It's the elites since the Roman empire, which became the global elites today, created the world's religion which started at the council of NICAEA in 324 CE lead emperor Constantine. Constatine brought together 300 bishops and influencial leaders with the purpose of defining the nature of God for all of Christianity and eliminating confusion, controversy and contention within the church. The intention at NICAEA is to create an entirely new God for his empire and to unite all religion will be in one diety. These religious leaders were ask to debate and decide who their God would be. The name of up to 50 gods is in the selection process who the Roman Empire and the world would follow and worship. As to yet, no God has been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to determine that matter, and for 1 year and 5 months the balloting lasted", from the book "God's Book of Eskra", Prof. S.L. MacGuire's Translation, Salisbury, 1922, Chapter 48. It maybe shocking to many but this is history.

Then, the council gathered again but they have not selected the "pagan diety". Yet, they did however narrow down to 5 dieties, Zeus, Mithra, Caeser, Krishna and Horus. As a ruler, emperor Constatine chose 2 of the dieties, his choice was Zeus (would later became Hesus) to be joined by an eastern saviour god Krishna sunskrit for the word Christ. Became Hesus Krishna and now known as Hesus Kristos, then translated to English as Jesus Christ. Thus the name Hesus Krishna became the official name of new Roman God. From "Historia, Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325". And look what happened to the world today... it is under Constatine's spell!

Thus, the influencial leaders whose gods were not selected in the council of NICAEA, formed their own groups and their own gods. And these became the world religions that knew today. Paul and the apostles brought the gospel of YAHUSHA to the gentiles, but never taught to the believers to have a religion. Religion came after the apostles and early ekklesias of YAHUSHA were gone, and the dark ages begun. And they who created the religion sent a sublimal seduction or strong delusion for the people of the world to be blinded. And the dark ages never ended after a thousand years, they just changed the paradigm of this world to create normalcy, and that's the world that we are in today, all of us are blinded. We are living in the real Dark Ages.

Note: In 1453, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire marks the end of the "dark ages". The Middle Ages time period took place from 500 CE to 1500 CE in Europe. This was a time in history that fell between the end of the Roman Empire and the modern format of European lands.

Then the religion of holy Roman empire created by emperor Constantine was divided into many religions like Islam, and in the late 1800 CE up to early 1900 CE, many of reformed Christian religions were formed moving away from the paradigm of holy Roman empire (but still under the umbrella of the holy Roman empire), in which the bible served as their foundation and represent the truth. But how can Christianity claimed to have the truth in them when the the bible as their foundation lost the true name of the Most High and our Savior. If the religion and Christianity are seeking for the truth, they must be the first to know the true name of the Father and the Son, but it's not. Christianity or reformed Christians were just a creation of the remnant of the influencial leaders and elites of holy Roman empire. And it's them who hide the name of our heavenly Father and our Savior.

No Religion But Knowing The Name Above All Names

The name of the Father is YAHUAH or YAHUWAH, where "YAH" is "I Am", the three letters of the Father, and "UWAH" is to breath, to be in the sense of existense. The name of the Father tells us that YAH gave us the breath of life or I Am the breath of life, or YAH is the Creator or I Am the Creator.

The name of the Son of man and our Savior is YAHUSHA, where "YAH" is "I Am", the three letters name of the Father, and "U" is add, and SHA is Salvation. The name of the Son tells us that YAH adds Salvation, or YAH is the Salvation, or I Am the Salvation, or YAHUWAH (the Father) is our Salvation, or YAHUWAH's Salvation. The name of the Son YAHUSHA literally came from the Father YAHUWAH.

And don't you know that the name of the Father YAHUWAH (YHWH) was replaced in the bible for almost 7000 times. They claimed that His name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Really? Did Moses (Mashah) and the prophets commanded the children of Yashar'al not to pronounce the name of the Father? What a strange docrine! Simply illogical! And they replaced His name in the bible by the name "Lord" and "Lord" is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. And in some passages, they replaced His name by the word "God", and God or Gad is short of the true name of Satan who is Gadre'el. Christianity today are praising and worshipping Satan and Ba'al without them knowing it.

Jeremiah 23:27,  "Which think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Ba'al."

Which think to cause My people to forget My Name by their dreams, or not just dreams but in reality, which they tell every man to his neighbours, as their fathers have forgotten My Name (the name of the Most High) for Ba'al or the LORD. The prophet Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) is so accurate in his prophecy because most Christians exalted the name of Ba'al in their worship without them knowing it. And because all of us are blinded, we believe in their lies even if the facts are laid out right before our noses. It's what religion had taught us and it's the truth that we all knew.

Isaiah 48:9-11,  "{9} For My name’s sake will I defer Mine anger, and for My praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. {10} Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. {11} For Mine own sake, even for Mine own sake, will I do it: for how should My name be polluted? and I will not give My glory unto another."

For My name's sake I will hold back or defer My anger, and for My praise I will refrain for you, that I will not cut you off. Behold, I have refined you, but not with silver; I have chosen you in the extreme heat or the hot pot (furnace) of depression or misery or tribulation (affliction). For My own sake, even for My own sake, I will do it: for how should My name be polluted? We are polluting His name by worshipping the LORD or Ba'al and God without us knowing it. And the Father will not give His glory into another name, especially to God or Gadre'el and Ba'al or the LORD. There will be great chaos, confusion, tribulation, and a massive depopulation of the whole world, and the righteous will be chosen in the heat of tribulation, and the Light of our Saviour will cause the righteous to know the name of our Heavenly Father.

Even the English translator of the KJV bible gave us a hint of the name of our Alahym.

Psalm 68:4 KJV,  "Sing unto Alahym, sing praise to His name: extol Him that rideth upon the heaven by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him."

Sing to Alahym, sing praise to His name: glorify Him that ride upon the heaven by His name "YAH", and rejoice before Him. In their translation, "YAH" is translated to "JAH"; but remember, there is no "J" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, and old English, and "J" only became a letter in the year 1524 CE. That's 500 years ago! And we can call this translation, a modern but fraudulent translation to hide the name of the Father.

Isaiah 42:8,  "I am YAHUWAH: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images."

The Most High presented to us His name, YAHUWAH, and they said His name has not been pronounce! Really absurb and illogical: and His glory He will never give to another, specially to God or Gadre'el and the LORD or Ba'al, neither His praise to the graven image or statue of their god, their saviour Jesus (the secret name of Apollo, the son of Zeus), the queen of heaven Mary (the secret name of Ishtar), and their saints or dead Popes (royal bloodline, the remnant of nephilim).

Exudos 3:13-15,  "{13} And Moses said unto Alahym, Behold, when I come unto the children of Yashar'al, and shall say unto them, The Alahym of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His name? what shall I say unto them? {14} And Alahym said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Yashar'al, I Am hath sent me unto you. {15} And Alahym said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Yashar'al, YAHUWAH Alahym of your fathers, the Alahym of Abraham, the Alahym of Isaac, and the Alahym of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is My name forever, and this is My memorial unto all generations."

Moses or Mashah said to Alahym, what shall I say to the children of Yashar'al when they ask, what is Your name? And Alahym said, I Am that I Am or YAH (Hebrew) that I Am, and Alahym said moreover, you shall say to them, YAHUWAH the Alahym of Abraham, the Alahym of Isaac, and the Alahym of Yacob, had sent me unto you: this is My name forever, and this is My memorial unto all generations. YAHUWAH declared His name to Moses and said, this is "My name forever, and My memorial unto all generations", and they said that His name has not been pronounced? In truth, they are the once who hides the name of the Father.

The name of the Son came from the Father.

Matthew 21:9,  "And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of YAHUWAH; Hosanna in the highest."

Christians don't fully understand what this passage truly means because the name of the Highest was replaced by the name of Ba'al or the Lord. This verse tells us that: the name of our Savior YAHUSHA, the Son of David, came from the name of YAHUWAH, because YAHUSHA means: YAH is the Salvation, or YAH is the Savior, or YAH is the Redeemer, or YAHUWAH'S Salvation, or YAHUWAH Saves.

John 5:43,  "I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."

Our Saviour said: I am come in My Father's name; His name literally came from the Father YAHUWAH, because the name YAHUSHA means: YAH is the Salvation, or YAH is the Savior, or YAH is the Redeemer, or YAHUWAH'S Salvation, or YAHUWAH Saves. But many will not receive the true name of our Saviour YAHUSHA: If another, the false messiah, their saviour, the beast, will come in his own name, many will be glad to receive him; but why? Because his name is already popular among Christians. And there is no other name on earth that many people will receive the false messiah, their saviour, the beast, only in the name Jesus Christ. People inside Christianity and any religions are blinded, all are decieved by the power of the evil ones.

Act 4:12,  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

There is "no" other name on earth given among men, whereby we must be saved! Neither is salvation in any other name! There is only one name given whereby we must be saved, and that name is YAHUSHA. Therefore, there is no salvation in the name Jesus Christ, you will never be saved when the time of great wrath or great tribulation comes.

New American Stardard Bible (NASB) - Principle of Translation

THE PROPER NAME OF GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: In the Scriptures, the name of God is most significant and understandably so. It is inconceivable to think of spiritual matters without a proper designation for the Supreme Deity. Thus the most common name for the Deity is God, a translation of the original Elohim. One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of Adonai. There is yet another name which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters "YHWH" (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8). This name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore, it has been consistently translated LORD. The only exception to this translation of "YHWH" is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated GOD in order to avoid confusion. It is known that for many years YHWH as been transliterated as Yahweh, however no complete certainty attaches to this pronunciation.

New International Version (NIV) Preface

In regard to the divine name "YHWH", commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as "Lord" in capital letters to distinguish it from Adonai, another Hebrew word rendered "Lord", for which small letters are used. Wherever the two names stand together in the Old Testament as a compound name of God, they are rendered "Sovereign Lord".

No Religion But Keeping The Sabbath

The religion of the world today, especially the Christian churches, are worshipping in the 1st day of the week, Sunday. They claimed the Sabbath is done away, and it's only for the children of Yashar'al. And Sunday became significant because it is the day of our Savior YAHUSHA's resurrection, at dawn on Sunday. Is this true? Was YAHUSHA resurrected at dawn on Sunday? Yes, it's true if we used the modern time keeping in which 12am midnight is the 0:0 hour or 24:00 hour. But the clock since creation begins with Light or sunrise at 6:00 am modern clock or 0:0 hour biblical clock. Let's support this claim with the scripture.

Matthew 20:1-16,  "{1} For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. {2} And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. {3} And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, {4} And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way. {5} Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. {6} And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? {7} They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. {8} So when evening was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. {9} And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. {10} But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. {11} And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, {12}  Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. {13} But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? {14} Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. {15} Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? {16} So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen."

Let's examine Matthew 20:1-16 using our modern clock which begins at 12 midnight; the "clock since creation" which begins at sunrise; and the Babylonian clock which begins at sunset or sundown.

A.) Modern clock begins at 12am midnight; this is the 0th hour or 24th hour.

Working hours start at dawn and to the morning:

1. The 1st laborer was hired at 3rd hour or 3am modern clock

2. The 2nd laborer was hired at 6th hour or 6am modern clock

3. The 3rd laborer was hired at 9th hour or 9am modern clock

4. The 4th laborer was hired at 11th hour or 11am modern clock

B.) Clock since creation begins at Sunrise - 6am; this is the 0th hour or 24th hour

Working hours are all in day time: The normal working hours

1. The 1st laborer was hired at 3rd hour or 9am modern clock

2. The 2nd laborer was hired at 6th hour or 12pm modern clock

3. The 3rd laborer was hired at 9th hour or 3pm modern clock

4. The 4th laborer was hired at 11th hour or 5pm modern clock

B.) Babylonian clock begins at Sundown - 6pm; this is the 0th hour or 24th hour

Working hour are all in night time or dark hour:

1. The 1st laborer was hired at 3rd hour or 9pm modern clock

2. The 2nd laborer was hired at 6th hour or 12am modern clock

3. The 3rd laborer was hired at 9th hour or 3am modern clock

4. The 4th laborer was hired at 11th hour or 5am modern clock

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laborers complained because they worked for 9 hour, 6 hours, and 3 hour respectively, but the 4th laborer which was hired at 5pm or 11th hour and worked only for 1 hour received the same payment as theirs. And all the laborers worked up to 12th hours or 6pm in the evening. And the working hours during the time of our Savior YAHUSHA and the apostles is the same as our modern day working hours which begins at 9am in the morning and ends at 6pm at the evening.

Remember, they were working in the vineyard, and farmers don't work at dark hour or night time, and electricity is not available during their time! What is your take? The most logical answer is "sunrise"! The beginning of a new day is "sunrise". It is supported by the scriptures. If you insist the day begins in sunset or midnight, then support your claim with the scriptures.

Most Catholic and Christians believed that our Saviour YAHUSHA died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Is this accurate? Let's examine the passage from the book of Luke.

Luke 23:44-46,  "And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Yahusha had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

The Clock since creation is "0th hour" or 6am modern clock is at "sunrise". Therefore, "6th hour" is equals to 12pm modern clock, where darkness covered all over the earth or there was an eclipse. It lasted until the "9th hour" or 3pm modern clock, where the veil of the temple was rent in the middle and YAHUSHA gave up ghost or died at the stake (cross). Most Christians and Catholic belief were true, YAHUSHA died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon which is exactly equals to "9th hour". And I knew this thing because I'm a Catholic back then, and it's the pope who changed the calendar and timekeeping. Therefore, the beginning of the new day is "sunrise", and it's biblical!

The account of YAHUSHA's ressurection: Proof that sunrise is the beginning of a new day!

Matthew 28:1,  "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre."

"It began to dawn 'towards' the first day", the magic word is "towards", meaning: "papunta pa lang" or "approaching" to the first day of the week! It is still the Sabbath but at the tail end of it. Sunrise is the beginning of a new day!

John 20:1,  "The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre."

"The first day of the week cometh", meaning: approaching or paparating pa lang, on the first day of the week, when it was yet dark, at dawn! Therefore, YAHUSHA's ressurection was still on the Sabbath day, at the tail end of it, at the dawn! That's why, Messiah called Himself as the "Lord of the Sabbath", or the "Master of the Sabbath", or the King of the Sabbath! "Sunrise" is the beginning of the new day!

And because Sabbath begins at sunrise, evening is the preparation before the Sabbath.

Mark 15:42,  "And now when the evening was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath,"

How can you have an evening preparation before the Sabbath, when your Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday? Think about it. The evidence are abundant that our Sabbath begins at sunrise, and our religion will always go wrong because of deception! We tend to believe the narratives in this world which are meant to deceive us!

How can religion and Christianity claimed that Sabbath is done away or ended, when our Savior YAHUSHA declared Himself as the Lord or Master of the Sabbath.

Mark 2:27-28 KJV,  "And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."

Sabbath was made for man, a Rest especially made for man, not man for the Sabbath or Rest. Why was this special day of Rest, the Sabbath, created for us? Because YAH wanted His creation to refresh their souls! To remember that we are YAH's creation, and not evolve is some cosmic dusts! Take note, Sabbath was created for man, for all, not Yashar'al alone! And among the commandments, Sabbath is said to have passed away, or abolished! How? Messiah declared Himself as the King, the Master, the Lord of the Sabbath, then He abolish it! It make no sense! It was man who abolished the Sabbath and replaced it with Sunday, which was instituted by the papacy, the holy Roman Empire lead by Constatine. And we believe in their lies... don't be fooled by them!

The importance of the seventh day, the Sabbath:

Genesis 2:2-3,  "{2} And on the seventh day Alahym ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. {3} And Alahym blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Alahym created and made."

On the seventh day of creation, YAH rested from all His works and sanctified it. He set the day as a memorial that He rested from all His work and separated it, set it apart, from all the days of His creation, and He made it Holy. The Creator of all things, YAH, made the seventh day Sabbath a special day to all His creations. And we treated the Sabbath as nothing today! We have been deceived by the power of the evil ones! They are the ones who instituted Sunday as the day of worship!

The Sabbath is the 4th commandment.

Exodus 20:8-11,  "{8} Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. {9} Six days you shall labor and do all your work: {10} but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of YAHUWAH your Alahym. In it you shall do no work: you and your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. {11} For in six days, YAHUWAH made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."

The only commandment that begins with the word "remember". And why we must remember the Sabbath? Because the Most High YAHUWAH knew that most people will forget His Sabbath and will worship Him on the day instituted by His enemy, Sunday. The Most High YAHUWAH Himself rested from all His works at creation on the Sabbath, and He blessed it, sanctified it, and He keep it Holy. The Creator of all things keep the Sabbath, and we His creatures are not keeping it! We are so blinded by the doctrines of religion.

Sabbath is a sign or a seal or a mark that we are YAH's creation.

Ezekiel 20:12,  "Moreover also I gave them My Sabbath, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am YAHUWAH that sanctify them."

In the last days, the Most High will give His Sabath to us, His people or the Yahudym, to be a Sign or a Seal or a Mark between Him and us, that we might know that He is YAHUWAH that sanctify us. And that, we will remain to be His creation, while many will be lured to modify their DNA to become other tham man, other than what man is created for, and be a transhuman or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0.

Not a single law was changed, or ended, or abolished, or passed away when YAHUSHA came, and He will come again to fulfil it in the last days.

Matthew 5:17-18 KJV,  "{17} Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. {18} For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

If YAHUSHA abolished the law, there have to be a writing in the scriptures that supports it. Even the disciples and apostles kept the law because they can't destroy it! It was YAHUWAH our Alahym who wrote it with His fingers, and were only given to Moses at Mt Sanai for humanity to keep it. No man can destroy what Alahym had created! If you do so, that's a blasphemy. That's what most churches are doing today! YAHUSHA is very clear, "until heaven and earth pass, or expire, or end, not a single jot or not a single tittle shall pass, or expire, or change, from the law"! Why was Sabbath forgotten? Because of deception! We have been deceived by the power of the evil ones! The Ten Commandments written by YAH at Mt Sinai will not expire, or change, or end, or pass, until all be fulfilled! When is that? In the day of final judgment, when the evil ones will finally be consumed or destroyed! No more deception, we will keep the Sabbath perfectly in the new heaven and new earth! If you believed that Sunday is the day of worship, then you believed in emperor Constatine, not to our Saviour and Redeemer, YAHUSHA.

How can we trust the religion when their carrying the name of Ba'al or Lord as the name of the Father, and Zeus and Krishna or Jesus Christ as the name of the Son. Religion is supposed to be the first to know the Name above all names and the Sabbath, a worship appointed to men, but it's not. Religion is just a creation of holy Roman empire so that people who wanted to be righteous will always stumble. Even the word "chruch", which is equivalent to a temple, is not the actual translation of the word, ekklesia in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek).

Let's check this out:

The word "church", a translated in English, is not equals to the original word in Greek, "ekklesia". The "church" is define as a building used for public Christian worship, it is a holy or sacred place. A "church" is a designated and a fixed place of worship. Whereas, "ekklesia" (based on strong's concordance) is a gathering of people or a public assembly of people. We can equate "church" to "synagogue", a modern name used by the Rabbis or the Pharisees as a place of worship, a sacred place; but the actual definition based in "strong's concordance" is a bringing together, gathering (as of fruits), a contracting, an assembling together of men, an assembly of men; the same as "ekklesia". Therefore, a "church" or a synagogue" is not equal to "ekklesia". We can equate a "church" to a "temple", but there is only one temple of the Father YAHUWAH, and that was in Yarusalem, and it was destroyed and desolated on 70 AD. After that, there is no temple, or no church, appointed to the believers of YAHUSHA until His return. Every temples or every churches today are places of worship not for the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA, but it's more of the place of worship for "Gog", the beast, the anti-Messiah. Since the temple at Yarusalem was destroyed, our body became the temple of the holy spirit.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17,  "{16} Know ye not that ye are the temple of Alahym, and that the Spirit of Alahym dwelleth in you? {17} If any man defile the temple of Alahym, him shall Alahym destroy; for the temple of Alahym is holy, which temple ye are."

There is no need for a physical temple, our body became the temple of the holy spirit. If any man defile the temple of Alahym which is in us, he shall be destroyed by Alahym; for the temple of Alahym is Holy! We are Holy!

If the "temple" is in us, our body, then, can we find evidence in some of the passages in bible that the use of the word "church" (the translation in English) became awkward, out of place, and problematic? Let's examine some passages.

1 Corinthians 16:19 KJV,  "The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in Messiah, with the church that is in their house."

The "church" that is in their house... how can you put a "church" inside a house? It merely says, a gathering of three or more people, "ekklesia"!

Acts 7:38,  "This is he, that was in the 'church' in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:"

Is there a church in the wilderness of Sinai built by Moses and the children of Yashar'al? There was no church in the wilderness in which Moses and the tribes of Yashar'al worship. This simply means "ekklesia", a gathering of people or public assembly of people.

A "church" is simply a fraud, a strange translation from the original word in Greek, "ekklesia". Although, you can appoint a place to gather for the "ekklesia", the concept of a place is not equal to a church or a temple. And that place can be like a gym or an auditorium or a hall, just a raw place where you can gather and protect the "ekklesia" from the elements. YAHUSHA never appointed places of worship, sacred and holy places. They just replaced the original word "ekklesia" and translated it to english as "church" which is equal to a temple. But the problem is, you cannot create a new temple here on earth. To created one is not creating a temple of YAHUWAH, but a temple of the beast! And that's what happening all around us today... we are so deceive by the power of the evil ones, the secret society. They are the ones who created the world's religions and the churches!

Here's what I researched regarding the origin of the word "church":

The word "church" came from the Greek word "kuriakos", not "ekklesia" as they tell us. Kuriakos means belonging to the lord (Ba'al is "the lord" in English), or the bride of Ba'al. It also came from the Old English "circe" or "cyrce" which is related to the Dutch "kerk" and German "kirche". It is also associated with the word "circus", and it's very interesting because circus originated from the circus of Nero, which was referred to a large open-air venue which was used to hold public events. The Circus of Nero was a circus (church or cathedral) in which St. Peter’s Basilica stands today, and all that remains of the arena is the ancient Egyptian obelisk. Kuriakos is equals to circe, which is equals to circus, which became to modern day "church". Church is a pagan concept, a sacred and holy place for their gods and goddess! And it is being infused by the worship of the Father and the Son, our Messiah.

Without the physical building which is the church, we must worship the Most High YAHUWAH in Spirit and in Truth.

John 4:20-24,  "{20} Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. {21} Yahusha saith unto her, woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. {22} Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Yahudim. {23} But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. {24} YAHUWAH is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."

A conversation with YAHUSHA and the woman of Samaria at the Yacob's well. And the woman said, our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and You said, in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. YAHUSHA said to her, believe me, the hour will come, when you shall worship the Father neither in this mountain, nor at Jerusalem. You don't know what you're worshipping, and we know what we're worshipping: for salvation is of YAH's people or the Yahudim. But the hour will come, and now is, when the worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father will seek such to worship Him. YAHUWAH is a Spirit: therefore, they that worship the Father YAHUWAH must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Based on the above passage, we can conclude that a worship which YAHUSHA want us to do is to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth! How? There is no need for us to go to a certain place, a holy place, a mountain, a valley, a plain, in the temple of city, in the church of the town, in the chapel of the barrio: We can worship the Father YAHUWAH at home or wherever we are! Is this concept supported by the scriptures?

Matthew 18:20,  "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

If there are two or more people gathered together in the "name" of the Father "YAHUWAH" and the Son "YAHUSHA", He will be in the midst of them. This concept is not new, it is applied by YAHUSHA's disciples and apostles. But how? YAHUSHA's apostles created the churches, the seven churches which were in Asia (Revelation 1:4)? No! not churches, but seven ekklesias, church is simply a wrong translation.

And Pope says ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE SAME?! All religions are gift of God. Yes, all religions are the same, all carried the truth mingled with lies or doctrines of this world. Without the Father's name and His Sabbath, the people inside the religion who wish to be righteous in all his ways will always stumble, and caused them to be divided and blinded. All religions are truly the gift of Gadre'el, or in short, Gad or God, the true name of Satan. And don't you know that the letter "G" symbol of freemason is the name of Satan? Don't be fooled by the global elites who controlled all the secret societies.

In truth, believing in the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA is all about relationship, it is the Way of Life. It's how you must live your Life with all Truth. And YAHUSHA is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. YAHUSHA is never a religion.