
Friday, June 28, 2024

Exposing The Secret Of The Royal Bloodline

There are two distinct bloodlines of humanity, and these two cannot mix with one another. The common bloodline, which is the bloodline of almost 90% of the earth population is associated with the monkey, and the other bloodline, which is roughly 10% is associated with the royal bloodline. The characteristics of the two bloodlines are different, you can't be a blood donor to the other bloodline, it won't work. Even the scientists can't explained the origin of the royal bloodline, some associanted them to the aliens. But if you study the Scriptures carefully, these two bloodlines had been prophesied in the early verse of the book of Genesis.

Genesis 3:15,  "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

The Most High YAHUWAH put enmity or hostility between Satan (the serpent) and Eve (the woman), and between "thy seed" or "your seed" (the seed of Satan, the seed of the serpent) and "her seed" or "the seed of the woman" (the seed of Eve). And out of the "seed of the woman" or "her seed" (the seed of Eve, which became the seed of Sarah - Abraham's wife, then became the seed of Yashar'el, and ultimately became the seed of Miriam or Mary - the Holy Seed, YAHUSHA) will come out our Redemmer and Saviour that will bruise the head of the beast or the false messiah, probably in the 3rd temple of Jerusalem that will house the "ark of the covenant" found in archeology, the dwelling of the Spirit of the Son of man, YAHUSHA. And because the "ark of the covenant" is in the wrong hand, it will cause the 3rd temple to be destroyed killing the beast or the false messiah. But the beast will mimic our Saviour YAHUSHA, he will die and will resurrect, the master piece of Satan, the master of mimicry.

Revelation 13:3,  "{3} And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

And one of the heads of the beast as it were wounded to death, and his deady wound was healed. The beast or the false messiah, died and resurrected: and all the world wondered after the beast or the false messiah.

And out of the seed of Satan or the seed of the serpent (thy seed, the seed of the other man or hybrid man, the nephilim or giants) will come out the beast, or the false messiah, or the son of perdition, that will bruse the heel of Redemeer YAHUSHA at the cross or the stake. The son of perdition successfully crucified YAHUSHA, and the soldiers broke/bruised the side of His foot, a sign that He died at the cross or the stake.

This prophecy is the constant hostility or enmity of two bloodlines. The hostility started in the days of Noah before the flood, the royal bloodline almost killed all bloodline of man but the Most High saved Noah, his three sons, and their wives, eight (8) persons only, by the ark of YAHUWAH. And all the royal bloodline were destroyed by the world wide flood. But this prophecy is a constant hotility or enmity, therefore, the royal bloodline (the nephilim bloodline) returned after the flood in a small fraction. It was not explained in the bible how the royal bloodline returned but most of them occupied the land of Canaan. But a set apart bloodline of men was born that will fight with them, and that set apart bloodline was the children of Yacob, the tribes of Yashar'el.

Before we examine the battle of the royal bloodline (the nephilim blooline) against the set apart bloodline or the children of Yashar'el, we must know the origin of the royal bloodline. This bloodline is not a creation of the Most High YAHUWAH out of clay, but a product of abomination, a result of the angels' transgression by lusting with the daughters of men.

Genesis 6:4,  "{4} There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Al'ahyim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

There were giants or nephilim (in Hebrew) in the earth in those days, or in the days of Noah before the flood; and also after that, or after the flood, when the sons of Al'ahyim or angels came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (mighty men is "gibborim" in Hebrew, meaning: champion, great, heroes, valiant warriors, giants), men of renowned, or famous, or super heroes.

Because the royal bloodline owned the biggest religions of this world, they formed a group of people who studied the bible according to their own narrative and called them bible scholars, and then, they created a new interpretation of Genesis chapter 6 to mislead all the people inside the religion in order not to disclose their identity. And this caused most Christians to treat the narration of the event of Genesis 6 as a "prophecy", and interpreted the sons of Al'ahyim as the "sons of Seth" and the daughters of men as the "daughters of Cain". Do you think this modern narrative of Genesis chapter 6 can hold? Can the sons of Seth (ordinary men) who mated with the daughters of Cain (ordinary women) can produced giants or nephilim offsprings? The genetics of man mixed with another genetic of man can only produced a genetic of man. But the event here is extraordinary, the genetics of angels mixed the genetics of men produced extraordinary offsprings which were also of flesh and blood, the giants or the nephilim with specials abilities, powers, mighty men or gibborim, and super heroes. And Moses who wrote the book of Genesis is highly intelligent and full of wisdom, he can just wrote down the two families, Seth and Cain, directly in the narration of the event of old, and there is no restraining him to do it. It's not even a prophecy, you can find a single reference, or a single passage, or a single verse, that talked about the offsprings of Seth who mingled with the offsprings of Cain that produced giants or nephilim offsprings. Zero reference! This modern narrative (the idea only became popular in 1900s) is out to deceive us.

All the royal bloodline or the nephilim bloodline (the seed of the serpent, the sons of Belial) were destroyed by the world wide flood, none were left except the bloodline of man, Noah and his family, eight persons only. But according to Genesis chapter 6, the royal bloodline or nephilim returned after the flood. It wasn't explained how the royal bloodline or nephilim bloodline returned but the children of Yashar'el (her seed, the seed of the woman) fought with them in their return to the promised land.

And in the wilderness of Mt Sinai, Moses together with the children of Yashar'el send twelve persons to spy the land of Canaan.

Numbers 13:27-30,  "{27} And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it. {28} Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there. {29} The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan. {30} And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it."

The persons that spied the promised land said to Moses, we came to the land that you sent us, and surely it is flowing with milk and honey; and they showed him the fruit of the land. Nevertheless, the people that dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are walled, and very great (massive, huge, large): and furthermore, we saw the children of Anak (Anakims or Anunnaki), or the giants, or the nephilim there. The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan. These were the tribes who became the nephilim. And Caleb, from the tribe of Yahudah, calmed the people and said, "Let us go at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it." Caleb knew that YAHUWAH will fight with them.

Numbers 13:31-33,  "{31} But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. {32} And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. {33} And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

But the men that went up with him said, we may not be able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than us. And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Yashar'el, saying, the land that we search, is a land that will eat up or will devour the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw were men of great stature (great height), or very tall. And there we saw the giants, or the nephilim, the sons of Anak (the Anakims or Anunnaki), which come of the "naphal" or "the fallen ones" or "fallen angels" (the translation of the 2nd word, giant): and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight. And only Caleb and Joshua believed that they can defeat the nephilim because YAHUWAH is on there side, and Most High already showed great wonders to them in the land of Egypt and made an highway at the Red Sea. But most of the children of Yashar'el complained because of the evil report. Therefore, YAHUWAH said, "all the children of Yashar'el 20 years old and above should not be able to enter the promised land except Joshua and Caleb." And the children of Yashar'el stayed in the wilderness for 40 years until all the people that were 20 year old and above died. And the new generation of the children of Yashar'el truly believe that they can defeat the nephilim at the promised land because YAHUWAH will fight with them.

The enmity or hostility of royal bloodline or the nephilim against the children of Yacob started when the tribes of Yashar'el returned to the promised land. And the children of Yashar'el utterly destroyed the royal bloodline, they leave none to remain.

The children of Yashar'el battled with the two giants kings of the Amorites, king Sihon of Heshbon and king Og of Bashan.

Deuteronomy 2:32-34,  "{32} Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. {33} And YAHUWAH our Elohiym delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. {34} And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:"

King Sihon and his people went to battle with the children of Yashar'el at Jahaz. And YAHUWAH delivered him before the children of Yashar'el; Yashar'el smote him, his sons, and all his people, and took his cities, and utterly destroyed the men, women, and little ones, of every city, and none left remain. Looks like a genocide to me, but the children of Yashar'el have to do it. King Sihon and his people were nephilim, no more salvation to them, they most be rooted up.

Deuteronomy 3:1-6,  "{1} Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. {2} And YAHUWAH said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. {3} So YAHUWAH our Elohiym delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining. {4} And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan. {5} All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many. {6} And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city."

The children of Yashar'el battled with the giant king Og of Bashan, and YAHUWAH said, fear not: I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into your hand. And the children of Yashar'el took the cities that were fenced with high or massive walls, gates, and bars, beside unwalled towns that were great (massive) and many. And they utterly destroyed them, men, women, and children, of every city. Again, looks like a genocide done by the children of Yashar'el, but king Og and his people, the inhabitants of Bashan, were nephilim, they were irredeemable beings back then, they must be rooted up!

The great battle of the children of Yashar'el lead by Joshua (Yahusha in original text in Hebrew) as they re-entered in the promised land against the armies of the Amorites lead by the five nephilim kings:

Joshua 10:7-12,  "{7} So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. {8} And YAHUWAH said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. {9} Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. {10} And YAHUWAH discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. {11} And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. {12} Then spake Joshua to YAHUWAH in the day when YAHUWAH delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Yashar'el, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon."

Joshua and all the mighty men of valour of the tribes of Yashar'el ascended from Gilgal, and YAHUWAH said to Joshua, fear them not! For I have delivered them into your hands; there shall be no enemy left standing before your troops. And YAHUWAH confused the Amorites before the children of Yashar'el and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah and to Makkedah. As the Amorites fled from the tribes of Yashar'el and were going down to Bathhoron, that YAHUWAH cast down great stones from heaven upon them into Azekah, and they died: there were more which died with hailstones than whom the children of Yashar'el killed with the sword. And the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites until they were delivered at the hand of Yashar'el. Now, the question is: Why would YAHUWAH cast down great stones (hailstones) from heaven to kill the Amorites? This only shows that the Amorites were already judged, they were irredeemabe beings, the nephilim! The only reason why they were killed by hailstones from heaven, and some were killed by the children of Yashar'el. The tribes of the Amorites must be rooted up! And a total of seven Amorites' kings were killed, the scriptures perfect number! And here's another question: Why did the Sun stand still at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites? This is just my opinion, don't take it seriously, but it can also be true: Some of the Amorites armies were witches, vampires and werewolves, the other form of nephilim aside from giants, and the power of these nephilim will become less at daytime.

The promised land that the children of Yacob will possess became the stronghold of nephilim tribes, the royal bloodline.

Deuteronomy 9:1-3,  "{1} Hear, O Yashar'el: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than

thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, {2} A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak! {3} Understand therefore this day, that YAHUWAH thy Al'ahyim is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as YAHUWAH hath said unto thee."

The children of Yashar'el are to pass the river of Jordan, and go in to possess nations "greater" and "mightier" than their tribes, massive or great cities and fenced up to heaven or massive walls. A people great and tall, the children of Anak, the Anunnaki, the giants or the nephilim, whom you knew and whom you had heard say, "who can stand before the children of Anak, who can battle against the giants or the nephilim, or the Anunnaki!" Understand therefore this day, the YAHUWAH your Al'ahyim will fight with you and will go as a consuming fire and shall destroy them, and He shall bring them down before your face: So shall you drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as YAHUWAH had said unto the children of Yashar'el.

All the giants among the royal bloodline or the nephilim bloodline in the promised land were destroyed and killed by the children of Yashar'el. But the royal bloodline who look like us, slightly taller than us, went to Europe crossing the Mediterranean sea and some went to Assyria and Babylon. And the royal bloodline formed an empire in Assyria, and the Assyrian, lead by the royal bloodline, conquered the Northern Kingdom of Yashar'el (Yashar'el was divided into two kingdoms; the Northern Kingdom of Yashar'el and the Southern Kingdom of Yashar'el or the Kingdom of Yahudah) and all of the 10 tribes of Yashar'el were exciled to Assyria, none were left in Yashar'el except the Tribe of Yahudah only. And the king of Assyria sent some of his fellow royal bloodline, the nephilim bloodline, from Assyria to Samaria and northern Yashar'el and dwelled in their cities instead of the children of Yashar'el. Then they practised the worship of the children of Yashar'el in Samaria and mingled it with their gods and goddess and prosper (2 Kings 17:6-33). The king of Assyria just placed back the nephilim bloodline which were scattered in Assyria back to the land of Canaan. And when the Assyrian empire wanted to conquer the Kingdom of Yahudah in southern Yashar'el, all their 185,000 warriors were killed by the angel of YAHUWAH (2 Kings 19:35). Then the Assyrian empire weakens and fall, and a new empire rose up that ruled the world, the Babylonian empire, the empire of gold.

In the book of Daniel chapter 2, Daniel interpretated the dream of the nephilim king Nebuchadnezzar, where an image or a stutue in his dream had a "head of gold", "shoulders of silver", "thigh of brass", "legs of iron", and "feet of iron mixed with clay". And these were the empires that ruled the world, and all of these empires and kingdoms were formed by the royal bloodline or the nephilim bloodline, they were the leaders, the rulers, the emperors, the kings, the presidents, and the elites. And the metals of Daniel chapter 2 prophecy, the gold, silver, brass, iron, and iron mixed with clay, were the characteristics, abilities, and population of the nephilim or royal bloodline.

It started with the "head of gold" which is the empire of Babylon. The characteristics and abilities of the witches, vampires, werewolves, wizards, sorceries, magicians, were as precious as gold. The population of the royal bloodline was rare as gold, but they were the rulers, the kings, the emperors, and the elites of the empire. And the special abilities of royal bloodline was as precious as gold, they can perceive what's going to happen and even predict the future, and they knew when to make wars and to conquer, and when not to do it. And all the remaining children of Yashar'el at the Kingdom of Yahudah were exciled to Babylon after the royal bloodline made war with them and the Temple of YAHUWAH at Yarusalem was destroyed and desolated. And the nephilim king, Nebuchadnezzar, instructed all the people of his empire to worship the image or statue that he made and those who were caught not to bow down to the image or statue at a certain time must be killed. But the dominion of the empire of Babylon must come to its end to give way to the "shoulders of silver" (the image or statue of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream) which was the empire of Medo-Persia.

The characteristics and abilities of the witches, vampires, werewolves, wizards, sorceries, magicians, of the Medo-Persian empire were as precious as silver, it degraded a little bit. The population of the royal bloodline increased a little and their bloodline was rare as silver, but they were the rulers, the kings, the emperors, and the elites of the empire. And the special abilities of royal bloodline was as precious as silver, they can still perceive what's going to happen and even predict the future, and they knew when to make wars and conquer, and when not to do it, but not as good as the gold characteristics. And the nephilim genetic degraded to silver because of the mixing of royal bloodline and the seed of men. And during the empire of Medo-Persia, the children of Yashar'el from the tribes of Yahudah were permitted to return to the southern Yashar'el, Yahudah and Yarusalem, and they rebuilt the Temple, the 2nd Temple because the 1st was destroyed and desolated by the Babylonians and Edomites. But Yahudah and Yarusalem were under the wing of the empire of Medo-Persia and their highest office was a governor. But the dominion of the empire of Medo-Persia must come to its end to give way to the "thigh of brass" (the image or statue of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream) which was the empire of Greece.

The characteristics and abilities of the witches, vampires, werewolves, wizards, sorceries, magicians, of the Grecian empire were degraded to brass. The population of the royal bloodline increased and their bloodline was abudant as brass, and they were the rulers, the kings, the emperors, and the elites of the empire. And the special abilities of royal bloodline was as good as brass, they can still perceive what's going to happen and even predict the future, and they knew when to make wars and conquer, and when not to do it, but not as good as the gold and silver characteristics. And the nephilim genetic degraded to brass because of the mixing of royal bloodline and the seed of men. And the empire of Greece was led by the mighty nephilim king, Alexander the great. He defeated the silver empire of Medo-Persia because he knew and studied the prophecy of Daniel. Alexander the great did not made war to the tribes Yahudah because he showed much respect to the Temple in Yarusalem. But when Alexander the great died, the Grecian empire was divided into four kingdoms lead the four nephilim generals of Alexander the great. And these kingdoms were:

1. Lysimachus - who took Thrace and much of Asia Minor (Turkey).

2. Cassander - controlled Macedonia and Greece.

3. Ptolemy I - ruled Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra, and Cyprus. He founded the Ptolemaic Dynasty which lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE.

4. Seleucus I Nicator - ruled the remainder of Asia and founded the Seleucid Empire which was comprised of Syria and Mesopotamia, the Levant, Persia, and part of India.

And two of the four kingdoms of the empire of Greece battled with one another to have control of Yarusalem, the Seleucid kingdom or the "king of the north" (Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc.) against the Ptolemaic Kingdom or the "king of the south" (Egypt and beyond). And close to end of the empire of Greece, the royal bloodline of Seleucid kingdom (the king of the north) who were mixed with the royal bloodline in Samaria, Northern Yashar'el (the replacement tribes), conquered Yahudah, the Southern Tribes of Yashar'el, for they knew that Yahudah and Jerusalem will be given autonomy (self-governance) because of the Temple at Yarusalem. And this event happened during the 165BC Hasmonean revolt lead by the Hasmoneans, the Maccabees, the Pharisees, and Edomites, and they replaced the government of Yahudah and usurp the temple of Yarusalem by replacing the Levite Priests in favor of the Pharisees as the Temple in charge. But the dominion of the empire of Greece must come to its end to give way to the "legs of iron" (the image or statue of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream) which was the empire of Rome.

The characteristics and abilities of the witches, vampires, werewolves, wizards, sorceries, magicians, of the Roman empire were degraded to iron. The population of the royal bloodline increased more and their bloodline was abudant as iron, and they were the rulers, the kings, the emperors, and the elites of the empire. And the special abilities of royal bloodline was as tough as iron, they can still perceive what's going to happen and even predict the future, and they knew when to make wars and conquer, and when not to do it, but not as good as the gold, the silver, and the brass characteristics. And the nephilim genetic degraded to iron because of the mixing of royal bloodline and the seed of men. But the royal bloodline warriors or nephilim warriors were as hard as "iron", they can break the world in pieces. But during the Roman empire, the government of Yahudah was under the rule of the Hasmoneans, the Temple at Yarusalem was under the rule of the Pharisees, and the whole land of Idumea (Syria, Lebanon, Yashar'el, etc...) was under the Edomite king, Herod, which is also of royal bloodline (could be the remnant of the Amalekites), but they were under the wing of the Roman empire. And our Saviour YAHUSHA made a word war with the Pharisees and He identified their royal bloodline.

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by our heavenly Father, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim or the royal bloodline, the offsprings of angels and daughters of men. They were not created or formed by our heavenly Father out of Clay, but were a product of abomination, that's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them:

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of Al'ahyim into lasciviousness, and denying the only Al'ahyim YAHUWAH, and our Saviour YAHUSHA."

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline or the royal bloodline! We can now clearly see that the remnant of them are here with us today. And the bible which was created by them (opposite to our plus bloodline, but can be identified as the royal bloodline), obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm of the bible were created to mislead believers of Christianty.

But the royal bloodline or nephilim bloodline (thy seed - serpent's seed), the Pharisees and the Romans, successfully hanged YAHUSHA (her seed, seed of the woman - seed of Mary or Miriam) at the stake. But YAHUSHA's death at the stake put everyone, "thy seed" and "her seed", to be qualified of the plan of salvation. You must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul, and keep His commandments. Salvation is through YAHUSHA alone, and nothing else! No more "thy seed" or serpent's seed and "her seed" or seed of Eve or seed of the woman, all is one through YAHUSHA!

Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that he might reconcile both unto Aluhayam in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

Having abolished in His flesh (at the cross or stake) the "enmity" (between nephilim or "thy seed", and men or "her seed"), even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of duo or two (twain) "into" a new race (man). Since YAHUSHA died at the cross, His death put the two races of humanity into one race, because all men are included in a plan of Salvation. And that YAHUSHA might reconcile both unto Al'ahyim in one body by the cross, having slain the "enmity" (between nephilim or "thy seed", and men or "her seed") thereby: And came and preached peace to you (the nephilim remnants, thy seed) which are afar off, and to them (men, her seed) that are near. For through YAHUSHA we both have access by one spirit unto the Father YAHUWAH. No more "thy seed" and "her seed", no more enmity of the two bloodlines!

Here's the proof that they too were included of the plan of salvation:

Acts 23:6,  "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question."

Paul was the son of the Pharisee (his mother is a Benyamite), the seed that was not planted by our Heavenly Father. And Paul was born during the Roman Empire, the Iron, where the mingling of the royal bloodline and the seed of men can still produce offsprings, and only in the Divided Kingdom era that the royal bloodline and the seed of men can't produced offsprings. But since the enmity was slained at the cross, all are one through YAHUSHA, all can have a perfect relationship with Him. You must have faith in Him and keep His commandments. For this reason, Paul was tasked to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, the other bloodline.

But the Temple at Yarusalem was destroyed and desolated by the Romans and the Edomites in 70 AD. The royal bloodline of the Hasmoneans, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Edomites (the Amalekites, the son of Esau or Edom) went to Turkey (the center of the Roman empire), Armenia, Russia and Russian Steppes, and Baltic region, and some of them mingled with the elites of the Roman empire. And after many years, the Roman empire was divided into two empires: The Eastern Roman Empire of eastern Europe, Turkey, and the eastern countries; and the Western Roman Empire of western and central Europe, and the western countries. And some of the royal bloodline migrated to Western Roman Empire and mingled with the elites of the empire they became the "elites" all over Europe. But because of the mingling and lusting of the "iron" royal bloodline to ordinary men, the next generation of the royal bloodline became almost man, "iron mixed with clay". And also, the dominion of the empire of Rome must come to its end to give way to the "feet of iron mixed with clay" (the image or statue of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream) which was the "Divided Kingdom".

The characteristics and abilities of the witches, vampires, werewolves, wizards, sorceries, magicians, of the Divided Kingdom were degraded to iron mixed with clay, they became almost man. The population of the royal bloodline increased more and more, and their blooline was abudant as iron mixed with clay, and they are the rulers, the kings, the presidents, the prime ministers, and the elites of the Divided Kingdoms. And the special abilities of royal bloodline was as tough as iron but as fragile as clay, they can still perceive what's going to happen and even predict the future, and they knew when to make wars and conquer, and when not to do it. But sometimes, clouds surround their predictions, and they are not as good as the gold, the silver, the brass, and the iron characteristics, because they became almost man, iron mixed with clay. Their kingdoms are strong (as iron) and are partly broken (as clay). They are highly intelligent like scientists, inventors, and economists, but are more susceptible to the miseries of men. And the lusting of the seed of royal bloodline and the seed of men can no longer produce an offspring.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"! If "their seed" are not the seed of men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim or the remnant of royal bloodline, the iron mixed with clay. And their lusting with men/women cannot produced offsprings only happened in Divided Kingdom era (our generation), but during the time of Iron (Rome), Brass (Greece), Silver (Medes-Persia), and Gold (Babylon) empires, all were well with the mingling of seeds. Therefore, the empires since Babylon and up to the divided kingdoms (our generation) were ruled by the nephilim bloodline or the royal bloodline (thy seed). But because of mixing with ordinary man, the nephilim genetics during the Divided kingdom era became almost man, "iron mixed with miry clay" or mestizo nephilim-man, their final estate. 

Is this prophecy or claim accurate? Chect this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is, whether it's RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other, but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey. You either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

So, why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible, like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy, and many people will know this fact soon because we are living in the day of increasing knowledge!

And the Divided Kingdom or the divided Roman empire (Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire) which divided into many kingdoms and nations in the western world, became the biggiest religion in Europe: The Roman Catholic of western and central Europe (the Western Roman empire or holy Roman empire) and the Orthodox Christians of eastern Europe and Turkey (the Eastern Roman empire). They also became the two ideology of the world, the "capitalist" of EU and NATO or G7 (Western Roman Empire), and "communist or socialist" of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, and formed a new alliance lately, the BRICS nations (Eastern Romam Empire). And the Western Roman Empire (the Babylonian; Build Back Babel) bacame the "western colonial power" who enslaved all the children of Yashar'el from the farest or southeast Asia (the Philippines), to Kurdish Region, and to central Africa, and spread their free trade concept, capitalism, but all the countries under it are on the mercy of western world, they enslaved all through free trade. And the Eastern Roman empire (the Assyrian) became the "eastern colonial power" of easten Europe and Russia who spread their ideology of communism or socialism in east Asia, Iran and Afganistan, and south America. But the "power" behind the two ideology and two divided Roman empire is ONE! He is the prince of western colonial power, but his lineage came from eastern colonial power. And also, it's in the DNA of the royal bloodline to colonized a land that is not theirs, because they were strangers and owned nothing of this world, they were not a creation of the Most High out of clay!

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith the YAHUAH thy Aluhim; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"

Gog, the prince demon, is from the land Magog, and became the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify these places? Yes we can! Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah. When the earth was divided by Noah between his three sons (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got the land of Asia including eastern Russia as a lot of his inheritance, Ham got the land of Africa as a lot of his inheritance, and Japheth got the land of Europe excluding eastern Russia as a lot of his inheritance. And Japheth and Ham divided America, the northern hemisphere went to Japheth and the southern hemisphere went to Ham, and the rest of the world's islands in northern and southern hemispere, Japheth and Ham respectively. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles but he despised it (maybe because it is always gloomy, snowy, cold, and rainy)! So, he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Media or Medes, now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the origin of beast's power, the Assyrian, the Pharisees). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the Brit Isles since Madai despised the land, Tubal got the Central Europe, Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Macedonia-Greece and the Isles and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU but his bloodline came from Russia! Gog is the leader of two divided Roman empire, the eastern Roman empire in eastern Europe and Turkey, and western Roman empire or the holy Roman empire in western and central Europe (EU). Gog seat or throne was controlled by eastern Europe - Russia and Russian Steppes and Turkey, and after many years, Gog moved his seat or throne to Germany and the Vatican, which is controlled by western and central Europe (EU). Gog is playing with the two opposing ideology and sit at one table with communism in Russia and capitalim in western and central Europe - EU/NATO. And Gog owned the biggest religion in Europe, Roman Catholic in western and central Europe - EU and Orthodox Christians in eastern Europe and Turkey. Therefore, the pope, Gog, will form the New World Order by uniting the two opposing ideology (communism or socialism and capitalism) world wide! Gog could be... Ber'gog'lio? The last pope? Maybe just a coincidence? But, we can consider this coincidence as fact! But how? Most of us believe in the lies mingled with the truth in religion!

And the royal bloodline sent "sublimal seduction" to the whole world and propagandized the people through news reports, movies, TV shows and TV commercials, sports, leisure times, magazines, music, books, foods, politics, businesses, our education, and even religions. And these caused the remnant of the children of Yashar'el (that are scattered among the nations) and the people around the world to be blinded. And the royal bloodline are hiding in the palaces of their created religions, they are dwelling safely in the empires or kingdoms or nations of their dominions, and enjoying the magnificence of their mansions and richness of their economic empires. But the time is near that the royal bloodline who became almost man, will come to their fulness or completeness and be nephilim again.

Romans 11:25-27,  "{25} For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. {26} And so all Yashar'el shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Yacob: {27} For this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."

Brothers, you should not be ignorant of this mystery; what mystery? That all of us are deceived, all of us are blinded. And in order to prevent of knowing the truth prior to appointed time, you should be wise in your own excessive prides or vanities or conceits (perils will fall to you if you know all these things prior to an appointed time). That "blindness" in part is happened to the children of Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles or the fulness of the iniquity of the royal bloodline be come in. When will be the fulness of the royal bloodline be come in? It's when the royal bloodline will lead the people of the world to modify their DNA (chips will be implanted in their brains) and be other that man, other than what man was created for, and will become brain-computer interface hybrids, or transhumans, or posthumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. When that "appointed time" comes, the Light of YAHUSHA will shine to the children of Yashar'el (Filipinos are from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Yasaph) and they shall be saved: as it is written, "There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer or Saviour, and shall turn away the unrighteousness from the children of Yacob: For this is YAHUWAH's covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins." The remnant of the children of Yashar'el will be enlightened when the royal bloodline will become transhumans or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0. And you cannot be enlightened if you are not blinded. Ask yourself: Am I blinded today? Don't act like the Pharisees or the royal bloodline or the global elites!

And apostle Peter identified them (the royal bloodline) as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity, lawlessness, wickedness, and blasphemy, in the last days. For they wanted to be nephilim again, or transhumans, and they wanted the earth to be populated by their very own royal bloodline only, just like the days of Noah before the flood.

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involve with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then (they must be rooted up!), the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el from the time of Moses and up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, awareness, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

But the two centers of Gog's power will be destroyed!

Ezekiel 39:6-7,  "{6} And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH. {7} So will I make My Holy Name known in the midst of My people Yashar'el; and I will not let them pollute My Holy Name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YAHUWAH, the Holy One in Yashar'el."

And YAHUSHA shall send a fire (could be nuclear missile) on Magog or Russia, the center of communism, and among them that dwell carelessly in the "isles", and there no other isles that is the center of capitalism, only the Bristish isles, UK. Therefore, the centers of Gog's power, communism and capitalism, will be destroyed and desolated. So I (YAHUWAH, YAHUSHA) will make My Holy Name known in the midst of My people Yashar'el; and I will not let them (the globalists, secret society, the leaders of capitalism and the leaders of communism) pollute My Holy Name anymore: and the heathen, the gentiles, the globalists, the royal bloodline shall know that I am YAHUWAH (YAHUSHA), the Holy One in Yashar'el.

And the book of Daniel explained what will happen to the empires and kingdoms that ruled the world.

Daniel 2:44,  "And in the days of these kings shall the Al'ahyim of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."

In the days of these royal bloodline kings or nephilim kings shall YAHUSHA set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the Kingdom shall not be left to the royal bloodline or nephilim, the other people, but it shall break in pieces the "iron mixed with clay, the iron, the brass, the silver, and the gold and will comsume all their kingdoms, and the Kingdom of YAHUSHA shall stand forever, He is the King of Kings, the true Ruler of this world.

Why I am so certain that the royal bloodline, the seed of Satan, controlled all the empires of this world. Check this out!

Matthew 4:8-10,  "{8} Again, the devil taketh Him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; {9} And saith unto Him, All these things will I give Thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me. {10} Then saith YAHUSHA unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship YAHUWAH thy Al'ahyim, and Him only shalt thou serve."

The devil, Satan, took YAHUSHA up into a very high mountain, and showed Him "all the kingdoms of this world", and the glory of them. And Satan said to YAHUSHA, "all these things I will give to You, if You fall down and worship me. If Satan showed to YAHUSHA "all the kingdoms of this world and its glory" and said, "all these things I will give to You", then Satan controls all the empires and kingdoms of this world, he is the prince of this world, at the same time, the prince of the power of the air (mass media) and the prince of darkness. Then YAHUSHA said to Satan, you get here Satan: for it is written, you shall worship YAHUWAH your Al'ahyim, and only Him that you will serve. Therefore, the super power countries of the world like NATO/EU - capitalist and Russia - communist, the biggest religions, and the bankings and all economic empires, are under the direct control of Satan!

The royal bloodline formed the secret society to hide their identity. But they can't hide it anymore because they are popularly known as the global elites. They are the ones who formed the World Economic Forum, mostly heads of the western countries, top economists, investors and bankers, and the leaders of the biggest religions. Their secret? They are pushing the new era of dominion, and this will happen when the shift will occur, and this shift also includes the human reset (reset to become nephilim again). But before the shift will happen, they have to reset the world, the Great Reset (2028). But how can you reset the world that isn't broken? That's why, they're planning for a great chaos, confusion, and global depopulation by means of WW3, worst pandemic (Disease X), global hunger, and the climate agenda, to break the world in pieces, the world will collapse. And according to their propaganda machinery, the mass media, all of these will begin on 2025. This is done to fulfil their ultimate agenda since the tower of Babel, the One World Order and to Build Back Babel (disguise as Better). This is no conspiracy theory, it's a fact! In pushing their agenda of the global depopulation (mimicing what the children of Yacob done to them - they must be rooted up!), the Great Reset, and New World Order, they truly played the enmity of the seed of men and the seed of Yashar'el (her seed).

Now, think about it! We treated the US and the western colonial power as our friends! But, are they really our friends? Or they just pretend to be one! Can the enmity be a friend? It's no brainer! Just a simple common sense!

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Western Colonial Power: Gog's Seat Of Power

 Who is Gog? Gog is the demon who controls the paradigm of this world, and the prince of this world. He is best described by the prophet Ezekiel as the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and he is also the beast that rise up out of the sea. We will decipher who Gog really is, and his seat of power. Let's kick off with the passage from the book of Revelation.

Revelation 13:1-2,  "{1} And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. {2} And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

The beast rise up out of the sea, or the beast rise up out of densely populated area (in Europe), having 7 heads or 7 empires (then and now, and these empire are: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Divided Kingdom), and 10 horns or 10 kings of the New World Order, and upon his head the name of blasphemy (the name of the LORD or Ba'al; the name Jesus Christ or hail Zeus and Krishna, 2 Roman gods). And the beast is like a leopard, which country is associated with a leopard? The most significant is Germany. And don't you know, that the ruins of the temple of Zeus, the dwelling and seat of Satan, was temporarily transfered to Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany from Pergamon in Turkey, the original seat of Satan. Revelation 2:12-13,  "{12} And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; {13} I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth."

And his feet is like a bear, which country is associated with a bear? The most significant is Russia! And Russia is given the feet to conquer the world, and to spread the communism style of rule after the Great Reset. Russia, communism, and his associate, China, North Korea, and Iran, will make wars to NATO and capitalism aligned countries to change the order of this world, into a New World Order with a communism style of rule; "you must worship the image of the beast or be killed"!

And his mouth is like the mouth of a lion, which country is associated with a lion? The most significant is UK. And the medium of speech used world wide, even in the UN, is English, it is a widely spoken language to have a common understanding, and the language of economy is express in US dollar (English language is attached to it). And don't you know that, when the scriptures were translated to English, it is also the time when the name of the Father, YAHUWAH, and the Son, YAHUSHA, were removed in the bible and replaced the very important Names above all names to the LORD or Ba'al and Jesus Christ or Hesus Krishna. The original words of the scriptures written in Hebrew, Greek, and even written in Latin still bares the name of the Father, YHWH, YAHUWAH and the Son, YAHUSHA. The beast has a mouth of the lion because he speaks with lots of lies!

And Satan, the dragon, gave the beast his power, to deceive all the nations, and his seat (the fragment of the ruins, especially the seat of Satan, was placed in Vatican, the holy see, from Pergamon Museum in Berlin Germany), and the beast have great authority world wide. The beast is uniting Europe, EU in Western and Central Europe - the Western Roman Empire, and Russia and the Eastern Europe - the Eastern Roman Empire, to create a One World Order. The beast is uniting the Roman Catholic (Western and Central Europe - the Western Roman Empire) and the Orthodox Christians (Eastern Europe and Turkey - Eastern Roman Empire) into a one world religion of the beast. But before he will unite Europe or the two divided Roman empires, a war must broke down first between communism (Eastern Roman Empire) and capitalism (Western Roman Empire) that will collapse most of the western world and will break it into pieces. And the beast will reset the broken world, the Great Reset.

The book of Revelation said that: The beast, Gog, is the leader of all the countries controlled by the sons of Japheth (the son of Noah) which are Europe, US of A, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. And the book of Ezekiel identified Gog's seat of power. 

Ezekiel 38:2-3,  "{2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith YAHUWAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"

The word of the Most High YAHUWAH came to Ezekiel, saying: Ezekiel (addressed as the son of man), set your face against Gog, from the land of Magog, and is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify Magog, Meshech, and Tubal? Yes we can! Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah (Genesis 10 geneology). When the earth was divided by Noah between his three sons (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got the land of Asia (including eastern Russia) as the lot of his inheritance, Ham got the land of Africa as the lot of his inheritance, and Japheth got the land of Europe (excluding eastern Russia) as the lot of his inheritance, and Japheth and Ham divided America, the northern hemisphere went to Japheth and the southern hemisphere went to Ham, and the rest of world's islands, northern and southern hemisphere, Japheth and Ham respectively. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles but he didn't like it, maybe because it is always gloomy, snowy, cold, and rainy, so he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Media then later became Medes, now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the source of Beast's power; and their tribes became the replacement of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el; the Pharisees, the Persian and Medians). Meshech got Western Europe which also included the British Isles since Madai despised the land, Tubal got the Central Europe, Gomer got the Russian Steppes, Magog got Russia, Javan got Greece and the isles, and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU, his seat of power - the Vatican, the Holy See, but his origin is Russia (eastern Europe and Turkey, the ancient seat of power of the holy Roman empire)! Gog controls the world's ideology (his creation) and sits at one table with communism/socialism Russia (Eastern Roman Empire) and capitalism EU and NATO (Western Roman Empire), and controls every narratives of this world from thesis to antithesis. Gog owns the biggest religion in Europe, Roman Catholic in Western and Central Europe (Western Roman Empire) and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe (Eastern Roman Empire), and every religion of this world including all the antithesis like Islam terrorism (all are under the wing of holy Roman empire). And Gog resides in Vatican, the papacy, he could be Ber'gog'lio? The last pope? Just a coincidence maybe. And also, have you ever wondered why we are the only Catholic country in Asia? Gog wanted to rule our land first hand to see to it that we are always broken and blinded, and he is secretly doing it through his strong hand, the Jesuits, and through his political power the US of A.

Gog already setup his people to the promised land, Israel, mostly from Europe (Russian Steppes), some from western and central Europe, north Africa and Ethiopia, and Iraq - Babylonia & Iran - Persia (most of these areas are the places of migration of the Pharisees and Sadducees). In order not to diclose that Gog brought the pretenders and the mixed people (the children of the gentiles mixed with the tribes of Yahudah) to Israel, he staged wars in Israel against his neighbors (but these were all planted by Gog), just like the days of old wherein the children of Yacob battled with their neighboring tribes.

Ezekiel 38:10-12,  "{10} Thus saith YAHUWAH; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: {11} And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, {12} To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land."

And it came to pass, that Gog shall think of evil thought, and he will go up to the land of unwalled villages (modern cities have no walls), he will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates. Gog's plan is to turn his hand upon the desolated places (the promised land was desolated places until Gog's pretenders occupied it) that are now inhabited of the people that are gathered out of the nations (mostly Europeans - the Jews or Yiddish from Russian Steppes), which have gotten cattle and goods, and natural resources, that dwell in the midst of the land.

And the Isles in the fareast and Kurdistan shall condemn the drama stage by Gog which almost looks so real, but the people on the top were enjoying the conflicts created by Gog and their walking safely in their palaces.

Ezekiel 38:13,  "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"

Sheba or Sebu or Cebu and the Visayas (Sheba - the son of Yoktan, the son of Eber, from the line of Shem; not Sheba of Ethiopia, the son of Cush, the son of Ham), and Dedan (could be a place of Kurdistan?), and the mariners of Mindanao (merchants of Tarshish), shall say into Gog; Are you come to take a spoil or to mess up? Have go gathered your troops to take a prey? to take carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take away natural resources, to take great plunder? By the way, Philippines is the ancient land called Ophir (Luzon), Sheba (Cebu and the Visaya), and Tarshish (Mindanao), the ancient land of gold where Solomon got its gold for the temple.

And two lands will rise against the western colonial power who corrupted these two lands with great plunder! And this prophecy is coming directly from our Savior YAHUSHA Himself.

Matthew 12:41,  "The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here."

Nineveh is in Kurdistan plain, Iraq! Therefore, Kurditan (home of the Northern tribes of Yashar'el after they were excile to Assyria - 8 tribes) will rise in today's generation and shall condemn the western colonial power, the power of Gog, that are responsible for so much deception they planted in Kurdistan. There will be great awakening in Kurdistan lead by the prophet Jonas, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, greater than Jonas will be in Kurdistan a few years from now.

Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Queen of the South is Queen of Sheba or Queen of Sebu or Cebu (city), the Queen (City) of the South. Therefore, Cebu and the Philippines (home of Ephraim and Manasseh - they migrated to the Land of Creation, to the ends of the earth, ancient Ophir - Luzon, Sheba - Cebu and the Visayas, and Tarshish - Mindanao after their exciled to Assyria) shall rise up in the final generation, and shall condemn the western colonial power, the power of Gog, for so much deception and lies they inflicted to us, and continuously corrupting our natural resources. For "she" came from the uttermost parts of the earth, or the ends of the earth, or the ancient voyagers and explorers called it, the last inhabited islands to the fareast or oriental (based on the ancient flat earth map, where Chryse-gold or Ophir and Argyre-silver or Tarshish are the last inhabited islands to the fareast), from antiquity, or the land of creation, the ancient land of gold, Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines today; to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, greater than Solomon is here! Who could "she" be? She must come from Cebu or her lineage is from Cebu. And she will lead our country during the Great Reset era or the final generation, officially the last days (will start on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock displayed in New York that will expire on September 2028). "She" could be Sarah Duterte Carpio, our next president on 2028, and her lineage, the Duterte family is from Cebu, and she will be greater the Solomon! And don't you know that "Sarah" in Hebrew means, "Princess"! The princess from Mindanao, the Princess of the South! Sara Duterte Carpio leadership had been prophesied by our Saviour YAHUSHA Himself, and nobody can change it, many will try but will not succeed, she is appointed to lead us going to the final generation or the Great Reset 2028. There will be a great awakening all over our land, the Philippines, when the global depopulation comes, and it be will lead be Sarah, the Princess or the Queen of the South. A great revival will happen to us all in the name of YAHUSHA.

And Ezekiel further prophesied against Gog, where he conquered the promised land with the people from the north, and also located the place of migration of the remnant of the children of Yashar'el which were scattered to many nations and come up against them and enslaved them.

Ezekiel 38:14-17,  "{14} Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith YAHUWAH; In that day when My people of Yashar'el dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? {15} And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: {16} And thou shalt come up against My people of Yashar'el, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against My land, that the heathen may know Me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. {17} Thus saith YAHUWAH; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by My servants the prophets of Yashar'el, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?"

Ezekiel, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, thus said YAHUWAH: "In that day when the children of Yashar'el dwelled safely, will you know it?" Of course, we will know it! It's when the children of Yashar'el will return to the promised land in the last days, and Gog and his armies will be finally defeated and there will be peace all over the whole earth. Therefore, Gog brought people from the places of the north parts (mostly Russian Steppes, the Jews or Yiddish) and some all over Europe, and north Africa, and Iraq and Iran, riding upon horses, a great company, and mighty armies. And Gog, together with his special forces and the Jesuits, also located the lands in which the children of Yashar'el migrated and enslaved them. And in 1947, the latter days, YAHUWAH will bring Gog against the promised land, that the unbelievers or heathen may know YAHUWAH, when YAHUWAH shall be sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes (because modern Hebrew is the language of the mixed people and pretenders who lived in the promised land, many will study Hebrew, and many will know the true name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA, and many will be sanctified because of this). Are you, Gog, of whom I have spoken in old time by My servants the prophets of Yashar'el, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring you, Gog, against them?

I studied the bible from Genesis to Revelation to look into the prophecy of the prophets that said: "In those days, many years, that YAHUWAH would bring Gog against the children of Yashar'el." And I found none! But I found an interesting passage from the book of 1st Enoch which I think quite similar but with a broad meaning compared to the prophecy of Ezekiel.

1 Enoch 15:7-12,  "{7} For this reason I did not arrange wives for you; because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven. {8} And now, the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling. {9} And evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from above they were created, from the Holy Watchers was their origin and first foundation. Evil spirits they will be on Earth and ‘Spirits of the Evil Ones’ they will be called. {10} And the dwelling of the Spirits of Heaven is Heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the Earth, who were born on the Earth, is Earth. {11} And the spirits of the giants do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight, break on the Earth, and cause sorrow. And they eat no food, do not thirst, and are not observed. {12} And these spirits will rise against the sons of men, and against the women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and destruction."

This passage is talking about the "angels who sinned:" For this reason YAHUWAH did not arrange wives for the angels; because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in heaven. And now, the giants or nephilim who were born from body and flesh (of the daughters of men) will be called "evil spirits" on the earth, and on the earth will be their dwelling. And evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from above or heaven they were created, from the holy watchers was their origin and first foundation. Evil spirits will be on the earth, and the "spirits of the evil ones" they will be called. And the dwelling of the spirits of heaven is heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, is earth. "And the spirits of the giants or the nephilim, the spirit of Gog, do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight, break the earth, and cause sorrow. And they eat no food, do not thirst, and are not observed. And these spirits, the leader of the demons or evil spirit is Gog, will rise against the sons of men, and against the women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and destruction before the flood." The spirit of Gog and some spirits of demons will inhabit the royal bloodline only during dark prayers or rituals (masonic ritual) done in every inauguration of kings, leaders or presidents of the western world, elites of the economic empires, leaders and elites of world's biggest religions, and leaders of the secret sociaties. Who are they of royal bloodline, similar to the bloodline of Gog? The question will be answered as we progresses our discussion.

Therefore, Gog or the beast and his demons warriors will be sent to the remnant of the children of Yashar'el that are scattered among the nations to break them to pieces. But YAHUSHA will protect them and will destroy the two empires of Gog.

Ezekiel 39:6-7,  "{6} And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH. {7} So will I make My holy name known in the midst of My people Yashar'el; and I will not let them pollute My holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YAHUWAH, the Holy One in Yashar'el."

YAHUSHA will send fire (or nuclear missile) on Magog or Russia, the center of communism/socialism, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles, and there no other isles that is the center of capitalism, only the British isles or UK. Gog and his two divided Roman empires, the Eastern Roman Empire of eastern Europe (Russia and Turkey; communist/socialist; Orthodox Christians; BRICS) and the Western Roman Empire of western and central Europe (EU and NATO; capitalist; Roman Catholic; G7) will be destroyed and desolated. So will YAHUSHA make His holy name known in the midst of the remnant of the children of Yashar'el; and the Most High will not let them pollute His holy name anymore: and the unbelievers shall know that He is YAHUSHA, the Holy One in Yashar'el.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: The War Scroll XI, described how Gog's power turned to nothing against the Son of man YAHUSHA.

"From ancient times Thou hast foretold the hour when the might of Thy hand would be raised against the Kittim, saying, "Assyria shall fall by the sword of no man, the sword of no mere man shall devour him" (Isa. xxxi, 8). For Thou wilt deliver into the hands of the poor the enemies from all the lands, to humble the mighty of the peoples by the hand of those bent to the dust, to bring upon the head of Thine enemies the reward of the wicked, and to justify Thy true judgement in the midst of all the sons of men, and to make for Thyself an everlasting Name among the people [whom Thou hast redeemed] ... of battles to be magnified and sanctified in the eyes of the remnant of the peoples, that they may know... when Thou chastisest Gog and all his assembly gathered about him ..."

From ancient times, YAHUSHA had foretold the hour when the might of His hand would be raised against the "Kittim", or holy Roman empire (the western colonial power), saying, Assyria (or Medes and Persia, the origin of Gog's power) shall fall by the sword of no man, the sword of no mere man shall destroy Gog. For YAHUSHA will deliver into the hands of the poor, from the enemies all over the lands, to humble the mighty of the people by the hand of those bent to the dust, to bring upon the head of Your enemies the reward of the wicked, to justify Your true judgement in the midst of the sons of men, and to make for Youself and everlasting Name (YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA) among the people whom You redeemed... of the battles to be magnified and sanctified in the eyes of the remnant of the people (the remnant of the children of Yashar'el), that they may know... when YAHUSHA rebuke or reprimand severely (chastise) Gog and all his assembly or warriors about him. Gog will have no power because YAHUSHA is the King of Kings, the only true Ruler of this World!

What could be the origin of Gog's royal bloodline? The royal bloodline that is now controlling the world started with these two families, and these two families were curse because they occupied the lands that didn't fall to the lots of their inheritance. These two families were the author of world's colonial power.

Jubilees 9:14-15,  "{14} And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen (to him) by his lot. {15} And they all said, "So be it; so be it," for themselves and their sons for ever throughout their generations till the day of judgment, on which the YAHUWAH your Aluha shall judge them with a sword and with fire, for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin."

The sons of Noah: Shem, Japhet, and Ham, divided their lot or land to their sons in the presence of Noah their father. And Noah bound them all by an "oath", imprecating a "curse" on everyone that south to "sieze" the portion or land which had not fallen by his lot. And all of them said, "So be it; so be it," for themselves (Shem, Japhet, and Ham) and their sons forever throughout their generations until the day of judgment. This is "huge", you can't just go to other countries and sieze a land and enslave its people, like the western colonial power did. And YAHUWAH your Al'ahyim shall judge them, who sieze the portion of the land (in the last days), with a "sword" and with "fire", for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith they filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin. And there were two families that broke this "oath" and thus received a "curse".

The first family who broke this "oath" was Canaan.

Jubilees 10:28-30,  "{28} And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south. {29} And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. {30} And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim, his brothers, said unto him: "Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through

sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shalt be rooted out for ever."

Ham and his sons went into the land which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south, Africa, which he and his sons would occupy. In their way to Egypt, Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt that it was very good, and Canaan "went not" into the land of his inheritance to the west of central Africa which is to the sea (westcoast), and he dwelled in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea, Mediterranean sea. And Ham, the father of Canaan, and his brothers Cush and Mizraim (the land of Mizraim became Egypt), said into him: "You had settled in a land which is not yours, which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if you do so, you and your sons will fall in the land and be accursed through sedition; for by sedition you have settled, and by sedition will your children fall, and you and your children will be rooted out forever." Canaan was curse by his father, Ham, and his brothers because he broke the "oath" by stealing a land that did not fall as a lot of his inheritance. And whose land that Canaan wrongly occupied?

Jubilees 10:31-34,  "{31} Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot. {32} Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the Holy Judge, and in the presence of Noah our father." {33} But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. {34} And for this reason that land is named Canaan."

Dwell not in the dwelling of "Shem"; for to Shem and to his sons did the land fall by their lot. The land that Canaan occupied is the lot of inheritance of the son of Eber (Heber; Hebrew), Peleg, the grandfather of Abraham. And the father of Canaan, Ham, and his brothers cursed him: "You are cursed", and you shall be cursed beyond all the sons of Noah, by the "curse" by which we bound ourselves by an "oath" in the presence of the Holy Judge, YAHUSHA, and in the presence of Noah our father. But Canaan did not listen unto them, and dwelled in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason the land is named Canaan. If Canaan and his sons occupied Yashar'el until this day, therefore, his offsprings are living in Israel today, and they that are living in Israel today are definitely not the children of Yacob.

Although the second family, which is Madai, begged a portion from the brother of his wife, Arpachshad, they are bound with a "curse" if they break the "oath".

Jubilees 10:35-36,  "{35} And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea and dwelt in the land of their portion, and Madai saw the land of the sea and it did not please him, and he begged a (portion) from Elam and Asshur and Arpachshad, his wife’s brother, and he dwelt in the land of Media, near to his wife’s brother until this day. {36} And he called his dwellingplace, and the dwelling-place of his sons, Media, after the

name of their father Madai."

And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea (Mediterranean sea) and dwelled in the land of their portion, Europe; and Madai saw the islands of the sea (British isle - Madai land of inheritance) and it did not please him, maybe because it is alway gloomy, rainy, cold, and snowy. And he begged a portion from Elam and Asshur and Arpachshad, his wife's brother, and he dwelled in the land of Media, near to his wife's brother until this day. And he called his dwelling place and the dwelling place of his sons, Media (then later became Medes), after the name of their father Madai. And the land which Madai dwelled is the lot of inheritance of the other son of Eber (Heber; Hebrew), Yoktan or Joktan, and since Madai and his sons dwelled in the lot of inheritance of Yoktan or Joktan (the son of Eber), and did not went to the lot of his inheritance in the west (British isles); therefore, the sons of Yoktan (Havila, Ophir, Sheba, etc.) went to the land of inheritance of Shem to the "fareast", the islands that are afar off, and the "land of creation" to the end of the earth, or the ancient voyagers and explorers called it the last inhabited islands to the fareast or oriental, based on the flat-earth map where Chryse (in Greek, gold) or Ophir and Argyre (in Greek, silver) or Tarshish are the last inhabited islands to the fareast or oriental. And these islands in the fareast became Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, and became the Philippines today.

Because of the "curse", these two families became nephilim, and some of them were giants. That's why, Moses, Joshua, and the children of Yashar'el battled with the nephilim tribes in their return to the land of Canaan. The battle started with the two giants Amorite kings (Amorite is the son of Canaan), king Sihon of Heshbon and king Og of Bashan (Deuteronomy 2:32-34 & Deuteronomy 3:1-6). And the children of Yashar'el destroyed them utterly, men, women, and little ones, of every city, and none left remain. The nephilim were irredeemable being back them, they must be rooted up in the face of the earth. And Joshua and the children of Yashar'el battled again with the nephilim tribes as they set foot in the land of Canaan and the nephilim tribes were lead by the five Amorites kings. But the Most High sent hail stones from heaven which killed the Amorites, and some of them were killed by the children of Yashar'el. And the sun stand still for almost a day at Gibeon as the children of Yashar'el battled with the Amorites warriors. Could be that the Amorites warriors were vampires, werewolves, and witches, the other form of nephilim aside from giants, and the power of these nephilim warriors became less at daytime. And YAHUWAH cast down hail stones from heaven to kill the Amorites because they were irredeemable, the must be rooted up, and some were killed be the children of Yashar'el (Joshua 10:7-12).

But some of the seed of Canaan who became nephilim (who look like as, slightly taller than us) escaped in the conquest of Joshua and children of Yacob in the promised land and went to Europe crossing the Mediterranean sea and some went to Assyria and Babylon, and they mixed their nephilim seed with the children of Madai in Assyria (in Media or Medes), and the children of Madai became nephilim. These two cursed tribes which became nephilim, Canaan and Madai, were called today as the "Jews" and the "Iranian" royal bloodline. The sons of Canaan, the Amorites, the Jebusites, etc., and mixed with Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites in the promised land and their neighboring cities, became the kings of the empire of Babylon, and were also the replacement of the 10 tribes of Yashar'el - the Hasmoneans from Babylon, they are the pretenders, they claimed to be the "Yahudim" (transliterated as "Jews" in the bible; but there is no letter "J" in ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, ancient Latin, and old English, and "J" only became a letter in 1500 AD, that's more than 500 years ago.), or the children of Yacob, but are not but do lie; but are the synagogue of Satan or church of Satan (Revelation 2:9), and they are the real "Jews"! And the sons of Madai were the kings of Assyrian empire and the kings of the empire of Medo-Persia; they were also the replacement of the 10 tribes of Yashar'el - the Pharisees from Persia and Medes and Hamath, and Revelation chapter 2, verse 2 best described them: "I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." They are the "Iranians", the remnant of the Pharisees which claimed they are apostles but are liars! And these two cursed tribes became the world colonial powers and the source of Gog's power, and their nephilim bloodline became the royal bloodline. But Gog seat of power is in EU!

And the prophecy of Daniel identified the royal bloodline of Gog.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"! If "their seed" is not the seed of men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim, in which their lusting with men/women cannot produce offsprings. And this only happened in Divided Kingdom era (our generation), and during the time of Iron (Rome), Brass (Greece), Silver (Medes-Persia), and Gold (Babylon) empires, all is well with the mingling of seeds. Therefore, the empires since Babylon and up to the divided kingdoms (our generation) were ruled by the nephilim bloodline or royal bloodline (thy seed, the seed of the serpent; Genesis 3:15). But because of mixing with ordinary man, the nephilim genetics during the Divided kingdom era became almost man, "iron mixed with miry clay" or mestizo nephilim-man, their final estate. 

Is this prophecy or claim accurate? Chect this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is, whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

So, why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible... like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy, and many people will know this fact soon because we are living in the day of increasing knowledge!

And our Saviour YAHUSHA identified them!

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees (the global elites today) were not planted by the Father YAHUWAH, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim (thy seed or seed of the serpent; Genesis 3:15), the sons of fallen angels and daughters of men! They were not created by the Father YAHUWAH out of clay, but a product of abomination! That's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them!

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our Elohiym into lasciviousness, and denying the only Elohiym YAHUWAH, and our Messiah YAHUSHA.

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that there are two races of humanity! And the book called the bible which was created in early 1500 AD by the remnant of nephilim, obscured the enmity of the two races (Genesis 3:15) in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm of the bible were created to mislead the believers of Christianity.

And during our generation, the "Divided Kingdom" era (Daniel chaper 2 prophecy) or the divided Roman Empire which divided into many kingdoms and nations in the western world: the two cursed tribes (Gog's source of power) are in conflict with each other for the world domination and to control of the world's government and economy. And the sons of Canaan - the Jews and the pretenders, lead the Western Roman Empire of western and central Europe (EU and NATO, the capitalist and G7), and the sons of Madai - the Iranians, lead the Eastern Roman Empire of eastern Europe and Turkey (Russia and the communist/socialist and BRICS), wanted to advance their own version of World Order. The sons of Canaan at the Western Roman Empire (western colonial power) wanted to advance their Western World Order, and the sons of Madai at the Eastern Roman Empire wanted to advance their Eastern or Communism World Order, to lead the world into One World Government. These conflicts of World Orders will result into world wide wars between capitalism of EU and NATO and its allies (Western Roman Empire lead by the sons of Canaan, Amorites who mingled with the sons of Edom, the Amalekites; the Jews) and communism or socialism of Russia which also includes China, North Korea, and Iran (Eastern Roman Empire lead by the sons of Madai; the Iranians). The World War 3 is the what the bible scholars called as "Gog of Magog war", the real Gog of Magog war is not just a war in Israel! Gog's seat of power is in EU, the Western Roman Empire, but his bloodline came from Russia or Magog, the Iranian. Gog's control all the major religions in Europe, the Roman Catholic of Western Roman Empire (EU) and the Orthodox Christians of Eastern Roman Empire (Turkey and Russia). But Gog seat is the Holy See in the Vatican, the Papacy! By his name, Ber'gog'lio, you will know him, and he is the last pope! Just a coincidence? I think not!

Gog's footprints is all over Europe and up to the northeast of Asia. In Great Britain, Gogmagog was a legendary giant in Welsh and later English mythology. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of The Kings of Britain", 12th century), he was a giant inhabitant of Albion, thrown off a cliff during a wrestling match with Corineus (a companion of Brutus of Troy). Gogmagog was the last of the Giants found by Brutus and his men inhabiting the land of Albion. And in China, the "Rampart of Gog and Magog" is actually the "Great Wall of China" today. Gog controls almost all the countries above the tropic of cancer of the world.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The 4th Industrial Revolution: The Reason For The Upcoming Global Depopulation

 Let's talk about the 4th Industrial Revolution and how it will be the reason for the upcoming global depopulation. This is one the agenda for the coming Great Reset (2028 - based on the countdown of climate clock or doomsday clock or Great Reset clock displayed in New York that will expire or end in September of 2028) which will come with great chaos, confusion and global depopulation as a result of their ultimate invention of the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution is within man himself, man becomes the technology.

What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? Here's what World Economic Forum had said about the Industrial Revolutions.

1. The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production.

2. The Second Industrial Revolution used electric power to create mass production.

3. The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and information technology to automate production.

4. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is "blurring the lines" between the "physical", "digital", and "biological" spheres.

There are three reasons why today’s transformations represent not merely a prolongation of the Third Industrial Revolution but rather the arrival of a Fourth and distinct one: velocity, scope, and systems impact. The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. When compared with previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management, and governance.

The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and access to knowledge, are unlimited. And these possibilities will be multiplied by emerging technology breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will "change" not only "what we do" but also "who we are". It will affect our "identity" and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a "quantified" self, and sooner than we think it may lead to "human augmentation". The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.

In the end, it all comes down to people and values. We need to shape a future that works for all of us by putting people first and empowering them. In its most pessimistic, dehumanized form, the Fourth Industrial Revolution may indeed have the potential to “robotize” humanity and thus to "deprive" us of our "heart and soul". But as a complement to the best parts of human nature - creativity, empathy, stewardship - it can also lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny. It is incumbent on us all to make sure the latter prevails.

And 4th Industrial Revolution as per the "Wikipedia".

"Fourth Industrial Revolution", "4IR", or "Industry 4.0" is a buzzword and neologism describing rapid technological advancement in the 21st century. The term was popularised in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum founder and executive chairman, who says that the changes show a significant shift in industrial capitalism.

A part of this phase of industrial change is the joining of technologies like artificial intelligence, "gene editing", to advanced robotics that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and "biological" worlds.

As described by World Economic Forum and Wikipedia, the "technology" of the 4th Industrial Revolution is within man himself, man is the technology. How is it possible that man himself will become the "technology"? Check out the video of TEDx youtube channel entitled, "Imagining the Future: The Transformation of Humanity", dated January 18, 2017 by Peter Diamandis. The video explained the future of humanity!

Peter Diamandis discussed about the future of humanity. "They will create a future of perfect knowledge, you can know anything you want, anytime, anywhere." He further explained that, "all those 'sensors' on our body, in our body"... "we're about to see an explosion on how we think, we connect, and we communicate." Then, "connecting the brain to the cloud... your brain is a collection of 100 billions 'nuerons' and with a 100 trillions of 'senaptecs' connections... an explosion of human intelligence."  Then, he discussed the future of DNA modification!

Genomics Revolution: Future of Programming

1. Reading DNA

2. Writing DNA

3. Editing DNA

Can edit DNA and put up to life through CRSPR CAS 9!

Their mission for genetic programming is to increase the human lifespan or indefinite lifespan. Then he discussed what will happen next!  "The Transformation of Humanity into a Meta-Intelligence". But wait! Meta? Transhumanism? He called humanity to be "Multicelullar", can communicate using their minds! (A chip will be implanted in your brain!) There will be an "Emergence of Intelligence", 10 trillion human cells - then connect to 8 billion minds (estimated population), and these become "Meta-Intelligence"! "As we connect, we become a new species, a new creation" (this coming is directly from him - that's the mark of the beast! - you defy the Order of Creation! you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body!). Then, "Inspire and Guide the Transformation of Humanity on and off the Earth." The final outcome will be "Post-Humanity"!

Peter Diamandis was laying out the propaganda of the future of humanity! This is real! The Great Reset 2028 is their marker! The days of Noah all over again, where the hybrid beings dominate the earth, and the return of the golden age before the flood. The "technology" of the 4th Industrial Revolution is ready once the sensors in your body, and the nuerons and senaptecs connections in your brain are accomplished by having graphenes attached to your whole well being, and these are established by the vaccine, or they called it artificial mRNA technology. The pandemic is real, but they did it for a purpose! The the vaccine was created first, then when everything was in place, they created the virus called the crown. The pandemic is actually the plannedemic!

Here's an interview of Klaus Schwab dated January 10, 2016, founder and chairman of World Economic Forum.

Reporter - Today, at the end of this, we are talking about the chips that can be implanted. When will this be?

Schwab - certainly the next ten years. At first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brain or our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is the kind of fusion in a physical, digital and biological world.

Reporter - We call someone, we don't even have a reflex to take a device, it's done naturally, the techniques continue the body.

Schwab - Yes, you talk and say, "I want to be connected with you now". And first you have to personalized bots, and I saw that Mr Zuckerberg that the end of the year he will have his bot. His personalized butler that is for his disposal. 

Reporter - Like in, "Downton Abbey", we will have our personal bot butler, our servant, our slave?

Schwab - Yes, but there is a difference. It is a servants will artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work , but that can really be intellectual partner of you.

What's the World Economic Forum and the globalists plan for us? The 4th Industrial Revolution! Creating a hybrid humanity or transhuman! And this is accomplished by the pandemic, and with the current vaccination to almost all the people in the world, we are almost prepared (80 to 90%) to the 4th Industrial Revolution. Just one or two booster shots needed to make it complete. That's why, Klaus Schwab in late the 2020 assured the public that we aren't going back to our normal lives, and said:  "The people assumed we are going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again. This is fiction, it will not happen." The worst of the plannedemic is yet to come, probably 2025?

And in 2021, Klaus Schwab top Advisor, Yuval Noah Harari is confident to say to we are hackable animal:

"Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and nobody knows what's happening inside them, and they will have free will - that's over."

Humans are hackable animals? Yes! With the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution, all that Yuval Noah Harari had said will be 100% true! It all started with the plannedemic! They slowly setup the graphene sensors in your body, neurons and senaptecs connections in your brain, in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution! Deception played a major role of this plannedemic! It's the mystery of iniquity! That's why, this biblical narrative came out during the plannedemic: "you can't buy and sell", because their new invention can't work, or won't work, without the vaccine.

And from TED youtube channel dated April 24, 2015 entitled, "Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready"! Bill Gates said that, "the highly infectious virus would kill 10M people in the next decade".

Bill Gates predicted it five years before the plannedemic started, he knew it's going to happen. How come the rich and famous guy like Bill Gates knew the future? Is he a prophet? He will have no time for this unless they are planning something for this world! Bill Gates was pushing the propaganda of the coming pandemic or I mean, the plannedemic. And the pandemic hit us hard on 2020. Bill Gates played the false prophet! And his latest prediction is:

"Bill Gates warns of Future Pandemic Potentially is more deadly than COVID-19", Source: "Marca".

Are we going back to normal lives? If you ask the false prophet; no, we're not! This thing is appointed by the globalists to accomplish their agenda of "singularity". And "singularity" means, only one kind of specie to populate the earth, and that's the DNA modified species.

The "pandemic" which is connected to the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution is prophesied by YAHUSHA the book Matthew chapter 24. It started when the disciples asked YAHUSHA what could be the signs of His coming (2nd coming) and the end of the world. And YAHUSHA answered, "take heed that no man deceive you." YAHUSHA warned them of a deception, not just a simple deception but a great one, for the events that He laid out will be coupled with deception, and these events are:

Matthew 24:7-8,  "{7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows."

The events coupled with deception:

1. Wars - nations against nations, these wars are between two countries that were part of the same territory but were divided because of ideology, communism/socialism and capitalism. Russia and Ukraine started the war, then Israel and Hamas (Pilestines), what counties could be next? Possibly China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, and Serbia and Kosovo. This war is Kingdom against Kingdom or Eastern Roman Empire of Russia and eastern Europe (socialist/communist/Orthodox Christians/BRICS) against Western Roman Empire of western and central Europe (capitalist/Roman Catholic/EU and NATO/G7). And the war between kingdoms already started: The war in Ukraine (used by NATO as proxy; capitalist) against Russia (communist), then Israel (capitalism) against Iran (socialism), and the next could be China (communist) against Taiwan (capitalist) and North Korea (communist) against South Korea (capitalist), will lead to bigger conflicts elsewhere in the world, and will result into a World War 3 with possible nuclear attacks. These wars are summoned to break the world in pieces, the world will collapse, and they will reset the broken world, the Great Reset, and going into their ultimate agenda, the New World Order.

2. Famines - As a result of World War 3 and the climate agenda, there will be a global hunger. But this is also the time when their new food products will be released, the DNA modified foods which are mostly plant based (DNA modified plants which can be planted indoors or in the bunkers in preparation for nuclear attacks). They are also changing the order of foods.

3. Earthquakes - these earthquakes aren't normal, these are man-made earthquakes to prevent places to rise up and block their agenda of transhumanism of the 4th Industrial Revolution and New World Order.

The next event is where our topic evolved:

4. Pestilence or pandemic - When the pandemic started, this prophetic narrative came out: "You can't buy or sell". For almost 2000 years after the book of Revelation was written by John (Yahonan), suddenly this prophetic narrative came out, but most people viewed it as nothing today. This prophetic narrative is out as a precursor, a warning that something isn't right with the pandemic. Then, what could be their agenda? The globalists agenda is to prepare humanity for the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution (a repackage of the 4th Reich), where the technology is within man himself, man is the technology. And with the mRNA technology of the vaccine, the sensors in your body and the neuron and senaptec connections in your brain will be setup and established to prepare man for DNA modification, and to implant a chip in your brain. And once billion of sensors, and billion of neurons and trillion of senaptecs connections, are completed inside you; it is possible to hack you, you can be track! But after completing the modification, it isn't you after the process, you are a new being, a new creation that defied the Order of Creation, you defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body, the abonimation of desolation inside you. You blasphemed the Holy Spirit whose dwelling is inside your body, a sin that cannot be forgiven. A mark of the beast (could be a "cross" sign) will be literally engraved in your forehead or right hand as a sign that you are no longer an ordinary man, but is a hybrid being or a transhuman. And it will be easy for them to identify ordinary men and to kill them because of the distinguishing "mark". Their agenda is to change the "order of men"!

And always remember: Your DNA is what you are and who you are! The name of the Father, our Creator, is in your DNA. The DNA code or letters of programming language written in your DNA are: A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), or the 4 nucleus acids. And every 10 acids there is a bridge, every 5 acids there is a bridge, every 6 acids there is a bridge, and every 5 acids there is a bridge, these are the sulfuric bridge that keep your DNA attached. What is the meaning of these bridges? The "5 6 5 10"? This DNA code corresponds to the letters in Hebrew, "YOD (10) HAH (5) WAW (6) HAH (5)" or Y-H-W-H, or YAHUWAH! The name of the Father is in the DNA of all living things! The Author of all things, our Creator! Altering your DNA is altering the Creator of all things, YAHUWAH. That is defiling the temple of YAHUWAH inside your body, the abomination of desolation inside you (your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit).

And the pestilence or plannedemic was released by the White Horseman of Revelation chapter 6, the 1st Seal.

Revelation 6:2,  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

The "1st Seal", the White Horseman that carried with him a "bow" and a "crown", and he went forward conquering and to conquer the world. A "bow" in Greek (the New Testament is written in Greek) is "toxon", meaning: a weapon, with both an arrow and a bow. But in Greek, an "arrow" is dip in a poison; and "toxon" is the origin of the words, "toxic" and intoxicate". And the design of "injection" is like a miniature "bow and arrow". Therefore, the White Horseman is conquering and to conquer the world with a crown or corona virus, and you must abide in science to have a bow and arrow, or a toxon, or a vaccine, to be safe than sorry! And we were warned by this prophetic narrative, "you can't buy or sell". The virus of this pandemic is 100% true, there is no disputing that. But it's here in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution. The vaccine of this pandemic was created first, then, when everything was in place, they created the virus that became covid19. This pandemic is actually the plannedemic! And the White Horseman could be the UK, their symbol has a white horse or white unicorn in it. And most of the big pharma companies have their headquarters in UK, and even in the US, there addresses are just an extension in the places in UK, like Pfizer address in US which is New England. And the headquarter of the World Health Organization in New York, which is an extension of a place in England called, York, a cathedral city with Roman origins. And New York is just a creation of England and the holy Roman empire. And the China address of Pfizer Biotech Research and Development Lab is: Research and Development Lab, B14 Biolake, No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Number "666" Wuhan China, where the "crown" virus originated! Coincidence? The leaders of UK or the kings of UK could be the remnant of the kings of Babylon or Babylonian empire (Daniel 7, the 1st Beast, the Lion; UK's symbol has a lion, aside from white unicorn).

Now that we knew that the pandemic, or I mean, the plannedemic was here in preparation of the coming of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the technology that will be coming is within man himself, you and me is the technology. And the technology inside you is done through the mRNA technology of the vaccine, "all the sensors in your body" are set up and establish to prepare you for an explosion on how you think, you connect, and you communicate. Then connecting your brain to the cloud and global network, and your brain is a collection of 100 billions "neurons" and with a 100 trillions of "senatecs" connections, there will be an explosion of human intelligence. And once all of these are fully setup inside of you (by means of the vaccine - booster shots), all are ready to read, write, and edit your DNA through CRSPR CAS9. And there will be an "Emergence of Intelligence", 10 trillion human cells, then connect to 8 billion minds (estimated population), and these become "Meta-Intelligence"! "As you connect, you become a new species, a new creation (but defying the order of creation, that's defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit inside your body). Their mission for genetic programming is to increase the human lifespan or indefinite lifespan. The final outcome will be transhuman, or post-human, or human 2.0, or brain-computer interface hybrid, or cyborg, or nephilim 2.0. And we are very close to the day when the deadly virus (Disease X; could be 2025) will be released, and the final vaccine will fully setup the sensors, the neurons, and senaptecs connections inside you. And the only way to escape the deadly plannedemic or Disease X is to modify your DNA and be a transhuman or a cyborg or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0. That if you believe in their narrative and science, but if you put your trust in the name of our Heavenly Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA, you will be saved! 

Have you not wondered why this prophetic narrative came out during the plannedemic, "you can't buy or sell, or travel, or work" without the vaccine passport (soon to be the mark of the beast)? It is because, their new invention which is inside your body, can't work or don't work without the mRNA technology of the vaccine. We are so deceived with the plannedemic! The plannedemic is here to create human hybrids. And this what YAHUSHA prophesied in Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

The 2nd coming of the Son of man, YAHUSHA, is like the days of Noah. What is is really like the days of Noah before the flood? The book of Genesis chapter 6 detailed what happened in the days of Noah before the flood.

Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Al'hayam came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

There were giants or nephilim (in Hebrew) in the earth in those days, or the days of Noah before the flood; and also after that, or after the flood, when the sons of Al'hayam (translated in Hebrew as ben ha Al'hayam, in context means angels), or the sons of heaven, came in unto or mated with the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (mighty men is "gibborim" in Hebrew, meaning: champion, great, heroes, valiant warriors, giants), men of renown or famous or super heroes. But most Christians have their own interpretation of this passage. They treated the narration of previous event as a "prophecy", and interpreted the sons of Al'hayam as the "sons of Seth" and the daughters of men as the "daughters of Cain". Do you think this modern narrative of Genesis 6 can hold? Can the sons of Seth (ordinary men) who mated with the daughters of Cain (ordinary women) can produced giants or nephilim offsprings? The genetics of man mixed with another genetic of man can only produced a genetic of man. But the event here is extraordinary, the genetics of angels mixed the the genetics of men produced extraordinary offsprings which were also of flesh and blood, the giants or the nephilim with specials abilities, power, mighty men or gibborim, and super heroes. And Moses who wrote the book of Genesis is highly intelligent and full of wisdom, he can just wrote down the two families, Seth and Cain, directly in the narration of the event of old, and there no constraining Moses to write these two families. It's not even a prophecy, and you can find a single reference, or a single passage, or a single verse, that talked about the offsprings of Seth who mingled with the offsprings of Cain and produced giants or nephilim offsprings. Zero reference! This modern narrative (the idea only became popular in 1900s) is out to deceive us. We will be totally disconnected to the true narrative of this world if we continuously believe in this fraudulent narrative.

And because the inhabitants of the earth were no longer ordinary men, pure men, much wickedness abound.

Genesis 6:5-7,  "{5} And Al'hayam saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. {6} And it repented YAHUWAH that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. {7} And YAHUWAH said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them."

And YAHUWAH our Al'hayam saw that the wickedness of men who became hybrids or nephilim were great or abundant in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. And YAHUWAH repented that He had created man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. And YAHUWAH said, I will destroy man (who became hybrid beings) whom I have created from the face of the earth; both men (who modified their genetics) or human hybrids, and beast, and the creeping things, and the fowls of the air; for YAHUWAH repented that He created them.

And the book of Jubilees further detailed what happened on the days when the nephilim were born to the earth.

Jubilees 5:2-3,  "{2} And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walketh on the earth-all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually. {3} And Elohim looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were upon the earth had wrought all manner of evil before His eyes."

When the nephilim usurp the dominion of the earth given to man, lawlessness increased on the earth, and all "flesh" corrupted its way or modified the genetics of all "flesh", alike men, and cattle and beasts, and birds, and everything that walked on the earth, all of them became "hybrids" - "all of them corrupted their ways and their orders (order of creation)", and they began to destroy and kill each other, lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all hybid men was evil continually. And YAHUWAH looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, and "all flesh" had corrupted its orders through genetic modification, and all that were upon the earth had made or wrought all manner of evil before the eyes of YAHUWAH.

Therefore, according to Matthew chapter 24, verse 37, there will be a return of:

1. The angels who sinned (Revelation 12). Satan and his angels will fall to the earth after the war in heaven as aliens because of deception. If you are still deceived in that day, you will call it the invasion of aliens.

2. The nephilim or new breed of nephilim or nephilim 2.0. The nephilim who became almost man, "iron mixed with clay", will become nephilim again through CRSPR CAS9 (gene editing tool).

3. The great apostasy. Because the nephilim 2.0 will usurp the dominion of the earth given to Noah and his sons after the flood, there will be wickedness, lawlessness, inquity, blasphemy, and all kinds of sin will flourish. And every imagination of the thoughts of the hearts of the hybrid men or nephilim will be evil continually.

When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of "good and evil", the thought of their heart changed from pure goodness (who have not known evil) to good and evil. This is the characteristic of man after Adam and Eve sinned. With this estate, man cannot go into apostasy, because he has goodness in his heart. Even the worst criminal will not show evil to his parents, or his siblings, or his sons and daughters, or his friends, because he is an ordinary man which possesed some goodness in his heart. But the hybrid beings, or human hybrids, or nephilim, or transhumans, are not a creation of YAHUWAH, they defied the order of creation, a forbidden seed. They do not have goodness in their heart because goodness can only be found in our Creator YAHUWAH. And if many of them will inhabit the earth, there will be a "great apostasy", lawlessness, wickedness, iniquity, blasphemy, and all kinds of sin flourish.

"Strong's Concordance Definition:

"Apostasy" or "Apostasía" (from 868 /aphístēmi, "leave, depart," which is derived from 575 /apó, "away from" and 2476 /histémi, "stand") – properly, departure (implying desertion); apostasy – literally, "a leaving, from a previous standing."

"Falling away", "Apostacy" - Feminine of the same as apostasion; defection from truth (properly, the state) ("apostasy") -- falling away, forsake, defection, apostasy, revolt.

WORDWEB Definition:

Apostasy - The state of having rejected your affiliation, religious or political beliefs, or principles (often in favour of opposing beliefs or causes); The act of abandoning a party for cause; defection, renunciation

If you think that "apostasy" is departing from faith or renouncing a religion, NO it's NOT! Based on the scripture or biblical definition, it is departing or leaving the state of being an ordinary man and be a "hybrid being" or "human hybrid".

The timeline of apostate generation or the final generation or the days of Noah all over again or the Great Reset 2028 is outlined by Paul in the book of Thessalonians.

2 Thessalonians 2:3,  "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"

Paul warned us not to be deceived by any means because there will be a great deception that is coming: For that day will not come, what day? The "day of gathering together of the righteous in YAHUSHA's 2nd coming" (2 Thessalonians 2:1). Before the "gathering togather of YAHUSHA's 2nd coming" or the Light of YAHUSHA will not shine or will not come, except there come "falling away" first. "Falling away" in Greek is "apostasia" or "apostasy" in English. Therefore, by means of DNA modification, there will be first a departing or leaving the state of being an ordinary man and will become hybrids, or transhumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0, and that man of sin or lawlessness, the beast, the false messiah be revealed, the son of perdition. "Perdition" in Greek (New Testament is written in Greek) is "apóleia", meaning: destruction, ruin, loss, perishing; eternal ruin. There will be the 2nd coming of "Asclepius", the son of Apoleia or Apollo, the ancient Greek god of medicine. The white horseman of Revelation 6 (the 1st Seal) is "Asclepius", the sorcerer, he deceived all nation by his "pharmakia".

And YAHUSHA prophesied what will happen in the final generation, or apostate generation, or the days of Noah all over again, or the Great Reset era starting on 2028.

Matthew 24:9-13,  "{9} Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. {10} And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. {11} And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. {12} And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. {13} But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

In the final generation or the apostate generation, they (the global elites lead by the western colonial powers, the power of Gog) shall deliver you up to the "tribulation", and shall kill you (global depopulation): and you shall be hated of all nations for the name of YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA sake. And then many shall be offended, or shall cause to stumble, or shall fall into a trap (by modifying their DNA and chips are implanted in their brains), and because they are no longer man but are transhumans, they shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity, wickedness, lawlessness, blasphemy, and sin, shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end of tribulation, and calls in the name of YAHUSHA, shall be saved (Romans 10:13, "For whoever calls on the name of YAHUSHA shall be saved.").

Strong's Definition:

1. "Affliction" - "thlipsis" in Greek, meaning: "tribulation"

2. "Offended" - "skandalizó" in Greek, meaning: to put a snare (in the way), hence to cause to stumble, to give offense

Cognate: 4624 skandalízō – properly, set a snare ("stumbling-block"); (figuratively) "to hinder right conduct or thought; to cause to stumble" – literally, "to fall into a trap" (Abbott-Smith). See 4625 (skandalon).

The plannedemic is the beginning of them all, it connects to the 4th Industrial Revolution and global depopulation for the sake of "singularity", and "singularity" means only a single or one kind specie to populate the earth, and that is the DNA modified species of men, cattle and beasts, birds, and everything that walked on the earth, and including the plants and trees for foods. And because the technology of 4th Industrial Revolution is within men, they can create hybrids which are immortal, for they wish to be like the angels of heaven. But they can't be immortal because they also are "flesh".

Jubilees 5:8,  "And He said, My spirit will not always abide on man; for they also are flesh and their days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

And YAHUWAH said, for the hybrid beings or human hybrids also are "flesh" and their days shall be 120 years. Now, they want to extend their lives indefinitely through DNA modification, but they can't! 120 years is the maximum lifespan. But I think it's possible, but they will become ZombiEs, the walking dead.

The remnant of nephilim or the royal bloodline wanted the return of the Golden Age before the flood, where they were the rulers and kings of the world, and the inhabitants of the earth were of the royal bloodline only. That's why, they are pushing their agenda that the world has an ideal population, and their ideal population is 500 million. It is written in Georgia Guidestones, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature". And by the way, the Georgia Guidestones was intentionally destroyed in 2022. And you know what? 500 million is the approximate population of their royal bloodline.

The reason why I called the "Great Reset" as the "days of Noah", or the generation of apostasy: Check this out!

News from "Catholic News Agency": "Pope Francis: After a nuclear war, humanity would have to 'start from scratch'"

"Pope Francis said Wednesday that the image of Noah’s flood is "gaining ground in our subconscious" as the world considers the possibility of a nuclear war "that will extinguish us."

"Our imagination appears increasingly concentrated on the representation of a final catastrophe that will extinguish us - what may happen with a possible nuclear war," Pope Francis said March 16.

The 'day after' - if there will still be days and human beings - we will have to start again from scratch." Speaking to pilgrims seated in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall for his live-streamed general audience, the pope said that people today "are under pressure, exposed to opposing stresses that confuse us."

Pope Francis, a royal bloodline, is simply conveying the Great Reset plan! This is exactly what he meant here - "we will have to start again from scrath"! And "the image of Noah's flood is gaining ground in our subconscious", back to "the days of Noah"! Therefore, the "Great Reset" is equals to "the days of Noah". This is a confirmation coming from Pope Francis.

When the world is going back to the days of Noah, the remnant of the children of Yashar'el will be enlightened, and the will be saved.

Romans 11:25-27,  "{25} For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. {26} And so all Yashar'el shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Yacob: {27} For this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."

Brothers, you should not be ignorant of this mystery; what mystery? That all of us are deceived, all of us are blinded. And in order to prevent of knowing the truth prior to appointed time, you should be wise in your own excessive prides or vanities or conceits (perils will fall to you if you know all these things prior to an appointed time). That "blindness" in part is happened to the children of Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles or the fulness of the iniquity of the global elites be come in. When will be the fulness of the global elites be come in? It's when the global elites will lead the people of the world to modify their DNA (chips will be implanted in their brains) and be other that man, other than what they were created for, and will become transhumans, or posthumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. When that "appointed time" comes, the Light of YAHUSHA will shine to the children of Yashar'el (Filipinos are from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Yasaph) and they shall be saved: as it is written, "There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer or Saviour, and shall turn away the unrighteousness from the children of Yacob: For this is YAHUWAH's covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins." The remnant of the children of Yacob will be enlightened when the global elites will became transhumans or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0. And you cannot be enlightened if you are not blinded. Ask yourself: Am I blinded today?

But remember, the most important thing to do is to seek the real name of the Father YAHUWAH and the Son YAHUSHA because by His name, we will be saved: Acts 2:21,  "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAHUSHA shall be saved." This is just a simple thing to do, but many will not trust in the name of YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA, and many will be lured to the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution that will bring the mark of the beast.