
Friday, March 29, 2024

Filipinos Must Be Aware And Be Prepare For The Global Depopulation

 The global depopulation agenda is for real. This isn't just another conspiracy theory. It's all about a new world which the global elites envisioned after the Great Reset. But how can you RESET the world that isn't broken? Therefore, they need the world to break into pieces, all governments and economies will collapse, and massive depopulation to the whole world. Then the new world will be hatched out of the ruins of the good old world. And in the New World Order, the inhabitants of the new earth will not be ordinary men anymore, but are hybrid beings, or transhumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0.

The Great Reset is on 2029 based on the countdown of Climate clock or Doomsday clock or Great Reset clock in New York that will expire or end on September of 2029 (it changes from 2028 to 2029; depends on how fast the doomsday clock ticks). Before the year 2029, there will be great chaos and great confusion, world war 3 will erupt which will put apart or crumble all the governments and economies, a deadly pandemic or disease X will wreak havoc world wide, and massive hungers as the result of wars and disease X, and there will be strong earthquakes in different parts of the world. But all these events are planned by Satan's minions here on earth, because before Satan will fall to the earth, he have to see to it the inhabitants of the earth will be a new being, a new creation, and majority of them that dwell in the earth will be his own people. And once majority of the earth's populate will the a new creation, Satan will have the authority to govern to earth physically.

How can Satan have his own people? Satan will create people that will defy the order of creation, people that will become hybrid beings which are not a creation of the Most High YAHUWAH. And through Satan's minions here on earth, they will create hybrid beings through CRISPR CASP9 DNA editing tool and chips will be implanted in their brains. And these hybrid beings will be called brain-computer interface hybrids, or cyborgs, or transhumans, or posthumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. And once they achieved the 500 millions mark of the DNA modified men, or transhumans, or nephilim 2.0 (they called it the royal bloodline), there will be a massive depopulation of the whole earth killing more than 90% of the world's population. And 500 millions is their ideal earth's population, it is written in Georgia Guidestones: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature". And by the way, the Georgia Guidestones was intentionally destroyed in 2022.

And in order not to disclose their agenda of the global depopulation, the 4th Horseman of apocalypse, the Pale Horseman, will have four ways to kill men that are not of their bloodline.

Revelation 6:7-8,  "{7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

The 4th Seal, the Pale Horseman: and his name that sat on him was Death. How is it possible? The Pale Horseman separate himself to the plan of Salvation, and is promoting his plan for immortality, Satan ultimate plan to us all: "You shall be as gods", Genesis 3:5! He already signed with the covenant with death, he is the first to modify his DNA (implant a chip inside his brain), and he carries with him the mark of the beast (could be a "cross" sign). No more salvation in him, he is destined to condemnation, a sure death of soul in the day of judgment, that's why Sheol, or Hades, or Underworld (Hell) accompanied or followed him. And he give power to his minions over the fourth part of the earth, or 1/4 or 25% of the earth (this is basically dryland, the dwelling of men; and 3/4 or 75% of the earth is water or oceans) to force humanity to sign with the covenant with death, and to modify their DNA to be other than men or transhumans, or you will be killed!

1. Kill with sword, or war (the 2nd Seal, the Red Horseman) - they will make wars to communities or countries who don't want to have a covenant with death, and have the mark of the beast. They will execute people who don't want to be "mark" by beheading.

2. Kill with hunger, or famine (the 3rd Seal, the Black Horseman) - there will be no food supplies for communities or countries who don't want to have a covenant with death. The Pale Horseman control the groceries and supermarkets in major cities world wide, and you can't buy or sell without the "mark".

3. Kill with plague, or pestilence, or pandemic, or death (the 1st Seal, the White Horseman) - there will be a deadly variant (100% kill rate) of corona virus or disease X, and its so lethal that one has to modify his DNA, and implant a chip in them in order to live, but no more salvation in him, he will be destined to condemnation; or you choose to be killed by the deadly variant of the virus, but a sure Salvation of Soul. It's your choice!

4. Kill with the beast of the earth - through CRISPR CASP9 DNA editing tool, the Pale Horseman minions will create DNA modified beasts of the earth specially designed to kill ordinary men without the mark of the beast and not of their bloodline. And since chips are implanted in the beasts of the earth and connected to the network worldwide, it will be easy for them to locate men without the "mark". Or the beast of the earth are AI robots specially designed for global depopulation.

With all the 4 events that are happening at the same time, the world will collapse, the world will be broken. Then the Pale Horseman will RESET the broken world, the Great Reset, and the New World Order will commence, which is also the start of Great Tribulation.

Who do you think is playing the Pale Horseman? Could be the Vatican, the papacy. Their flag and symbol is yellowish pale in color, and Pale can also be greenish in color, like the green revolution or climate change, the color of Laudato si.

Strong's definitions:

1. "Name" - "Onoma" in Greek; (figuratively) the manifestation or revelation of someone's character, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others. Thus "praying in the name of Christ" means to pray as directed (authorized) by Him, bringing revelation that flows out of being in His presence. "Praying in Jesus' name" therefore is not a "religious formula" just to end prayers (or get what we want)!

["According to Hebrew notions, a name is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, i.e. it is something of his essence. Therefore, in the case of the God, it is specially sacred" (Souter).]

2. "Death" - "Thánatos" in Greek (derived from 2348 /thnḗskō, "to die") – physical or spiritual death; (figuratively) separation from the life (salvation) of God forever by dying without first experiencing death to self to receive His gift of salvation.

3. "Pale" - "Chlóros" in Greek: yellowish, pale, pale green

What is the role of Filipinos or Ophirians going to the final generation and global depopulation? Filipinos will rise up in the final generation and will separate with the power behind the global depopulation agenda, and this power controls all the narratives of this world today.

Matthew 12:42,  "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

Queen of the South is Queen of Sheba or Queen of Sebu or Cebu (city), the Queen (City) of the South. Therefore, Cebu and the Philippines (home of Ephraim and Manasseh) shall rise up in the final generation, and shall condemn the western colonial power, the power of Gog, for so much deception and lies they inflicted to us, and continuously corrupting our natural resources. For "she" came from the uttermost parts of the earth, or the ends of the earth, or the ancient voyagers and explorers called it, the last inhabited islands to the fareast or oriental (based on the ancient flat earth map, where Chryse-gold or Ophir and Argyre-silver or Tarshish is the last inhabited island to the fareast), from antiquity, or the land of creation, the ancient land of gold, Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines today; to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, greater than Solomon is here! Who could "she" be? She must come from Cebu or her lineage is from Cebu. And she will lead our country during the Great Reset era or the final generation, officially the last days (will start on 2029, based on the countdown of climate clock or great reset clock in New York that will expire on September 2029). "She" could be Sarah Duterte Carpio, our next president on 2028, and her lineage is from Cebu, and she will be wiser the Solomon! And don't you know that "Sarah" in Hebrew means, "Princess"! The princess from Mindanao, the Princess of the South! Sara Duterte Carpio leadership had been prophesied by our Saviour YAHUSHA Himself, and nobody can change it, many will try but will not succeed, she is appointed to lead us going to the final generation or the Great Reset. There will be a great awakening all over our land, the Philippines, when the global depopulation comes, and it be will lead be Sarah, the Princess or the Queen of the South. A great revival will happen to us all in the name of YAHUSHA.

If Filipinos will rise up in the final generation, then, why us? Are we that significant? Check this out!

The book of Isaiah talked about the isles in the east, where the tribes of Yashar'el migrated, and Isaiah identified their location to the fareast.

Isaiah 49:12,  "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."

The word "north" in this passage is translated as "tsaphon" in Hebrew, meaning: north or northward. The word "west" in this passage is translated as "yam" in Hebrew, meaning: "sea". The word "sea" as "yam" in the scriptures was used more than 320 times, while the word "west" as "yam" was used 47 times, could be because west of Yashar'el is Mediterannian sea, but "west" itself can be translated in Hebrew as "maarab". Therefore, "west" can't be used in this passage, the exact word here is "sea" or "yam" in Hebrew. Therefore, the correct verse of Isaiah 49:12 is:

"Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the sea; and these from the land of Sinim."

The word "Sinim" is equal to "Ciyniym" in Hebrew which means, "south China". Therefore, some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el can be found in the isles afar off, to the sea of South China or the South China Sea. Wow! What isles are located in the sea of South China? There is only one prominent isles in the South China sea, that's the Philippines! Therefore, some of the lost tribes of Yashar'el dwelled among us, or we are the lost tribes of Yashar'el. By the way, chapter 49 of the book of Isaiah talked about the "isles" where the children of Yacob dwelled, and in the last days or the final generation or the Great Reset era 2029, the Most High will cause His name to be known to all Filipinos, and we'll know that "YAHU is our Saviour and our Redemmer" (the meaning of the name, YAHUSHA), the Mighty One of Yashar'el. And we'll finally know our true identity! For now, most of us are blinded by the sublimal seduction sent to us by western colonial power.

Sinim: Ciyniym: סינים

Sinim (1x): a people living at the extremity of the known world; may be identified with

the inhabitants of southern ChinaSinim (1x): a people living at the extremity of the

known world; may be identified with the inhabitants of southern China.

The book of Isaiah was supported by the book of 2nd Esdras (in Greek, and Ezra in Hebrew; this is the reason why they removed the book of Esdras out of the bible in 1800, to hide our identity), it detailed the captivity of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el and all of them were exciled to Assyria. And he also prophesied regarding the migration of some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el from Assyria to a far away country, and this country is very significant because it is the dwelling of righteous generation before the flood, the Land of Creation. And the book of 2 Esdras chapter 13 is the prophecy of the last days, and he injected the migration of the Lost Tribes of Yashar'el, because it's them who would usher the return of all the children of Yashar'el in the last days.

Esdras 13:39-40,  "{39} And whereas you saw that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him; {40} Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land, in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land."

The 10 tribes of Yashar'el which were carried away prisoners out of their own land (Northern Yashar'el), in the time of Osea or Hoshea king of Yashar'el, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and carried them over the waters, or over the two rivers of Euphrates and Tigres, and so they came to another land, and this land became the Kurdish region today. And this is supported by the narration of the book of 2 Kings 17:6-33.

The migration of some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el to Arsareth, the Land of Creation.

Esdras 13:41-48,  "{41} But they took this counsel amongst themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, {42} That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. {43} And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the River. {44} For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, til they were passed over. {45} For through that country there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. {46} Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, {47} The Highest shall stay the springs of the stream again, that they may go through: therefore you saw the multitude with peace. {48} But those that be left behind of your people, are they that are found within my borders."

Some of the northern tribes of Yashar'el took counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the unbelievers, and go into a further country where no man lived, that they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered and crossed into Euphrates by the narrow passage of the river (without crossing the Tigres; could be in Basrah, Iraq). For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, until everyone crossed the river walking in dry land (2nd exodus). And from that certain place, after they crossed the Eurphrates river (could be around Qatar; which means, smoke sacrifice in Hebrew), there was a great way to go; namely, of a year and a half journey; this is a far country, it can't be somewhere in the middle east or Africa; and they were using ships to set sail into this faraway land or country. And the same region called "Arsareth". And if we look closely at the word "Arsareth", it is a combination of two Hebrew words, "Asah" and "Ehrets". Where "Asah" means: to do, work, make, produce and "Ehrets" means: land, earth. Therefore, "Arsareth" means, "to make the earth" or "the land of creation". By means of the ships of Tarshish as their transport, some of the Northern tribes of Yashar'el travelled from the Persian Gulf to the "Land of Creation" (Genesis 2:4,  "These are the generation of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that YAHUWAH Aluha 'made or Asah' the 'earth or Ehrets' and the heavens..."). And this is simply the ancient land of gold, to the ends of the earth or uttermost part of the earth, the Isles afar off, to the fareast, the location of the Garden of Eden, and these isles were called Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish, the Philippines today. Therefore, some of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el migrated to the isles of Luzon (Ophir), Cebu and the Visayas (Sheba), and Mindanao (Tarshish), ang Pilipinas kung mahal. And they dwelt there until the latter time or they dwelt in our land until our time! And "now" (our generation) when they shall begin to come ("in the last days"), the Most High shall stay or held the springs of water in the great deep (or the streams of oceanic trenches) again, just like Exodus again (the earth geography will be changed in the final generation, back to the days of Noah; there were no oceans back then, but the earth was surrounded by the massive rivers from Eden or from the north pole). That they, tribes of Yashar'el, may go through, like walking in dry land: therefore you (Ezra, in his vision) saw the multitude with peace. But those that are left behind of your people, the tribes of Yashar'el that remained in "the land of creation", are they that are found within My borders.

And also, Isaiah identified the land where the 12 tribes of Yashar'el can be located, including our land:

Isaiah 11:11-13,  "{11} And it shall come to pass in that day, that YAHUWAH shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the 'Islands of the Sea'."

All the 12 tribes were scattered from these places. The Southern Tribes of Yashar'el, the tribes of Yahudah (Judah) were scattered in Egypt, Pathros (Sudan) and Cush - basically the whole of central Africa from east coast to west coast, popularly dubbed as the slave coast. And the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el were scattered in Assyria, Elam, Shinar and Hamath. These are basically known today the Kurdish Region, Kurdistan, the home of the Kurds - Northern Syria, Southern Turkey, Northern Iraq and North Western Iran. And the Islands of the sea is the Philippines! Therefore, all the 12 tribes of Yashar'el will return in the last days coming from these places. Then, who are they at Israel today? And why are they in the promised land before the final generation?

Now that we knew our real identity, who are they behind the global depopulation agenda? Check this out!

Ezekiel 38:1-3,  "{1} And the word of YAHUWAH came unto me, saying, {2} Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, {3} And say, Thus saith the YAUWAH; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:"

The word of the Most High YAHUWAH came to Ezekiel, saying, son of man, set your face against Gog, from the land of Magog, and is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Can we identify Magog, Meshech, and Tubal? Yes we can! Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah (Genesis 10 geneology). When the earth was divided by Noah between his three sons (Yes! Noah divided the earth, details in the book of Jubilees), Shem got the land of Asia (including eastern Russia), Ham got the land of Africa, and Japheth got the land of Europe (excluding eastern Russia), and Japheth and Ham divided America, the northern hemisphere went to Japheth and the southern hemisphere went to Ham, and the rest of world's islands, northern and southern hemisphere, Japheth and Ham respectively. And Japheth divided Europe between his sons. Madai got the British Isles and Ireland but he didn't like it, maybe because it is always gloomy, snowy, cold, and rainy, so he intruded into the land of Shem (intended for the sons of Eber) and occupied the land called Media or Medes, now modern day Kurdistan (Madai was cursed, the source of Beast's power; and their tribes became the replacement of the Northern Tribes of Yashar'el; the Pharisees, from Persia and Medes). "Meshech" got Western Europe which also included the British Isles and Ireland since Madai despised the land, "Tubal" got the Central Europe, Gomer got the Russian Steppes, "Magog" got Russia, Javan got Greece and the isles, and Tiras got the big Isles of Mediterranian Sea. Therefore, Gog, the prince demon is from the land of Magog (Russia - Bear) and became the chief prince of Meshech (Western Europe - UK - Lion) and Tubal (Central Europe - Germany - Leopard). Gog controls the EU, his seat of power - the Vatican, the Holy See, but his origin is Russia (eastern Europe and Turkey, the set of power of the holy Roman empire)! Gog controls the world's ideology (his creation) and sits at one table with communism Russia (eastern Roman empire) and capitalism EU and NATO (western Roman empire), and controls every narratives of this world from thesis to antithesis. Gog owns the biggest religion in Europe, Roman Catholic in Western and Central Europe (western Roman empire) and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe (eastern Roman empire), and every religion of this world including all the antithesis like Islam terrorism (all are under the wing of holy Roman empire). And Gog resides in Vatican, the papacy, he could be Ber'gog'lio? The last pope? Just a coincidence maybe. And also, have you ever wondered why we are the only Catholic country in Asia? Gog wanted to rule our land first hand to see to it that we are always broken and blinded, and he is secretly doing it through his strong hand, the Jesuits and the US of A. And the power of Gog occupied the promised land today.

But the isles in fareast shall condemn the western colonial power, the power of Gog.

Ezekiel 38:13,  "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"

Sheba or Sebu and the Visayas, and Dedan (could be a place in Kurdistan? or could part of Indonesia?), and the merchant of Tarshish or the mariners of Mindanao, with the young lions (could be from the tribes of Yahudah, central Africa), shall say unto Gog, are you come to our land to take a spoil or plunder? Do you gathered your troops to take a prey? To carry away our silver and gold, to take away our cattles and goods and other natural resources, to take a great plunder? There will be a great awakening to all Filipinos when the final generation, or apostate generation, or the days of Noah all over again, or the Great Reset 2029 will comes and shall condemn the western colonial power, the power of Gog (EU, NATO and G7, including Russia and BRICS).

And the Most High and our Redemeer YAHUSHA will destroy the two centers of Gog's power.

Ezekiel 39:6-7,  "{6} And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YAHUWAH. {7} So will I make My Holy Name known in the midst of My people Yashar'el; and I will not let them pollute My Holy Name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YAHUWAH, the Holy One in Yashar'el."

And YAHUSHA shall send a fire (could be nuclear missile) on Magog or Russia, the center of communism, and among them that dwell carelessly in the "isles", and there no other isles that is the center of capitalism, only the Bristish isles, UK. Therefore, the centers of Gog's power, communism and capitalism, will be destroyed and desolated. So I, YAHUSHA, will make My Holy Name known in the midst of My people Yashar'el; and I will not let them (the globalists, secret society, the leaders of capitalism and the leaders of communism) pollute My Holy Name anymore: and the heathen, the gentiles, the global elites, the secret society, shall know that I am YAHUSHA, the Holy One in Yashar'el.

Is it possible to identify the bloodline of Gog? Yes! YAHUSHA identified them!

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by the Father YAHUWAH, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim, the sons of Belial (thy seed or seed of the serpent; Genesis 3:15), the sons of fallen angels and daughters of men! They were not created by the Father YAHUWAH out of clay, but a product of abomination! That's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them!

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our Elohiym into lasciviousness, and denying the only Elohiym YAHUWAH, and our Messiah YAHUSHA.

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that there are two races of humanity! And the book called the bible which was created in early 1500 AD by the remnant of nephilim, obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm of the bible were created to mislead the believers of Christianity.

The prophecy of Daniel identified their bloodline.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"! If "their seed" is not the seed of men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim, the sons of Belial, in which their lusting with men/women cannot produce offsprings. And this only happened in Divided Kingdom era (our generation), and during the time of Iron (Rome), Brass (Greece), Silver (Medes-Persia), and Gold (Babylon) empires, all is well with the mingling of seeds. Therefore, the empires since Babylon and up to the divided kingdoms (our generation) were ruled by the nephilim bloodline or the sons of Belial (thy seed, the seed of the serpent). But because of mixing with ordinary man, the nephilim genetics during the Divided kingdom era became almost man, "iron mixed with miry clay" or mestizo nephal(nephilim, plural)-man, their final estate. 

Is this prophecy or claim accurate? Chect this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

So, why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible... like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy, and many people will know this fact soon because we are living in the day of increasing knowledge!

But when YAHUSHA died at the cross, all are included in the plan of Salvation, thy seed (nephilim, sons of Belial, seed of the serpent) and her seed (man).

Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that He might reconcile both unto Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

Having abolished in His flesh the "enmity" (of "thy seed" and "her seed"; Genesi 3:15), even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of two (twain) "into" new race (man). Since YAHUSHA died at the cross, His death put the two races of humanity into one race, because all men are included in a plan of Salvation. And that YAHUSHA might reconcile both unto YAHUWAH in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity (of "thy seed" and "her seed") thereby: And came and preached peace to you (the nephilim remnants, thy seed) which are afar off, and to them (men, her seed) that are near. For through YAHUSHA we both (thy seed - nephilim, and her seed - men) have access by one spirit unto the Father YAHUWAH. No more "thy seed" and "her seed", no more enmity of the two bloodlines!

The remnant of nephilim became almost man, almost like us, Iron mixed with Clay, or mestizo nephilim-man. And Peter identified them as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity in the last days for they wanted to be nephilim again, and wanted the earth to be populated by their very own bloodline only, and they called it the royal bloodline.

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involve with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then (they must be rooted up!), the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yashar'el from the time of Moses and up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH. It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

There will be a great apostasy in the final generation when the hybrid beings or transhumans will dwell among us and this will cause global depopulation. And these hybrids are not be the creation of the Father YAHUWAH, they defied the order of creation, and they defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies. They don't have goodness in their hearts (ordinary man possessed good and evil in his heart), and what they have is only "evil", because goodness can only be found in our Creator YAHUWAH. Therefore, when many of the inhabitants of the earth will be transhumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0, the earth is literally going back to the days of Noah before the flood, or the mainstream called it the Great Reset (2029). And when this appointed time comes, the remnant of the children of Yacob will be gathered together.

Jeremiah 31:9-11,  "{9} They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a Father to Yashar'el, and Ephraim is my firstborn. {10} Hear the word of YAHUWAH, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Yashar'el will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock. {11} For YAHUWAH hath redeemed Yacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he."

The Most High YAHUWAH will lead them (Ephraim), and they shall come with weeping and with supplication. And YAHUWAH will cause them (Ephraim) to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they will not stumble (like Exodus in the last days): for YAHUWAH is the Father of Yashar'el, and Ephraim is His "firstborn". Hear the word of YAHUWAH, O you nations, and declare it in the "isles afar off" or the Philippines, and say, He that scattered the tribes of Yashar'el will gather them, and keep them as a Shepherd do with His flocks. For YAHUWAH had redeemed Yacob or the children of Yashar'el, and ransomed them from the hand of him (the global elites; the elites of politics, economics, and religions; secret society) that was stronger than remnants of Yashar'el. Ephraim, the Philippines, and the children of Yashar'el will rise up in the last day with the help of the "Light" of YAHUSHA. A great awakening will happen in the Land of Creation.

Romans 11:25-27,  "{25} For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yashar'el, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. {26} And so all Yashar'el shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Yacob: {27} For this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."

You should not be ignorant of this mystery, what mystery? That all of us are blinded, all of us are deceived, and for fear that or in order to avoid the risk of knowing the truth prior to an appointed time (lest), you should be wise in your own excessive prides or conceits; that blindness in part is happened to the remnant of the children of Yashar'el, until the "fulness of the Gentiles" or "fulness of global elites" be come in. When will be the "fulness of the Gentiles" or "fulness of the global elites" be come in? It's when the Gentiles or global elites will lead the people of the world to modify their DNA, and will become other than man, other than what men were created for, and will be transhumans, or posthumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. Hybrid beings that will defy the order of creation, they will defile the temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies, a sin that will not be forgiven, because they will blaspheme the Holy Spirit whose dwelling is inside their body. And the mark of the beast (could be a 'cross' sign) will be literally engraved in their foreheads or right hands as a sign or a marker that they are no longer an ordinary man anymore, and the mark will separate them from the rest of the people who are not modified, and it will be easy for them to identify ordinary men and to kill them. And we can also call this event as the "fulness of the iniquity of the Gentiles or the global elites". And when this time comes, the Light of YAHUSHA will shine to the children of Yashar'el, and all will be saved: as it is written, "there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, our Saviour, YAHUSHA, and will turn away the ungodliness or unrighteouness from Yacob: For this is YAHUWAH's "covenant" (the Most High YAHUWAH's covenant is YAHUSHA) to the children of Yashar'el, when I shall take away their sins."

If the Great Reset will be on 2029, when will be the year of great chaos and great confusion, and global depopulation? If you look into the propaganda and movements of global elites (members of WEF), it will happen on 2025. Let's examine some news articles...

An article from "NBC NEWS" dated January 28, 2023:  "Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025, tells officers to prep by firing 'a clip' at a target, and 'aim for the head'. "I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025," said Gen. Mike Minihan in a memo sent to the officers he commands and obtained by NBC News.

An article from "BookLife":  "Nostradamus Predictions and World War 3 in the Year 2025"

Nostradamus considers WW 3 to be the most imortant event in World History. This is not only due to the large loss of life during WW3, but also due to the negative changes to the environment which will last decades. It is these negative changes to the environment that will cause the death of billions of people following WW 3. Nostradamus also predicts a military coalition between Russia and China, that will last a few years prior to WW 3.

An article from "PIME asianews", dated 06 Oct 2012: "Taipei: Beijing could attempt invasion by 2025"

Back on the 06 of October 2012, they predicted that China would envade Taiwan, that's more ten years ago. And in the year 2023, they predicted that China will make war with Taiwan in 2025. Check out their propaganda this year.

An article from "FORTUNE", dated 29 January 2023: "War with China over Taiwan is likely in 2025, warns U.S." and from "The Guardian", dated 2 February 2023: "US general's 'gut' feeling of war with China sparks alarm over predictions"

"A leaked memo from a US four-star general saying his "gut" told him the US would be at war with China in 2025 has prompted warnings about the danger of "undisciplined" predictions of a Taiwan strait conflict."

This is not just a prediction, but they are appointing a war between China and Taiwan, and with Russia and Ukraine who started this war, it could escalate to a world war 3, which also include Israel and Iran, North Korea and South Korea, and Serbia and Kosovo, and many more, that could possibly result to a nuclear war. Check out the article from "Arabian Business", dated Jan 30, 2023: "WHO Prepares For Nuclear War"

"World Health Organisation has briefed nations on the medicine stockpiles needed in aftermath of nuclear attack." "The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its list of medicines that should be stockpiled for radiological and nuclear emergencies, along with policy advice for their appropriate management. These stockpiles include medicines that either prevent or reduce exposure to radiation, or treat injuries once exposure has occurred."

If the World Health Orginazation (UN and WHO are just a creation of the global elites, the secret society that is not secret anymore) is preparing for nuclear war, then, the nuclear attacks are for real. They are appointing it to happen to this world, so that, it will be broken in pieces. And their ultimate goal will be fulfilled, the New World Order.

And WHO, WEF, and Bill Gates set their eyes on the next pandemic that will be so severe and they called it SEERS - Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. They really knew that the worst pandemic will happen in 2025, that's why as early as 2022, they broadcast the propaganda of SEERS. They really can predict the deadly mutation of the virus, amazing! Or, shall I call them, the false prophets.

From "World Economic Forum" dated January 17, 2024 11:30–12:15CET: "Preparing For Disease X"

"With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown "Disease X" could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?"

What suprising about disease X is that, they don't know what it is, but they know it's coming and more fatal. Looked like a wishlist by WEF... a virus coming from the lab??? Amazing! And a new strain of corona virus found in China that cause 100% mortality due to late stage brain infection; your eyes will turn white, you'll be like a zombie before you will die. They know this because they put it in humanized mice and played with it. Could this be the disease X?

Next year, 2025, could the critical! It means the deadly virus called "Disease X" will wreak havoc the whole world, and world war 3 will drive all the countries to its knees, and these two events will cause world wide hungers, and with strong earthquakes in different parts of the world, most countries will collapse, it will be broken. Then Satan and the beast will reset the broken world, the Great Reset. Then the New World Order will commence which is also the start of great tribulation.

But most people of the world are oblivious of what is coming because most of us are blinded, most of us are deceived. Here's why I believed that we are blinded today.

John 9:39-41,  "{39} And YAHUSHA said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. {40} And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? {41} YAHUSHA said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth."

YAHUSHA said: For "judgment" in the last days I will come into this world, "His second coming", that the righteous which "see not" or "blinded" or "deceived" might "see" or "be enlightened"; and that the Pharisees, the global elites today, which "see" or who sent "sublimal seduction" to the whole world might be made "blind". And when the Pharisees (the global elites today) heard these words from YAHUSHA, they said: Are we blind also? And YAHUSHA said to them, "If you were blind, you should have no sin or you should not sent sublimal seduction to the whole world: but now you say, "WE SEE"; therefore, you (global elites) are sinners. We are blinded today because of them! Are you not blinded? Don't be like the Pharisees!

The children of Yacob will not be gathered together until the global elites (the gentiles) come to their fulness, and their fulness will come when they become hybrid beings by modifying their DNA. And when this appointed time comes (the Great Reset is the appointed time) all the earth will go into apostasy, much iniquity, wickedness, lawlessness, blashphemy, and sin flourish. And this will be a perfect prayer for us, Filipinos (the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh), in the Final Generation or Apostate Generation:

"O YAHUSHA cause Your face to shine, and we shall be saved."

The Most High YAHUWAH will cause His name to be known to Filipinos and the children of Yashar'el, and in the name of YAHUSHA we will be saved. Romans 10:13, "For whoever calls on the name of YAHUSHA shall be saved."

Friday, March 22, 2024

Global Depopulation Agenda: The Coming Of The 4th Horseman Of Apocalypse 2025?

Is there really a global depopulation? If you based on the propaganda of the global elites, the answer is affirmative! This is one of their agenda. They wanted this world to have an ideal population, and their ideal population is 500 million. It is written in Georgia Guidestones, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature". And by the way, the Georgia Guidestones was intentionally destroyed in 2022.

Why 2025? This is the year given and propagandized by the global elites. 2025 is the preparation for the Great Reset agenda, and the Great Reset will be on 2028, based on the countdown of climate clock or doomsday clock or Great Reset clock in New York that will expire or end on September of 2028. But the question is: How can you reset the world that isn't broken? Before answering the question, let us look into their propaganda pointing out 2025 as the critical year.

An aticle from "NBC NEWS" dated January 28, 2023:  "Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025, tells officers to prep by firing 'a clip' at a target, and 'aim for the head'. "I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025," said Gen. Mike Minihan in a memo sent to the officers he commands and obtained by NBC News.

An article from "BookLife":  "Nostradamus Predictions and World War 3 in the Year 2025"

Nostradamus considers World War 3 to be the most imortant event in World History. This is not only due to the large loss of life during WW3, but also due to the negative changes to the environment which will last decades. It is these negative changes to the environment that will cause the death of billions of people following WW3. Nostradamus also predicts a military coalition between Russia and China, that will last a few years prior to WW3.

An article from "PIME asianews", dated 06 Oct 2012: "Taipei: Beijing could attempt invasion by 2025"

Back on the 06 of October 2012, they predicted that China would envade Taiwan, that's more ten years ago. And now, the year 2023, they predicted that China will make war with Taiwan in 2025. Check out their propaganda last year.

An article from "FORTUNE", dated 29 January 2023: "War with China over Taiwan is likely in 2025, warns U.S." and from "The Guardian", dated 2 February 2023: "US general's 'gut' feeling of war with China sparks alarm over predictions"

"A leaked memo from a US four-star general saying his "gut" told him the US would be at war with China in 2025 has prompted warnings about the danger of "undisciplined" predictions of a Taiwan strait conflict."

This is not just a prediction, but they are appointing a war between China and Taiwan, and with Russia and Ukraine who started this war, it could escalate to a world war 3, which also include Israel and Iran, North Korea and South Korea, and Serbia and Kosovo, and many more, that could possibly result to a nuclear war. Check out the article from "Arabian Business", dated Jan 30, 2023: "WHO Prepares For Nuclear War"

"World Health Organisation has briefed nations on the medicine stockpiles needed in aftermath of nuclear attack." "The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its list of medicines that should be stockpiled for radiological and nuclear emergencies, along with policy advice for their appropriate management. These stockpiles include medicines that either prevent or reduce exposure to radiation, or treat injuries once exposure has occurred."

If the World Health Orginazation (UN and WHO are just a creation of the global elites, the secret society that is not secret anymore, in the year 1947 in preparation for their agenda of One World Government, and this was voted by countries around the world but the idea came from the global elites!) is preparing for nuclear war, then, the nuclear attacks are for real. They are appointing it to happen to this world, so that, it will be broken in pieces. And their ultimate goal will be fulfilled, the New World Order.

And WHO, WEF, and Bill Gates set their eyes on the next pandemic that will be so severe and they called it SEERS - Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. They really knew that the worst pandemic will happen in 2025, that's why as early as 2022, they broadcast the propaganda of SEERS. They really can predict the deadly mutation of the virus, amazing! Or, shall I call them, the false prophets.

From "World Economic Forum" dated January 17, 2024 11:30–12:15CET: "Preparing For Disease X"

"With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown “Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?"

What suprising about disease X is that, they don't know what it is, but they know it's coming and more fatal. Looked like a wishlist by WEF... amazing! And a new strain of corona virus found in China that cause 100% mortality due to late stage brain infection; your eyes will turn white, you'll be like a zombie before you will die. They know this because they put it in humanized mice and played with it. Could this be the disease X?

All the propaganda pointed to 2025 as the critical year. We must be ready because we only have one year left for their agenda to be fulfilled, and the agenda is the global depopulation and the Great Reset. But before the global depopulation, a "covenant" will be signed by many nations. What kind of covenant? A covenant that would make man to be a hybrid being or the bible called it the covenant with death.

Isaiah 28:14-15,  "{14} Wherefore hear the word of YAHUWAH, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. {15} Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:"

The last days prophecy of Isaiah (Yeshayahu): Hear the word of the Most High YAHUWAH, you "scornful men" that rule "this people" which is in Jerusalem. Who are the "scornful men" and "this people" that occupied Jerusalem? They are definitely not from the tribes of Yashar'el, because they were not called by the Father YAHUWAH as "My people". And because you have said, we have made a "covenant with death", and with sheol, or hades, or underworld (hell) we are at agreement. It's only possible for men to have a covenant with death, once they agree to modify their DNA (a chip is implanted in their brain) to be other than men, men with better strengths, abilities, durabilities, intelligences, and might. They that will defy the Order of Creation, and will defile the Temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies, the abomination of desolation inside them. There will be no more salvation in them, and will be destined to condemnation, a sure death of soul in the final day of judgment. And when the overflowing plague, or pestilence, shall pass through, it shall not come to us (scornful men), because we created the plague or pestilence, and appointed it to the people. For we made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves, and we deceived the nations by means of sorcery ("sorcery" is "pharmakia" in Greek; vaccine).

Isaiah 28:16-18,  "{16} Therefore thus saith the Most High YAHUWAH, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. {17} Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. {18} And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it."

Therefore the Most High YAHUWAH said, behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation, no other than our Saviour YAHUSHA: he that believe will not make haste or will be saved. I will also lay My judgment on the line, and righteousness to the plummet, or to level, or exactness (because the righteousness and truth today is mingled with a lie): and the hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the water or the flood will oveflow the hiding place of the scornful men. And your covenant with death, or the DNA modification, will be disannulled, and your agreement with sheol, or hades, or underworld (hell), will not stand; the righteous can still escape the DNA modification they appointed to humanity by means of the vaccine; when the overflowing plague or pestilence will pass through, then, they who created the virus of this pestilence will be trodden down by it, the deadly variant of the virus will return to them. The righteous must not be afraid by the deadly virus or disease X that will come out in 2025, it will be a measure between our faith to our Redemeer YAHUSHA and we really believe that we will be saved by the power that comes with His name, or we believe and trust more in "science" (where the vacinnes and medicines came from) as the saviour of the world.

This covenance is what the prophet Daniel is talking about in chapter 9.

Daniel 9:27,  "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

This is when the false messiah will build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem, it will serve him, and will declare himself that he is their aluha or god, and before the temple will be destroyed, the beast or false messiah will confirm the "covenant" with many (leaders and the people of the world, mostly western leaders) in one week (could be 7 years). And what type of covenant? The beast or false messiah is pushing the "covenant with death", he want the people of the world to modify their DNA (a chip is implanted in them), and become other than men, or transhumans, or men that defied the Order of Creation, men that defiled the temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies, the abomination and desolation inside them, the "mark of the beast" (could be a "cross" sign; or Jesus, the name of the beast) in literally engrave in their foreheads or right hands as a sign that they aren't normal men anymore and the "mark" will separate them from the rest of the populate who did not modified their DNA. And because of this covenant with death (DNA modification) will abound in the western world, many of the world populate will become transhuman, or posthuman, or nephilim 2.0. And it will lead into a great apostasy, much iniquity, wickedness, lawlessness, blasphemy, and sin, in the world. And in the middle of the week (or three and a half years, or 3.5 years), the beast or false messiah will cause the sacrifice and oblation to stop or cease in the 3rd temple, and for the excessive of abomination he will make it desolate, even until the complete destruction, and that decreed or decided will be poured or dropped (could be missiles, or nuclear missiles?) upon the devastate, or waste, or desolate.

The 3rd temple will be destroyed and desolated because there is no need of it. The body of modified man, or brain-computer interface hybrid, or transhuman, or nephilim 2.0, will be the temple of the beast, and they can worship the beast in there mind by creating an avatar or image of the beast. Remember, Satan wanted to be the Most High YAHUWAH (Isaiah 14:12-15, Lucifer, Satan, said in his heart: "I will be the Most High"...), so he micmic the Most High by having the temple of the beast inside their body (1 Corinthians 6:19, "... our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit"). And this is done when a chip is implanted in their brain, interfacing their whole well-being to the computer or AI. And by using their mind, they can create an "avatar of the beast" or an image of the beast in their mind.

And the "covenant with death" is being force to humanity by the Pale Horseman, the 4th Horseman of apocalypse.

Revelation 6:7-8,  "{7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

The 4th Seal, the Pale Horseman: and his name that sat on him was Death. How is it possible? The Pale Horseman separate himself to the plan of Salvation, and is promoting his plan for immortality, Satan ultimate plan to us all: "You shall be as gods", Genesis 3:5! He already signed the covenant with death, he is the first to modify his DNA and implant a chip inside his brain, and he carries with him the mark of the beast. No more salvation in him, he is destined to condemnation, a sure death of soul in the day of judgment, that's why Sheol, or Hades, or Underworld (Hell) accompanied or followed him. And he give power to his minions over the fourth part of the earth, or one fourth (1/4) of the earth (this is basically dryland, the dwelling of men; and three fourth {3/4} of the earth is water or oceans) to force humanity to sign with the covenant with death, and to modify their DNA to be other than men or transhumans, or you will be killed!

1. Kill with sword, or war (the 2nd Seal, the Red Horseman) - they will make wars to communities or countries who don't want to have a covenant with death, and have the mark of the beast. They will execute people who don't want to be "mark" by beheading.

2. Kill with hunger, or famine (the 3rd Seal, the Black Horseman) - there will be no food supplies for communities or countries who don't want to have a covenant with death. The Pale Horseman control the groceries and supermarkets in major cities world wide, and you can't buy or sell without the "mark".

3. Kill with plague, or pestilence, or death, or pandemic (the 1st Seal, the White Horseman) - there will be a deadly variant (100% kill rate; disease X?) of corona virus and its so lethal that one has to modify his DNA, and implant a chip in him in order to live, but no more salvation in him, he will be destined to condemnation; or you choose to be killed by the deadly variant of the virus, but a sure salvation of soul. It's your choice!

4. Kill with the beast of the earth (a sign that the mark of the beast is already here with us) - "man was given dominion over the beast of the earth at creation". But since many people had modified their DNA and implant a chip inside them, they are no longer ordinary men, a pure men, but are new beings, a new creation that defied the Order of Creation, they defiled the Temple of the Holy Spirit inside their bodies, the abomination of desolation inside them. And "the dominion and authority given to men at creation" are removed to them who modified their DNA and are transhumans. Therefore, to be killed by the beast of the earth are to them who are transhumans. On the other hand, if the Pale Horseman minions modified the DNA of the beast of the earth, then the modified beast of the earth will attack and kill people, ordinary men who do not have the mark of the beast.

With all the 4 events that are happening at the same time, the world will collapse, the world will be broken. Then the Pale Horseman will RESET the broken world, the Great Reset accompanied by their Great Narrative, and the New World Order will commence, which is also the start of Great Tribulation. This answer the question: How can you RESET the world that isn't broken? The Pale Horseman is the answer.

Who do you think is playing the Pale Horseman? Could be the Vatican, the papacy. Their flag and symbol is yellowish pale in color, and Pale can also be greenish in color, like the green revolution or climate change, the color of Laudato si.

Strong's definitions:

1. "Name" - "Onoma" in Greek; (figuratively) the manifestation or revelation of someone's character, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others. Thus "praying in the name of Christ" means to pray as directed (authorized) by Him, bringing revelation that flows out of being in His presence. "Praying in Jesus' name" therefore is not a "religious formula" just to end prayers (or get what we want)!

["According to Hebrew notions, a name is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, i.e. it is something of his essence. Therefore, in the case of the God, it is specially sacred" (Souter).]

2. "Death" - "Thánatos" in Greek (derived from 2348 /thnḗskō, "to die") – physical or spiritual death; (figuratively) separation from the life (salvation) of God forever by dying without first experiencing death to self to receive His gift of salvation.

3. "Pale" - "Chlóros" in Greek: yellowish, pale, pale green

And since the earth will be populated by DNA modified men, or transhumans, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0, no longer a man that possessed "good and evil" in his heart and mind, but are hybrid beings that only posssessed evil in their whole well-being, and are not a creation of the Most High YAHUWAH, but are product of abomination. There will be an apostasy to happen to the earth, because goodness can only be found in our Creator YAHUWAH. And the book of Matthew detailed what will happen on that day.

Matthew 24:9-13,  "{9} Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. {10} And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. {11} And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. {12} And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. {13} But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

In the final generation or the apostate generation, they (the global elites lead by the western colonial powers, the power of Gog) shall deliver you up to the "tribulation", and shall kill you (global depopulation): and you shall be hated of all nations for the name of YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA sake. And then many shall be offended, or shall cause to stumble, or shall fall into a trap (by modifying their DNA and chips are implanted in their brains), and because they are no longer man but are transhumans, they shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity, wickedness, lawlessness, blasphemy, and sin, shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end of tribulation, and calls in the name of YAHUSHA, shall be saved (Romans 10:13, "For whoever calls on the name of YAHUSHA shall be saved.").

Strong's Definition:

1. "Affliction" - "thlipsis" in Greek, meaning: "tribulation"

2. "Offended" - "skandalizó" in Greek, meaning: to put a snare (in the way), hence to cause to stumble, to give offense

Cognate: 4624 skandalízō – properly, set a snare ("stumbling-block"); (figuratively) "to hinder right conduct or thought; to cause to stumble" – literally, "to fall into a trap" (Abbott-Smith). See 4625 (skandalon).

And Ezra (Hebrew) or Esdras (Greek) further narrated the events that will cause the global depopulation.

2 Esdras 16:19-26,  "{19} Behold, famine, and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment. {20} But for all these they shall not turn from their wickedness, nor be always mindful of the scourges. {21} Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion. {22} For many of them that dwell upon earth, shall perish of famine, and the other that escape the hunger, shall the sword destroy. {23} And the dead shall be cast out as dung, and there shall be no man to comfort them, for the earth shall be wasted, and the cities shall be cast down. {24} There shall be no man left to till the earth, and to sow it. {25} The trees shall give fruit, and who shall gather them? {26} The grapes shall ripe, and who shall tread them? for all places shall be desolate of men."

"Famine", "plague" or "pestilence", and tribulation and anguish or conflict and war, are sent to us all as "afflictions" or "misfortunes" (scourges) for amendment or change. But most people will not go out of the "the world system of mystery Babylon" ("come out of her My people..."; Revelation 18:4), they wanted to connect still with the paradigm of this world that pushed them to be blinded. With all these things, the famine, the plague or pestilence, and the wars, which caused them to be afflicted, they shall not turn from their wickedness, nor be always mindful of the scourges, or afflictions, or misfortunes. Behold, stock or supply of foods (victuals) shall be so good and cheap upon earth, and we are in good case, nothing to worry, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion. For many that dwell upon the earth shall "perish of famine", and the other that escape the hunger, shall the "sword destroy" or will be "killed by war". And the dead shall be cast out as dung, or the dead will be rotten and will fertilize the land, and there shall be no man to comfort them, for the earth will be wasted, and the cities will be destroyed. There will be no man left to farm the land, and to sow it. The trees will bear fruit, and who will harvest them? The grapes will ripe, and who will tread them? for all places shall be desolate of men. The earth will be depopulated!

Therefore, the year 2025 is a serious year, a year of great chaos and great confusion. This is coming directly from the propaganda or mouth piece of the global elites. We have to be prepare because the worst famine or food shortages will hit us hard as a result of WW3 and the worst pandemic. And since their ideal world population is 500 million, less than 10% of the current world population, they have to kill over 90% of the people world wide. This is very serious, our only hope lies in the name of the Father YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, the names that will save us from the global depopulation and tribulation that is coming.

Who are they who are planning for a global depopulation? They are the global elites with special bloodline, and the book of Daniel identified them.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"! If "their seed" are not the seed of men, who are "they"? "They" are simply the remnant of nephilim, the iron mixed with clay. And their lusting with men/women cannot produced offsprings only happened in Divided Kingdom era (our generation), and during the time of Iron (Rome), Brass (Greece), Silver (Medes-Persia), and Gold (Babylon) empires, all is well with the mingling of seeds. Therefore, the empires since Babylon and up to the divided kingdoms (our generation) were ruled by the nephilim bloodline (thy seed). But because of mixing with ordinary man, the nephilim genetics during the Divided kingdom era became almost man, "iron mixed with miry clay" or mestizo nephal(nephilim, plural)-man, their final estate. 

Is this prophecy or claim accurate? Chect this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

So, why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible... like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy, and many people will know this fact soon because we are living in the day of increasing knowledge!

The global depopulation agenda is being pushed by the bloodline of the nephilim who became almost man, iron mixed with clay, for they wanted the earth to be populated by the own bloodline only after the Great Reset. Who are they? Examine the bloodline of the global elites, most leaders of western countries, heads of the biggiest religion today, and members of WEF, they who controlled the world economy and its direction. And why the Club of Rome supports the global depopulation by any means. Apostle Peter is very accurate with his prophecy.

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involved with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or transhumans or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then, the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el from the time of Moses (in their return to the promised land) up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH! It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

And here's another one of their prediction: Our generation will be the next lost civilization, or some called it human extinction, and they will shift into the new earth.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Agenda Of Transgenderism And Transhumanism

We'll examine why the global elites, the leaders western countries, and the mass media around the world are pushing for a gender equality. Why are they so eager to promote gender equality? What is their agenda? If it's about equality, why are they so focus on transgender? The truth is, it is not about equality. It's all about abolishing or removing the gender of being male or female in favor of the new invention in the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the technology of 4th Industrial Revolution is within man himself, man is the technology. And since they discovered that man can live longer or be immortal, the gender has no relevant to them, for they aspire to be like the angels of heaven. With this advance technology, man will become a hybrid being by modifying his DNA mix with the DNA of the nephilim of old, and chip will be implanted inside him. And man will become brain computer interface hybrid, or a cyborg, or a transhuman, or human 2.0, or nephilim 2.0. And we are now in the first phase of this new technology because Elon Musk and the Neurolink was given a go signal to test their brain chips with humans last June of 2023. 

The technology is already here with us and it will become full blown next year. You know, the global elites wanted man to evolve into a special being, a hybrid being with better strength, intelligent, highly skilled and suberb ability, smart, exellent awareness, and highly durable. And with the arrival of these hybid humans, they want this good old world, our present world, to collapse, it must be broken, so that they can create a perfect social order after the Great Reset, or some called it the shift. And in this perfect social order, all ordinary men must be ellimated, all must be killed. There will be a global depopulation for the sake of singularity, and singularity means only one kind of human to populate the earth. And what will come out is only transhumans or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0 to inhabit the earth. And these human hybrids are immortal, sex and gender will not be recognized, or they could have both gender, male and female (or sa Pinas pa, double blade). And you can't be a hybrid being or transhuman without CRISPR CASP 9 DNA modification tool.

Is the hybrid beings prophesied in the bible? Yes! The book of Matthew chapter 24 detailed what will happen in the last days or the final generation.

Matthew 24:37,  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

The second coming of the Son of man, YAHUSHA, will be like the days of Noah before the flood. What were really the days of Noah? The book of Genesis chapter 6 explained what happened in the pre-flood world.

Genesis 6:4,  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Aluhiym came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

There were giants or nephilim (in Hebrew) in the earth in those days, or the days of Noah before the flood; and also after that, or also after the flood; when the sons of Aluhayam or Elohiym (sons of Aluhayam is ben ha Aluhayam in Hebrew, in context means: angels) came in unto or mated or lusted with the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (mighty men in Hebrew is "gibborim", meaning: champion, great, heroes, valiant warriors, giants), men of renown or super heroes.

But most Christian churches have their own interpretation of the event before the flood. They treated the narration as a prophecy and interpreted the "sons of Aluhayam or Elohiym" as the "sons of Seth" and the "daughters of men" as the "daughters of Cain". Do you think this idea, which only became popular in early 1900s, can hold? Can the "sons of Seth" (ordinary men) who mingled with the "daughters of Cain" (ordinary men) can produce offsprings that were giants or nephilim? The genetic of man (sons of Seth) mixed with another genetic of man (daughters of Cain) can only produce "genetic of man". But the event here is extraordinary, the "genetic or seed of angels" mixed with the "genetic or seed of men" produced "extraordinary genetic", or the "genetic or seed of nephilim". And Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis, is highly intelligent and full of wisdom, there is no restraining him to write directly the sons of Seth and daughters of Cain in the book of Genesis chapter 6 narration. And this passage was not even a prophecy, it's just a narration of a previous event before the flood. You can't find even just a single reference in the bible, from Genesis to Revelation, that said, that the sons of Seth who mingled with the daughters of Cain produced giants or nephilim offsprings. Zero reference! Why is religion so focus in this fraudulent narrative and would fight protecting it? Because, it's the religion that caused us to be blinded and divided. In religion, you cannot have common sense, it's like a taboo if you have some critical thinking. And they set the religion as a stumblingblock to prevent believers of the Most High and our Saviour not to know their NAMES, and that, Christianity will not wake up from their deep sleep inside religion.

And the giants or nephilim usurp the dominion of the earth given to men, there was a great apostasy of the whole earth.

Genesis 6:5-6,  "{5} And YAHUWAH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. {6} And it repented YAHUWAH that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."

And because the inhabitants of the earth were no longer ordinary men, there was an apostasy in the whole earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of the heart of hybrid men or nephilim were only evil continually. When Adam and Even sinned by eating the fruit of good and evil, their genetic changed from only good genetic (who have not known sin), to a genetic of good and evil. They have goodness in their heart and evil intention, this is the characteristic of ordinary man after Adam and Eve sinned. With the estate of man, it is impossible for him to go into apostasy because he has goodness in his heart. Even the baddest person or worst criminal will not show evil in his son or daughter, mother or father, brother or sister, and his closiest friends, because he is an ordinary man that possessed some goodness in his heart. But the nephilim or giants were hybrid beings, not a creation of the Most High YAHUWAH, and were product of abomination. They were the result of tampering the Order of Creation, a forbidden seed, and their hearts and minds were only evil, because goodness can only be found in our Creator YAHUWAH. And the YAHUWAH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and it repented the Most High that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.

Genesis 6:11-12,  "{11} The earth also was corrupt before YAHUWAH, and the earth was filled with violence. {12} And YAHUWAH looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."

The Most High YAHUWAH looked upon the earth, behold, it was corrupt; for "all flesh", men, plants, and animals, had corrupted his way upon the earth; or had modified their genetic and become hybrid men, and hybrid plants, and hybrid animals or mixed them together and became man-animal hybrids like batman, spiderman, aquaman, and etc.. And because of the hybrid beings, the earth was filled with violence.

Therefore, before the 2nd coming of the Son of man, there will be hybridization of humanity, all men will become hybrids and men who do not want to be hybrid will be killed. There will be a global depopulation because the hybrid beings wanted to usurp the dominion of the earth, and they wanted the earth to be populated by hybrids only, and they also wanted the return of the golden age before the flood. There will be a return of nephilim, or new breed of nephilim, or nephilim 2.0, or human 2.0, or transhumans, in the final generation or apostate generation or the Great Reset 2028 (officially the last days). And because the transhumans are into Satan's plan of immortality and a covenant with death, they are immortal and gender is no relevant to them or they can have them both.

The reason why the global elites is pushing for gender equality because they wanted men and women to evolve to be transgender, who possess both sex to them. And apostle Paul in the book of Romans is accurate in his prophecy.

Romans 1:25-27,  "{25} Who changed the truth of YAHUWAH into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. {26} For this cause YAHUWAH gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: {27} And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Apostle Paul said: They changed the Truth of YAHUWAH into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature or created being more than the Creator of all things. For this cause, YAHUWAH gave them vile or unworthy or worthless affections: for even "their women" did change the "natural use" (which is male and female relationship) into that which is against "nature" (and defying the order of creation or the balance of nature; this could also be women and angels sexual relationship?; back to the days of Noah). And the men also, leaving the "natural use of women", burned in their lust toward another, "men to men" lusting that which is indecent, and receiving in themselves that reward of their error or sin which was absolutely necessary. And these things is already happening in the world today. The agenda of the globalists is to put emphasis more on gender equality, or transgenderism, more than what men and women are created for. And transhumanism is also a transgenderism. They are injecting something (or could be foods) to the younger generation to be a transgender.

And the Torah or Law is very clear about this error.

Leviticus 18:22,  "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

You shall not lie with mankind or man to man, as with womankind or woman to woman: it is ABOMINATION!

The god or deity that the global elites (they are the knights templar hiding in the secret societies, the global elites today) worship is Baphomet.

"Baphomet is a deity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307. It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templar order. Baphomet is a symbol of balance in various occult and mystical traditions, the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the Gnostics and Templars, although occasionally purported to be a deity or a demon. Since 1856 the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Éliphas Lévi, composed of binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites": half-human and half-animal, "male and female", good and evil, etc. Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order."

Baphomet is half-human and half-animal, have "male and female" sex organ or transgender, and "only evil". Baphomet is representing the goal of perfect social order or the New World Order.

If the nephilim in the bible are true, are they here with us today? We'll examine some passages to prove that they exist in the world today. We actually don't know them because we are blinded by their sublimal seduction. Let us begin with the book of Daniel chapter 2.

Daniel 2:43,  "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"They" shall mingle themselves with the "seed of men"! If "their seed" are not the seed of men, who are "they"? They are the remnants of nephilim (the "iron"), in which the mingling or lusting of "them" and men (the "clay") cannot produced offsprings. And this only happened in the "divided kingdoms" era, our time, or our generation. And during our generation, they are in their final estate, "iron mixed with clay" or mestizo nephal (plural is nephilim) - man, they became almost man. Is this prophecy accurate? Check this out!

"Most people have no idea what their blood type is whether it RH negative or RH positive. It has to be one or the other... but what does RH means? RH stands for Rhesus monkey and you either test positive for Rhesus monkey gene or negative. You either got it or you don't. Only 15% of the population test negative of the monkey gene and they are of European descent." 

"Decades ago, couples had their blood test for Rhesus monkey gene. An RH negative woman who mates with an RH positive man will abort the fetus without medical intervention."

"If mankind evolved from the same African ancestor then everyone's blood would be compatible, but it is not. Rhesus negative blood type appears suddenly 35,000 years ago in Cro-magnon. Where did RH negative came from? Why does the body of RH negative mother carrying RH positive child try to reject her own offspring? Humanity isn't one race, but a hybrid species."  Robert Sepehr (Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History)

So, why are people with Rh monkey gene and people without Rh monkey gene incompatible, like two different spices of human? The answer is in Daniel 2:43 prophecy! And Daniel is simply accurate with his prophecy! And this prophecy of Daniel points to Genesis chapter 3, verse 15; the enmity of the two races, her seed or seed of Eve (men, clay) and thy seed or seed of the serpent (nephilim, iron). The nephilim bloodline (thy seed) is the enmity of the tribes of Yacob up the the very end, or endtimes. And Genesis 3:15 is the ultimate prophecy, it transcend from the very beginning (the fall of Adam and Eve) up to the last days (the destruction of the 3rd temple and the beasts; and we will be saved by YAHUSHA). And the conflict of the two races is here with us today, they controlled the paradigm of the world by means of education, religion, economy, and our lesuire time (throught sublimal seduction), and pushed all of us to be blinded!

Therefore, the empires that ruled the world, starting from the empire of Babylon (gold), then empire of Medo-Persia (silver), empire of Greece (brass), empire of Rome (iron), and the Divided Roman empire - western Roman empire of western and central Europe (the capitalist, Roman Catholic) and the eastern Roman empire of Russia and eastern Europe (the communist, Orthodox Christian); which Divided into many kingdoms and nations of the western world (iron mixed with clay), are controlled by the nephilim bloodline. But during the Divided Kingdom era, the nephilim bloodline was reduced to iron (nephilim) mixed with clay (man), they became almost man.

And YAHUSHA identified them:

Matthew 15:12-13,  "{12} Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? {13} But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

If the seed of the Pharisees were not planted by our heavenly Father, who planted them? They were the remnant of nephilim, the offsprings of angels and daughters of men. They were not created or formed by our heavenly Father out of Clay, but were a product of abomination, that's why they must be rooted up!

Even Jude identified them:

Jude 1:4,  "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of Aluhayam into lasciviousness, and denying the only Aluhayam YAHUWAH, and our Saviour YAHUSHA."

Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation (they must be rooted up)? No other than the nephilim bloodline! We can now clearly see that the remnant of them are here with us today. And the bible which was created by them (opposite to our plus bloodline, lead by the secret society), obscured the enmity of the two races in order not to disclose their identity, and even the paradigm of the bible were created to mislead believers of Christianty.

But the nephilim (thy seed - serpent's seed), the Pharisees and the Romans, successfully crucified YAHUSHA (her seed, seed of the woman - seed of Mary or Miriam) at the cross. But YAHUSHA's sacrifice at the cross put everyone, "thy seed" and "her seed", to be qualified of the plan of salvation. You must love YAHUSHA with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul, and keep His commandments. Salvation is through YAHUSHA alone, and nothing else! No more "thy seed" or serpent's seed and "her seed" or seed of Eve or seed of the woman, all is one with YAHUSHA!

Ephesians 2:15-17,  "{15} Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; {16} And that he might reconcile both unto Aluhayam in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: {17} And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. {18} For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

Having abolished in His flesh (at the cross) the "enmity" (between nephilim or "thy seed", and men or "her seed"), even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of duo or two (twain) "into" a new race (man). Since YAHUSHA died at the cross, His death put the two races of humanity into one race, because all men are included in a plan of Salvation. And that YAHUSHA might reconcile both unto Aluhayam or Elohiym in one body by the cross, having slain the "enmity" (between nephilim or "thy seed", and men or "her seed") thereby: And came and preached peace to you (the nephilim remnants, thy seed) which are afar off, and to them (men, her seed) that are near. For through YAHUSHA we both (thy seed - nephilim, and her seed - men) have access by one spirit unto the Father YAHUWAH. No more "thy seed" and "her seed", no more enmity of the two bloodlines!

"Strong's Definition" (verse 15):

1. "One" - "Eis" in Greek, in definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result)

Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among.

1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.

2. "Man" - "Anthrópos" in Greek, in definition: a man, human, mankind; Usage: a man, one of the human race.

444 ánthrōpos – man, also the generic term for "mankind"; the human race; people, including women and men (Mt 4:19, 12:12, etc.).

The proof that they too are included of the plan of salvation:

Acts 23:6,  "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question."

Paul was the son of the Pharisee (his mother is a Benyamite), the seed that was not planted by our Heavenly Father. And Paul was born during the Roman Empire, the Iron, where the mingling of nephilim and men can still produce an offsprings, and only in the Divided Kingdom era that the seed of nephilim and men can't produced offsprings. But since the enmity was slained at the cross, all are one through YAHUSHA, all can have a perfect relationship with Him. You must have faith in Him and keep His commandments. For this reason, Paul was tasked to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

And Peter identified them, the nephilim bloodline which became the secret society and the global elites, as the people who will lead the great apostasy and do much iniquity in the last days:

2 Peter 2:20-22,  "{20} For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and Saviour YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. {21} For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. {22} But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."

Their bloodline have escape the spiritual stain or contamination (pollutions - from being a nephilim bloodline) of this world through the knowledge of YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA, but then, they are again involved with their previous estate (entangled), and are human hybrids or transhumans or nephilim again (overcome), their latter end is worse than the beginning. What is their beginning and their latter end? They were irredeemable back then, the nephilim, the giants, the witches, the vampires, and etc.., the enmity of the tribes of Yarshar'el from the time of Moses (in their return to the promised land) up to the very end. And the latter end will be transhumans, or human hybrids, or nephilim 2.0, DNA modified men that possessed special ability, strength, power, intelligence, durability, and are more advance and hitech beings, which aren't the creation of our heavenly Father YAHUWAH! It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, and to turn away from the Holy Commandments delivered to them. But what happened to them is like this proverb, "the dog is turned to his own vomit again"; and "the pig that wash or bath her filth is in the mud".

It's the remnant of nephilim who will lead the people around the world to modify their DNA to be transhumans or human 2.0 or nephilim 2.0. There will be a global depopulation because they wanted the earth to be populated by their very own bloodline. And their ideal world's population is 500 million to inhabit their new earth, and it is written is Georgia Guidestones: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." And you know what? 500 million is almost equal to the RH negative bloodline global population. They wanted the return of the golden age before the flood where their bloodline were the only inhabitants of earth. There will be a global depopulation, all ordinary men will be killed, and only the people who calls on the Name of YAHUSHA will be saved.

Acts 2:19-21,  "{19} And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: {20} The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of YAHUWAH come: {21} And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAHUSHA shall be saved."

All the righteous will be saved in the great tribulation that will be coming by the name of "YAH is my Salvation" or "I Am your Salvation"; the meaning of the name, YAHUSHA.

And the "rainbow" is a symbol of the "COVENANT" which YAHUWAH made for Noah and his offsprings that the earth will not be destroyed again by the flood. But today, the rainbow symbolizes gender equality. Even the rainbow is pointing back to the "days of Noah". And gender equality is removing the gender preference in favor of transgenderism and transhumanism. The global elites wanted the people of the world to defy the Order of Creation or tampering the Law of Creation, and they will be like the angels of heaven!


Friday, March 8, 2024

The Sabbath Deception (reload)

 We had been molded since our ancestors that we have to keep Sunday as the day of worship to our Heavenly Father and our Saviour. Almost all the churches kept it because it is the day of Messiah's resurection. This is what the church had taught us, and this became the foundation of Christianity. But if you examine the bible, not a single verse that said, Sunday is the day of worship appointed by our Heavenly Father YAHUWAH and the Son of man YAHUSHA. Then, where did the worship on Sunday came from? If you examine the history, it was emperor Constatine who changed the worship from the 7th day Sabbath to Sunday. Constantine the Great reigned from 306 to 337 AD, almost 200 years after the last apostle Paul preached the gospel to the gentiles. And not in the writings of Paul, not a single verse that said, he changed the very important day of worship since creation, the Sabbath, to Sunday. And what made the worship on Sunday significant to all churches today is this narrative, "it is the day of our Saviour YAHUSHA's ressurection", at dawn on Sunday. Nobody even question it, it became our fact! But was the timing of YAHUSHA's ressurection on Sunday really correct? Yes, based on Gregorian calendar (modern clock)! But if you based it on the scriptures, the biblical calendar (biblical clock), it is not.

Let's examine the creation account:

YAH our Elohiym or Aluhayam first command at creation was, "Let there be Light". If "Light" was the beginning, therefore, "Light" is the beginning of a new day, the day begins with "Light". But one of the comments of the YouTube channel argued with me that "night" was the beginning because in Genesis chaper 1, verse 2 narration, it says, "darkness was upon the face of the deep". If you examine the verse, there was no creation yet. The narration started with "the earth was without form, and viod"... nothingness, there was no "night" nor "day" yet! The actual creation started with "Light", it is the foundation of all things which our Heavenly Father had created in this world. And YAH created all things at daytime, "Light"!

Genesis 1:4-5,  "{4} And Elohiym saw the Light, that it was good: and Elohiym divided the Light from the darkness. {5} And Elohiym called the Light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

YAH our Elohiym or Aluhayam saw that the Light was good, again, the Light was good. He never mentioned that the darkness was good! And He called the Light day, and the darkness He called night. And the next statement is critical, many had gone wrong because of this one! "And the evening and morning were the first day". If you examing "evening" in Hebrew, it is called "ereb", meaning: dusk, sunset, twilight, the coming of evening; and "morning" in Hebrew is "boqer", meaning: sunrise, dawn, daybreak, or break of day, the beginning of day. YAH our Creator was simply narrating the first 24 hours of creation, where He created the Light and called it day (day time), then further narrated the beginning of darkness as dusk, sunset, twilight, the coming of evening and the break of day, or sunrise, or the coming of Light, as the first day, the first 24 hours! 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, one day! Therefore, we can conclude that the beginning of the new day is at "sunrise", not midnight, nor sunset.

Genesis 1:14-19,  "{14} And Elohiym said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: {15} And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. {16} And Elohiym made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. {17} And Elohiym set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, {18} And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and Elohiym saw that it was good. {19} And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

Let the "Lights" be for signs (eg: the sign of the coming of the Son of man, YAHUSHA's 2nd coming - great Light), and for seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter - begins with Light), and for days (the sign of a new day - Light, sunrise), and years (they sign of the head of days, or the biblical New Year, usually celebrated on mid March, spring solstice - begins with Light, the coming of Light). And YAH made two great lights; the greater light, the sun, to rule the day, and the lesser light, the moon, to rule the night, and also made the stars. And YAH set them (the lights - He called the sun, the moon, and the stars, "them", because these are angels) in the firmament of heaven to give light to the earth. From this passage, we see the lights - the sun, the moon, and the stars, were created for the earth, to give signs upon the earth. And the "Light" to rule over they day and night, and to divide the Light from darkness: and YAH saw that it was good. And after YAH completed His work at daytime, He further narrated the "dusk" or "the coming of evening" (ereb) and morning (boqer), or the sunrise, or the coming of light, were the 4th day. The beginning or the start of "time keeping", the beginning or the start of biblical calendar, and our "biblical New Year", or the head of the year, or the head of days, always falls on the 4th day or Wednesday. YAH is emphazing the importance of "Light", and even at night, there is "Light" from the moon and the stars (lesser lights)!

Jubilees 2:9,  "And Elohiym appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and for Sabbaths and for months and for feasts and for years and for sabbaths of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years."

The sun was appointed to be a great sign on the earth for days, and for Sabbaths or weeks, and for months, and for feasts (the 7 feasts of YAHUWAH), and for years, and for Sabbath years (every seven years), and for Jubilees (every 49 years - 7 x 7), and for all seasons of the years. Everything started with "Light", it is the great sign on the earth, therefore, the beginning of each new day is at "sunrise", or the coming of "Light"! The Sabbath must also begins at sunrise, it is based on the scriptures!

Most Christians believed that our Saviour YAHUSHA died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Is this accurate? Let's examine the passage from the book of Luke.

Luke 23:44-46,  “And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Yahusha had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.”

If we use the biblical clock, "0th hour" or 00:00AM is at "sunrise", which is also equals to 6:00 AM in modern clock. Therefore, "6th hour" in biblical clock is equals to 12:00 PM modern clock, where darkness covered all over the earth or there was an eclipse. It lasted until the "9th hour" biblical clock or 03:00 PM modern clock, where the veil of the temple was rent in the middle and YAHUSHA gave up ghost or died at the cross. Most Christians and Catholic belief were true, YAHUSHA died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon which is exactly equals to "9th hour" in biblical clock. Therefore, the beginning of the new day is "sunrise", and it's biblical!

The account of YAHUSHA's ressurection: Proof that sunrise is the beginning of a new day!

Matthew 28:1,  "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre."

"It began to dawn 'towards' the first day", the magic word is "towards", meaning: "papunta pa lang" or "approaching" to the first day of the week! It is still the Sabbath but at the tail end of it. Sunrise is the beginning of a new day!

John 20:1,  "The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre."

"The first day of the week cometh", meaning: approaching or paparating pa lang, on the first day of the week, when it was yet dark, at dawn! Therefore, YAHUSHA's ressurection was still on the Sabbath day, at the tail end of it, at the dawn! That's why, YAHUSHA called Himself as the "Lord of the Sabbath", or the "Master of the Sabbath", or the King of the Sabbath! "Sunrise" is the beginning of the new day!

And because Sabbath begins at sunrise, evening is the preparation before the Sabbath.

Mark 15:42,  "And now when the evening was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath,"

The evidences are abundant that our Sabbath begins at sunrise, and our religion will always go wrong because of deception! We tend to believe the narratives in this world which are meant to deceive us! And the sundown (Friday) Sabbath is a fraud, how can you have an "evening" preparation before the Sabbath, when your weekly Sabbath begins at evening.

The importance of the seventh day, the Sabbath:

Genesis 2:2-3,  "{2} And on the seventh day Elohiym ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. {3} And Elohiym blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Elohiym created and made."

On the seventh day of creation, YAH rested from all His works and sanctified it. He set the day as a memorial that He rested from all His work and separated it, set it apart, from all the days of His creation, and He made it Holy. The Creator of all things, YAH, made the seventh day Sabbath a special day to all His creations. And we treated the Sabbath as nothing today! We have been deceived by the power of the evil ones! They are the ones who instituted Sunday as the day of worship!

Jubilees 2:1,  "And the Angel of the Presence spake to Moses according to the word of Yahuah, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days Yahuah Elohim finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works."

The angel narrated to Moses the complete history of the creation (at Mt Sinai where the angel of the Presence and Moses wrote the book of Jubilees or the book of Yashar, or the bible called it Jasher; and the book called Jasher is a fraud): How YAHUWAH our Aluha did all His work on the six days, and on the seventh day Sabbath, He rested and hallowed it for all ages, from the beginning (creation) up to the very end of ages (the end times, Sabbath never passed away), and appointed it as a "sign" or a "seal" for all His works. We must remember the Sabbath as a sign or a seal that we are YAH's creation, and we didn't evolved from cosmic dust or evolution! The Sabbath was appointed to all at creation, not just Yashar'el alone! By the way, the book of Jubilees (the book of Yashar) was among the scrolls found in Qumran (ancient place called Bethabara) including the book of 1st Enoch (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Enoch are occult books), the book of 1st and 2nd Esdras (Esdras in Greek, Ezra in Hebrew), the book of Tobit, a complete set of the books in the Bible (old Testament), the writings and commentary of the Levite priests (the sons of Zadok) and John the Baptist, "excluding the book of Esther". When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the wilderness of Qumran in 1947, the "voice of the one crying in the wilderness" was heard again, to pave the way for the second coming of YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach (the Messiah). And the evil ones are playing deception at Qumran, they tried to connect the scrolls to the Essence, where the sect headquater (archeological evidences) were found in Ein Gedi (more than 30 kms south of Qumran) with countless of occults writings and occult signs! Don't believe in their lies! It was the sons of Zadok, the Levite priests, and John the Baptist, who kept the scrolls and set it as a time capsule.

Sabbath became our 4th commandment:

Exodus 20:8-11,  "{8} Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. {9} Six days you shall labor and do all your work: {10} but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of YAHUWAH your Elohiym. In it you shall do no work: you and your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. {11} For in six days, YAHUWAH made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."

The only commandment that begins with the word "remember"! And why is it so? Because, our Aluha YAHUWAH knows that many will forget His Sabbath and will worship Him in a day instituted by His enemy, Sunday. This is exactly what is happening in the world today, most of us are blinded and totally forgot the worship which our Aluhayam or Elohiym instituted since creation, the Sabbath. And most of us worship the Father and the Son on Sunday, the Lord's day (or Baal's day), the day of YAHUSHA's resurection (based on the modern clock, modern calendar), and this is the main reason (deception made perfect) why they worship Him on Sunday. Sabbath day is very important to YAH our Creator, where He Himself kept it, He rested in the seventh day and sanctified it, and made it as a memorial to all His creation! Keeping the Sabbath is recognizing that we are YAH's creation! There is no separating the Sabbath from YAH our Creator; "I am" (YAH) the "breath of life" (UWAH - the cry of the newborn baby); His name is YAHUWAH.

Jubilees 2:19-20,  "{19} And He said unto us: "Behold, I will separate unto Myself a people from among all the peoples, and these will keep the Sabbath day, and I will sanctify them unto Myself as My people, and will bless them; as I have sanctified the Sabbath day and do sanctify it unto Myself, even so shall I bless them, and they will be My people and I shall be their Elohiym. {20} And I have chosen the seed of Yacob from amongst all that I have seen, and have written him down as My firstborn son, and have sanctified him unto Myself for ever and ever; and I will teach them the Sabbath day, that they may keep Sabbath thereon from all work.""

And YAHUWAH separated a people from among all the peoples that will keep the Sabbath day, and He will sanctify them as YAH's people or Yahudim, and will bless them; as YAHUWAH sanctified the Sabbath day and the seed of Yacob (Jacob) from amongst all, and have written him down as His firstborn son, and have sanctified him (Yacob - the tribes of Yashar'el) unto Himself forever and ever! This is huge, because as tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (the sons of Joseph - the Philippines, Filipinos), the Sabbath is ordained to us by the Creator YAH Himself... and He will teach us the Sabbath, that all of us may keep Sabbath thereon and refrain from doing all the works on this special day! There is no separating the Sabbath to His people (both the tribes of Yashar'el and the gentiles, they that dwell among us!), because by keeping the Sabbath, we acknowledge that we are YAH's creation.

Not a single verse in the scriptures that said, Sabbath had passed away, or Sunday replaced the Sabbath as official day of worship when YAHUSHA died, or when the apostles were gone. It is really strange why most Christians believed that Sunday is the day of worship. I know it is not their fault, all are blinded and believed in their lies! 

Matthew 5:17-18 KJV,  "{17} Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. {18} For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

Our Saviour YAHUSHA came not to destroy the law, or the prophets, He came not to destroy but to fulfil (accomplish, complete, satisfy) the law. When will the law be fulfilled? In the final day of judgment, when evil will be finally destroyed and there will be peace all over the land. Until heaven and earth pass or end, not one jot or not one tittle shall pass or end from the law! Looking at this passage, YAHUSHA is very clear in His declaration that, not a single law will pass, or be destroyed, or abolished, or end, until His second coming, where, He will make the law complete! And today, the Sabbath was forgotten and replaced it with Sunday! Not by YAHUSHA, but by the power of the evil ones, the true enemy of YAHUSHA up to this day... the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their remnants migrated to Europe and became the elites (the globalists; political elites, economic elites, and religious elites)! They held great power in Europe and the west.

Mark 2:27-28 KJV,  "And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."

The Sabbath was specially made for men not Yashar'el alone. Therefore, YAHUSHA must be at the center of our worship, our relationship with Him. For He holds the Supreme Authority over the Sabbath (Master or Lord of the Sabbath), He instituted it on the 7th day of creation. And among the commandments, Sabbath was considered to have passed away! But why? YAHUSHA declared Himself as the Master (Lord), or "Surpreme in Authority over the Sabbath", then He abolished it, it really make no sense! Sabbath is the day of "rest" created for men! And it was man who abolished His authority on the Sabbath and declared Him Lord over their Sunday worship, the Lord's Day, which YAHUSHA never instituted! Not even His disciples, apostles or early ekklesias have the authority to change the day of worship which YAHUSHA declared Himself as the Master (Lord), and Sole Authority over the Sabbath worship. He is on the top of our Sabbath worship because He is the Light of Creation, He created us male and female and rested on the 7th day of Creation, and He died at the cross to save us from sins, and His resurrection was at dawn, on the tail end of the Sabbath, prior to the first day of the week. Sunrise is the beginning of a new day, a biblical clock since creation. This is rebuking Sunday as the day of YAHUSHA's resurrection where most churches celebrated it as Easter Sunday! A pagan holiday celebrating the goddess Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, ISIS, Esther (which became the statue of Mary). We must celebrate the day of YAHUSHA's death and resurrection, starting at the feast of the "Passover" which coincides with the 1st day of the seven (7) days feast of the "Unleaven Bread", as a Sabbath day, the Feast Sabbath, a day of rest. Usually celebrated on the 1st week of April or 2nd week of April which starts on Wednesday to Wednesday (7 days).

Acts 17:2,  "And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures."

It was the manner of apostle Paul to keep the Sabbath and reasoned, discussed, conversed, preached, with them out of the scriptures. Even the disciples and apostles kept the Sabbath.

Acts 2:1,  "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place."

The Feast of weeks, or Feast of Covenant Renewal, or Pentecost in Greek, or Shabu'ah in Hebrew, or Shavout in modern Hebrew, is a feast Sabbath which also concides with the birth of our Saviour YAHUSHA (celebrated every last week of May or 1st week of June), not Christmas day in December 25, a pagan celebration of Saturnilia, the feast of their god, Saturn. It was Paul manner to kept the Sabbath, the apostle that brought the gospel to the gentiles. And why are most churches today kept the Sunday which Paul never kept? Because all are blinded, and we have to stand with our belief on Sunday because it's what religion taught us. We believe in the narratives of religion more than the narratives of the scriptures which is the foundation of our faith. And even if we have a hint that not a single verse in the bible that say so, we still believe in their lies! Deception played a special role on Sunday!

And the end times Sabbath rebukes their narrative that Sabbath had passed away!

Matthew 24:16-21,  "{16} Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: {17} Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: {18} Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. {19} And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! {20} But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: {21} For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

During "the tribulation", the end times, let them which are in Yahudah (Judaea) flee into the mountains, let him which is in the housetop do not come down to take any thing of his house, neither him which is in the field return to take his clothes. Woe to them that have babies! But pray that your flight be not on winter, neither on the "Sabbath day". But why can't we escape on the Sabbath day? Because, it is the day of rest! It is forbidden to travel on the Sabbath day. And what will happen on that day is between our faith in YAHUSHA, or our safety by moving away from destruction on the Sabbath day. It's like going to the horror of those days but a sure redemption of soul, or be safe by escaping the horror of those days but the mark of the beast is already in you and a sure death of soul! This is the final tribulation, the last days, what will you choose? Rest on the Sabbath, or be safe by escaping the destruction on the Sabbath? Your choice! I guess, you only have a few days for your soul to sleep (dead), then, you will be in new heaven and new earth, or hell and forever be gone and forgotten!

Isaiah 66:22-23,  "{22} For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith YAHUWAH, so shall

your seed and your name remain. {23} And it shall come to pass, that from one new month to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith YAHUWAH."

After the day of great judgment (endtimes), and as the new heaven and the new earth, which YAHUWAH will create, so shall your seed (the seed of Yashar'el) and your name remain (in the book of life). And it shall come to pass, that from one new month to another, and from one "Sabbath" to another, shall all men come to worship the Almighty Elohiym/Aluhayam of heaven YAHUWAH and YAHUSHA. Even the prophecy of Isaiah talked about the Sabbath in the new heaven and new earth. And their narrative that Sabbath passed away is a lie! We have been deceived by the power of the evil ones! Satan deceived our forefathers at the Garden of Righteousness (Garden of Eden) which are more wiser than us, it is no surprise that all humanity are deceive by him today.

Revelation 14:7,  "Saying with a loud voice, Fear Elohiym, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."

Fear YAH our Aluhayam, and give glory to Him; for the hour of the end is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountain of waters, worship YAH our creator! A worship that goes all the way to the creation, the first seventh day of creation where YAH rested and sanctified it! Worship Him on the Sabbath! That's how important Sabbath to Him! And they claimed that it passed away! And even claimed that it is for the tribes of Yashar'el alone. The great tribulation will happen to all humanity, not Yashar'el alone. Therefore, Sabbath is for all His creation! But during that time (the last days), more people will separate themselves away from YAH our Creator by modifying their DNA (chips are implanted in their brains) to be transhumans, other than men, more sophisticated and more advance than men, and defying the Order of Creation, and a "mark of the beast" will be engraved in their forehead or right hand as a sign that they aren't normal men anymore. And they will be called modified men, or human hybrids, or brain-computer interface hybrids, or transhumans, or nephilim 2.0. And because their brains is interface to the computers and connected to networks world wide, they can create the image or avatar of the beast in their mind, and they are instructed to worship their messiah, their saviour, the beast, on Sunday or they will be killed by just sending the "kill virus" if they don't follow the command of the beast, their saviour.

Then who instituted the Sunday worship? Let's examine the prophecy of Daniel where this false worship begins:

Daniel 7:23-25,  "{23} Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. {24} And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. {25} And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

This is the prophecy of the 4th Beast, the 4th kingdom that will rise upon the earth (the 4th Industrial Revolution - New World Order). This kingdom shall be diverse (the same as: change, alter, or modify - based on strong's concordance) from all the kingdoms (the three kingdoms before it). Could be that this kingdom undergone DNA modification and chips are implanted to its people. And it shall destroy the whole earth, shall tread it down and break it in pieces. The kingdom must destroy the whole earth (world wide collapse and global depopulation) in order to "RESET" it, or they simply called it, the "Great Reset". And ten kings shall arise out of the altered kingdom (the New World Order): and another, the "little horn", shall rise after them, and he shall be diverse, or change, or alter, or modify, from his first estate, and he shall subdue or putdown three kings, namely, the king from the 1st kingdom, the 1st Beast - Lion - UK, the king from the 2nd kingdom, the 2nd Beast - Bear - Russia, and the king from the 3rd kingdom, the 3rd Beast - Leopard - Germany (all kingdoms are from Daniel chapter 7, and Revelation 13). And he shall speak the words of blasphemy (he declare himself as the Most High, and has the power to forgive sins; familiar?) against the Most High YAHUWAH, and shall wear out the saints or righteous of the Most High, and think to change times and laws!

1. They changed "times" - they changed the beginning of new day from sunrise (0th hour in Biblical clock, or 6am in modern clock) to midnight (18th hour in Biblical clock or 12am in modern clock). They also replaced the biblical calendar year from "364 days" to 365 and 1/4 days (Gregorian calendar; at the time of pope Gregory), and replaced the biblical new year, or the head of the year, or the head of days, from spring solstice, the day is equal to night (the coming the Light; usually on the 20th++ of March), to January 1 (winter solstice; the night is greater than day; darkness). The battle between the sons of Light against the sons of darkness, YAHUSHA is the Light and Satan is the prince of darkness.

2. They changed "laws" - they removed the 2nd commandment, "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below", and placed the 3rd commandment to the 2nd, then placed the 4th commandment (which is the Sabbath worship but they never keep it, but declared Sunday as their worship) to the 3rd. Then they broke down the 10th commandment into 2 commandments to have their "Ten Commandments" completed. And the latest, they called their Sunday worship as Sabbath!

It is not hard to understand who changed "times" and "laws"! It is the holy Roman Empire - Roman Catholic church - the Papacy! And so with the Rabbinic Judaism (modern Israel)! It was the time of Constatine that the Sabbath was replaced to Sunday! The emperor of Rome, the first pope of holy Roman Empire, the Iron kingdom of Daniel chapter 2 prophecy. The enemy of the children of Yacob and YAHUSHA ha'Mashiach (YAHUSHA the Messiah)! Do you think something good will come out of the empires of this world since Babylon, and up to the holy Roman empire, and the the Divided Roman empire, which divided to many kingdoms and nations of the western world? We are so blinded!

And the book of Jubilees (the book of Jashar) prophesied that the "time will be disturbed"!

Jubilees 6:38,  "For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayest testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb (them), so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixtyfour days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as

to the new moons and seasons and Sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh."

The angel the Presence who wrote the book of Yashar (book of Jubilees - the bible called it Jasher) with Moses at Mt Sinai said, for this reason I commanded and testified to Moses, that Moses may also testify to the children of Yashar'el; for after your (Moses) death, the children of Yashar'el will "disturb the time", or disturb the biblical calendar, so that they will not make the year "364 days" only! And they will go wrong as to the new months (the biblical New Year), and seasons, and "Sabbaths", and Feasts, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of meat. This is exactly what is happening in the world today; people eat all kinds of meat (including unclean, like lechon), all kinds of blood (dinuguan), and the calendar was disturbed by making it 365 and 1/4 days, based in Gregorian calendar. The book of Enoch confirmed the 364 days in a year:

1 Enoch 74:12,  "And the Sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their positions by a single day unto eternity; but complete the years with perfect justice in exactly 364 days.

The Sun and the stars (the stars changes its position at night sky every three months or quarter) bring in all the years (from creation to the end times) exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their positions by a single day unto eternity! But complete the "years" with perfect justice in exactly "364 days". The "364 days" is a perfect 7 days per week cycle, it will never change up to eternity!

Enoch 72:32,  "And on that day the night becomes shorter, and amounts to nine parts, and the day amounts to nine parts, and the night becomes equal with the day. And the year amounts to exactly 364 days."

From the above verse, we can also conclude that the "head of days", or the "head of the year", or the biblical "New Year", is at the vernal equinox (spring equinox, or spring solstice), "the day becomes equal with the night", from one vernal equinox to another vernal equinox is 364 days! Could be more or less around the 20th of March is the Head of Days or the biblical New Year.

The endtimes prophecy from the book of Ezekiel!

Ezekiel 20:12,   "Moreover also I gave them My Sabbath, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am YAHUWAH that sanctify them."

The Sabbath was given to us to be a "sign", or "mark", or "seal", or "ensign", or "banner", between YAH our Creator and us, that we may know that He had sanctified or hallowed us. And we acknowledge, that we are YAH's creation. In the last days, the righteous with the seal of the living Aluha will be separated with the people who have the mark of the beast, and worship the beast on Sunday. This isn't just another prophecy that most wanted to neglect! It's talking about our relationship with our Creator, He who fashioned us, created us male and female! And we recognized that we are His creation by worshipping the Father YAHUWAH and our Saviour YAHUSHA in a worship that goes all the way to creation! The first 7th day of creation! The Sabbath!

We can now traced who instituted the Sunday worship with accuracy by just looking at the prophecy of Daniel chapter 7. And looking at the history, it was Constatine (an emperor of Roman empire) who replaced the Sabbath as the day of worship to Sunday, it was also the time of Constatine when the name Zeus Krishna was officially used as a new god of the Roman Empire. Then it became Hesus Krishna, then later became Hesus Kristos and Jesus Christ. They also replaced the name of our Heavenly Father YAHUWAH (YHWH) to "the LORD" which is directly translated to Ba'al in Hebrew. These are facts! Then the seat of the Roman Empire in Turkey was transfered to Rome, specifically to the Vatican, and became the holy Roman empire (the western Roman empire). And the Sunday worship that we all knew today is not in the bible! It was Constantine who instituted it! An emperor of Roman Empire, the Iron kingdom in Daniel chapter 2 prophecy, the enemy of the children of Yacob and YAHUSHA. And we believe in their lies! Not even the apostles or the early ekklesias have the authority to change Sabbath to Sunday, which YAHUSHA declared Himself as the Supreme and have the Sole Authority over the Sabbath (Lord or Master of the Sabbath). No one can separate our Creator and our Saviour from the Sabbath which They Themselves Authored. And most believe in emperor Constatine (the 1st pope) who instituted Sunday, a man, a remnant of nephilim! Daniel is simply accurate in his prophecy in chapter 7 that a Little Horn will change times and laws during the holy Roman Empire rule.

If the Sabbath and the Feasts are a shadow of the Heavenly things to come, then, it will not pass away!

We cannot downplay any of the commandments and just choose what commandments to follow. It's like saying, "it is the least commandment, it's ok not to keep it"! But transgressing one commandment is transgressing to all.

James 2:10,  "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

All Christians, the 7th Day Adventist, and the Rabbinic Judaism, transgressed the commandments of YAHUWAH by not keeping the Sabbath, the true Sabbath which begin at sunrise. And we always go wrong because of religion, it's the religion that keep us divided and blinded. In truth, there is no religion appointed to men! Our belief in the Most High YAHUWAH and the Son of man YAHUSHA is all about relationship. It's the Way of Life, it's how I live my life with all Truth.